June 2012 Archives by date
Starting: Fri Jun 1 01:36:07 CEST 2012
Ending: Sat Jun 30 21:55:23 CEST 2012
Messages: 297
- [docs] [issue14971] (unittest) loadTestsFromName does not work on method with a decorator
Michael Foord
- [docs] [issue14957] Improve docs for str.splitlines
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue14968] Section "Inplace Operators" of :mod:`operator` should be a subsection
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue9544] xdrlib.Packer().pack_fstring throws a TypeError when called with a str()
Petri Lehtinen
- [docs] [issue12354] packaging.pypi.simple docs use both client and crawler variable, which might be confusing
Petri Lehtinen
- [docs] [issue12354] packaging.pypi.simple docs use both client and crawler variable, which might be confusing
Petri Lehtinen
- [docs] [issue14979] pdb: Link to source
anatoly techtonik
- [docs] [issue11796] Comprehensions in a class definition mostly cannot access class variable
Florent Xicluna
- [docs] [issue14979] pdb doc: Add link to source
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue12354] packaging.pypi.simple docs use both client and crawler name, which might be confusing
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue14968] Section "Inplace Operators" of :mod:`operator` should be a subsection
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue14968] Section "Inplace Operators" of :mod:`operator` should be a subsection
Sandro Tosi
- [docs] [issue14957] Improve docs for str.splitlines
Michael Driscoll
- [docs] [issue14957] Improve docs for str.splitlines
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue14957] Improve docs for str.splitlines
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue14957] Improve docs for str.splitlines
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue14901] Python Windows FAQ is Very Outdated
Daniel Swanson
- [docs] [issue14971] (unittest) loadTestsFromName does not work on method with a decorator
R. David Murray
- [docs] Glossary mistake
Sandro Tosi
- [docs] [issue14424] document PyType_GenericAlloc
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue14424] document PyType_GenericAlloc
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue14424] document PyType_GenericAlloc
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue14190] Minor C API documentation bugs
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] Control flow - explanation
Sandro Tosi
- [docs] proposal: sigle-file TXT format documentation
Sandro Tosi
- [docs] [issue14995] PyLong_FromString documentation should state that the string must be null-terminated
Ryan Kelly
- [docs] minor documentation bug in random
Shaddi Hasan
- [docs] issues with installing and importing rdflib and rdfextras in python and eclipse pydev
ayodele akingbulu
- [docs] document return statement in finally blocks (issue 14167)
pybugs at rebertia.com
- [docs] [issue13515] Consistent documentation practices for security concerns and considerations
Tshepang Lekhonkhobe
- [docs] [issue12354] packaging.pypi.simple docs use both client and crawler name, which might be confusing
Alexis Metaireau
- [docs] [issue12354] packaging.pypi.simple docs use both client and crawler name, which might be confusing
Petri Lehtinen
- [docs] [issue14966] Fully document subprocess.CalledProcessError
Chris Rebert
- [docs] [issue15013] smtplib: add low-level APIs to doc?
Sandro Tosi
- [docs] [issue15013] smtplib: add low-level APIs to doc?
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue15013] smtplib: add low-level APIs to doc?
