May 2006 Archives by subject
Starting: Mon May 1 16:56:23 CEST 2006
Ending: Wed May 31 19:52:12 CEST 2006
Messages: 113
- [Chicago] [dfwPython] Re: [python-advocacy] Marketing Python - An Idea Whose Time Has Come
Jeremy Dunck
- [Chicago] Broadband in Chicago
Brantley Harris
- [Chicago] Broadband in Chicago
Martin Maney
- [Chicago] Broadband in Chicago
skip at
- [Chicago] Broadband in Chicago
Brian W. Fitzpatrick
- [Chicago] Broadband in Chicago
Atul Varma
- [Chicago] Broadband in Chicago
Peter Fein
- [Chicago] Broadband in Chicago
Robare, Phil
- [Chicago] Broadband in Chicago
Chris McAvoy
- [Chicago] Broadband in Chicago
Carl Shimer
- [Chicago] Broadband in Chicago
Tom McMahon
- [Chicago] Broadband in Chicago
skip at
- [Chicago] Broadband in Chicago
Brantley Harris
- [Chicago] Broadband in Chicago
Chris McAvoy
- [Chicago] Broadband in Chicago
Peter Fein
- [Chicago] Chicago Python Users Group Thurs May 11 at 7pm
bray at
- [Chicago] Chicago Python Users Group Thurs May 11 at 7pm
Brian Ray
- [Chicago] Chicago Python Users Group Thurs May 11 at 7pm
David Terrell
- [Chicago] Event Venue Search Engine
Joshua McAdams
- [Chicago] Fwd: [PyCON-Organizers] PyCon 2008 Attendence Target for Location Proposals
Ted Pollari
- [Chicago] Fwd: O'Reilly UG Program News: DSUG Discount Changes
Chris McAvoy
- [Chicago] Fwd: UG News--Good. Fast. Cheap. O'ReillyLaunchesPDF Guides
Robare, Phil
- [Chicago] Fwd: UG News--Good. Fast. Cheap. O'Reilly LaunchesPDF Guides
Jason R Huggins
- [Chicago] Fwd: UG News--Good. Fast. Cheap. O'Reilly LaunchesPDF Guides
Martin Maney
- [Chicago] Fwd: UG News--Good. Fast. Cheap. O'Reilly Launches PDF Guides
Jason R Huggins
- [Chicago] Fwd: UG News--Good. Fast. Cheap. O'Reilly Launches PDF Guides
Chris McAvoy
- [Chicago] Fwd: UG News--Good. Fast. Cheap. O'Reilly Launches PDF Guides
David Rock
- [Chicago] Fwd: UG News--Good. Fast. Cheap. O'Reilly Launches PDF Guides
Chris McAvoy
- [Chicago] Fwd: UG News--Good. Fast. Cheap. O'Reilly LaunchesPDF Guides
Robare, Phil
- [Chicago] Fwd: UG News--Good. Fast. Cheap. O'Reilly LaunchesPDF Guides
Chris McAvoy
- [Chicago] Fwd: UG News--Good. Fast. Cheap. O'Reilly LaunchesPDF Guides
Martin Maney
- [Chicago] Hrm
Chris McAvoy
- [Chicago] Hrm
Jason R Huggins
- [Chicago] Hrm
Chris McAvoy
- [Chicago] Hrm
Ted Pollari
- [Chicago] Hrm
Chris McAvoy
- [Chicago] Hrm
Brantley Harris
- [Chicago] Hrm
Michael Tobis
- [Chicago] Hrm - "please?"
Jason R Huggins
- [Chicago] Lighting talks
Brian Ray
- [Chicago] Lighting talks
David Terrell
- [Chicago] Lightning talks for the win
Atul Varma
- [Chicago] Lightning talks for the win
rcriii at
- [Chicago] Lightning talks for the win
Robare, Phil
- [Chicago] Lightning talks for the win
Peter Harkins
- [Chicago] Lightning talks for the win
Jason R Huggins
- [Chicago] Lightning talks for the win
jake elliott
- [Chicago] May meeting -- 1) a question about meeting time, 2) location 411
Jason R Huggins
- [Chicago] May meeting -- 1) a question about meeting time, 2) location 411
Brantley Harris
- [Chicago] May meeting -- 1) a question about meeting time, 2) location 411
Ian Bicking
- [Chicago] May meeting -- socializing begins at 7 p.m., presentations begin at 7:17 p.m.
Chris McAvoy
- [Chicago] May meeting -- socializing begins at 7 p.m., presentations begin at 7:17 p.m.
Peter Harkins
- [Chicago] May meeting -- socializing begins at 7 p.m., presentations begin at 7:17 p.m.
