June 2019 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Jun 1 00:17:03 EDT 2019
Ending: Sun Jun 30 22:51:49 EDT 2019
Messages: 405
- [docs] Reading a file one character at a time - section 7.2.1
William Andrea
- [docs] Reading a file one character at a time - section 7.2.1
William Andrea
- [docs] Reading a file one character at a time - section 7.2.1
William Andrea
- [docs] [issue37187] CField.size from the ctypes module does not behave as documented on bitfields
Michele Angrisano
- [docs] [issue36373] Deprecate explicit loop parameter in all public asyncio APIs
Emmanuel Arias
- [docs] [issue36373] Deprecate explicit loop parameter in all public asyncio APIs
Emmanuel Arias
- [docs] discrepancy in result by hex()
Sunil Bahelia
- [docs] [issue18911] minidom does not encode correctly when calling Document.writexml
Stefan Behnel
- [docs] [issue18911] minidom does not encode correctly when calling Document.writexml
Stefan Behnel
- [docs] [issue18911] minidom does not encode correctly when calling Document.writexml
Stefan Behnel
- [docs] [issue18911] minidom does not encode correctly when calling Document.writexml
Stefan Behnel
- [docs] [issue18911] minidom does not encode correctly when calling Document.writexml
Stefan Behnel
- [docs] [issue30754] textwrap.dedent mishandles empty lines
Julian Berman
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue37149] link to official documentation tkinter failed !!!
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue37225] Signatures of Exceptions not documented
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue37225] Document BaseException constructor
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue37284] Not obvious that new required attrs of sys.implementation must have a PEP.
Giovanni Cappellotto
- [docs] [issue37284] Not obvious that new required attrs of sys.implementation must have a PEP.
Giovanni Cappellotto
- [docs] [issue13127] xml.dom.Attr.name is not labeled as read-only
Giovanni Cappellotto
- [docs] [issue28890] logging.handlers: Document that QueueListener is a daemon thread
Julien Castiaux
- [docs] [issue9267] Update pickle opcode documentation in pickletools for 3.x
Gil Forcada Codinachs
- [docs] [issue37438] ConfigParser.set() docs should mention allow_no_value
Nick Coghlan
- [docs] [issue37176] super() docs don't say what super() does
Steven D'Aprano
- [docs] [issue37176] super() docs don't say what super() does
Steven D'Aprano
- [docs] [issue37176] super() docs don't say what super() does
Steven D'Aprano
- [docs] [issue37176] super() docs don't say what super() does
Steven D'Aprano
- [docs] [issue37176] super() docs don't say what super() does
Steven D'Aprano
- [docs] [issue37176] super() docs don't say what super() does
Steven D'Aprano
- [docs] [issue37176] super() docs don't say what super() does
Steven D'Aprano
- [docs] [issue37176] super() docs don't say what super() does
Steven D'Aprano
- [docs] [issue37176] super() docs don't say what super() does
Steven D'Aprano
- [docs] [issue37216] mac installation document wrong for python 3.7.3
Ned Deily
- [docs] [issue37216] mac installation document wrong for python 3.7.3
Ned Deily
- [docs] [issue37216] "Using Python on a Macintosh" chapter of "Python Setup and Usage" doc is out-of-date
Ned Deily
- [docs] [issue37259] Missing Doc/whatsnew/3.9.rst file
Ned Deily
- [docs] [issue37216] "Using Python on a Macintosh" chapter of "Python Setup and Usage" doc is out-of-date
Ned Deily
- [docs] [issue37216] "Using Python on a Macintosh" chapter of "Python Setup and Usage" doc is out-of-date
Ned Deily
- [docs] [issue34831] Asyncio Tutorial
Ned Deily
- [docs] [issue37405] socket.getsockname() returns string instead of tuple
