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December 2020
- 37 participants
- 37 discussions
Hi all,
On behalf of the SciPy development team I'm pleased to announce
the release of SciPy 1.6.0.
Sources and binary wheels can be found at:
and at:
One of a few ways to install this release with pip:
pip install scipy==1.6.0
SciPy 1.6.0 Release Notes
SciPy 1.6.0 is the culmination of 6 months of hard work. It contains
many new features, numerous bug-fixes, improved test coverage and better
documentation. There have been a number of deprecations and API changes
in this release, which are documented below. All users are encouraged to
upgrade to this release, as there are a large number of bug-fixes and
optimizations. Before upgrading, we recommend that users check that
their own code does not use deprecated SciPy functionality (to do so,
run your code with ``python -Wd`` and check for ``DeprecationWarning`` s).
Our development attention will now shift to bug-fix releases on the
1.6.x branch, and on adding new features on the master branch.
This release requires Python 3.7+ and NumPy 1.16.5 or greater.
For running on PyPy, PyPy3 6.0+ is required.
Highlights of this release
- `scipy.ndimage` improvements: Fixes and ehancements to boundary
modes for interpolation functions. Support for complex-valued inputs in
filtering and interpolation functions. New ``grid_mode`` option for
`scipy.ndimage.zoom` to enable results consistent with scikit-image's
- `scipy.optimize.linprog` has fast, new methods for large, sparse
from the ``HiGHS`` library.
- `scipy.stats` improvements including new distributions, a new test, and
enhancements to existing distributions and tests
New features
`scipy.special` improvements
`scipy.special` now has improved support for 64-bit ``LAPACK`` backend
`scipy.odr` improvements
`scipy.odr` now has support for 64-bit integer ``BLAS``
`scipy.odr.ODR` has gained an optional ``overwrite`` argument so that
files may be overwritten.
`scipy.integrate` improvements
Some renames of functions with poor names were done, with the old names
retained without being in the reference guide for backwards compatibility
- ``integrate.simps`` was renamed to ``integrate.simpson``
- ``integrate.trapz`` was renamed to ``integrate.trapezoid``
- ``integrate.cumtrapz`` was renamed to ``integrate.cumulative_trapezoid``
`scipy.cluster` improvements
`scipy.cluster.hierarchy.DisjointSet` has been added for incremental
connectivity queries.
`scipy.cluster.hierarchy.dendrogram` return value now also includes leaf
information in `leaves_color_list`.
`scipy.interpolate` improvements
`scipy.interpolate.interp1d` has a new method ``nearest-up``, similar to
existing method ``nearest`` but rounds half-integers up instead of down.
`` improvements
Support has been added for reading arbitrary bit depth integer PCM WAV
from 1- to 32-bit, including the commonly-requested 24-bit depth.
`scipy.linalg` improvements
The new function `scipy.linalg.matmul_toeplitz` uses the FFT to compute the
product of a Toeplitz matrix with another matrix.
`scipy.linalg.sqrtm` and `scipy.linalg.logm` have performance improvements
thanks to additional Cython code.
Python ``LAPACK`` wrappers have been added for ``pptrf``, ``pptrs``,
``pptri``, and ``ppcon``.
`scipy.linalg.norm` and the ``svd`` family of functions will now use 64-bit
integer backends when available.
`scipy.ndimage` improvements
`scipy.ndimage.convolve`, `scipy.ndimage.correlate` and their 1d
now accept both complex-valued images and/or complex-valued filter kernels.
convolution-based filters also now accept complex-valued inputs
(e.g. ``gaussian_filter``, ``uniform_filter``, etc.).
Multiple fixes and enhancements to boundary handling were introduced to
`scipy.ndimage` interpolation functions (i.e. ``affine_transform``,
``geometric_transform``, ``map_coordinates``, ``rotate``, ``shift``,
A new boundary mode, ``grid-wrap`` was added which wraps images
using a period equal to the shape of the input image grid. This is in
to the existing ``wrap`` mode which uses a period that is one sample
than the original signal extent along each dimension.
A long-standing bug in the ``reflect`` boundary condition has been fixed
the mode ``grid-mirror`` was introduced as a synonym for ``reflect``.
A new boundary mode, ``grid-constant`` is now available. This is similar to
the existing ndimage ``constant`` mode, but interpolation will still
at coordinate values outside of the original image extent. This
``grid-constant`` mode is consistent with OpenCV's ``BORDER_CONSTANT`` mode
and scikit-image's ``constant`` mode.
Spline pre-filtering (used internally by ``ndimage`` interpolation
when ``order >= 2``), now supports all boundary modes rather than always
defaulting to mirror boundary conditions. The standalone functions
``spline_filter`` and ``spline_filter1d`` have analytical boundary
that match modes ``mirror``, ``grid-wrap`` and ``reflect``.
`scipy.ndimage` interpolation functions now accept complex-valued inputs. In
this case, the interpolation is applied independently to the real and
imaginary components.
The ``ndimage`` tutorials
( have
updated with new figures to better clarify the exact behavior of all of the
interpolation boundary modes.
`scipy.ndimage.zoom` now has a ``grid_mode`` option that changes the
of the center of the first pixel along an axis from 0 to 0.5. This allows
resizing in a manner that is consistent with the behavior of scikit-image's
``resize`` and ``rescale`` functions (and OpenCV's ``cv2.resize``).
`scipy.optimize` improvements
`scipy.optimize.linprog` has fast, new methods for large, sparse problems
the ``HiGHS`` C++ library. ``method='highs-ds'`` uses a high performance
revised simplex implementation (HSOL), ``method='highs-ipm'`` uses an
interior-point method with crossover, and ``method='highs'`` chooses
the two automatically. These methods are typically much faster and often
the accuracy of other ``linprog`` methods, so we recommend explicitly
specifying one of these three method values when using ``linprog``.
`scipy.optimize.quadratic_assignment` has been added for approximate
of the quadratic assignment problem.
`scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment` now has a substantially reduced
for small cost matrix sizes
`scipy.optimize.least_squares` has improved performance when the user
the jacobian as a sparse jacobian already in ``csr_matrix`` format
`scipy.optimize.linprog` now has an ``rr_method`` argument for specification
of the method used for redundancy handling, and a new method for this
is available based on the interpolative decomposition approach.
`scipy.signal` improvements
`scipy.signal.gammatone` has been added to design FIR or IIR filters that
model the human auditory system.
`scipy.signal.iircomb` has been added to design IIR peaking/notching comb
filters that can boost/attenuate a frequency from a signal.
`scipy.signal.sosfilt` performance has been improved to avoid some
observed slowdowns
`` has been added--the Taylor window function is
commonly used in radar digital signal processing
`scipy.signal.gauss_spline` now supports ``list`` type input for consistency
with other related SciPy functions
`scipy.signal.correlation_lags` has been added to allow calculation of the
displacement indices array for 1D cross-correlation.
`scipy.sparse` improvements
A solver for the minimum weight full matching problem for bipartite graphs,
also known as the linear assignment problem, has been added in
`scipy.sparse.csgraph.min_weight_full_bipartite_matching`. In particular,
provides functionality analogous to that of
`scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment`, but with improved performance for
inputs, and the ability to handle inputs whose dense representations would
fit in memory.
The time complexity of `scipy.sparse.block_diag` has been improved
from quadratic to linear.
`scipy.sparse.linalg` improvements
The vendored version of ``SuperLU`` has been updated
`scipy.fft` improvements
The vendored ``pocketfft`` library now supports compiling with ARM neon
extensions and has improved thread pool behavior.
`scipy.spatial` improvements
The python implementation of ``KDTree`` has been dropped and ``KDTree`` is
implemented in terms of ``cKDTree``. You can now expect ``cKDTree``-like
performance by default. This also means ``sys.setrecursionlimit`` no longer
needs to be increased for querying large trees.
``transform.Rotation`` has been updated with support for Modified Rodrigues
Parameters alongside the existing rotation representations (PR gh-12667).
`scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation` has been partially cythonized, with some
performance improvements observed
`scipy.spatial.distance.cdist` has improved performance with the
metric, especially for p-norm values of 1 or 2.
`scipy.stats` improvements
New distributions have been added to `scipy.stats`:
- The asymmetric Laplace continuous distribution has been added as
- The negative hypergeometric distribution has been added as
- The multivariate t distribution has been added as
- The multivariate hypergeometric distribution has been added as
The ``fit`` method has been overridden for several distributions
``pareto``, ``rayleigh``, ``invgauss``, ``logistic``, ``gumbel_l``,
``gumbel_r``); they now use analytical, distribution-specific maximum
likelihood estimation results for greater speed and accuracy than the
(numerical optimization) implementation.
The one-sample Cramér-von Mises test has been added as
An option to compute one-sided p-values was added to
`scipy.stats.ttest_ind_from_stats`, `scipy.stats.ttest_ind` and
The function `scipy.stats.kendalltau` now has an option to compute
tau-c (also known as Stuart's tau-c), and support has been added for exact
p-value calculations for sample sizes ``> 171``.
`stats.trapz` was renamed to `stats.trapezoid`, with the former name
as an alias for backwards compatibility reasons.
The function `scipy.stats.linregress` now includes the standard error of
intercept in its return value.
The ``_logpdf``, ``_sf``, and ``_isf`` methods have been added to
`scipy.stats.nakagami`; ``_sf`` and ``_isf`` methods also added to
The ``sf`` method has been added to `scipy.stats.levy` and
for improved precision.
`scipy.stats.binned_statistic_dd` performance improvements for the following
computed statistics: ``max``, ``min``, ``median``, and ``std``.
We gratefully acknowledge the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative Essential Open
Software for Science program for supporting many of these improvements to
Deprecated features
`scipy.spatial` changes
Calling ``KDTree.query`` with ``k=None`` to find all neighbours is
Use ``KDTree.query_ball_point`` instead.
``distance.wminkowski`` was deprecated; use ``distance.minkowski`` and
weights with the ``w`` keyword instead.
Backwards incompatible changes
`scipy` changes
Using `scipy.fft` as a function aliasing ``numpy.fft.fft`` was removed
being deprecated in SciPy ``1.4.0``. As a result, the `scipy.fft` submodule
must be explicitly imported now, in line with other SciPy subpackages.
`scipy.signal` changes
The output of ``decimate``, ``lfilter_zi``, ``lfiltic``, ``sos2tf``, and
``sosfilt_zi`` have been changed to match ``numpy.result_type`` of their
The window function ``slepian`` was removed. It had been deprecated since
`scipy.spatial` changes
``cKDTree.query`` now returns 64-bit rather than 32-bit integers on Windows,
making behaviour consistent between platforms (PR gh-12673).
`scipy.stats` changes
The ``frechet_l`` and ``frechet_r`` distributions were removed. They were
deprecated since SciPy ``1.0``.
Other changes
``setup_requires`` was removed from ````. This means that users
invoking ``python install`` without having numpy already installed
will now get an error, rather than having numpy installed for them via
``easy_install``. This install method was always fragile and problematic,
are encouraged to use ``pip`` when installing from source.
- Fixed a bug in `scipy.optimize.dual_annealing` ``accept_reject``
that caused uphill jumps to be accepted less frequently.
- The time required for (un)pickling of `scipy.stats.rv_continuous`,
`scipy.stats.rv_discrete`, and `scipy.stats.rv_frozen` has been
reduced (gh12550). Inheriting subclasses should note that
``__setstate__`` no
longer calls ``__init__`` upon unpickling.
* @endolith
* @vkk800
* aditya +
* George Bateman +
* Christoph Baumgarten
* Peter Bell
* Tobias Biester +
* Keaton J. Burns +
* Evgeni Burovski
* Rüdiger Busche +
* Matthias Bussonnier
* Dominic C +
* Corallus Caninus +
* CJ Carey
* Thomas A Caswell
* chapochn +
* Lucía Cheung
* Zach Colbert +
* Coloquinte +
* Yannick Copin +
* Devin Crowley +
* Terry Davis +
* Michaël Defferrard +
* devonwp +
* Didier +
* divenex +
* Thomas Duvernay +
* Eoghan O'Connell +
* Gökçen Eraslan
* Kristian Eschenburg +
* Ralf Gommers
* Thomas Grainger +
* GreatV +
* Gregory Gundersen +
* h-vetinari +
* Matt Haberland
* Mark Harfouche +
* He He +
* Alex Henrie
* Chun-Ming Huang +
* Martin James McHugh III +
* Alex Izvorski +
* Joey +
* ST John +
* Jonas Jonker +
* Julius Bier Kirkegaard
* Marcin Konowalczyk +
* Konrad0
* Sam Van Kooten +
* Sergey Koposov +
* Peter Mahler Larsen
* Eric Larson
* Antony Lee
* Gregory R. Lee
* Loïc Estève
* Jean-Luc Margot +
* MarkusKoebis +
* Nikolay Mayorov
* G. D. McBain
* Andrew McCluskey +
* Nicholas McKibben
* Sturla Molden
* Denali Molitor +
* Eric Moore
* Shashaank N +
* Prashanth Nadukandi +
* nbelakovski +
* Andrew Nelson
* Nick +
* Nikola Forró +
* odidev
* ofirr +
* Sambit Panda
* Dima Pasechnik
* Tirth Patel +
* Matti Picus
* Paweł Redzyński +
* Vladimir Philipenko +
* Philipp Thölke +
* Ilhan Polat
* Eugene Prilepin +
* Vladyslav Rachek
* Ram Rachum +
* Tyler Reddy
* Martin Reinecke +
* Simon Segerblom Rex +
* Lucas Roberts
* Benjamin Rowell +
* Eli Rykoff +
* Atsushi Sakai
* Moritz Schulte +
* Daniel B. Smith
* Steve Smith +
* Jan Soedingrekso +
* Victor Stinner +
* Jose Storopoli +
* Diana Sukhoverkhova +
* Søren Fuglede Jørgensen
* taoky +
* Mike Taves +
* Ian Thomas +
* Will Tirone +
* Frank Torres +
* Seth Troisi
* Ronald van Elburg +
* Hugo van Kemenade
* Paul van Mulbregt
* Saul Ivan Rivas Vega +
* Pauli Virtanen
* Jan Vleeshouwers
* Samuel Wallan
* Warren Weckesser
* Ben West +
* Eric Wieser
* WillTirone +
* Levi John Wolf +
* Zhiqing Xiao
* Rory Yorke +
* Yun Wang (Maigo) +
* Egor Zemlyanoy +
* ZhihuiChen0903 +
* Jacob Zhong +
A total of 122 people contributed to this release.
People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time.
This list of names is automatically generated, and may not be fully
Issues closed for 1.6.0
* `#1323 <>`__: ndimage.shift
destroys data from edges (Trac #796)
* `#1892 <>`__: using rptfile=
with an existing file causes a Fortran runtime...
* `#1903 <>`__: ndimage.rotate
misses some values (Trac #1378)
* `#1930 <>`__:
should be able to read 24 bit signed wave (Trac...
* `#3158 <>`__: Odd casting
behaviour of signal.filtfilt
* `#3203 <>`__:
interpolation.zoom incorrect output for certain cases
* `#3645 <>`__: BUG: stats:
mstats.pearsonr calculation is wrong if the masks...
* `#3665 <>`__: Return Bunch
objects from stats functions
* `#4922 <>`__: unexpected zero
output values from zoom
* `#5202 <>`__: BUG: stats:
Spurious warnings from the pdf method of several...
* `#5223 <>`__: Zoom does not
return the same values when resizing a sub-array...
