> I had another look at the definition of \"ones\" and of
another routine
> > I frequently use: arange. It appears that even
without rewriting them
> > in C, some speedup can be achieved:
> >
> > - in ones(), the + 1 should be done \"in
place\", saving about 15%, more
> > if you run out of processor cache:
> I\'d also try assignment in place:
> def ones(shape, typecode=\'l\…
[View More]', savespace=0):
> a = zeros(shape, typecode, savespace)
> a[len(shape)*[slice(0, None)]] = 1
> return a
> Konrad.
Is the following definition faster or not?
def ones(shape, typecode=\'l\', savespace=0):
a = zeros( (product(shape),), typecode, savespace)
a[:] = 1
a.shape = shape
return a
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