
December 2006

  • 89 participants
  • 91 discussions
Fixes to Numexpr under 64 bit platforms
by Ivan Vilata i Balaguer Dec. 26, 2006

Dec. 26, 2006
Bug in numarray<->numpy interaction
by Norbert Nemec Dec. 25, 2006

Dec. 25, 2006
nested recarrays
by Matthew Koichi Grimes Dec. 24, 2006

Dec. 24, 2006
repr of bool matrix
by Keith Goodman Dec. 23, 2006

Dec. 23, 2006
Type of 1st argument in Numexpr where()
by Ivan Vilata i Balaguer Dec. 22, 2006

Dec. 22, 2006
Automatic matrices
by Paulo Jose da Silva e Silva Dec. 21, 2006

Dec. 21, 2006
5 11
0 0
Assignment when there is nothing to assign
by Keith Goodman Dec. 21, 2006

Dec. 21, 2006
ANN: PyTables 1.4 released
by Francesc Altet Dec. 21, 2006

Dec. 21, 2006
PyArray_DIMS problem
by Gennan Chen Dec. 20, 2006

Dec. 20, 2006
A question about argmax and argsort
by asaf david Dec. 20, 2006

Dec. 20, 2006