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue14502] Document better what happens on releasing an unacquired lock
Petri Lehtinen
- [docs] [issue9544] xdrlib.Packer().pack_fstring throws a TypeError when called with a str()
Petri Lehtinen
- [docs] [issue9544] xdrlib.Packer().pack_fstring throws a TypeError when called with a str()
Petri Lehtinen
- [docs] [Tutor] special attributes naming confusion
- [docs] [Tutor] special attributes naming confusion
Jerry Hill
- [docs] Broken Link to Expat Project home page
James A Paget
- [docs] [issue15029] Update Defining New Types chapter according to PEP 253
Mateusz Loskot
- [docs] [issue15029] Update Defining New Types chapter according to PEP 253
Mateusz Loskot
- [docs] [issue15034] tutorial should use best practices in user defined execeptions section
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue8652] Minor improvements to the "Handling Exceptions" part of the tutorial
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue8652] Minor improvements to the "Handling Exceptions" part of the tutorial
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue15034] tutorial should use best practices in user defined execeptions section
Hynek Schlawack
- [docs] [issue14006] Improve the documentation of xml.etree.ElementTree
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue11379] Remove "lightweight" from minidom description
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue1040439] Missing documentation on how to link with libpython
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue14097] Improve the "introduction" page of the tutorial
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue15034] tutorial should use best practices in user defined execeptions section
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue15034] tutorial should use best practices in user defined execeptions section
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue15034] tutorial should use best practices in user defined exceptions section
Alexander Belopolsky
- [docs] [issue15034] tutorial should use best practices in user defined exceptions section
Alexander Belopolsky
- [docs] [issue14971] (unittest) loadTestsFromName does not work on method with a decorator
Michael Foord
- [docs] python bug i thinkso
- [docs] [issue15041] tkinter "see also" list is from Python2
Daniel Swanson
- [docs] [issue15041] tkinter documentation "see also" list in Python3 is from Python2
Daniel Swanson
- [docs] [issue14680] pydoc with -w option does not work for a lot of help topics
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue14616] subprocess docs should mention pipes.quote/shlex.quote
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue14616] subprocess docs should mention pipes.quote/shlex.quote
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue14968] Section "Inplace Operators" of :mod:`operator` should be a subsection
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue7699] strptime, strftime documentation
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue15041] tkinter documentation "see also" list in Python3 is from Python2
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue15041] tkinter documentation "see also" list in Python3 is from Python2
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue15041] tkinter documentation: update "see also" list
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue15041] tkinter documentation: update "see also" list
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] Documentation issue with web site for 2.6.7
Intel Dork
- [docs] cookielib documentation
Josh Millar-Usiskin
- [docs] [issue14966] Fully document subprocess.CalledProcessError
Michael Driscoll
- [docs] [issue15041] tkinter documentation: update "see also" list
Michael Driscoll
- [docs] strftime %S
Nick Merrill
- [docs] [issue12982] .pyo file can't be imported unless -O is given
Michael Herrmann
- [docs] [issue13783] Clean up PEP 380 C API additions
Nick Coghlan
- [docs] [issue12982] .pyo file can't be imported unless -O is given
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue12982] Document that importing .pyo files needs python -O
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue12982] Document that importing .pyo files needs python -O
Michael Herrmann
- [docs] [issue12982] Document that importing .pyo files needs python -O
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue12982] Document that importing .pyo files needs python -O
- [docs] [issue12982] Document that importing .pyo files needs python -O
Michael Herrmann
- [docs] [issue12982] Document that importing .pyo files needs python -O
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue12982] Document that importing .pyo files needs python -O
Ronan Lamy
- [docs] [issue15053] imp.lock_held() "Changed in Python 3.3" mention accidentally one function up
Brett Cannon
- [docs] bug in doc (formatting)
Mahan, Christopher
- [docs] [issue15053] imp.lock_held() "Changed in Python 3.3" mention accidentally one function up
Antoine Pitrou
- [docs] [issue15055] dictnotes.txt is out of date
Mark Shannon
- [docs] [issue15055] dictnotes.txt is out of date
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue15055] dictnotes.txt is out of date
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue15055] dictnotes.txt is out of date
Mark Shannon
- [docs] [issue13783] Clean up PEP 380 C API additions
Mark Shannon
- [docs] [issue15060] docs: socket typo
anatoly techtonik
- [docs] [issue14674] Link to & explain deviations from RFC 4627 in json module docs
Chris Rebert
- [docs] [issue14674] Link to & explain deviations from RFC 4627 in json module docs
Chris Rebert
- [docs] [issue14674] Link to & explain deviations from RFC 4627 in json module docs
Chris Rebert
- [docs] [issue15060] docs: socket typo
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue15060] docs: socket typo
Sandro Tosi
- [docs] [issue15060] docs: socket typo
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue12982] Document that importing .pyo files needs python -O
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue15063] Source code links for JSON documentation
Bryce Verdier
- [docs] [issue12982] Document that importing .pyo files needs python -O
- [docs] [issue12982] Document that importing .pyo files needs python -O
Michael Herrmann
- [docs] [issue12982] Document that importing .pyo files needs python -O
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue12982] Document that importing .pyo files needs python -O
Eric Snow