* `#5396 <>`__:
scipy.spatial.distance.pdist documention bug
* `#5489 <>`__: ValueError:
failed to create intent(cache|hide)|optional array--...
* `#6096 <>`__: loadmat drops
dtype of empty arrays when squeeze_me=True
* `#6713 <>`__:
sicpy.ndimage.zoom returns artefacts and boundaries in some cases
* `#7125 <>`__: Impossible to
know number of dimensions in c function used by...
* `#7324 <>`__:
scipy.ndimage.zoom bad interpolation when downsampling (zoom...
* `#8131 <>`__: BUG:
geometric_transform wrap mode possible bug
* `#8163 <>`__: LSMR fails on
some random values when providing an x0
* `#8210 <>`__: Why should I
choose order > 1 for scipy.ndimage.zoom?
* `#8465 <>`__: Unexpected
behavior with reflect mode of ndimage.rotate
* `#8776 <>`__: cdist behavior
with Minkowsky and np.inf
* `#9168 <>`__: documentation of
pearson3 in scipy.stats unclear
* `#9223 <>`__: Faster
implementation of scipy.sparse.block_diag
* `#9476 <>`__: Invalid index in
signal.medfilt2d's QUICK_SELECT
* `#9857 <>`__:
scipy.odr.Output.sd_beta is not standard error
* `#9865 <>`__: Strange behavior
of \`ndimage.shift\` and \`ndimage.affine_transform\`
* `#10042 <>`__: Consider
support for multivariate student-t distribution?
* `#10134 <>`__: gausshyper
distribution accepts invalid parameters
* `#10179 <>`__: str+bytes
concatenation error in
* `#10216 <>`__:
cKDTree.query_ball_point speed regression
* `#10463 <>`__: ENH: vectorize
scipy.fft for more CPU architectures
* `#10593 <>`__: Rename \`sum\`
ndimage function
* `#10595 <>`__:
scipy.stats.ttest_1samp should support alternative hypothesis
* `#10610 <>`__:
ndimage.interpolation.spline_filter1d default value of mode
* `#10620 <>`__:
ndimage.interpolation.zoom() option to work like skimage.transform.resize()
* `#10711 <>`__: Array Shapes
Not Aligned Bug in
* `#10782 <>`__: BUG: optimize:
methods unknown to \`scipy.optimize.show_options\`
* `#10892 <>`__: Possible typo
in an equation of optimize/dual_annealing
* `#11020 <>`__:
signal.fftconvolve return a tuple including lag information
* `#11093 <>`__:
scipy.interpolate.interp1d can not handle datetime64
* `#11170 <>`__: Use
manylinux2014 to get aarch64/ppc64le support
* `#11186 <>`__: BUG: stats:
pearson3 CDF and SF functions incorrect when skew...
* `#11366 <>`__:
DeprecationWarning due to invalid escape sequences
* `#11403 <>`__: Optimize raises
"ValueError: \`x0\` violates bound constraints"...
* `#11558 <>`__: ENH: IIR comb
* `#11559 <>`__: BUG: iirdesign
doesn't fail for frequencies above Nyquist
* `#11567 <>`__:
scipy.signal.iirdesign doesn't check consistency of wp and ws...
* `#11654 <>`__: ENH: Add
Negative Hypergeometric Distribution
* `#11720 <>`__: BUG: stats:
wrong shape from median_absolute_deviation for arrays...
* `#11746 <>`__: BUG: stats:
pearson3 returns size 1 arrays where other distributions...
* `#11756 <>`__: Improve and fix
\*Spline docstrings and code
* `#11758 <>`__: BUG: of
scipy.interpolate.CubicSpline when \`bc_type' is set...
* `#11925 <>`__: MAINT: remove
character encoding check in CI?
* `#11963 <>`__: Test failures -
* `#12102 <>`__: incorrect first
moment of non central t-distribution
* `#12113 <>`__:
scipy.stats.poisson docs for rate = 0
* `#12152 <>`__: ENH:
signal.gauss_spline should accept a list
* `#12157 <>`__: BUG: Iteration
index initialisation is wrong in
* `#12162 <>`__: Storing
Rotation object in NumPy array returns an array with...
* `#12176 <>`__: cannot modify
the slice of an array returned by \`\`
* `#12190 <>`__: retrieve leave
colors from dendrogram
* `#12196 <>`__: PERF:
scipy.linalg.pinv is very slow compared to numpy.linalg.pinv
* `#12222 <>`__: Interpolating
categorical data (interp1d)
* `#12231 <>`__: Is the p-value
of the Kruskal-Wallis test two-sided?
* `#12249 <>`__: ENH:
least_squares: should not re-instanciate csr_matrix if already...
* `#12264 <>`__: DOC: optimize:
linprog method-specific function signature
* `#12290 <>`__: DOC: Convex
Hull areas are actually perimeters for 2-dimensional...
* `#12308 <>`__:
integrate.solve_ivp with DOP853 method fails when yDot = 0
* `#12326 <>`__: BUG:
stats.exponnorm.pdf returns 0 for small K
* `#12337 <>`__:
scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh documentation is misleading
* `#12339 <>`__: documentation has wrong example
* `#12340 <>`__:
sparse.lil_matrix.tocsr() fails silently on matrices with nzn...
* `#12350 <>`__: Create a
2-parameter version of the gamma distribution
* `#12369 <>`__:
scipy.signal.correlate has an error in the documentation, examples...
* `#12373 <>`__: interp1d
returns incorrect values for step functions
* `#12378 <>`__:
interpolate.NearestNDInterpolator.__call__ &
* `#12411 <>`__:
scipy.stats.spearmanr mishandles nan variables with "propogate"
* `#12413 <>`__: DOC: Remove the
"Basic functions" section from the SciPy tutorial.
* `#12415 <>`__:
scipy.stats.dirichlet documentation issue
* `#12419 <>`__: least_squares
ValueError with 'lm' method - regression from 1.4.1...
* `#12431 <>`__: Request for
Python wrapper for LAPACK's ?pptrf (Cholesky factorization...
* `#12458 <>`__: spearmanr with
entire NaN columns produces errors
* `#12477 <>`__: WIP: Addition
of MLE for stats.invgauss/wald
* `#12483 <>`__: reading .wav
fails when the file is too big on python 3.6.0
* `#12490 <>`__: BUG: stats:
logistic and genlogistic logpdf overflow for large...
* `#12499 <>`__:
LinearNDInterpolator raises ValueError when value array has
* `#12523 <>`__: Wrong key in
* `#12547 <>`__: typo in
* `#12549 <>`__: DOC:
least_squares return type is poorly formatted.
* `#12578 <>`__: TST:
test_bounds_infeasible_2 failing on wheels repo cron jobs
* `#12585 <>`__: ENH: Add
Multivariate Hypergeometric Distribution
* `#12604 <>`__: unintuitive
conversion in \`scipy.constants.lambda2nu\`
* `#12606 <>`__: DOC: Invalid
syntax in example.
* `#12665 <>`__: List of
possible bugs found by automated code analysis
* `#12696 <>`__:
scipy.optimize.fminbound, numpy depreciation warning Creating...
* `#12699 <>`__:
TestProjections.test_iterative_refinements_dense failure
* `#12701 <>`__:
TestDifferentialEvolutionSolver::test_L4 failing
* `#12719 <>`__: Misleading
scipy.signal.get_window() docstring with 'exponential'...
* `#12740 <>`__: circstd doesn't
handle R = hypot(S, C) > 1
* `#12749 <>`__: ENH: interp1d
Matlab compatibility
* `#12773 <>`__: Meta-issue:
ndimage spline boundary handling (NumFOCUS proposal)
* `#12813 <>`__:
optimize.root(method="krylov") fails if options["tol_norm"] expects...
* `#12815 <>`__: stats.zscore
inconsistent behavior when all values are the same
* `#12840 <>`__: docstring typo
* `#12874 <>`__: Rotation.random
vs stats.special_ortho_group
* `#12881 <>`__: FFT -
documentation - examples - linspace construction
* `#12904 <>`__: BUG: parsing in
* `#12917 <>`__: GitHub Actions
nightly build triggered on forks
* `#12919 <>`__: BUG: numerical
precision, use gammaln in nct.mean
* `#12924 <>`__: Rename Sample
Based Integration Methods to Comply with Code of...
* `#12940 <>`__: Should the
minimum numpy for AIX be bumped to 1.16.5
* `#12951 <>`__: A possible typo
in scipy.stats.weightedtau
* `#12952 <>`__: [Documentation
question] Would it be more precise to specify...
* `#12970 <>`__: Documentation
presents second order sections as the correct choice...
* `#12982 <>`__: Calculate
standard error of the intercept in linregress
* `#12985 <>`__: Possible wrong
link in scipy.stats.wilcoxon doc
* `#12991 <>`__: least_squares
broken with float32
* `#13001 <>`__:
\`OptimizeResult.message\` from \`L-BFGS-B\` is a bytes, not...
* `#13030 <>`__: BUG: still fails for backport PRs
* `#13077 <>`__: CI: codecov
proper patch diffs
* `#13085 <>`__: Build failing
on main branch after HiGHS solver merge
* `#13088 <>`__: BLD, BUG: wheel
builds failure with HiGHS/optimize
* `#13099 <>`__: Wrong output
format for empty sparse results of kron
* `#13108 <>`__: TST, CI: GitHub
Actions MacOS Failures
* `#13111 <>`__: BUG, DOC:
refguide check is failing
* `#13127 <>`__: ODR output file
writing broken in conda env with system compilers
* `#13134 <>`__: FromTravis
migration tracker
* `#13140 <>`__: BUG: signal:
\`ss2tf\` incorrectly truncates output to integers.
* `#13179 <>`__: CI: lint is
failing because of output to stderr
* `#13182 <>`__: Key appears
twice in \`test_optimize.test_show_options\`
* `#13191 <>`__:
\`scipy.linalg.lapack.dgesjv\` overwrites original arrays if...
* `#13207 <>`__: TST: Erratic
test failure in test_cossin_separate
* `#13221 <>`__: BUG: glitch
* `#13239 <>`__: Segmentation
fault with \`eigh(..., driver="evx")\` for 10x10...
* `#13248 <>`__: ndimage:
improper cval handling for complex-valued inputs
Pull requests for 1.6.0
* `#8032 <>`__: ENH: Add in taylor
window common in Radar processing
* `#8779 <>`__: CI: Run benchmarks
* `#9361 <>`__: ENH: Add Kendall's
tau-a and tau-c variants to scipy.stats.kendalltau()
* `#11068 <>`__: ENH: Adds
correlation_lags function to scipy.signal
* `#11119 <>`__: ENH: add
Cramer-von-Mises (one-sample) test to scipy.stats
* `#11249 <>`__: ENH: optimize:
interpolative decomposition redundancy removal...
* `#11346 <>`__: ENH: add fast
toeplitz matrix multiplication using FFT
* `#11413 <>`__: ENH: Multivariate
t-distribution (stale)
* `#11563 <>`__: ENH: exact
p-value in stats.kendalltau() for sample sizes > 171
* `#11691 <>`__: ENH: add a stack
of reversal functions to linprog
* `#12043 <>`__: ENH: optimize:
add HiGHS methods to linprog - continued
* `#12061 <>`__: Check parameter
consistensy in signal.iirdesign
* `#12067 <>`__: MAINT: Cleanup
OLDAPI in ndimage/src/_ctest.c
* `#12069 <>`__: DOC: Add
developer guidelines for implementing the nan_policy...
* `#12077 <>`__: MAINT: malloc
return value checks for cython
* `#12080 <>`__: MAINT: Remove
* `#12085 <>`__: ENH: special:
support ILP64 Lapack
* `#12086 <>`__: MAINT: Cleanup
PyMODINIT_FUNC used during 2to3
* `#12097 <>`__: ENH: stats:
override with analytical MLE
* `#12112 <>`__: DOC: Improve
integrate.nquad docstring
* `#12125 <>`__: TST: Add a test
for stats.gmean with negative input
* `#12139 <>`__: TST: Reduce
flakiness in lsmr test
* `#12142 <>`__: DOC: add a note
in poisson distribution when mu=0 and k=0 in...
* `#12144 <>`__: DOC: Update
* `#12154 <>`__: ENH:
scipy.signal: allow lists in gauss_spline
* `#12170 <>`__: ENH: scipy.stats:
add negative hypergeometric distribution
* `#12177 <>`__: MAINT: Correctly
add input line to ValueError
* `#12183 <>`__: ENH: Use fromfile
where possible
* `#12186 <>`__: MAINT: generalize
tests in SphericalVoronoi
* `#12198 <>`__: TST: Fix str +
bytes error
* `#12199 <>`__: ENH: match
np.result_type behaviour in some scipy.signal functions
* `#12200 <>`__: ENH: add FIR and
IIR gammatone filters to scipy.signal
* `#12204 <>`__: ENH: Add
overwrite argument for odr.ODR() and its test.
* `#12206 <>`__: MAINT:lstsq:
Switch to tranposed problem if the array is tall
* `#12208 <>`__: wavfile bugfixes
and maintenance
* `#12214 <>`__: DOC: fix
docstring of "sd_beta" of odr.Output.
* `#12234 <>`__: MAINT: prevent
divide by zero warnings in scipy.optimize BFGS...
* `#12235 <>`__: REL: set version
to 1.6.0.dev0
* `#12237 <>`__: BUG: Fix exit
condition for QUICK_SELECT pivot
* `#12242 <>`__: ENH: Rename
ndimage.sum to ndimage.sum_labels (keep sum as alias)
* `#12243 <>`__: EHN: Update
* `#12244 <>`__: MAINT: stats:
avoid spurious warnings in ncx2.pdf
* `#12245 <>`__: DOC: Fixed
incorrect default for mode in scipy.ndimage.spline_filter1d
* `#12248 <>`__: MAINT: clean up
* `#12250 <>`__: ENH: Replaced
csr_matrix() by tocsr() and complemented docstring
* `#12253 <>`__: TST, CI: turn on
codecov patch diffs
* `#12259 <>`__: MAINT: Remove
duplicated test for import cycles
* `#12263 <>`__: ENH: Rename
LocalSearchWrapper bounds
* `#12265 <>`__: BUG optimize:
Accept np.matrix in lsq_linear
* `#12266 <>`__: BUG: Fix paren
error in dual annealing accept_reject calculation
* `#12269 <>`__: MAINT: Included
mismatched shapes in error messages.
* `#12279 <>`__: MAINT:
\`__array__\` and array protocols cannot be used in sparse.
* `#12281 <>`__: DOC: update wheel
DL docs
* `#12283 <>`__: ENH: odr: ILP64
Blas support in ODR
* `#12284 <>`__: ENH: linalg:
support for ILP64 BLAS/LAPACK in f2py wrappers
* `#12286 <>`__: ENH: Cythonize
* `#12287 <>`__: ENH: Read
arbitrary bit depth (including 24-bit) WAVs
* `#12292 <>`__: BLD: fix musl
* `#12293 <>`__: MAINT: Fix a
DeprecationWarning in
* `#12296 <>`__: DOC: Clarify
area/volume in scipy.spatial.ConvexHull docstrings
* `#12302 <>`__: CI: Run travis
builds on master to keep cache up to date
* `#12305 <>`__: TST: Cleanup
print statements in tests
* `#12323 <>`__: ENH: Add a
Bunch-like class to use as a backwards compatible...
* `#12324 <>`__: BUG: io: Fix an
error that occurs when attempting to raise a...
