Hi Yuri.
I uploaded an updated local.zip to bitbucket, could you update the
win32 buildbot? The file is
https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/downloads/local_59.zip, with sha256
The long story is that the previous package used a precompiled expat
lib that apparently used the wrong flags or wrong compiler, this one
included an expat lib compiled reproducibly (see
On Sep 16, 2017 4:06 AM, "matti picus" <matti.picus(a)gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, 15 Sep 2017 at 7:51 pm, Armin Rigo <armin.rigo(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Stuart,
> On 13 September 2017 at 13:53, Stuart Axon via pypy-dev
> <pypy-dev(a)python.org> wrote:
> > Is TkInter pypy still a thing ?
> Yes, ``import Tkinter`` works as expected for me. Maybe it doesn't
> work *in matplotlib,* which I'm not sure how to test. Others may know
> more …
[View More]about this.
> A bientôt,
> Armin.
None of the GUI backends currently work out of the box with PyPy, see for
intance this stack overflow question https://stackoverflow.com/questions/
Someone did make progress with matplotlib and wx-cffi https://pythonfiles.
Might also be worth checking out
which is pybind11-based.
[View Less]
I have a rather complicated structure I'd like to create in RPython. The
structure consists of a heterogeneous array of RPython classes laid out in
a single "byte array". The problem is these structures will contain GC'd
Is there a way (and can someone point me to the place) to tell the GC to
use a special scanning method when looking for pointers in a specific
object type? I've read the docs on rstrategies, but that seems to be
dealing mostly with swapping out primitive arrays for …
[View More]object arrays, which
isn't exactly what I'm looking for.
Can anyone help?
[View Less]
Hi All
When I tried to use pip to install numpy, I got some compiler
failtures. I want to know whether pypy arm version fully support numpy.
OS: raspbian
Gcc version: 4.9.2
Pypy version: 5.8
Hardware: raspberry pi 3
gelin yan