- [docs] [issue15067] sqlite3 docs reference PEP 246, which was rejected
Zachary Ware
- [docs] [issue12982] Document that importing .pyo files needs python -O
Ronan Lamy
- [docs] [issue15067] sqlite3 docs reference PEP 246, which was rejected
Eric Snow
- [docs] [issue12982] Document that importing .pyo files needs python -O
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
Antoine Pitrou
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [docs] [issue10376] ZipFile unzip is unbuffered
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue15034] tutorial should use best practices in user defined exceptions section
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
Joey Geralnik
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
Joey Geralnik
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
Joey Geralnik
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
Antoine Pitrou
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
Antoine Pitrou
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
Antoine Pitrou
- [docs] [issue14933] Misleading documentation about weakrefs
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue14933] Misleading documentation about weakrefs
Antoine Pitrou
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
Florent Xicluna
- [docs] [issue13498] os.makedirs exist_ok documentation is incorrect, as is some of the behavior
Hynek Schlawack
- [docs] [issue15063] Source code links for JSON documentation
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue15063] Source code links for JSON documentation
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] python bug i thinkso
Sandro Tosi
- [docs] Broken Link to Expat Project home page
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue13823] xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree.write - argument checking
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue15088] PyGen_NeedsFinalizing is public, but undocumented
Nick Coghlan
- [docs] [issue13783] Clean up PEP 380 C API additions
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue13783] Clean up PEP 380 C API additions
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue13783] Clean up PEP 380 C API additions
Nick Coghlan
- [docs] [issue13823] xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree.write - argument checking
Florent Xicluna
- [docs] [issue13515] Consistent documentation practices for security concerns and considerations
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue14469] Python 3 documentation links
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue14840] Tutorial: Add a bit on the difference between tuples and lists
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue14840] Tutorial: Add a bit on the difference between tuples and lists
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue15097] Improving wording on the thread-safeness of import
Merlijn van Deen
- [docs] [issue15097] Improving wording on the thread-safeness of import
Merlijn van Deen
- [docs] [issue15097] Improving wording on the thread-safeness of import
Merlijn van Deen
- [docs] [issue15097] Improving wording on the thread-safeness of import
Martin v. Löwis
- [docs] [issue14840] Tutorial: Add a bit on the difference between tuples and lists
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue15097] Improving wording on the thread-safeness of import
Merlijn van Deen
- [docs] Documentation issue with web site for 2.6.7
Sandro Tosi
- [docs] strftime %S
Sandro Tosi
- [docs] bug in doc (formatting)
Sandro Tosi
- [docs] Language Missing in Python
Isaac Munjunga
- [docs] [issue15099] exec of function doesn't call __getitem__ or __missing__ on undefined global
Mark Dickinson
- [docs] [issue15099] exec of function doesn't call __getitem__ or __missing__ on undefined global
John Firestone
- [docs] [issue15099] exec of function doesn't call __getitem__ or __missing__ on undefined global
Mark Dickinson
- [docs] [issue15099] exec of function doesn't call __getitem__ or __missing__ on undefined global
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [docs] Documentation issue with web site for 2.6.7
Alex Tzonkov
- [docs] [issue15099] exec of function doesn't call __getitem__ or __missing__ on undefined global
John Firestone
- [docs] Documentation bug on http://docs.python.org/library/atexit.html
Daniel Moisset
- [docs] [issue15099] exec of function doesn't call __getitem__ or __missing__ on undefined global
Mark Dickinson
- [docs] [issue12982] Document that importing .pyo files needs python -O
- [docs] [issue15104] abusive language in __name__ description
anatoly techtonik
- [docs] [issue15104] abusive language in __name__ description
Hynek Schlawack
- [docs] [issue15104] abusive language in __name__ description
anatoly techtonik
- [docs] [issue15104] abusive language in __name__ description
anatoly techtonik
- [docs] [issue15104] abusive language in __name__ description
Martin v. Löwis
- [docs] [issue15104] abusive language in __name__ description
anatoly techtonik
- [docs] [issue15104] abusive language in __name__ description
Martin v. Löwis
- [docs] [issue15104] abusive language in __name__ description
Martin v. Löwis
- [docs] [issue15104] abusive language in __name__ description
anatoly techtonik
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
Kristján Valur Jónsson
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
Kristján Valur Jónsson
- [docs] [issue15104] Unclear language in __main__ description
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue15104] Unclear language in __main__ description
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue14187] add "function annotation" entry to Glossary
Zachary Ware
- [docs] [issue12779] Update packaging documentation
Georg Brandl
- [docs] [issue15115] Duplicated Content-Transfer-Encoding header when applying email.encoders
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue15115] Duplicated Content-Transfer-Encoding header when applying email.encoders
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue15115] Duplicated Content-Transfer-Encoding header when applying email.encoders
Barry A. Warsaw
- [docs] [issue15115] Duplicated Content-Transfer-Encoding header when applying email.encoders
Barry A. Warsaw
- [docs] [issue15116] remove out-of-date Mac application scripting documentation
- [docs] [issue15115] Duplicated Content-Transfer-Encoding header when applying email.encoders
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue15117] Please document top-level sqlite3 module variables
- [docs] [issue14393] Incorporate Guide to Magic Methods?
