
September 2012

  • 63 participants
  • 70 discussions
John Hunter's memorial service
by Fernando Perez Sept. 7, 2012

Sept. 7, 2012
FWIW: "regressions" of dependees of nukmpy 1.7.0b1
by Yaroslav Halchenko Sept. 6, 2012

Sept. 6, 2012
encounter error while it's testing
by 心如烛光 Sept. 5, 2012

Sept. 5, 2012

Sept. 5, 2012
ANN: scikit-learn 0.12 Released
by Andreas Mueller Sept. 4, 2012

Sept. 4, 2012
Mysterious test_pareto failure on Travis
by Nathaniel Smith Sept. 4, 2012

Sept. 4, 2012
6 13
0 0
[ANN] New free tool for TSP solving
by Dmitrey Sept. 2, 2012

Sept. 2, 2012

Sept. 2, 2012
How to debug reference counting errors
by Ondřej Čertík Aug. 31, 2012

Aug. 31, 2012