Hi all,
Yesterday, I did some experiments with the existing javascript interpreter
that was written in RPython. [1]
It worked very well when interpreted by CPython, but failed to translate to
C because of unsigned int issues.
Quite a few times, unsigned and signed objects were compared or added, or
one asigned to the other. (I'm not entirely sure.)
But I had to replace r_uint32 by r_int32 and r_uint by r_int, about 25
times, before I could translate anything.
So, my question is. What is the …
[View More]reason for having unsigned integers in the
javascript interpreter?
Apart from that, it works great, and I translated the interpreter even with
the --sandbox option!
A related question. how mature is the interpreter? It seems to run pretty
stable, although there hasn't been any development done since june 2011.
I'd like to choose this instead of Google's V8, because that way I can keep
the same sandbox hypervisor for both Python and Javascript.
[1] https://bitbucket.org/pypy/lang-js/
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