* `#12327 <>`__: DOC: clarify
docstrings of \`query_ball_tree\` and \`query_pairs\`
* `#12334 <>`__: PERF: Improve
cKDTree.query_ball_point constant time cython overhead
* `#12338 <>`__: DOC: improve
consistency and clarity of docs in linalg and sparse/linalg
* `#12341 <>`__: DOC: add Examples
for KDTree query_ball_tree and query_pairs
* `#12343 <>`__: DOC: add examples
for special.eval_legendre()
* `#12349 <>`__: BUG: avoid
overflow in sum() for 32-bit systems
* `#12351 <>`__: DOC: Fix example
wavfile to be 16bit
* `#12352 <>`__: [BUG] Consider
0/0 division in DOP853 error estimation
* `#12353 <>`__: Fix exception
causes in
* `#12354 <>`__: MAINT: Cleanup
unneeded void\* cast in setlist.pxd
* `#12355 <>`__: TST: Remove hack
for old win-amd64 bug
* `#12356 <>`__: ENH: Faster
implementation of scipy.sparse.block_diag (#9411...
* `#12357 <>`__: MAINT,TST: update
and run scipy/special/utils/
* `#12358 <>`__: TST: Check
mstat.skewtest pvalue
* `#12359 <>`__: TST: Sparse
matrix test with int64 indptr and indices
* `#12363 <>`__: DOC: ref. in
* `#12364 <>`__: DOC:
\`sparse_distance_matrix\` and \`count_neighbors\` examples
* `#12371 <>`__: MAINT, CI: bump
to latest stable OpenBLAS
* `#12372 <>`__: MAINT: Minor
cleanup of (c)KDTree tests
* `#12374 <>`__: DEP: Deprecate
* `#12375 <>`__: ENH: Add fast
path for minkowski distance with p=1,2 and support...
* `#12376 <>`__: Fix exception
causes in most of the codebase
* `#12377 <>`__: DOC: Quick fix -
adds newline to correlation_lags docstring Examples...
* `#12381 <>`__: BENCH: remove
obsolete goal_time param
* `#12382 <>`__: ENH: Replace
KDTree with a thin wrapper over cKDTree
* `#12385 <>`__: DOC: improve
docstrings of interpolate.NearestNDInterpolator.__call__...
* `#12387 <>`__: DOC/STY: add
example to scipy.signal.correlate
* `#12393 <>`__: CI: Replace the
existing check for non-ASCII characters with...
* `#12394 <>`__: CI: arm64 numpy
now available
* `#12395 <>`__: ENH: improve
stats.binned_statistic_dd performance
* `#12396 <>`__: DOC, MAINT:
forward port 1.5.0 relnotes
* `#12398 <>`__: API: Disable
len() and indexing of Rotation instances with single...
* `#12399 <>`__: MAINT: Replace
some Unicode dash-like chars with an ASCII hyphen.
* `#12402 <>`__: update .mailmap
* `#12404 <>`__: MAINT: io: Change
the encoding comment of to utf-8.
* `#12416 <>`__: CI: cache mingw,
azure pipelines
* `#12427 <>`__: BUG: logic error
in loop unrolling (cKDTree)
* `#12432 <>`__: DOC: Remove the
"Basic functions" section from the SciPy tutorial.
* `#12434 <>`__: ENH:linalg: Add
LAPACK wrappers pptrf/pptrs/ppsv/pptri/ppcon
* `#12435 <>`__: DOC: fix simplex
math for scipy.stats.dirichlet documentation
* `#12439 <>`__: DOC: add API
methods summary for NdPPoly
* `#12443 <>`__: BUG: stats:
Improve calculation of exponnorm.pdf
* `#12448 <>`__: DOC: stats: Add
"Examples" to the ansari docstring.
* `#12450 <>`__: ENH: add
\`leaves_color_list\` for cluster.dendrogram dictionary.
* `#12451 <>`__: MAINT: remove
"blacklist" terminology from code base
* `#12452 <>`__: DOC: clarify the
meaning of whitening for cluster.vq.whiten()
* `#12455 <>`__: MAINT: clearer
error message in
* `#12457 <>`__: ENH: stats:
override with analytical MLE
* `#12460 <>`__: check if column
in spearman rho is entirely NaN or Inf
* `#12463 <>`__: DOC: improve and
clean up \*Spline docstrings in
* `#12474 <>`__: ENH: linalg:
speedup _sqrtm_triu by moving tight loop to Cython
* `#12476 <>`__: ENH: add IIR comb
filter to scipy.signal
* `#12484 <>`__: Fix documentation
for minimize
* `#12486 <>`__: DOC: add a note
in poisson distribution when mu=0 and k=0 in...
* `#12491 <>`__: MAINT: forward
port 1.5.1 release notes
* `#12508 <>`__: Fix exception
causes all over the codebase
* `#12514 <>`__: ENH: stats:
override with analytical MLE
* `#12519 <>`__: PERF: Avoid
np.zeros when custom initialization is needed anyway
* `#12520 <>`__: DOC: Minor RST
section renaming.
* `#12521 <>`__: MAINT: Remove
unused imports
* `#12522 <>`__: PERF: Get rid of
unnececssary allocation in VarReader5.cread_fieldnames
* `#12524 <>`__: DOC: special: Set
Axes3D rect to avoid clipping labels in plot.
* `#12525 <>`__: Fix large sparse
* `#12526 <>`__: DOC: Remove
double section and too long header underline.
* `#12527 <>`__: Improve error
message for wrong interpolation type
* `#12530 <>`__: Move redundant
logic outside loop for conditional speedup in...
* `#12532 <>`__: ENH: Add
norm={"forward", "backward"} to \`scipy.fft\`
* `#12535 <>`__: MAINT: Avoid
sphinx deprecated aliases for SeeAlso and Only
* `#12540 <>`__: BUG: fix
odr.output.work_ind key bug and add its test.
* `#12541 <>`__: ENH: add solver
for minimum weight full bipartite matching
* `#12550 <>`__: PERF: pickling
speed of rv\*
* `#12551 <>`__: DOC: fix typo in
* `#12552 <>`__: CI: Cleanup
travis pip installs
* `#12556 <>`__: BUG: Fix problem
with Scipy.integrate.solve_bvp for big problems
* `#12557 <>`__: MAINT: Use extern
templates to improve sparsetools compile time
* `#12558 <>`__: MAINT: Remove
hack to allow scipy.fft to act like a function
* `#12563 <>`__: MAINT: Remove
unused mu0 in special/
* `#12564 <>`__: DOC: fix return
type docstring for least_squares
* `#12565 <>`__: DOC: stats:
respond to query about Kruskal-Wallis test being...
* `#12566 <>`__: BUG: Interpolate:
use stable sort
* `#12568 <>`__: Updated
documentation for as_quat
* `#12571 <>`__: DEP: remove
deprecated slepian window
* `#12573 <>`__: DEP: remove
\`frechet_l\` and \`frechet_r\`
* `#12575 <>`__: BUG: stats: fix
multinomial.pmf NaNs when params sum > 1
* `#12576 <>`__: MAINT: remove
warning from LSQSphereBivariateSpline
* `#12582 <>`__: ENH: Multivariate
* `#12587 <>`__: ENH: speed up rvs
of gengamma in scipy.stats
* `#12588 <>`__: DOC: add Examples
add see also sections for LinearNDInterpolator,...
* `#12597 <>`__: ENH: Add
single-sided p-values to t-tests
* `#12599 <>`__: Small update to
scipy FFT tutorial
* `#12600 <>`__: ENH: disjoint set
data structure
* `#12602 <>`__: BUG: add const
for Read-only views in interpnd.pyx
* `#12605 <>`__: BUG: correct
\`np.asanyarray\` use in \`scipy.constants.lambda2nu\`
* `#12610 <>`__: MAINT: forward
port 1.5.2 release notes
* `#12612 <>`__: MAINT: stats: Use
explicit keyword parameters instead of \`\*\*kwds\`.
* `#12616 <>`__: DOC: make
explicit docstring that interpolate.interp1d only accepts...
* `#12618 <>`__: DOC: Minor doc
* `#12640 <>`__: MAINT: stats: fix
issues with scipy.stats.pearson3 docs, moment,...
* `#12647 <>`__: TST: Add Boost
ellipr[cdfgj]_data test data
* `#12648 <>`__: DOC: Update
special/utils/README with instructions
* `#12649 <>`__: DOC: simplified
pip quickstart guide
* `#12650 <>`__: DOC: stats: Fix
boxcox docstring: lambda can be negative.
* `#12655 <>`__: DOC: update
Steering Council members listed in governance docs
* `#12659 <>`__: rv_sample expect
* `#12663 <>`__: DOC: optimize:
try to fix linprog method-specific documentation
* `#12664 <>`__: BUG: stats: Fix
logpdf with large negative values for logistic...
* `#12666 <>`__: MAINT: Fixes from
static analysis
* `#12667 <>`__: ENH: Adding
Modified Rodrigues Parameters to the Rotation class
* `#12670 <>`__: DOC: Update
documentation for Gamma distribution
* `#12673 <>`__: API:
Unconditionally return np.intp from cKDTree.query
* `#12677 <>`__: MAINT: Add
Autogenerated notice to ufuncs.pyi
* `#12682 <>`__: MAINT: Remove
* `#12688 <>`__: MAINT: add
f2py-generated scipy.integrate files to .gitignore
* `#12689 <>`__: BENCH: simplify
benchmark setup, remove benchmarks/
* `#12694 <>`__: scipy/stats: Add
laplace_asymmetric continuous distribution
* `#12695 <>`__: DOC: update
Ubuntu quickstart; conda compilers now work!
* `#12698 <>`__: MAINT: Replace
np.max with np.maximum
* `#12700 <>`__: TST: bump test
precision for constrained trustregion test
* `#12702 <>`__: TST: bump test
tolerance for \`DifferentialEvolutionSolver.test_L4\`
* `#12703 <>`__: BUG: Improve
input validation for sepfir2d
* `#12708 <>`__: MAINT: fix a typo
in scipy.sparse
* `#12709 <>`__: BUG: bvls can
fail catastrophically to converge
* `#12711 <>`__: MAINT: Use
platform.python_implementation to determine IS_PYPY
* `#12713 <>`__: TST: Fix flaky
* `#12716 <>`__: DOC: add examples
and tutorial links for interpolate functions...
* `#12717 <>`__: DOC: Fix Issue
* `#12725 <>`__: ENH: Support
complex-valued images and kernels for many ndimage...
* `#12729 <>`__: DEP: remove
* `#12732 <>`__: BENCH: skip
benchmarks instead of hiding them when SCIPY_XSLOW=0
* `#12734 <>`__: CI: Don't ignore
line-length in the lint_diff check.
* `#12736 <>`__: DOC: Fix 'exponential' docstring
* `#12737 <>`__: ENH: stats:
override and
* `#12738 <>`__: ENH: stats:
override with system of equations...
* `#12743 <>`__: BUG: Avoid
negative variances in circular statistics
* `#12744 <>`__: Prevent build
error on GNU/Hurd
* `#12746 <>`__: TST: parameterize
the test cases in
* `#12752 <>`__: DOC: Add examples
for some root finding functions.
* `#12754 <>`__: MAINT, CI: Azure
windows deps multiline
* `#12756 <>`__: ENH: stats: Add
an sf method to levy for improved precision in...
* `#12757 <>`__: ENH: stats: Add
an sf method to levy_l for improved precision.
* `#12765 <>`__: TST, MAINT:
infeasible_2 context
* `#12767 <>`__: Fix spline
interpolation boundary handling for modes reflect...
* `#12769 <>`__: DOC: syntax error
in scipy.interpolate.bspl
* `#12770 <>`__: ENH: add
nearest-up rounding to scipy.interpolate.interp1d
* `#12771 <>`__: TST: fix invalid
input unit test for scipy.signal.gammatone
* `#12775 <>`__: ENH: Adds
quadratic_assignment with two methods
* `#12776 <>`__: ENH: add
grid-constant boundary handling in ndimage interpolation...
* `#12777 <>`__: Add Taylor Window
function - Common in Radar DSP
* `#12779 <>`__: ENH: Improvements
to pocketfft thread pool and ARM neon vectorization
* `#12788 <>`__: API: Rename
cKDTree n_jobs argument to workers
* `#12792 <>`__: DOC: remove
THANKS.txt file in favor of
* `#12793 <>`__: Add new flag to
authors tool
* `#12802 <>`__: BENCH: add
scipy.ndimage.interpolation benchmarks
* `#12803 <>`__: Do not pin the
version of numpy in unsupported python versions
* `#12810 <>`__: CI: fix 32-bit
Linux build failure on Azure CI runs
* `#12812 <>`__: ENH: support
interpolation of complex-valued images
* `#12814 <>`__: BUG: nonlin_solve
shouldn't pass non-vector dx to tol_norm
* `#12818 <>`__: Update ckdtree.pyx
* `#12822 <>`__: MAINT: simplify
* `#12827 <>`__: DOC: Fix wrong
name w being used instead of worN in docs.
* `#12831 <>`__: DOC: fix typo in
* `#12835 <>`__: MAINT: stats:
Improve vonmises PDF calculation.
* `#12839 <>`__: ENH: scipy.stats:
add multivariate hypergeometric distribution
* `#12843 <>`__: changed M to N in
* `#12846 <>`__: MAINT: update
minimum NumPy version to 1.16.5
* `#12847 <>`__: DOC: Unify the
formula in docs of scipy.stats.pearsonr()
* `#12849 <>`__: DOC: polish QAP
docs for consistency and readability
* `#12852 <>`__: ENH, MAINT: Bring
KDTree interface to feature-parity with cKDTree
* `#12858 <>`__: DOC: use :doi:
and :arxiv: directives for references
* `#12872 <>`__: lazily import
multiprocessing.Pool in MapWrapper
* `#12878 <>`__: DOC: document
* `#12882 <>`__: MAINT: stats:
Change a test to use <= instead of strictly less...
* `#12885 <>`__: numpy.linspace
calls edited to ensure correct spacing.
* `#12886 <>`__: DOC: stats: Add
'versionadded' to cramervonmises docstring.
* `#12899 <>`__: TST: make a
couple of tests expected to fail on 32-bit architectures
* `#12903 <>`__: DOC: update
Windows build guide and move into contributor guide
* `#12907 <>`__: DOC: clarify
which array the precenter option applies to
* `#12908 <>`__: MAINT: spatial:
Remove two occurrences of unused variables in...
* `#12909 <>`__: ENH: stats: Add
methods gumbel_r._sf and gumbel_r._isf
* `#12910 <>`__: CI: travis:
Remove some unnecessary code from .travis.yml.
* `#12911 <>`__: Minor fixes to
dendrogram plotting
* `#12921 <>`__: CI: don't run
GitHub Actions on fork or in cron job
* `#12927 <>`__: MAINT: rename
integrate.simps to simpson
* `#12934 <>`__: MAINT: rename
trapz and cumtrapz to (cumulative\_)trapezoid
* `#12936 <>`__: MAINT: fix
numerical precision in nct.stats
* `#12938 <>`__: MAINT: fix linter
on master
* `#12941 <>`__: Update minimum
AIX pinnings to match non AIX builds
* `#12955 <>`__: BUG: Fixed wrong
NaNs check in scipy.stats.weightedtau
* `#12958 <>`__: ENH: stats:
Implement _logpdf, _sf and _isf for nakagami.
* `#12962 <>`__: Correcting that p
should be in [0,1] for a variety of discrete...
* `#12964 <>`__: BUG: added
line.strip() to split_data_line()
* `#12968 <>`__: ENH: stats: Use
only an analytical formula or scalar root-finding...