Jesús Cea Avión
- [docs] [issue15116] remove out-of-date Mac application scripting documentation
Ned Deily
- [docs] [issue12779] Update packaging documentation
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue15120] Different behavior of html.parser.HTMLParser
- [docs] [issue15120] Different behavior of html.parser.HTMLParser
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue15120] Different behavior of html.parser.HTMLParser
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- [docs] error in regular expression howto.
Jonas Frey
- [docs] [issue15120] Different behavior of html.parser.HTMLParser
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] BUG: Bad footnote in library/profile.html
aflanagan at mediageneral.com
- [docs] [issue15126] Theading isAlive() missing version note
- [docs] [issue15120] Different behavior of html.parser.HTMLParser
- [docs] [issue15126] Theading isAlive() missing version note
- [docs] [issue15120] Different behavior of html.parser.HTMLParser
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue15130] remove redundant paragraph in socket howto
Tshepang Lekhonkhobe
- [docs] [issue15126] Theading isAlive() missing version note
Georg Brandl
- [docs] [issue15131] Document py/pyw launchers
Brian Curtin
- [docs] [issue15131] Document py/pyw launchers
Brian Curtin
- [docs] bug report: inconsistent use of PyUnicode_FromString and PyString_FromString "5.3. Pure Embedding"
Denver Coneybeare
- [docs] [issue15135] HOWTOs doesn't link to "Idioms and Anti-Idioms" article
Pan Yongzhi
- [docs] [issue15135] HOWTOs doesn't link to "Idioms and Anti-Idioms" article
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue15116] remove out-of-date Mac application scripting documentation
- [docs] [issue15140] PEP 384 inconsistent with implementation
Antoine Pitrou
- [docs] [issue15140] PEP 384 inconsistent with implementation
Martin v. Löwis
- [docs] [issue15148] shutul.which() docstring could be clearer
Tshepang Lekhonkhobe
- [docs] [issue15148] shutul.which() docstring could be clearer
Tshepang Lekhonkhobe
- [docs] [issue15148] shutil.which() docstring could be clearer
Tshepang Lekhonkhobe
- [docs] [issue15148] shutil.which() docstring could be clearer
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue15148] shutil.which() docstring could be clearer
Alexander Belopolsky
- [docs] [issue15148] shutil.which() docstring could be clearer
Brian Curtin
- [docs] [issue15148] shutil.which() docstring could be clearer
Alexander Belopolsky
- [docs] [issue15149] Release Schedule needs updating
Tshepang Lekhonkhobe
- [docs] [issue15148] shutil.which() docstring could be clearer
Alexander Belopolsky
- [docs] [issue15148] shutil.which() docstring could be clearer
Brian Curtin
- [docs] [issue15148] shutil.which() docstring could be clearer
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue15148] shutil.which() docstring could be clearer
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue15151] Documentation for Signature, Parameter and signature in inspect module
Nick Coghlan
- [docs] [issue15104] Unclear language in __main__ description
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue15149] Release Schedule needs updating
Georg Brandl
- [docs] [issue15117] Please document top-level sqlite3 module variables
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue15135] HOWTOs doesn't link to "Idioms and Anti-Idioms" article
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue12965] longobject: documentation improvements
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue12965] longobject: documentation improvements
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue12965] longobject: documentation improvements
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue12965] longobject: documentation improvements
Mark Dickinson
- [docs] [issue10376] ZipFile unzip is unbuffered
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue10376] ZipFile unzip is unbuffered
Antoine Pitrou
- [docs] [issue15135] HOWTOs doesn't link to "Idioms and Anti-Idioms" article
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue10376] ZipFile unzip is unbuffered
Nadeem Vawda
- [docs] [issue10376] ZipFile unzip is unbuffered
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue10376] ZipFile unzip is unbuffered
Antoine Pitrou
- [docs] [issue12965] longobject: documentation improvements
Stefan Krah
- [docs] Sloppy example at sect 8.3 of Python 2.7.3 tutorial
Greg Edwards
- [docs] [issue15055] dictnotes.txt is out of date
Mark Shannon
- [docs] [issue15055] dictnotes.txt is out of date
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue15055] dictnotes.txt is out of date
Antoine Pitrou
- [docs] [issue15055] dictnotes.txt is out of date
Mark Shannon
- [docs] [issue15063] Source code links for JSON documentation
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue14674] Link to & explain deviations from RFC 4627 in json module docs
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue14893] Tutorial: Add function annotation example to function tutorial
