
March 2005

  • 54 participants
  • 62 discussions
Gaussian fits? Sum of Gaussians?
by Christian Meesters March 8, 2005

March 8, 2005
Re: Gaussian fits? Sum of Gaussians
by Brendan Simons March 8, 2005

March 8, 2005
Numeric/numarray compatibility issue
by March 4, 2005

March 4, 2005
Problem with dashes and savefig in 0.72.1
by kristen kaasbjerg March 4, 2005

March 4, 2005
Some comments on the Numeric3 Draft of 1-Mar-05
by Colin J. Williams March 4, 2005

March 4, 2005
bdist-rpm problem
by Stephen Walton March 3, 2005

March 3, 2005

March 3, 2005
CVS version of Numeric3 compiles again
by Travis Oliphant March 3, 2005

March 3, 2005
RE: [Numpy-discussion] Some comments on the Numeric3 Draft of 1-M ar-05
by March 2, 2005

March 2, 2005
PyObject arrays
by Garnet Chan March 2, 2005

March 2, 2005