* `#12971 <>`__: MAINT: Declare
support for Python 3.9
* `#12972 <>`__: MAINT: Remove
redundant Python < 3.6 code
* `#12980 <>`__: DOC: Update
documentation on optimize.rosen
* `#12983 <>`__: ENH: improvements
to stats.linregress
* `#12990 <>`__: DOC: Clarify that
using sos as output type for iirdesign can...
* `#12992 <>`__: DOC:
capitalization and formatting in lsmr
* `#12995 <>`__: DOC: stats:
Several documentation fixes.
* `#12996 <>`__: BUG: Improve
error messages for \`range\` arg of binned_statistic_dd
* `#12998 <>`__: MAINT:
approx_derivative with FP32 closes #12991
* `#13004 <>`__: TST:
isinstance(OptimizeResult.message, str) closes #13001
* `#13006 <>`__: Keep correct
dtype when loading empty mat arrays.
* `#13009 <>`__: MAINT: clip SLSQP
step within bounds
* `#13012 <>`__: DOC: fix
bilinear_zpk example labels
* `#13013 <>`__: ENH: Add
\`subset\` and \`subsets\` methods to \`DisjointSet\`...
* `#13029 <>`__: MAINT:
basinhopping callback for initial mininmisation
* `#13032 <>`__: DOC: fix
docstring errors in in stats.wilcoxon
* `#13036 <>`__: BUG: forward port
lint_diff shims
* `#13041 <>`__: MAINT: dogbox
ensure x is within bounds closes #11403
* `#13042 <>`__: MAINT: forward
port 1.5.4 release notes
* `#13046 <>`__: DOC: Update
optimize.least_squares doc for all tolerance must...
* `#13052 <>`__: Typo fix for
cluster documentation
* `#13054 <>`__: BUG: fix
\`scipy.optimize.show_options\` for unknown methods....
* `#13056 <>`__: MAINT: fft: Fix a
C++ compiler warning.
* `#13057 <>`__: Minor fixes on
doc of function csr_tocsc
* `#13058 <>`__: DOC: stats:
Replace np.float with np.float64 in a tutorial file.
* `#13059 <>`__: DOC: stats:
Update the "Returns" section of the linregress docstring.
* `#13060 <>`__: MAINT:
clip_x_for_func should be private
* `#13061 <>`__: DOC:
-> in Examples
* `#13063 <>`__: MAINT: Add
suite-sparse and sksparse installation check
* `#13070 <>`__: MAINT: stats:
Remove a couple obsolete comments.
* `#13073 <>`__: BUG: Fix
scalar_search_wolfe2 to resolve #12157
* `#13078 <>`__: CI, MAINT:
migrate Lint to Azure
* `#13081 <>`__: BLD: drop Python
3.6 support (NEP 29)
* `#13082 <>`__: MAINT: update
minimum NumPy version to 1.16.5 in a couple more...
* `#13083 <>`__: DOC: update
* `#13086 <>`__: DOC: Update the
Parameters section of the correlation docstring
* `#13087 <>`__: ENH:signal:
Speed-up Cython implementation of _sosfilt
* `#13089 <>`__: BLD, BUG: add c99
compiler flag to HiGHS basiclu library
* `#13091 <>`__: BUG: Fix GIL
handling in _sosfilt
* `#13094 <>`__: DOC: clarify
"location" in docstring of cKDTree.query
* `#13095 <>`__: Zoom resize update
* `#13097 <>`__: BUG: fix
CubicSpline(..., bc_type="periodic") #11758
* `#13100 <>`__: BUG: sparse:
Correct output format of kron
* `#13107 <>`__: ENH: faster
linear_sum_assignment for small cost matrices
* `#13110 <>`__: CI, MAINT:
refguide/asv checks to azure
* `#13112 <>`__: CI: fix MacOS CI
* `#13113 <>`__: CI: Install word
list package for refguide-check
* `#13115 <>`__: BUG: add value
range check for signal.iirdesign()
* `#13116 <>`__: CI: Don't report
name errors after an exception in refguide-check
* `#13117 <>`__: CI: move
sdist/pre-release test Azure
* `#13119 <>`__: Improve error
message on friedmanchisquare function
* `#13121 <>`__: Fix factorial()
for NaN on Python 3.10
* `#13123 <>`__: BLD: Specify file
extension for language standard version tests
* `#13128 <>`__: TST: skip Fortran
I/O test for ODR
* `#13130 <>`__: TST: skip
factorial() float tests on Python 3.10
* `#13136 <>`__: CI:Add python dbg
run to GH Actions
* `#13138 <>`__: CI: Port
coverage, 64-bit BLAS, GCC 4.8 build to azure
* `#13139 <>`__: Fix edge case for
mode='nearest' in ndimage.interpolation functions
* `#13141 <>`__: BUG: signal: Fix
data type of the numerator returned by ss2tf.
* `#13144 <>`__: MAINT: stats:
restrict gausshyper z > -1
* `#13146 <>`__: typo in
* `#13148 <>`__: BUG: stats: fix
typo in stable rvs per gh-12870
* `#13149 <>`__: DOC:
spatial/stats: cross-ref random rotation matrix functions
* `#13151 <>`__: MAINT: stats: Fix
a test and a couple PEP-8 issues.
* `#13152 <>`__: MAINT: stats: Use
np.take_along_axis in the private function...
* `#13154 <>`__: ENH: stats:
Implement defined handling of constant inputs in...
* `#13156 <>`__: DOC: maintain
equal display range for ndimage.zoom example
* `#13159 <>`__: CI: Azure: Don't
run tests on merge commits, except for coverage
* `#13160 <>`__: DOC: stats:
disambiguate location-shifted/noncentral
* `#13161 <>`__: BUG:
DifferentialEvolutionSolver.__del__ can fail in garbage...
* `#13163 <>`__: BUG: stats: fix
bug in spearmanr nan propagation
* `#13167 <>`__: MAINT: stats: Fix
a test.
* `#13169 <>`__: BUG: stats: Fix
handling of misaligned masks in mstats.pearsonr.
* `#13178 <>`__: CI: testing.yml
--> macos.yml
* `#13181 <>`__: CI: fix lint
* `#13190 <>`__: BUG: optimize:
fix a duplicate key bug for \`test_show_options\`
* `#13192 <>`__: BUG:linalg: Add
overwrite option to gejsv wrapper
* `#13194 <>`__: BUG: slsqp should
be able to use rel_step
* `#13199 <>`__: [skip travis]
DOC: 1.6.0 release notes
* `#13203 <>`__: fix typos
* `#13209 <>`__: TST:linalg: set
the seed for cossin test
* `#13212 <>`__: [DOC] Backtick
and directive consistency.
* `#13217 <>`__: REL: add
necessary setuptools and numpy version pins in pyproject.toml...
* `#13226 <>`__: BUG:
file handle fixes
* `#13249 <>`__: Handle cval
correctly for ndimage functions with complex-valued...
* `#13253 <>`__: BUG,MAINT: Ensure
all Pool objects are closed
* `#13255 <>`__: BUG:linalg: Fix
heevx wrappers and add new tests
* `#13260 <>`__: CI: fix macOS
* `#13269 <>`__: CI: github
actions: In the linux dbg tests, update apt before...
* `#13279 <>`__: MAINT: 1.6.0 rc2
ab345b6f61228d8d797083fbe4ecb9df scipy-1.6.0-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_i686.whl
0f60495e80fd143419c594238b1c9f0a scipy-1.6.0-cp37-cp37m-win32.whl
b7bcb35ae551a0d78139ed5a8f11fbde scipy-1.6.0-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl
7e7d04505b315c4cc4567ddca2c9f160 scipy-1.6.0-cp38-cp38-manylinux1_i686.whl
026724f8bec3081520eda2bad41776bb scipy-1.6.0-cp38-cp38-win32.whl
3a1ff95d9ea373196d3594df2303bfff scipy-1.6.0-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl
ac6f387bcfff36b1909783b9e78173c1 scipy-1.6.0-cp39-cp39-manylinux1_i686.whl
5fcd381d744e9ba272694547750ae9d5 scipy-1.6.0-cp39-cp39-win32.whl
fe7ddd09cdc2263f8ecae6001b41f963 scipy-1.6.0-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl
550fcf08700e0bf0f32dc5c06c0f793a scipy-1.6.0.tar.gz
38acf883207e044e1ac9393a5806c3b9 scipy-1.6.0.tar.xz

Dec. 29, 2020
I'm still learning proper mailing list etiquette so I'm not sure if this is
where I should respond.
But users just getting into debugging might also benefit from knowing this:
You can turn off optimizations when compiling numpy by passing CFLAGS to like so:
*CFLAGS="-O0 -g3" python build_ext -i *
**Assuming you have the source code and available *
This will remove optimizations while compiling and will make it easier to
see more variables.
That took me a long time to figure out so I wanted to share the knowledge
On Mon, Dec 28, 2020 at 10:38 PM <numpy-discussion-request(a)>
> Send NumPy-Discussion mailing list submissions to
> numpy-discussion(a)
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> numpy-discussion-request(a)
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> numpy-discussion-owner(a)
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of NumPy-Discussion digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: Addition of new distributions: Polya-gamma (Robert Kern)
> 2. Help needed GDB (Amardeep Singh)
> 3. ANN: NumExpr 2.7.2 (Robert McLeod)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2020 13:06:33 -0500
> From: Robert Kern <robert.kern(a)>
> To: Discussion of Numerical Python <numpy-discussion(a)>
> Subject: Re: [Numpy-discussion] Addition of new distributions:
> Polya-gamma
> Message-ID:
> <
> CAF6FJivqpLsXqvyUQcAUL67VHQw0viQWTry1+L1pq4GipfDdhw(a)>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> My view is that we will not add more non-uniform distribution (i.e. "named"
> statistical probability distributions like Polya-Gamma) methods to
> `Generator`. I think that we might add a couple more methods to handle some
> more fundamental issues (like sampling from the unit interval with control
> over whether each boundary is open or closed, maybe one more variation on
> shuffling) that helps write randomized algorithms. Now that we have the C
> and Cython APIs which allow one to implement non-uniform distributions in
> other packages, we strongly encourage that.
> As I commented on the linked PR, `scipy.stats` would be a reasonable place
> for a Polya-Gamma sampling function, even if it's not feasible to implement
> an `rv_continuous` class for it. You have convinced me that the nature of
> the Polya-Gamma distribution warrants this. The only issue is that scipy
> still depends on a pre-`Generator` version of numpy. So I recommend
> implementing this function in your own package with an eye towards
> contributing it to scipy later.
> On Sun, Dec 27, 2020 at 6:05 AM Zolisa Bleki <BLKZOL001(a)>
> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I would like to know if Numpy accepts addition of new distributions since
> > the implementation of the Generator interface. If so, what is the
> criteria
> > for a particular distribution to be accepted? The reason why i'm asking
> is
> > because I would like to propose adding the Polya-gamma distribution to
> > numpy, for the following reasons:
> >
> > 1) Polya-gamma random variables are commonly used as auxiliary variables
> > during data augmentation in Bayesian sampling algorithms, which have
> > wide-spread usage in Statistics and recently, Machine learning.
> > 2) Since this distribution is mostly useful for random sampling, it since
> > appropriate to have it in numpy and not projects like scipy [1].
> > 3) The only python/C++ implementation of the sampler available is
> licensed
> > under GPLv3 which I believe limits copying into packages that choose to
> use
> > a different license [2].
> > 4) Numpy's random API makes adding the distribution painless.
> >
> > I have done preliminary work on this by implementing the distribution
> > sampler as decribed in [3]; see:
> > .
> > There is a more efficient sampling algorithm described in a later paper
> > [4], but I chose not to start with that one unless I know it is worth
> > investing time in.
> >
> > I would appreciate your thoughts on this proposal.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Zolisa
> >
> >
> > Refs:
> > [1]
> > [2]
> > [3]
> > [4]
> >
> >
> >
> > Disclaimer - University of Cape Town This email is subject to UCT
> policies
> > and email disclaimer published on our website at
> > or obtainable from +27 21 650
> > 9111. If this email is not related to the business of UCT, it is sent by
> > the sender in an individual capacity. Please report security incidents or
> > abuse via
> > _______________________________________________
> > NumPy-Discussion mailing list
> > NumPy-Discussion(a)
> >
> >
> --
> Robert Kern
Hi All,
I am trying to debug c code of numpy via gdb.Can someone help me with this?
i am getting " Python scripting is not supported in this copy of GDB". How
to install python supported gdb on win10?
I am following the steps in the docs. machine is windows 10.
Another frequently asked question is “How do I debug C code inside NumPy?”.
First, ensure that you have gdb installed on your system with the Python
extensions (often the default on Linux). You can see which version of
Python is running inside gdb to verify your setup:
(gdb) python>import
sys>print(sys.version_info)>endsys.version_info(major=3, minor=7,
micro=0, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
$ gdb -v
GNU gdb (GDB) 7.6.1
This GDB was configured as "mingw32".
$ gdb
(gdb) python
>import sys
(gdb) Python scripting is not supported in this copy of GDB.
Announcing NumExpr 2.7.2
Hi everyone,
It's been awhile since the last update to NumExpr, mostly as the existing
Python tool chain for building wheels on PyPi became defunct and we have
had to
redevelop a new one based on `cibuildwheel` and GitHub Actions. This
release also
brings us support (and wheels for) Python 3.9.
There have been a number of changes to enhance how NumExpr works when NumPy
uses MKL as a backend.
Project documentation is available at:
Changes from 2.7.1 to 2.7.2
- Support for Python 2.7 and 3.5 is deprecated and will be discontinued
`cibuildwheels` and/or GitHub Actions no longer support these versions.
- Wheels are now provided for Python 3.7, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9 via
GitHub Actions.
- The block size is now exported into the namespace as
as a read-only value.
- If using MKL, the number of threads for VML is no longer forced to 1 on
the module. Testing has shown that VML never runs in multi-threaded mode
the default BLOCKSIZE1 of 1024 elements, and forcing to 1 can have
effects on NumPy functions when built with MKL. See issue #355 for
- Use of `ndarray.tostring()` in tests has been switch to
for future-proofing deprecation of `.tostring()`, if the version of NumPy
greater than 1.9.
- Added a utility method `get_num_threads` that returns the (maximum)
number of
threads currently in use by the virtual machine. The functionality of
`set_num_threads` whereby it returns the previous value has been
and will be removed in 2.8.X.
What's Numexpr?
Numexpr is a fast numerical expression evaluator for NumPy. With it,
expressions that operate on arrays (like "3*a+4*b") are accelerated
and use less memory than doing the same calculation in Python.
It has multi-threaded capabilities, as well as support for Intel's
MKL (Math Kernel Library), which allows an extremely fast evaluation
of transcendental functions (sin, cos, tan, exp, log...) while
squeezing the last drop of performance out of your multi-core
processors. Look here for a some benchmarks of numexpr using MKL:
Its only dependency is NumPy (MKL is optional), so it works well as an
easy-to-deploy, easy-to-use, computational engine for projects that
don't want to adopt other solutions requiring more heavy dependencies.
Where I can find Numexpr?
The project is hosted at GitHub in:
You can get the packages from PyPI as well (but not for RC releases):
Documentation is hosted at:
Share your experience
Let us know of any bugs, suggestions, gripes, kudos, etc. you may
Enjoy data!
Robert McLeod
I am pleased to announce the release of SfePy 2020.4.