Ned Deily
- [docs] [issue15474] Differentiate decorator and decorator factory in docs
Andrés Delfino
- [docs] [issue15474] Differentiate decorator and decorator factory in docs
Andrés Delfino
- [docs] [issue37176] super() docs don't say what super() does
Jeroen Demeyer
- [docs] [issue18355] Merge super() guide into documentation
Jeroen Demeyer
- [docs] [issue37176] super() docs don't say what super() does
Jeroen Demeyer
- [docs] [issue37176] super() docs don't say what super() does
Jeroen Demeyer
- [docs] [issue37176] super() docs don't say what super() does
Jeroen Demeyer
- [docs] [issue37176] super() docs don't say what super() does
Jeroen Demeyer
- [docs] [issue37176] super() docs don't say what super() does
Jeroen Demeyer
- [docs] [issue37176] super() docs don't say what super() does
Jeroen Demeyer
- [docs] [issue28805] Add documentation for METH_FASTCALL and _PyObject_FastCall*()
Jeroen Demeyer
- [docs] [issue28805] Add documentation for METH_FASTCALL and _PyObject_FastCall*()
Jeroen Demeyer
- [docs] [issue36879] bug with round() and "numpy floats"
Mark Dickinson
- [docs] [issue17576] PyNumber_Index() is not int-subclass friendly (or operator.index() docos lie)
Mark Dickinson
- [docs] [issue17576] PyNumber_Index() is not int-subclass friendly (or operator.index() docos lie)
Mark Dickinson
- [docs] [issue17576] PyNumber_Index() is not int-subclass friendly (or operator.index() docos lie)
Mark Dickinson
- [docs] [issue17576] PyNumber_Index() is not int-subclass friendly (or operator.index() docos lie)
Mark Dickinson
- [docs] [issue17576] PyNumber_Index() is not int-subclass friendly (or operator.index() docos lie)
Mark Dickinson
- [docs] [issue17576] PyNumber_Index() is not int-subclass friendly (or operator.index() docos lie)
Mark Dickinson
- [docs] [issue37390] Generate table of audit events for docs
Steve Dower
- [docs] [issue37390] Generate table of audit events for docs
Steve Dower
- [docs] [issue37390] Generate table of audit events for docs
Steve Dower
- [docs] [issue25361] Is python-3-5-0.exe compiled with SSE2 instrutions? If so should we mention this?
Steve Dower
- [docs] [issue37390] Generate table of audit events for docs
Steve Dower
- [docs] [issue37390] Generate table of audit events for docs
Steve Dower
- [docs] [issue37390] Generate table of audit events for docs
Steve Dower
- [docs] [issue37390] Generate table of audit events for docs
Steve Dower
- [docs] I understand this is not a bug, but ..
Bob Gailer
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Paul Ganssle
- [docs] [issue34903] strptime %d handling of single digit day of month
Paul Ganssle
- [docs] [issue34903] strptime %d handling of single digit day of month
Paul Ganssle
- [docs] [issue34903] strptime %d handling of single digit day of month
Paul Ganssle
- [docs] [issue37405] socket.getsockname() returns string instead of tuple
Brent Gardner
- [docs] [issue37405] socket.getsockname() returns string instead of tuple
Brent Gardner
- [docs] [issue37405] socket.getsockname() returns string instead of tuple
Brent Gardner
- [docs] [issue37405] socket.getsockname() returns string instead of tuple
Brent Gardner
- [docs] [issue34903] strptime %d handling of single digit day of month
Mike Gleen
- [docs] [issue9694] argparse required arguments displayed under "optional arguments"
Mark Grandi
- [docs] [issue37149] link to official documentation tkinter failed !!!
- [docs] [issue37149] link to official documentation tkinter failed !!!
- [docs] [issue37149] link to official documentation tkinter failed !!!
- [docs] [issue37149] link to official documentation tkinter failed !!!
- [docs] [issue37149] link to official documentation tkinter failed !!!
