
December 2001

  • 31 participants
  • 28 discussions
Numeric 21.0a1 in CVS
by Paul F. Dubois Dec. 27, 2001

Dec. 27, 2001
next step for numarray
by Perry Greenfield Dec. 20, 2001

Dec. 20, 2001
float** arrays and Numarray
by Edward C. Jones Dec. 20, 2001

Dec. 20, 2001
converting IDL to python
by Mark Fardal Dec. 20, 2001

Dec. 20, 2001
converting IDL to python
by Dec. 20, 2001

Dec. 20, 2001
Windows / 2.2 version up
by Paul F. Dubois Dec. 18, 2001

Dec. 18, 2001
Python 2.2
by Ray Drew Dec. 18, 2001

Dec. 18, 2001
pygsl source moved to sourceforge
by Achim Gaedke Dec. 14, 2001

Dec. 14, 2001