SfePy (simple finite elements in Python) is a software for solving systems of
coupled partial differential equations by finite element methods. It is
distributed under the new BSD license.
Home page:
Mailing list:
Git (source) repository, issue tracker:
Highlights of this release
- Ogden hyperelastic term
- serendipity finite element basis of orders 1-3
For full release notes see [1].
Robert Cimrman
Contributors to this release in alphabetical order:
Robert Cimrman
Jan Heczko
Vladimir Lukes
Hi All,
On behalf of the NumPy team I am pleased to announce the release of NumPy
1.20.0rc2. This NumPy release is the largest to date, containing some 670
merged pull requests contributed by 184 people. See the list of highlights
below. The Python versions supported for this release are 3.7-3.9, support
for Python 3.6 has been dropped. Wheels can be downloaded from PyPI
<>; source archives, release
notes, and wheel hashes are available on Github
<>. Linux users will
need pip >= 0.19.3 in order to install manylinux2010 and manylinux2014
- Annotations for NumPy functions. This work is ongoing and improvements
can be expected pending feedback from users.
- Wider use of SIMD to increase execution speed of ufuncs. Much work has
been done in introducing universal functions that will ease use of modern
features across different hardware platforms. This work is ongoing.
- Preliminary work in changing the dtype and casting implementations in
order to provide an easier path to extending dtypes. This work is ongoing
but enough has been done to allow experimentation and feedback.
- Extensive documentation improvements comprising some 185 PR merges.
This work is ongoing and part of the larger project to improve NumPy's
online presence and usefulness to new users.
- Further cleanups related to removing Python 2.7. This improves code
readability and removes technical debt.
- Preliminary support for the upcoming Cython 3.0.
A total of 184 people contributed to this release. People with a "+" by
names contributed a patch for the first time.
* Aaron Meurer +
* Abhilash Barigidad +
* Abhinav Reddy +
* Abhishek Singh +
* Al-Baraa El-Hag +
* Albert Villanova del Moral +
* Alex Leontiev +
* Alex Rockhill +
* Alex Rogozhnikov
* Alexander Belopolsky
* Alexander Kuhn-Regnier +
* Allen Downey +
* Andras Deak
* Andrea Olivo +
* Andrew Eckart +
* Anirudh Subramanian
* Anthony Byuraev +
* Antonio Larrosa +
* Ashutosh Singh +
* Bangcheng Yang +
* Bas van Beek +
* Ben Derrett +
* Ben Elliston +
* Ben Nathanson +
* Bernie Gray +
* Bharat Medasani +
* Bharat Raghunathan
* Bijesh Mohan +
* Bradley Dice +
* Brandon David +
* Brandt Bucher
* Brian Soto +
* Brigitta Sipocz
* Cameron Blocker +
* Carl Leake +
* Charles Harris
* Chris Brown +
* Chris Vavaliaris +
* Christoph Gohlke
* Chunlin Fang
* CloseChoice +
* Daniel G. A. Smith +
* Daniel Hrisca
* Daniel Vanzo +
* David Pitchford +
* Davide Dal Bosco +
* Derek Homeier
* Dima Kogan +
* Dmitry Kutlenkov +
* Douglas Fenstermacher +
* Dustin Spicuzza +
* E. Madison Bray +
* Elia Franzella +
* Enrique Matías Sánchez +
* Erfan Nariman | Veneficus +
* Eric Larson
* Eric Moore
* Eric Wieser
* Erik M. Bray
* EthanCJ-git +
* Etienne Guesnet +
* FX Coudert +
* Felix Divo
* Frankie Robertson +
* Ganesh Kathiresan
* Gengxin Xie
* Gerry Manoim +
* Guilherme Leobas
* Hassan Kibirige
* Hugo Mendes +
* Hugo van Kemenade
* Ian Thomas +
* InessaPawson +
* Isabela Presedo-Floyd +
* Isuru Fernando
* Jakob Jakobson +
* Jakub Wilk
* James Myatt +
* Jesse Li +
* John Hagen +
* John Zwinck
* Joseph Fox-Rabinovitz
* Josh Wilson
* Jovial Joe Jayarson +
* Julia Signell +
* Jun Kudo +
* Karan Dhir +
* Kaspar Thommen +
* Kerem Hallaç
* Kevin Moore +
* Kevin Sheppard
* Klaus Zimmermann +
* LSchroefl +
* Laurie +
* Laurie Stephey +
* Levi Stovall +
* Lisa Schwetlick +
* Lukas Geiger +
* Madhulika Jain Chambers +
* Matthias Bussonnier
* Matti Picus
* Melissa Weber Mendonça
* Michael Hirsch
* Nick R. Papior
* Nikola Forró
* Noman Arshad +
* Paul YS Lee +
* Pauli Virtanen
* Paweł Redzyński +
* Peter Andreas Entschev
* Peter Bell
* Philippe Ombredanne +
* Phoenix Meadowlark +
* Piotr Gaiński
* Raghav Khanna +
* Raghuveer Devulapalli
* Rajas Rade +
* Rakesh Vasudevan
* Ralf Gommers
* Raphael Kruse +
* Rashmi K A +
* Robert Kern
* Rohit Sanjay +
* Roman Yurchak
* Ross Barnowski
* Royston E Tauro +
* Ryan C Cooper +
* Ryan Soklaski
* Safouane Chergui +
* Sahil Siddiq +
* Sarthak Vineet Kumar +
* Sayed Adel
* Sebastian Berg
* Sergei Vorfolomeev +
* Seth Troisi
* Sidhant Bansal +
* Simon Gasse
* Simon Graham +
* Stefan Appelhoff +
* Stefan Behnel +
* Stefan van der Walt
* Steve Dower
* Steve Joachim +
* Steven Pitman +
* Stuart Archibald
* Sturla Molden
* Susan Chang +
* Takanori H +
* Tapajyoti Bose +
* Thomas A Caswell
* Tina Oberoi
* Tirth Patel
* Tobias Pitters +
* Tomoki, Karatsu +
* Tyler Reddy
* Veniamin Petrenko +
* Wansoo Kim +
* Warren Weckesser
* Wei Yang +
* Wojciech Rzadkowski
* Yang Hau +
* Yogesh Raisinghani +
* Yu Feng
* Yuya Unno +
* Zac Hatfield-Dodds
* Zuhair Ali-Khan +
* @abhilash42 +
* @danbeibei +
* @dojafrat
* @dpitch40 +
* @forfun +
* @iamsoto +
* @jbrockmendel +
* @leeyspaul +
* @mitch +
* @prateek arora +
* @serge-sans-paille +
* @skywalker +
* @stphnlyd +
* @xoviat
* @谭九鼎 +
* @JMFT +
* @Jack +
* @Neal C +
Charles Harris
Saw some discussion in this issue
<> that since the decorators in
np.testing.dec are there to support the nose testing framework, and since we
use pytest mainly for testing now, that the decorators there should be
deprecated. I created a pull request
<> that does this, and wanted to
get the mailing list's opinion before it went forward. Any thoughts,
suggestions, or objections?
Sent from:
Hello, and thanks for all your work on the amazing numpy.
I'm using np.memmap() with great success for memory mapping WAV audio
files, with one tiny blemish - the WAV spec wants me to sometimes put one
byte after the list of samples that I'm memory mapping, which I can't do
easily when writing a new file.
This little patch is probably backward compatible and would accomplish what
I need:
If there were interest, I could figure out numpy's test system and write
tests for it.
(For the foreseeable future, I'm intercepting the call to mmap.mmap() to
add the padding, so I'm not blocked, though the code has aspects of
PGP Key:
* <>*
* <>*
Hi all,
On behalf of the SciPy development team I'm pleased to
announce the release candidate SciPy 1.6.0rc2. Please help
us test this pre-release.
Sources and binary wheels can be found at:
and at:
One of a few ways to install the release candidate with pip:
pip install scipy==1.6.0rc2
SciPy 1.6.0 Release Notes
Note: Scipy 1.6.0 is not released yet!
SciPy 1.6.0 is the culmination of 6 months of hard work. It contains
many new features, numerous bug-fixes, improved test coverage and better
documentation. There have been a number of deprecations and API changes
in this release, which are documented below. All users are encouraged to
upgrade to this release, as there are a large number of bug-fixes and
optimizations. Before upgrading, we recommend that users check that
their own code does not use deprecated SciPy functionality (to do so,
run your code with ``python -Wd`` and check for ``DeprecationWarning`` s).
Our development attention will now shift to bug-fix releases on the
1.6.x branch, and on adding new features on the master branch.
This release requires Python 3.7+ and NumPy 1.16.5 or greater.
For running on PyPy, PyPy3 6.0+ is required.
Highlights of this release
- `scipy.ndimage` improvements: Fixes and ehancements to boundary
modes for interpolation functions. Support for complex-valued inputs in
filtering and interpolation functions. New ``grid_mode`` option for
`scipy.ndimage.zoom` to enable results consistent with scikit-image's
- `scipy.optimize.linprog` has fast, new methods for large, sparse
from the ``HiGHS`` library.
- `scipy.stats` improvements including new distributions, a new test, and
enhancements to existing distributions and tests
New features
`scipy.special` improvements
`scipy.special` now has improved support for 64-bit ``LAPACK`` backend
`scipy.odr` improvements
`scipy.odr` now has support for 64-bit integer ``BLAS``
`scipy.odr.ODR` has gained an optional ``overwrite`` argument so that
files may be overwritten.
`scipy.integrate` improvements
Some renames of functions with poor names were done, with the old names
retained without being in the reference guide for backwards compatibility
- ``integrate.simps`` was renamed to ``integrate.simpson``
- ``integrate.trapz`` was renamed to ``integrate.trapezoid``
- ``integrate.cumtrapz`` was renamed to ``integrate.cumulative_trapezoid``
`scipy.cluster` improvements
`scipy.cluster.hierarchy.DisjointSet` has been added for incremental
connectivity queries.
`scipy.cluster.hierarchy.dendrogram` return value now also includes leaf
information in `leaves_color_list`.
`scipy.interpolate` improvements
`scipy.interpolate.interp1d` has a new method ``nearest-up``, similar to
existing method ``nearest`` but rounds half-integers up instead of down.
`` improvements
Support has been added for reading arbitrary bit depth integer PCM WAV
from 1- to 32-bit, including the commonly-requested 24-bit depth.
`scipy.linalg` improvements
The new function `scipy.linalg.matmul_toeplitz` uses the FFT to compute the
product of a Toeplitz matrix with another matrix.
`scipy.linalg.sqrtm` and `scipy.linalg.logm` have performance improvements
thanks to additional Cython code.
Python ``LAPACK`` wrappers have been added for ``pptrf``, ``pptrs``,
``pptri``, and ``ppcon``.
`scipy.linalg.norm` and the ``svd`` family of functions will now use 64-bit
integer backends when available.
`scipy.ndimage` improvements
`scipy.ndimage.convolve`, `scipy.ndimage.correlate` and their 1d
now accept both complex-valued images and/or complex-valued filter kernels.
convolution-based filters also now accept complex-valued inputs
(e.g. ``gaussian_filter``, ``uniform_filter``, etc.).
Multiple fixes and enhancements to boundary handling were introduced to
`scipy.ndimage` interpolation functions (i.e. ``affine_transform``,
``geometric_transform``, ``map_coordinates``, ``rotate``, ``shift``,
A new boundary mode, ``grid-wrap`` was added which wraps images
using a period equal to the shape of the input image grid. This is in
to the existing ``wrap`` mode which uses a period that is one sample
than the original signal extent along each dimension.
A long-standing bug in the ``reflect`` boundary condition has been fixed
the mode ``grid-mirror`` was introduced as a synonym for ``reflect``.
A new boundary mode, ``grid-constant`` is now available. This is similar to
the existing ndimage ``constant`` mode, but interpolation will still
at coordinate values outside of the original image extent. This
``grid-constant`` mode is consistent with OpenCV's ``BORDER_CONSTANT`` mode
and scikit-image's ``constant`` mode.
Spline pre-filtering (used internally by ``ndimage`` interpolation
when ``order >= 2``), now supports all boundary modes rather than always
defaulting to mirror boundary conditions. The standalone functions
``spline_filter`` and ``spline_filter1d`` have analytical boundary
that match modes ``mirror``, ``grid-wrap`` and ``reflect``.
`scipy.ndimage` interpolation functions now accept complex-valued inputs. In
this case, the interpolation is applied independently to the real and
imaginary components.
The ``ndimage`` tutorials
( have
updated with new figures to better clarify the exact behavior of all of the
interpolation boundary modes.
`scipy.ndimage.zoom` now has a ``grid_mode`` option that changes the
of the center of the first pixel along an axis from 0 to 0.5. This allows
resizing in a manner that is consistent with the behavior of scikit-image's
``resize`` and ``rescale`` functions (and OpenCV's ``cv2.resize``).
`scipy.optimize` improvements
`scipy.optimize.linprog` has fast, new methods for large, sparse problems
the ``HiGHS`` C++ library. ``method='highs-ds'`` uses a high performance
revised simplex implementation (HSOL), ``method='highs-ipm'`` uses an
interior-point method with crossover, and ``method='highs'`` chooses
the two automatically. These methods are typically much faster and often
the accuracy of other ``linprog`` methods, so we recommend explicitly
specifying one of these three method values when using ``linprog``.
`scipy.optimize.quadratic_assignment` has been added for approximate
of the quadratic assignment problem.
`scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment` now has a substantially reduced
for small cost matrix sizes
`scipy.optimize.least_squares` has improved performance when the user
the jacobian as a sparse jacobian already in ``csr_matrix`` format
`scipy.optimize.linprog` now has an ``rr_method`` argument for specification
of the method used for redundancy handling, and a new method for this
is available based on the interpolative decomposition approach.
`scipy.signal` improvements
`scipy.signal.gammatone` has been added to design FIR or IIR filters that
model the human auditory system.
`scipy.signal.iircomb` has been added to design IIR peaking/notching comb
filters that can boost/attenuate a frequency from a signal.
`scipy.signal.sosfilt` performance has been improved to avoid some
observed slowdowns
`` has been added--the Taylor window function is
commonly used in radar digital signal processing
`scipy.signal.gauss_spline` now supports ``list`` type input for consistency
with other related SciPy functions
`scipy.signal.correlation_lags` has been added to allow calculation of the
displacement indices array for 1D cross-correlation.
`scipy.sparse` improvements
A solver for the minimum weight full matching problem for bipartite graphs,
also known as the linear assignment problem, has been added in
`scipy.sparse.csgraph.min_weight_full_bipartite_matching`. In particular,
provides functionality analogous to that of
`scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment`, but with improved performance for
inputs, and the ability to handle inputs whose dense representations would
fit in memory.
The time complexity of `scipy.sparse.block_diag` has been improved
from quadratic to linear.
`scipy.sparse.linalg` improvements
The vendored version of ``SuperLU`` has been updated
`scipy.fft` improvements
The vendored ``pocketfft`` library now supports compiling with ARM neon
extensions and has improved thread pool behavior.
`scipy.spatial` improvements
The python implementation of ``KDTree`` has been dropped and ``KDTree`` is
implemented in terms of ``cKDTree``. You can now expect ``cKDTree``-like
performance by default. This also means ``sys.setrecursionlimit`` no longer
needs to be increased for querying large trees.
``transform.Rotation`` has been updated with support for Modified Rodrigues
Parameters alongside the existing rotation representations (PR gh-12667).
`scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation` has been partially cythonized, with some
performance improvements observed
`scipy.spatial.distance.cdist` has improved performance with the
metric, especially for p-norm values of 1 or 2.