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue12415] Missing: How to checkout the Doc sources
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue13799] Base 16 should be hexadecimal in Unicode HOWTO
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue14202] The docs of xml.dom.pulldom are almost nonexistent
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue13799] Base 16 should be hexadecimal in Unicode HOWTO
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue13799] Base 16 should be hexadecimal in Unicode HOWTO
Georg Brandl
- [docs] [issue13799] Base 16 should be hexadecimal in Unicode HOWTO
Mark Dickinson
- [docs] [issue12415] Missing: How to checkout the Doc sources
Philip Olson
- [docs] [issue15183] it should be made clear that the statement in the --setup option and the setup kw arg aren't included in the count
Tshepang Lekhonkhobe
- [docs] [issue15183] it should be made clear that the statement in the --setup option and the setup kw arg aren't included in the count
Tshepang Lekhonkhobe
- [docs] [issue15034] tutorial should use best practices in user defined exceptions section
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue15172] Document nasm-2.10.01 as required version for openssl
Stefan Krah
- [docs] [issue13685] argparse update help msg for % signs
Senthil Kumaran
- [docs] [issue13685] argparse update help msg for % signs
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue13685] argparse update help msg for % signs
Senthil Kumaran
- [docs] [issue14979] pdb doc: Add link to source
Senthil Kumaran
- [docs] [issue14979] pdb doc: Explain how to extend debugger instead of sending readers to the source
anatoly techtonik
- [docs] [issue13666] datetime documentation typos
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue13666] datetime documentation typos
Senthil Kumaran
- [docs] [issue15034] Devguide should document best practices for stdlib exceptions
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue11681] -b option undocumented
- [docs] [issue15151] Documentation for Signature, Parameter and signature in inspect module
Georg Brandl
- [docs] small documentation bug in multiprocessing
Matt Woelfel
- [docs] [issue13685] argparse update help msg for % signs
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue14899] Naming conventions and guidelines for packages and namespace packages
Benoît Bryon
- [docs] [issue15204] Deprecate the 'U' open mode
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue15204] Deprecate the 'U' open mode
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue15204] Deprecate the 'U' open mode
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue15204] Deprecate the 'U' open mode
Antoine Pitrou
- [docs] [issue15204] Deprecate the 'U' open mode
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue15204] Deprecate the 'U' open mode
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [docs] do you have the Python 2.7.3 Documentation in .EPUB? thanks! #EOM
Ian Jeffries
- [docs] [issue15213] _PyOS_URandom documentation
Christian Heimes
- [docs] [issue15213] _PyOS_URandom documentation
Martin v. Löwis
- [docs] [issue15204] Deprecate the 'U' open mode
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue15204] Deprecate the 'U' open mode
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue15204] Deprecate the 'U' open mode
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue14469] Python 3 documentation links
Senthil Kumaran
- [docs] bug in tutorial 7.Input and Output
장동헌(DongHeon Jang)
- [docs] [issue15204] Deprecate the 'U' open mode
Nadeem Vawda
- [docs] The computation of pi in Decimal fixed point and floating point arithmetic
bernard greening
- [docs] [issue15221] os.path.is*() may return False if path can't be accessed
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [docs] [issue15221] os.path.is*() may return False if path can't be accessed
Cameron Simpson
- [docs] [issue15221] os.path.is*() may return False if path can't be accessed
Antoine Pitrou
- [docs] [issue15221] os.path.is*() may return False if path can't be accessed
Nick Coghlan
- [docs] Python v3.2.3 - Help me!
focajoca at sapo.pt
- [docs] [issue13790] In str.format an incorrect error message for list, tuple, dict, set
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue13790] In str.format an incorrect error message for list, tuple, dict, set
Eric V. Smith
- [docs] [issue15148] shutil.which() docstring could be clearer
Tshepang Lekhonkhobe
- [docs] [issue15034] Devguide should document best practices for stdlib exceptions
Tshepang Lekhonkhobe
- [docs] [issue13790] In str.format an incorrect error message for list, tuple, dict, set
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue15228] os.utime() docs not clear on behavior on nonexistant files
Daniel Grace
Last message date:
Sat Jun 30 21:55:23 CEST 2012
Archived on: Sun Jul 1 09:34:10 CEST 2012
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