Hi all,
As a reminder, the PSF will be hosting its annual PSF Members lunch at
PyCon US 2022. Because of our COVID-19 precautions. we'll have the same
boxed lunches as the rest of the conference. PyCon US 2022 conference
registration is required.
- Day/time: Saturday, April 30th, 2022, 12:45pm local time
- Location: Salt Palace Convention Center, room 254ABC
- RSVP by April 20, 2022: https://forms.gle/XJXa4wZ96SmAPrAGA
- Agenda:
- PSF updates
- Introducing new staff members
- Review of the PSF financials
If you're at PyCon US 2022 and planning to attend and hadn't RSVP'ed before
but still want to attend, let me know. Because of the COVID-19 precautions
we have limited room available, but there are still some spots.
Thomas Wouters
Former Interim General Manager
Python Software Foundation