`scipy.stats` improvements
New distributions have been added to `scipy.stats`:
- The asymmetric Laplace continuous distribution has been added as
- The negative hypergeometric distribution has been added as
- The multivariate t distribution has been added as
- The multivariate hypergeometric distribution has been added as
The ``fit`` method has been overridden for several distributions
``pareto``, ``rayleigh``, ``invgauss``, ``logistic``, ``gumbel_l``,
``gumbel_r``); they now use analytical, distribution-specific maximum
likelihood estimation results for greater speed and accuracy than the
(numerical optimization) implementation.
The one-sample Cramér-von Mises test has been added as
An option to compute one-sided p-values was added to
`scipy.stats.ttest_ind_from_stats`, `scipy.stats.ttest_ind` and
The function `scipy.stats.kendalltau` now has an option to compute
tau-c (also known as Stuart's tau-c), and support has been added for exact
p-value calculations for sample sizes ``> 171``.
`stats.trapz` was renamed to `stats.trapezoid`, with the former name
as an alias for backwards compatibility reasons.
The function `scipy.stats.linregress` now includes the standard error of
intercept in its return value.
The ``_logpdf``, ``_sf``, and ``_isf`` methods have been added to
`scipy.stats.nakagami`; ``_sf`` and ``_isf`` methods also added to
The ``sf`` method has been added to `scipy.stats.levy` and
for improved precision.
`scipy.stats.binned_statistic_dd` performance improvements for the following
computed statistics: ``max``, ``min``, ``median``, and ``std``.
We gratefully acknowledge the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative Essential Open
Software for Science program for supporting many of these improvements to
Deprecated features
`scipy.spatial` changes
Calling ``KDTree.query`` with ``k=None`` to find all neighbours is
Use ``KDTree.query_ball_point`` instead.
``distance.wminkowski`` was deprecated; use ``distance.minkowski`` and
weights with the ``w`` keyword instead.
Backwards incompatible changes
`scipy` changes
Using `scipy.fft` as a function aliasing ``numpy.fft.fft`` was removed
being deprecated in SciPy ``1.4.0``. As a result, the `scipy.fft` submodule
must be explicitly imported now, in line with other SciPy subpackages.
`scipy.interpolate` changes
`scipy.linalg` changes
`scipy.signal` changes
The output of ``decimate``, ``lfilter_zi``, ``lfiltic``, ``sos2tf``, and
``sosfilt_zi`` have been changed to match ``numpy.result_type`` of their
The window function ``slepian`` was removed. It had been deprecated since
`scipy.spatial` changes
``cKDTree.query`` now returns 64-bit rather than 32-bit integers on Windows,
making behaviour consistent between platforms (PR gh-12673).
`scipy.stats` changes
The ``frechet_l`` and ``frechet_r`` distributions were removed. They were
deprecated since SciPy ``1.0``.
Other changes
``setup_requires`` was removed from ````. This means that users
invoking ``python install`` without having numpy already installed
will now get an error, rather than having numpy installed for them via
``easy_install``. This install method was always fragile and problematic,
are encouraged to use ``pip`` when installing from source.
- Fixed a bug in `scipy.optimize.dual_annealing` ``accept_reject``
that caused uphill jumps to be accepted less frequently.
- The time required for (un)pickling of `scipy.stats.rv_continuous`,
`scipy.stats.rv_discrete`, and `scipy.stats.rv_frozen` has been
reduced (gh12550). Inheriting subclasses should note that
``__setstate__`` no
longer calls ``__init__`` upon unpickling.
* @endolith
* @vkk800
* aditya +
* George Bateman +
* Christoph Baumgarten
* Peter Bell
* Tobias Biester +
* Keaton J. Burns +
* Evgeni Burovski
* Rüdiger Busche +
* Matthias Bussonnier
* Dominic C +
* Corallus Caninus +
* CJ Carey
* Thomas A Caswell
* chapochn +
* Lucía Cheung
* Zach Colbert +
* Coloquinte +
* Yannick Copin +
* Devin Crowley +
* Terry Davis +
* Michaël Defferrard +
* devonwp +
* Didier +
* divenex +
* Thomas Duvernay +
* Eoghan O'Connell +
* Gökçen Eraslan
* Kristian Eschenburg +
* Ralf Gommers
* Thomas Grainger +
* GreatV +
* Gregory Gundersen +
* h-vetinari +
* Matt Haberland
* Mark Harfouche +
* He He +
* Alex Henrie
* Chun-Ming Huang +
* Martin James McHugh III +
* Alex Izvorski +
* Joey +
* ST John +
* Jonas Jonker +
* Julius Bier Kirkegaard
* Marcin Konowalczyk +
* Konrad0
* Sam Van Kooten +
* Sergey Koposov +
* Peter Mahler Larsen
* Eric Larson
* Antony Lee
* Gregory R. Lee
* Loïc Estève
* Jean-Luc Margot +
* MarkusKoebis +
* Nikolay Mayorov
* G. D. McBain
* Andrew McCluskey +
* Nicholas McKibben
* Sturla Molden
* Denali Molitor +
* Eric Moore
* Shashaank N +
* Prashanth Nadukandi +
* nbelakovski +
* Andrew Nelson
* Nick +
* Nikola Forró +
* odidev
* ofirr +
* Sambit Panda
* Dima Pasechnik
* Tirth Patel +
* Matti Picus
* Paweł Redzyński +
* Vladimir Philipenko +
* Philipp Thölke +
* Ilhan Polat
* Eugene Prilepin +
* Vladyslav Rachek
* Ram Rachum +
* Tyler Reddy
* Martin Reinecke +
* Simon Segerblom Rex +
* Lucas Roberts
* Benjamin Rowell +
* Eli Rykoff +
* Atsushi Sakai
* Moritz Schulte +
* Daniel B. Smith
* Steve Smith +
* Jan Soedingrekso +
* Victor Stinner +
* Jose Storopoli +
* Diana Sukhoverkhova +
* Søren Fuglede Jørgensen
* taoky +
* Mike Taves +
* Ian Thomas +
* Will Tirone +
* Frank Torres +
* Seth Troisi
* Ronald van Elburg +
* Hugo van Kemenade
* Paul van Mulbregt
* Saul Ivan Rivas Vega +
* Pauli Virtanen
* Jan Vleeshouwers
* Samuel Wallan
* Warren Weckesser
* Ben West +
* Eric Wieser
* WillTirone +
* Levi John Wolf +
* Zhiqing Xiao
* Rory Yorke +
* Yun Wang (Maigo) +
* Egor Zemlyanoy +
* ZhihuiChen0903 +
* Jacob Zhong +
A total of 122 people contributed to this release.
People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time.
This list of names is automatically generated, and may not be fully
Issues closed for 1.6.0
* `#1323 <>`__: ndimage.shift
destroys data from edges (Trac #796)
* `#1892 <>`__: using rptfile=
with an existing file causes a Fortran runtime...
* `#1903 <>`__: ndimage.rotate
misses some values (Trac #1378)
* `#1930 <>`__:
should be able to read 24 bit signed wave (Trac...
* `#3158 <>`__: Odd casting
behaviour of signal.filtfilt
* `#3203 <>`__:
interpolation.zoom incorrect output for certain cases
* `#3645 <>`__: BUG: stats:
mstats.pearsonr calculation is wrong if the masks...
* `#3665 <>`__: Return Bunch
objects from stats functions
* `#4922 <>`__: unexpected zero
output values from zoom
* `#5202 <>`__: BUG: stats:
Spurious warnings from the pdf method of several...
* `#5223 <>`__: Zoom does not
return the same values when resizing a sub-array...
* `#5396 <>`__:
scipy.spatial.distance.pdist documention bug
* `#5489 <>`__: ValueError:
failed to create intent(cache|hide)|optional array--...
* `#6096 <>`__: loadmat drops
dtype of empty arrays when squeeze_me=True
* `#6713 <>`__:
sicpy.ndimage.zoom returns artefacts and boundaries in some cases
* `#7125 <>`__: Impossible to
know number of dimensions in c function used by...
* `#7324 <>`__:
scipy.ndimage.zoom bad interpolation when downsampling (zoom...
* `#8131 <>`__: BUG:
geometric_transform wrap mode possible bug
* `#8163 <>`__: LSMR fails on
some random values when providing an x0
* `#8210 <>`__: Why should I
choose order > 1 for scipy.ndimage.zoom?
* `#8465 <>`__: Unexpected
behavior with reflect mode of ndimage.rotate
* `#8776 <>`__: cdist behavior
with Minkowsky and np.inf
* `#9168 <>`__: documentation of
pearson3 in scipy.stats unclear
* `#9223 <>`__: Faster
implementation of scipy.sparse.block_diag
* `#9476 <>`__: Invalid index in
signal.medfilt2d's QUICK_SELECT
* `#9857 <>`__:
scipy.odr.Output.sd_beta is not standard error
* `#9865 <>`__: Strange behavior
of \`ndimage.shift\` and \`ndimage.affine_transform\`
* `#10042 <>`__: Consider
support for multivariate student-t distribution?
* `#10134 <>`__: gausshyper
distribution accepts invalid parameters
* `#10179 <>`__: str+bytes
concatenation error in
* `#10216 <>`__:
cKDTree.query_ball_point speed regression
* `#10463 <>`__: ENH: vectorize
scipy.fft for more CPU architectures
* `#10593 <>`__: Rename \`sum\`
ndimage function
* `#10595 <>`__:
scipy.stats.ttest_1samp should support alternative hypothesis
* `#10610 <>`__:
ndimage.interpolation.spline_filter1d default value of mode
* `#10620 <>`__:
ndimage.interpolation.zoom() option to work like skimage.transform.resize()
* `#10711 <>`__: Array Shapes
Not Aligned Bug in
* `#10782 <>`__: BUG: optimize:
methods unknown to \`scipy.optimize.show_options\`
* `#10892 <>`__: Possible typo
in an equation of optimize/dual_annealing
* `#11020 <>`__:
signal.fftconvolve return a tuple including lag information
* `#11093 <>`__:
scipy.interpolate.interp1d can not handle datetime64
* `#11170 <>`__: Use
manylinux2014 to get aarch64/ppc64le support
* `#11186 <>`__: BUG: stats:
pearson3 CDF and SF functions incorrect when skew...
* `#11366 <>`__:
DeprecationWarning due to invalid escape sequences
* `#11403 <>`__: Optimize raises
"ValueError: \`x0\` violates bound constraints"...
* `#11558 <>`__: ENH: IIR comb
* `#11559 <>`__: BUG: iirdesign
doesn't fail for frequencies above Nyquist
* `#11567 <>`__:
scipy.signal.iirdesign doesn't check consistency of wp and ws...
* `#11654 <>`__: ENH: Add
Negative Hypergeometric Distribution
* `#11720 <>`__: BUG: stats:
wrong shape from median_absolute_deviation for arrays...
* `#11746 <>`__: BUG: stats:
pearson3 returns size 1 arrays where other distributions...
* `#11756 <>`__: Improve and fix
\*Spline docstrings and code
* `#11758 <>`__: BUG: of
scipy.interpolate.CubicSpline when \`bc_type' is set...
* `#11925 <>`__: MAINT: remove
character encoding check in CI?
* `#11963 <>`__: Test failures -
* `#12102 <>`__: incorrect first
moment of non central t-distribution
* `#12113 <>`__:
scipy.stats.poisson docs for rate = 0
* `#12152 <>`__: ENH:
signal.gauss_spline should accept a list
* `#12157 <>`__: BUG: Iteration
index initialisation is wrong in
* `#12162 <>`__: Storing
Rotation object in NumPy array returns an array with...
* `#12176 <>`__: cannot modify
the slice of an array returned by \`\`
* `#12190 <>`__: retrieve leave
colors from dendrogram
* `#12196 <>`__: PERF:
scipy.linalg.pinv is very slow compared to numpy.linalg.pinv
* `#12222 <>`__: Interpolating
categorical data (interp1d)
* `#12231 <>`__: Is the p-value
of the Kruskal-Wallis test two-sided?
* `#12249 <>`__: ENH:
least_squares: should not re-instanciate csr_matrix if already...
* `#12264 <>`__: DOC: optimize:
linprog method-specific function signature
* `#12290 <>`__: DOC: Convex
Hull areas are actually perimeters for 2-dimensional...
* `#12308 <>`__:
integrate.solve_ivp with DOP853 method fails when yDot = 0
* `#12326 <>`__: BUG:
stats.exponnorm.pdf returns 0 for small K
* `#12337 <>`__:
scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh documentation is misleading
* `#12339 <>`__: documentation has wrong example
* `#12340 <>`__:
sparse.lil_matrix.tocsr() fails silently on matrices with nzn...
* `#12350 <>`__: Create a
2-parameter version of the gamma distribution
* `#12369 <>`__:
scipy.signal.correlate has an error in the documentation, examples...
* `#12373 <>`__: interp1d
returns incorrect values for step functions
* `#12378 <>`__:
interpolate.NearestNDInterpolator.__call__ &
* `#12411 <>`__:
scipy.stats.spearmanr mishandles nan variables with "propogate"
* `#12413 <>`__: DOC: Remove the
"Basic functions" section from the SciPy tutorial.
* `#12415 <>`__:
scipy.stats.dirichlet documentation issue
* `#12419 <>`__: least_squares
ValueError with 'lm' method - regression from 1.4.1...
* `#12431 <>`__: Request for
Python wrapper for LAPACK's ?pptrf (Cholesky factorization...
* `#12458 <>`__: spearmanr with
entire NaN columns produces errors
* `#12477 <>`__: WIP: Addition
of MLE for stats.invgauss/wald
* `#12483 <>`__: reading .wav
fails when the file is too big on python 3.6.0
* `#12490 <>`__: BUG: stats:
logistic and genlogistic logpdf overflow for large...
* `#12499 <>`__:
LinearNDInterpolator raises ValueError when value array has
* `#12523 <>`__: Wrong key in
* `#12547 <>`__: typo in
* `#12549 <>`__: DOC:
least_squares return type is poorly formatted.
* `#12578 <>`__: TST:
test_bounds_infeasible_2 failing on wheels repo cron jobs
* `#12585 <>`__: ENH: Add
Multivariate Hypergeometric Distribution
* `#12604 <>`__: unintuitive
conversion in \`scipy.constants.lambda2nu\`
* `#12606 <>`__: DOC: Invalid
syntax in example.
* `#12665 <>`__: List of
possible bugs found by automated code analysis
* `#12696 <>`__:
scipy.optimize.fminbound, numpy depreciation warning Creating...
* `#12699 <>`__:
TestProjections.test_iterative_refinements_dense failure
* `#12701 <>`__:
TestDifferentialEvolutionSolver::test_L4 failing
* `#12719 <>`__: Misleading
scipy.signal.get_window() docstring with 'exponential'...
* `#12740 <>`__: circstd doesn't
handle R = hypot(S, C) > 1
* `#12749 <>`__: ENH: interp1d
Matlab compatibility
* `#12773 <>`__: Meta-issue:
ndimage spline boundary handling (NumFOCUS proposal)
* `#12813 <>`__:
optimize.root(method="krylov") fails if options["tol_norm"] expects...
* `#12815 <>`__: stats.zscore
inconsistent behavior when all values are the same
* `#12840 <>`__: docstring typo
* `#12874 <>`__: Rotation.random
vs stats.special_ortho_group
* `#12881 <>`__: FFT -
documentation - examples - linspace construction
* `#12904 <>`__: BUG: parsing in
* `#12917 <>`__: GitHub Actions
nightly build triggered on forks
* `#12919 <>`__: BUG: numerical
precision, use gammaln in nct.mean
* `#12924 <>`__: Rename Sample
Based Integration Methods to Comply with Code of...