Robare, Phil
- [Chicago] May meeting -- socializing begins at 7 p.m., presentations begin at 7:17 p.m.
Atul Varma
- [Chicago] May meeting -- socializing begins at 7 p.m., presentations begin at 7:17 p.m.
jake elliott
- [Chicago] May meeting -- socializing begins at 7 p.m., presentations begin at 7:17 p.m.
Peter Fein
- [Chicago] May meeting -- socializing begins at 7 p.m., presentations begin at 7:17 p.m.
Peter Fein
- [Chicago] May meeting -- socializing begins at 7 p.m., presentations begin at 7:17 p.m.
Chris McAvoy
- [Chicago] May meeting -- socializing begins at 7 p.m., presentations begin at 7:17 p.m.
Ted Pollari
- [Chicago] May meeting -- socializing begins at 7 p.m., presentations begin at 7:17 p.m.
Robare, Phil
- [Chicago] May meeting -- socializing begins at 7 p.m., presentations begin at 7:17 p.m.
Jason R Huggins
- [Chicago] May meeting -- socializing begins at 7 p.m., presentations begin at 7:17 p.m.
skip at
- [Chicago] May meeting -- socializing begins at 7 p.m., presentations begin at 7:17 p.m.
Ian Bicking
- [Chicago] May meeting -- socializing begins at 7 p.m., presentations begin at 7:17 p.m.
Jason R Huggins
- [Chicago] May meeting -- socializing begins at 7 p.m., presentations begin at 7:17 p.m.
Ian Bicking
- [Chicago] May meeting -- yes, Thursday, May 11
Jason R Huggins
- [Chicago] May meeting -- yes, Thursday, May 11
rcriii at
- [Chicago] May meeting -- yes, Thursday, May 11
Robare, Phil
- [Chicago] May meeting -- yes, Thursday, May 11
Brian Ray
- [Chicago] May meeting -- yes, Thursday, May 11
John Melesky
- [Chicago] May meeting -- yes, Thursday, May 11
Ted Pollari
- [Chicago] meeting topics: 1) Pycon 2008 2) "show and tell"?
Jason R Huggins
- [Chicago] meeting topics: 1) Pycon 2008 2) "show and tell"?
Fawad Halim
- [Chicago] meeting topics: 1) Pycon 2008 2) "show and tell"?
Ian Bicking
- [Chicago] meeting topics: 1) Pycon 2008 2) "show and tell"?
Joshua McAdams
- [Chicago] Presentations...
Ian Bicking
- [Chicago] Presentations...
Garrett Smith
- [Chicago] ProcessManager
Atul Varma
- [Chicago] PyCamp
Chris Calloway
- [Chicago] Pycon 2008
Brian Ray
- [Chicago] Pycon 2008
bray at
- [Chicago] Pycon 2008
Chris McAvoy
- [Chicago] Pycon 2008
Ted Pollari
- [Chicago] Pycon 2008
Michael Tobis
- [Chicago] PyCon 2008
A.M. Kuchling
- [Chicago] Pycon 2008
Jason R Huggins
- [Chicago] Pycon 2008
Peter Fein
- [Chicago] Pycon 2008
Ted Pollari
- [Chicago] Pycon 2008
Jason R Huggins
- [Chicago] Pycon 2008
Chris McAvoy
- [Chicago] Pycon 2008
Jason R Huggins
- [Chicago] Pycon 2008
Brian Ray
- [Chicago] PyCon 2008
Michael Tobis
- [Chicago] PyCon 2008
Ted Pollari
- [Chicago] Pycon 2008
skip at
- [Chicago] PyCon 2008 Bid
Ted Pollari
- [Chicago] PyCon 2008 Bid
skip at
- [Chicago] PyCon 2008 Bid
Michael Tobis
- [Chicago] PyCon 2008 Bid
Ted Pollari
- [Chicago] PyCon 2008 Bid
skip at
- [Chicago] Random book notes
Martin Maney
- [Chicago] Random book notes
Jess Balint
- [Chicago] Random book notes
Martin Maney
- [Chicago] Random book notes
Jess Balint
- [Chicago] Random book notes
Peter Fein
- [Chicago] Random book notes
Ian Bicking
- [Chicago] Random book notes
Martin Maney
- [Chicago] Saturday Newbies' club May 27 9 AM
Michael Tobis
- [Chicago] Thursday meeting
Robert Ramsdell
- [Chicago] Thursday meeting
Garrett Smith
- [Chicago] What the heck is it about this list?
Martin Maney
- [Chicago] What the heck is it about this list?
Nola Stowe
- [Chicago] What the heck is it about this list?
skip at
Last message date:
Wed May 31 19:52:12 CEST 2006
Archived on: Wed May 31 19:52:16 CEST 2006
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).