Hi, we're happy to announce that Python Language Summit at PyCon US 2020 is
now accepting signups.
Full details at: https://us.pycon.org/2020/events/languagesummit/
When: Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 9am–4pm (Note, we’re starting 1 hour
earlier than usual!)
Where: David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, PA
Sign up to attend: https://forms.gle/Fg7ayhYTaY75J1r7A (closes Feb 29th,
2020 AoE)
Sign up to discuss a topic: https://forms.gle/g4BXezH1Vcn7tLds5 (closes Feb
29th, 2020 AoE)
You will be notified by (approx) March 7th, 2019
*Who can attend*
We welcome Python core developers, active core contributors to Python and
alternative Python implementations,
and anyone else who has a topic to discuss with core developers.
*Who can propose a discussion topic*
If you have discussion items; seeking consensus; awaiting decision on a
needing help with your core dev work; or have specific questions that need
answers from
core developers, please submit a proposal. According to last year’s
feedback, our audience prefer more discussions and shorter talks.
To get an idea of past language summits, you can read past years' coverage:
2019: http://pyfound.blogspot.com/2019/05/the-2019-python-language-summit
2018: https://lwn.net/Articles/754152/
2017: https://lwn.net/Articles/723251/
This year's event will be covered by A. Jesse Jiryu Davis again, and will
be posted on PSF's blog.
Some changes to note this year:
1) We plan to start 1 hour earlier (9AM)
2) The room will have U-shaped table layout
If you have any questions, the Users section
<https://discuss.python.org/c/users> of our Discourse instance is the best
place to ask.
For private communication, write to mariatta at python.org and/or lukasz at
Mariatta & Łukasz
In the last couple of weeks we have put together a pre-launch site
for EuroPython 2020, which has all the information around the event,
as we currently know and can share with you.
EuroPython 2020 Pre-launch Website
* https://ep2020.europython.eu/ *
The main website will go online around early in March and we plan to
also open the CFP and ticket sales around that time. It will use the
same URL, so you can keep this bookmarked.
Some additional updates:
- We have signed the venue agreement, so if you have waited with your
flight and hotel bookings for the final confirmation of the
conference dates, you can now go ahead. Looking at the hotel booking
websites, it’s probably a good idea to book early.
- We will now enter negotiations with the booth builder and finalize
the sponsorship packages. As last year, we’ll again offer an early
bird 10% discount for sponsors who sign up in the first few weeks
after we’ve published the finalized packages on our blog.
Help spread the word
Please help us spread this message by sharing it on your social
networks as widely as possible. Thank you !
Link to the blog post:
EuroPython 2020 Team
Hello PSF members!
*The Python Calendar Team needs help. *
A description of what the group does is available on their wiki:
https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonEventsCalendar. This also includes
instructions on how to submit events to the group for those that need it :)
The group is in need of volunteers that can actively check in on requests
weekly. If you have an hour a week to dedicate (sometimes less is needed!),
please email events(a)python.org.
Have a great week!
Thank you,
*As a non-profit organization, the PSF depends on sponsorships and
donations to support the Python community. Check out our Annual Impact
Report for more details: https://www.python.org/psf/annual-report/2019/
*Please contribute to PSF; we can't continue our work without your
support! https://www.python.org/psf/donations/
Hi Python community folk!
As we've done for the past many years, Python is hoping to participate
in Google Summer of Code. This is a neat program where students write
code over the (northern hemisphere) summer under the tutelage of open
source mentors and get paid: we provide the project ideas, mentors and
choose the students, Google provides the program framework and the money
to pay students. You can read more about GSoC here:
Python participates as an "umbrella org" where many different smaller
projects ("sub orgs") that use Python can take part under our banner.
You can also participate separately, but for people who've never done it
before and want help or for whom the paperwork is a hassle, you're
welcome to join up with us and let us show you the ropes!
It's really fun, and we've gotten lots of new contributors to
Python-based projects over the years, taking in as many as 70+ students
in a single year. We need a good set of sub-orgs and ideas by Feb 3th
for our application, and if we're accepted by Google we'll be able to
add a few more ideas and groups until the end of February.
Sound intriguing? You can read all about what we're doing at
http://python-gsoc.org/ (which has answers to questions like "what does
it take to be a mentor?" and "what does it take to be a sub-org?")
You can also send questions to gsoc-admins(a)python.org (or just hit reply
to this email!)
PS - Students: we want you too, but student applications don't open
'till March, so this email is mostly for getting new mentors and
sub-orgs set up. But all the info for you is also at
http://python-gsoc.org/ if you're interested!