* `#12940 <>`__: Should the
minimum numpy for AIX be bumped to 1.16.5
* `#12951 <>`__: A possible typo
in scipy.stats.weightedtau
* `#12952 <>`__: [Documentation
question] Would it be more precise to specify...
* `#12970 <>`__: Documentation
presents second order sections as the correct choice...
* `#12982 <>`__: Calculate
standard error of the intercept in linregress
* `#12985 <>`__: Possible wrong
link in scipy.stats.wilcoxon doc
* `#12991 <>`__: least_squares
broken with float32
* `#13001 <>`__:
\`OptimizeResult.message\` from \`L-BFGS-B\` is a bytes, not...
* `#13030 <>`__: BUG: still fails for backport PRs
* `#13077 <>`__: CI: codecov
proper patch diffs
* `#13085 <>`__: Build failing
on main branch after HiGHS solver merge
* `#13088 <>`__: BLD, BUG: wheel
builds failure with HiGHS/optimize
* `#13099 <>`__: Wrong output
format for empty sparse results of kron
* `#13108 <>`__: TST, CI: GitHub
Actions MacOS Failures
* `#13111 <>`__: BUG, DOC:
refguide check is failing
* `#13127 <>`__: ODR output file
writing broken in conda env with system compilers
* `#13134 <>`__: FromTravis
migration tracker
* `#13140 <>`__: BUG: signal:
\`ss2tf\` incorrectly truncates output to integers.
* `#13179 <>`__: CI: lint is
failing because of output to stderr
* `#13182 <>`__: Key appears
twice in \`test_optimize.test_show_options\`
* `#13191 <>`__:
\`scipy.linalg.lapack.dgesjv\` overwrites original arrays if...
* `#13207 <>`__: TST: Erratic
test failure in test_cossin_separate
* `#13221 <>`__: BUG: glitch
* `#13248 <>`__: ndimage:
improper cval handling for complex-valued inputs
Pull requests for 1.6.0
* `#8032 <>`__: ENH: Add in taylor
window common in Radar processing
* `#8779 <>`__: CI: Run benchmarks
* `#9361 <>`__: ENH: Add Kendall's
tau-a and tau-c variants to scipy.stats.kendalltau()
* `#11068 <>`__: ENH: Adds
correlation_lags function to scipy.signal
* `#11119 <>`__: ENH: add
Cramer-von-Mises (one-sample) test to scipy.stats
* `#11249 <>`__: ENH: optimize:
interpolative decomposition redundancy removal...
* `#11346 <>`__: ENH: add fast
toeplitz matrix multiplication using FFT
* `#11413 <>`__: ENH: Multivariate
t-distribution (stale)
* `#11563 <>`__: ENH: exact
p-value in stats.kendalltau() for sample sizes > 171
* `#11691 <>`__: ENH: add a stack
of reversal functions to linprog
* `#12043 <>`__: ENH: optimize:
add HiGHS methods to linprog - continued
* `#12061 <>`__: Check parameter
consistensy in signal.iirdesign
* `#12067 <>`__: MAINT: Cleanup
OLDAPI in ndimage/src/_ctest.c
* `#12069 <>`__: DOC: Add
developer guidelines for implementing the nan_policy...
* `#12077 <>`__: MAINT: malloc
return value checks for cython
* `#12080 <>`__: MAINT: Remove
* `#12085 <>`__: ENH: special:
support ILP64 Lapack
* `#12086 <>`__: MAINT: Cleanup
PyMODINIT_FUNC used during 2to3
* `#12097 <>`__: ENH: stats:
override with analytical MLE
* `#12112 <>`__: DOC: Improve
integrate.nquad docstring
* `#12125 <>`__: TST: Add a test
for stats.gmean with negative input
* `#12139 <>`__: TST: Reduce
flakiness in lsmr test
* `#12142 <>`__: DOC: add a note
in poisson distribution when mu=0 and k=0 in...
* `#12144 <>`__: DOC: Update
* `#12154 <>`__: ENH:
scipy.signal: allow lists in gauss_spline
* `#12170 <>`__: ENH: scipy.stats:
add negative hypergeometric distribution
* `#12177 <>`__: MAINT: Correctly
add input line to ValueError
* `#12183 <>`__: ENH: Use fromfile
where possible
* `#12186 <>`__: MAINT: generalize
tests in SphericalVoronoi
* `#12198 <>`__: TST: Fix str +
bytes error
* `#12199 <>`__: ENH: match
np.result_type behaviour in some scipy.signal functions
* `#12200 <>`__: ENH: add FIR and
IIR gammatone filters to scipy.signal
* `#12204 <>`__: ENH: Add
overwrite argument for odr.ODR() and its test.
* `#12206 <>`__: MAINT:lstsq:
Switch to tranposed problem if the array is tall
* `#12208 <>`__: wavfile bugfixes
and maintenance
* `#12214 <>`__: DOC: fix
docstring of "sd_beta" of odr.Output.
* `#12234 <>`__: MAINT: prevent
divide by zero warnings in scipy.optimize BFGS...
* `#12235 <>`__: REL: set version
to 1.6.0.dev0
* `#12237 <>`__: BUG: Fix exit
condition for QUICK_SELECT pivot
* `#12242 <>`__: ENH: Rename
ndimage.sum to ndimage.sum_labels (keep sum as alias)
* `#12243 <>`__: EHN: Update
* `#12244 <>`__: MAINT: stats:
avoid spurious warnings in ncx2.pdf
* `#12245 <>`__: DOC: Fixed
incorrect default for mode in scipy.ndimage.spline_filter1d
* `#12248 <>`__: MAINT: clean up
* `#12250 <>`__: ENH: Replaced
csr_matrix() by tocsr() and complemented docstring
* `#12253 <>`__: TST, CI: turn on
codecov patch diffs
* `#12259 <>`__: MAINT: Remove
duplicated test for import cycles
* `#12263 <>`__: ENH: Rename
LocalSearchWrapper bounds
* `#12265 <>`__: BUG optimize:
Accept np.matrix in lsq_linear
* `#12266 <>`__: BUG: Fix paren
error in dual annealing accept_reject calculation
* `#12269 <>`__: MAINT: Included
mismatched shapes in error messages.
* `#12279 <>`__: MAINT:
\`__array__\` and array protocols cannot be used in sparse.
* `#12281 <>`__: DOC: update wheel
DL docs
* `#12283 <>`__: ENH: odr: ILP64
Blas support in ODR
* `#12284 <>`__: ENH: linalg:
support for ILP64 BLAS/LAPACK in f2py wrappers
* `#12286 <>`__: ENH: Cythonize
* `#12287 <>`__: ENH: Read
arbitrary bit depth (including 24-bit) WAVs
* `#12292 <>`__: BLD: fix musl
* `#12293 <>`__: MAINT: Fix a
DeprecationWarning in
* `#12296 <>`__: DOC: Clarify
area/volume in scipy.spatial.ConvexHull docstrings
* `#12302 <>`__: CI: Run travis
builds on master to keep cache up to date
* `#12305 <>`__: TST: Cleanup
print statements in tests
* `#12323 <>`__: ENH: Add a
Bunch-like class to use as a backwards compatible...
* `#12324 <>`__: BUG: io: Fix an
error that occurs when attempting to raise a...
* `#12327 <>`__: DOC: clarify
docstrings of \`query_ball_tree\` and \`query_pairs\`
* `#12334 <>`__: PERF: Improve
cKDTree.query_ball_point constant time cython overhead
* `#12338 <>`__: DOC: improve
consistency and clarity of docs in linalg and sparse/linalg
* `#12341 <>`__: DOC: add Examples
for KDTree query_ball_tree and query_pairs
* `#12343 <>`__: DOC: add examples
for special.eval_legendre()
* `#12349 <>`__: BUG: avoid
overflow in sum() for 32-bit systems
* `#12351 <>`__: DOC: Fix example
wavfile to be 16bit
* `#12352 <>`__: [BUG] Consider
0/0 division in DOP853 error estimation
* `#12353 <>`__: Fix exception
causes in
* `#12354 <>`__: MAINT: Cleanup
unneeded void\* cast in setlist.pxd
* `#12355 <>`__: TST: Remove hack
for old win-amd64 bug
* `#12356 <>`__: ENH: Faster
implementation of scipy.sparse.block_diag (#9411...
* `#12357 <>`__: MAINT,TST: update
and run scipy/special/utils/
* `#12358 <>`__: TST: Check
mstat.skewtest pvalue
* `#12359 <>`__: TST: Sparse
matrix test with int64 indptr and indices
* `#12363 <>`__: DOC: ref. in
* `#12364 <>`__: DOC:
\`sparse_distance_matrix\` and \`count_neighbors\` examples
* `#12371 <>`__: MAINT, CI: bump
to latest stable OpenBLAS
* `#12372 <>`__: MAINT: Minor
cleanup of (c)KDTree tests
* `#12374 <>`__: DEP: Deprecate
* `#12375 <>`__: ENH: Add fast
path for minkowski distance with p=1,2 and support...
* `#12376 <>`__: Fix exception
causes in most of the codebase
* `#12377 <>`__: DOC: Quick fix -
adds newline to correlation_lags docstring Examples...
* `#12381 <>`__: BENCH: remove
obsolete goal_time param
* `#12382 <>`__: ENH: Replace
KDTree with a thin wrapper over cKDTree
* `#12385 <>`__: DOC: improve
docstrings of interpolate.NearestNDInterpolator.__call__...
* `#12387 <>`__: DOC/STY: add
example to scipy.signal.correlate
* `#12393 <>`__: CI: Replace the
existing check for non-ASCII characters with...
* `#12394 <>`__: CI: arm64 numpy
now available
* `#12395 <>`__: ENH: improve
stats.binned_statistic_dd performance
* `#12396 <>`__: DOC, MAINT:
forward port 1.5.0 relnotes
* `#12398 <>`__: API: Disable
len() and indexing of Rotation instances with single...
* `#12399 <>`__: MAINT: Replace
some Unicode dash-like chars with an ASCII hyphen.
* `#12402 <>`__: update .mailmap
* `#12404 <>`__: MAINT: io: Change
the encoding comment of to utf-8.
* `#12416 <>`__: CI: cache mingw,
azure pipelines
* `#12427 <>`__: BUG: logic error
in loop unrolling (cKDTree)
* `#12432 <>`__: DOC: Remove the
"Basic functions" section from the SciPy tutorial.
* `#12434 <>`__: ENH:linalg: Add
LAPACK wrappers pptrf/pptrs/ppsv/pptri/ppcon
* `#12435 <>`__: DOC: fix simplex
math for scipy.stats.dirichlet documentation
* `#12439 <>`__: DOC: add API
methods summary for NdPPoly
* `#12443 <>`__: BUG: stats:
Improve calculation of exponnorm.pdf
* `#12448 <>`__: DOC: stats: Add
"Examples" to the ansari docstring.
* `#12450 <>`__: ENH: add
\`leaves_color_list\` for cluster.dendrogram dictionary.
* `#12451 <>`__: MAINT: remove
"blacklist" terminology from code base
* `#12452 <>`__: DOC: clarify the
meaning of whitening for cluster.vq.whiten()
* `#12455 <>`__: MAINT: clearer
error message in
* `#12457 <>`__: ENH: stats:
override with analytical MLE
* `#12460 <>`__: check if column
in spearman rho is entirely NaN or Inf
* `#12463 <>`__: DOC: improve and
clean up \*Spline docstrings in
* `#12474 <>`__: ENH: linalg:
speedup _sqrtm_triu by moving tight loop to Cython
* `#12476 <>`__: ENH: add IIR comb
filter to scipy.signal
* `#12484 <>`__: Fix documentation
for minimize
* `#12486 <>`__: DOC: add a note
in poisson distribution when mu=0 and k=0 in...
* `#12491 <>`__: MAINT: forward
port 1.5.1 release notes
* `#12508 <>`__: Fix exception
causes all over the codebase
* `#12514 <>`__: ENH: stats:
override with analytical MLE
* `#12519 <>`__: PERF: Avoid
np.zeros when custom initialization is needed anyway
* `#12520 <>`__: DOC: Minor RST
section renaming.
* `#12521 <>`__: MAINT: Remove
unused imports
* `#12522 <>`__: PERF: Get rid of
unnececssary allocation in VarReader5.cread_fieldnames
* `#12524 <>`__: DOC: special: Set
Axes3D rect to avoid clipping labels in plot.
* `#12525 <>`__: Fix large sparse
* `#12526 <>`__: DOC: Remove
double section and too long header underline.
* `#12527 <>`__: Improve error
message for wrong interpolation type
* `#12530 <>`__: Move redundant
logic outside loop for conditional speedup in...
* `#12532 <>`__: ENH: Add
norm={"forward", "backward"} to \`scipy.fft\`
* `#12535 <>`__: MAINT: Avoid
sphinx deprecated aliases for SeeAlso and Only
* `#12540 <>`__: BUG: fix
odr.output.work_ind key bug and add its test.
* `#12541 <>`__: ENH: add solver
for minimum weight full bipartite matching
* `#12550 <>`__: PERF: pickling
speed of rv\*
* `#12551 <>`__: DOC: fix typo in
* `#12552 <>`__: CI: Cleanup
travis pip installs
* `#12556 <>`__: BUG: Fix problem
with Scipy.integrate.solve_bvp for big problems
* `#12557 <>`__: MAINT: Use extern
templates to improve sparsetools compile time
* `#12558 <>`__: MAINT: Remove
hack to allow scipy.fft to act like a function
* `#12563 <>`__: MAINT: Remove
unused mu0 in special/
* `#12564 <>`__: DOC: fix return
type docstring for least_squares
* `#12565 <>`__: DOC: stats:
respond to query about Kruskal-Wallis test being...
* `#12566 <>`__: BUG: Interpolate:
use stable sort
* `#12568 <>`__: Updated
documentation for as_quat
* `#12571 <>`__: DEP: remove
deprecated slepian window
* `#12573 <>`__: DEP: remove
\`frechet_l\` and \`frechet_r\`
* `#12575 <>`__: BUG: stats: fix
multinomial.pmf NaNs when params sum > 1
* `#12576 <>`__: MAINT: remove
warning from LSQSphereBivariateSpline
* `#12582 <>`__: ENH: Multivariate
* `#12587 <>`__: ENH: speed up rvs
of gengamma in scipy.stats
* `#12588 <>`__: DOC: add Examples
add see also sections for LinearNDInterpolator,...
* `#12597 <>`__: ENH: Add
single-sided p-values to t-tests
* `#12599 <>`__: Small update to
scipy FFT tutorial
* `#12600 <>`__: ENH: disjoint set
data structure
* `#12602 <>`__: BUG: add const
for Read-only views in interpnd.pyx
* `#12605 <>`__: BUG: correct
\`np.asanyarray\` use in \`scipy.constants.lambda2nu\`
* `#12610 <>`__: MAINT: forward
port 1.5.2 release notes
* `#12612 <>`__: MAINT: stats: Use
explicit keyword parameters instead of \`\*\*kwds\`.
* `#12616 <>`__: DOC: make
explicit docstring that interpolate.interp1d only accepts...
* `#12618 <>`__: DOC: Minor doc
* `#12640 <>`__: MAINT: stats: fix
issues with scipy.stats.pearson3 docs, moment,...
