I'm trying to compile tensorflow r1.14 from source following the
instruction on the TF website.
Here's my setup:
pypy3 virtual environment with:
- Pypy3 (latest version 7.3) on ubuntu 18.04
- Cuda 10.1 installed
- numpy 1.18.1 installed
I've asked for XLA jit compilation and CUDA support from the ./configure
the build command:
bazel build --config=opt --config=cuda
compiles about 23000 targets and then fails with this stacktrace:
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 58, in <module>
from tensorflow.python.pywrap_tensorflow_internal import *
line 28, in <module>
_pywrap_tensorflow_internal = swig_import_helper()
line 20, in swig_import_helper
import _pywrap_tensorflow_internal
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_pywrap_tensorflow_internal'
The exact same commands (./configure {with the same options} and bazel
build --config=opt --config=cuda
//tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package) work perfectly when
compiling against cpython 3.6.
So there's some path/name mangling going on with pypy3.
Any idea how I can get this compilation to work?