* `#12647 <>`__: TST: Add Boost
ellipr[cdfgj]_data test data
* `#12648 <>`__: DOC: Update
special/utils/README with instructions
* `#12649 <>`__: DOC: simplified
pip quickstart guide
* `#12650 <>`__: DOC: stats: Fix
boxcox docstring: lambda can be negative.
* `#12655 <>`__: DOC: update
Steering Council members listed in governance docs
* `#12659 <>`__: rv_sample expect
* `#12663 <>`__: DOC: optimize:
try to fix linprog method-specific documentation
* `#12664 <>`__: BUG: stats: Fix
logpdf with large negative values for logistic...
* `#12666 <>`__: MAINT: Fixes from
static analysis
* `#12667 <>`__: ENH: Adding
Modified Rodrigues Parameters to the Rotation class
* `#12670 <>`__: DOC: Update
documentation for Gamma distribution
* `#12673 <>`__: API:
Unconditionally return np.intp from cKDTree.query
* `#12677 <>`__: MAINT: Add
Autogenerated notice to ufuncs.pyi
* `#12682 <>`__: MAINT: Remove
* `#12688 <>`__: MAINT: add
f2py-generated scipy.integrate files to .gitignore
* `#12689 <>`__: BENCH: simplify
benchmark setup, remove benchmarks/
* `#12694 <>`__: scipy/stats: Add
laplace_asymmetric continuous distribution
* `#12695 <>`__: DOC: update
Ubuntu quickstart; conda compilers now work!
* `#12698 <>`__: MAINT: Replace
np.max with np.maximum
* `#12700 <>`__: TST: bump test
precision for constrained trustregion test
* `#12702 <>`__: TST: bump test
tolerance for \`DifferentialEvolutionSolver.test_L4\`
* `#12703 <>`__: BUG: Improve
input validation for sepfir2d
* `#12708 <>`__: MAINT: fix a typo
in scipy.sparse
* `#12709 <>`__: BUG: bvls can
fail catastrophically to converge
* `#12711 <>`__: MAINT: Use
platform.python_implementation to determine IS_PYPY
* `#12713 <>`__: TST: Fix flaky
* `#12716 <>`__: DOC: add examples
and tutorial links for interpolate functions...
* `#12717 <>`__: DOC: Fix Issue
* `#12725 <>`__: ENH: Support
complex-valued images and kernels for many ndimage...
* `#12729 <>`__: DEP: remove
* `#12732 <>`__: BENCH: skip
benchmarks instead of hiding them when SCIPY_XSLOW=0
* `#12734 <>`__: CI: Don't ignore
line-length in the lint_diff check.
* `#12736 <>`__: DOC: Fix 'exponential' docstring
* `#12737 <>`__: ENH: stats:
override and
* `#12738 <>`__: ENH: stats:
override with system of equations...
* `#12743 <>`__: BUG: Avoid
negative variances in circular statistics
* `#12744 <>`__: Prevent build
error on GNU/Hurd
* `#12746 <>`__: TST: parameterize
the test cases in
* `#12752 <>`__: DOC: Add examples
for some root finding functions.
* `#12754 <>`__: MAINT, CI: Azure
windows deps multiline
* `#12756 <>`__: ENH: stats: Add
an sf method to levy for improved precision in...
* `#12757 <>`__: ENH: stats: Add
an sf method to levy_l for improved precision.
* `#12765 <>`__: TST, MAINT:
infeasible_2 context
* `#12767 <>`__: Fix spline
interpolation boundary handling for modes reflect...
* `#12769 <>`__: DOC: syntax error
in scipy.interpolate.bspl
* `#12770 <>`__: ENH: add
nearest-up rounding to scipy.interpolate.interp1d
* `#12771 <>`__: TST: fix invalid
input unit test for scipy.signal.gammatone
* `#12775 <>`__: ENH: Adds
quadratic_assignment with two methods
* `#12776 <>`__: ENH: add
grid-constant boundary handling in ndimage interpolation...
* `#12777 <>`__: Add Taylor Window
function - Common in Radar DSP
* `#12779 <>`__: ENH: Improvements
to pocketfft thread pool and ARM neon vectorization
* `#12788 <>`__: API: Rename
cKDTree n_jobs argument to workers
* `#12792 <>`__: DOC: remove
THANKS.txt file in favor of
* `#12793 <>`__: Add new flag to
authors tool
* `#12802 <>`__: BENCH: add
scipy.ndimage.interpolation benchmarks
* `#12803 <>`__: Do not pin the
version of numpy in unsupported python versions
* `#12810 <>`__: CI: fix 32-bit
Linux build failure on Azure CI runs
* `#12812 <>`__: ENH: support
interpolation of complex-valued images
* `#12814 <>`__: BUG: nonlin_solve
shouldn't pass non-vector dx to tol_norm
* `#12818 <>`__: Update ckdtree.pyx
* `#12822 <>`__: MAINT: simplify
* `#12827 <>`__: DOC: Fix wrong
name w being used instead of worN in docs.
* `#12831 <>`__: DOC: fix typo in
* `#12835 <>`__: MAINT: stats:
Improve vonmises PDF calculation.
* `#12839 <>`__: ENH: scipy.stats:
add multivariate hypergeometric distribution
* `#12843 <>`__: changed M to N in
* `#12846 <>`__: MAINT: update
minimum NumPy version to 1.16.5
* `#12847 <>`__: DOC: Unify the
formula in docs of scipy.stats.pearsonr()
* `#12849 <>`__: DOC: polish QAP
docs for consistency and readability
* `#12852 <>`__: ENH, MAINT: Bring
KDTree interface to feature-parity with cKDTree
* `#12858 <>`__: DOC: use :doi:
and :arxiv: directives for references
* `#12872 <>`__: lazily import
multiprocessing.Pool in MapWrapper
* `#12878 <>`__: DOC: document
* `#12882 <>`__: MAINT: stats:
Change a test to use <= instead of strictly less...
* `#12885 <>`__: numpy.linspace
calls edited to ensure correct spacing.
* `#12886 <>`__: DOC: stats: Add
'versionadded' to cramervonmises docstring.
* `#12899 <>`__: TST: make a
couple of tests expected to fail on 32-bit architectures
* `#12903 <>`__: DOC: update
Windows build guide and move into contributor guide
* `#12907 <>`__: DOC: clarify
which array the precenter option applies to
* `#12908 <>`__: MAINT: spatial:
Remove two occurrences of unused variables in...
* `#12909 <>`__: ENH: stats: Add
methods gumbel_r._sf and gumbel_r._isf
* `#12910 <>`__: CI: travis:
Remove some unnecessary code from .travis.yml.
* `#12911 <>`__: Minor fixes to
dendrogram plotting
* `#12921 <>`__: CI: don't run
GitHub Actions on fork or in cron job
* `#12927 <>`__: MAINT: rename
integrate.simps to simpson
* `#12934 <>`__: MAINT: rename
trapz and cumtrapz to (cumulative\_)trapezoid
* `#12936 <>`__: MAINT: fix
numerical precision in nct.stats
* `#12938 <>`__: MAINT: fix linter
on master
* `#12941 <>`__: Update minimum
AIX pinnings to match non AIX builds
* `#12955 <>`__: BUG: Fixed wrong
NaNs check in scipy.stats.weightedtau
* `#12958 <>`__: ENH: stats:
Implement _logpdf, _sf and _isf for nakagami.
* `#12962 <>`__: Correcting that p
should be in [0,1] for a variety of discrete...
* `#12964 <>`__: BUG: added
line.strip() to split_data_line()
* `#12968 <>`__: ENH: stats: Use
only an analytical formula or scalar root-finding...
* `#12971 <>`__: MAINT: Declare
support for Python 3.9
* `#12972 <>`__: MAINT: Remove
redundant Python < 3.6 code
* `#12980 <>`__: DOC: Update
documentation on optimize.rosen
* `#12983 <>`__: ENH: improvements
to stats.linregress
* `#12990 <>`__: DOC: Clarify that
using sos as output type for iirdesign can...
* `#12992 <>`__: DOC:
capitalization and formatting in lsmr
* `#12995 <>`__: DOC: stats:
Several documentation fixes.
* `#12996 <>`__: BUG: Improve
error messages for \`range\` arg of binned_statistic_dd
* `#12998 <>`__: MAINT:
approx_derivative with FP32 closes #12991
* `#13004 <>`__: TST:
isinstance(OptimizeResult.message, str) closes #13001
* `#13006 <>`__: Keep correct
dtype when loading empty mat arrays.
* `#13009 <>`__: MAINT: clip SLSQP
step within bounds
* `#13012 <>`__: DOC: fix
bilinear_zpk example labels
* `#13013 <>`__: ENH: Add
\`subset\` and \`subsets\` methods to \`DisjointSet\`...
* `#13029 <>`__: MAINT:
basinhopping callback for initial mininmisation
* `#13032 <>`__: DOC: fix
docstring errors in in stats.wilcoxon
* `#13036 <>`__: BUG: forward port
lint_diff shims
* `#13041 <>`__: MAINT: dogbox
ensure x is within bounds closes #11403
* `#13042 <>`__: MAINT: forward
port 1.5.4 release notes
* `#13046 <>`__: DOC: Update
optimize.least_squares doc for all tolerance must...
* `#13052 <>`__: Typo fix for
cluster documentation
* `#13054 <>`__: BUG: fix
\`scipy.optimize.show_options\` for unknown methods....
* `#13056 <>`__: MAINT: fft: Fix a
C++ compiler warning.
* `#13057 <>`__: Minor fixes on
doc of function csr_tocsc
* `#13058 <>`__: DOC: stats:
Replace np.float with np.float64 in a tutorial file.
* `#13059 <>`__: DOC: stats:
Update the "Returns" section of the linregress docstring.
* `#13060 <>`__: MAINT:
clip_x_for_func should be private
* `#13061 <>`__: DOC:
-> in Examples
* `#13063 <>`__: MAINT: Add
suite-sparse and sksparse installation check
* `#13070 <>`__: MAINT: stats:
Remove a couple obsolete comments.
* `#13073 <>`__: BUG: Fix
scalar_search_wolfe2 to resolve #12157
* `#13078 <>`__: CI, MAINT:
migrate Lint to Azure
* `#13081 <>`__: BLD: drop Python
3.6 support (NEP 29)
* `#13082 <>`__: MAINT: update
minimum NumPy version to 1.16.5 in a couple more...
* `#13083 <>`__: DOC: update
* `#13086 <>`__: DOC: Update the
Parameters section of the correlation docstring
* `#13087 <>`__: ENH:signal:
Speed-up Cython implementation of _sosfilt
* `#13089 <>`__: BLD, BUG: add c99
compiler flag to HiGHS basiclu library
* `#13091 <>`__: BUG: Fix GIL
handling in _sosfilt
* `#13094 <>`__: DOC: clarify
"location" in docstring of cKDTree.query
* `#13095 <>`__: Zoom resize update
* `#13097 <>`__: BUG: fix
CubicSpline(..., bc_type="periodic") #11758
* `#13100 <>`__: BUG: sparse:
Correct output format of kron
* `#13107 <>`__: ENH: faster
linear_sum_assignment for small cost matrices
* `#13110 <>`__: CI, MAINT:
refguide/asv checks to azure
* `#13112 <>`__: CI: fix MacOS CI
* `#13113 <>`__: CI: Install word
list package for refguide-check
* `#13115 <>`__: BUG: add value
range check for signal.iirdesign()
* `#13116 <>`__: CI: Don't report
name errors after an exception in refguide-check
* `#13117 <>`__: CI: move
sdist/pre-release test Azure
* `#13119 <>`__: Improve error
message on friedmanchisquare function
* `#13121 <>`__: Fix factorial()
for NaN on Python 3.10
* `#13123 <>`__: BLD: Specify file
extension for language standard version tests
* `#13128 <>`__: TST: skip Fortran
I/O test for ODR
* `#13130 <>`__: TST: skip
factorial() float tests on Python 3.10
* `#13136 <>`__: CI:Add python dbg
run to GH Actions
* `#13138 <>`__: CI: Port
coverage, 64-bit BLAS, GCC 4.8 build to azure
* `#13139 <>`__: Fix edge case for
mode='nearest' in ndimage.interpolation functions
* `#13141 <>`__: BUG: signal: Fix
data type of the numerator returned by ss2tf.
* `#13144 <>`__: MAINT: stats:
restrict gausshyper z > -1
* `#13146 <>`__: typo in
* `#13148 <>`__: BUG: stats: fix
typo in stable rvs per gh-12870
* `#13149 <>`__: DOC:
spatial/stats: cross-ref random rotation matrix functions
* `#13151 <>`__: MAINT: stats: Fix
a test and a couple PEP-8 issues.
* `#13152 <>`__: MAINT: stats: Use
np.take_along_axis in the private function...
* `#13154 <>`__: ENH: stats:
Implement defined handling of constant inputs in...
* `#13156 <>`__: DOC: maintain
equal display range for ndimage.zoom example
* `#13159 <>`__: CI: Azure: Don't
run tests on merge commits, except for coverage
* `#13160 <>`__: DOC: stats:
disambiguate location-shifted/noncentral
* `#13161 <>`__: BUG:
DifferentialEvolutionSolver.__del__ can fail in garbage...
* `#13163 <>`__: BUG: stats: fix
bug in spearmanr nan propagation
* `#13167 <>`__: MAINT: stats: Fix
a test.
* `#13169 <>`__: BUG: stats: Fix
handling of misaligned masks in mstats.pearsonr.
* `#13178 <>`__: CI: testing.yml
--> macos.yml
* `#13181 <>`__: CI: fix lint
* `#13190 <>`__: BUG: optimize:
fix a duplicate key bug for \`test_show_options\`
* `#13192 <>`__: BUG:linalg: Add
overwrite option to gejsv wrapper
* `#13194 <>`__: BUG: slsqp should
be able to use rel_step
* `#13199 <>`__: [skip travis]
DOC: 1.6.0 release notes
* `#13203 <>`__: fix typos
* `#13209 <>`__: TST:linalg: set
the seed for cossin test
* `#13212 <>`__: [DOC] Backtick
and directive consistency.
* `#13217 <>`__: REL: add
necessary setuptools and numpy version pins in pyproject.toml...
* `#13226 <>`__: BUG:
file handle fixes
* `#13249 <>`__: Handle cval
correctly for ndimage functions with complex-valued...
* `#13253 <>`__: BUG,MAINT: Ensure
all Pool objects are closed
* `#13260 <>`__: CI: fix macOS
* `#13269 <>`__: CI: github
actions: In the linux dbg tests, update apt before...
acb6d59865bf8f90c79f018df77b18be scipy-1.6.0rc2-cp37-cp37m-win32.whl
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a78bcc3948156bd957f172ee8481fdc5 scipy-1.6.0rc2.tar.xz
Hi all! I was wondering if there is a way around to using np.digitize when
dealing with equidistant bins. For example:
bins = np.linspace(0, 1, 20)
The main problem I encountered is that digitize calls np.searchsorted. This
is the correct way, I think, for generic bins, i.e. bins that have
different widths. However, in the special, but not uncommon, case of
equidistant bins, the searchsorted call can be very expensive and
unnecessary. One can perform a simple calculation like the following:
def digitize_eqbins(x, bins):
Return the indices of the bins to which each value in input array belongs.
Assumes equidistant bins.
nbins = len(bins) - 1
digit = (nbins * (x - bins[0]) / (bins[-1] - bins[0])).astype(
return digit + 1
Is there a better way of computing this for equidistant bins?
Thank you!