- [docs] [issue37176] super() docs don't say what super() does
- [docs] [issue37176] super() docs don't say what super() does
- [docs] [issue37176] super() docs don't say what super() does
- [docs] [issue37203] Correct classmethod emulation in Descriptor HowTo Guide
- [docs] [issue37203] Correct classmethod emulation in Descriptor HowTo Guide
- [docs] [issue37203] Correct classmethod emulation in Descriptor HowTo Guide
- [docs] [issue35181] Doc: Namespace Packages: Inconsistent documentation of __loader__ being None
- [docs] [issue35181] Doc: Namespace Packages: Inconsistent documentation of __loader__ being None
- [docs] [issue37341] str.format and f-string divergence
Tim Hatch
- [docs] [issue34831] Asyncio Tutorial
Caleb Hattingh
- [docs] [issue34831] Asyncio Tutorial
Caleb Hattingh
- [docs] [issue34831] Asyncio Tutorial
Caleb Hattingh
- [docs] [issue37205] time.perf_counter() is not system-wide on Windows, in disagreement with documentation
Ken Healy
- [docs] [issue37205] time.perf_counter() is not system-wide on Windows, in disagreement with documentation
Ken Healy
- [docs] [issue37205] time.perf_counter() is not system-wide on Windows, in disagreement with documentation
Ken Healy
- [docs] [issue31968] exec(): method's default arguments from dict-inherited globals
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue31968] exec(): method's default arguments from dict-inherited globals
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue29414] Change 'the for statement is such an iterator' in Tutorial
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue29414] Change 'the for statement is such an iterator' in Tutorial
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue17576] PyNumber_Index() is not int-subclass friendly (or operator.index() docos lie)
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue37145] collections.abc.MappingView mixins rely on undocumented _mapping
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue37145] collections.abc.MappingView mixins rely on undocumented _mapping
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue37145] collections.abc.MappingView mixins rely on undocumented _mapping
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue37145] collections.abc.MappingView mixins rely on undocumented _mapping
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue37176] super() docs don't say what super() does
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue37176] super() docs don't say what super() does
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue18355] Merge super() guide into documentation
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue37176] super() docs don't say what super() does
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue37203] Correct classmethod emulation in Descriptor HowTo Guide
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue37203] Correct classmethod emulation in Descriptor HowTo Guide
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue37176] super() docs don't say what super() does
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue37203] Correct classmethod emulation in Descriptor HowTo Guide
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue37203] Correct classmethod emulation in Descriptor HowTo Guide
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue37352] Typo in documentation: "to making it easy"
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue37454] Clarify docs for math.log1p()
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] [issue36661] Missing dataclass decorator import in dataclasses module docs
Cheuk Ting Ho
- [docs] [issue37346] Documentation of os not using OSError subclasses
Tim Hoffmann
- [docs] [issue37346] Documentation of os not using OSError subclasses
Tim Hoffmann
- [docs] Fw: Embedding Python in Another Application Import Statement Bug
Ibarra, Jesse
- [docs] Fw: Embedding Python in Another Application Import Statement Bug
Ibarra, Jesse
- [docs] Python Embedding PyImport_ImportModule
Ibarra, Jesse
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Grant Jenks
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Grant Jenks
- [docs] [issue36853] inconsistencies in docs builds (Sphinx 2)
David Jones
- [docs] I understand this is not a bug, but ..
Ola K
- [docs] [issue26468] shutil.copy2 raises OSError if filesystem doesn't support chmod
Jeffrey Kintscher
- [docs] [issue26468] shutil.copy2 raises OSError if filesystem doesn't support chmod
Jeffrey Kintscher
- [docs] [issue37307] isinstance/issubclass doc isn't clear on whether it's an AND or an OR.
Franklin? Lee
- [docs] [issue37307] isinstance/issubclass doc isn't clear on whether it's an AND or an OR.
Franklin? Lee
- [docs] [issue37307] isinstance/issubclass doc isn't clear on whether it's an AND or an OR.
Franklin? Lee
- [docs] [issue36985] typing.ForwardRef is undocumented
Ivan Levkivskyi
- [docs] [issue36984] typing docs "versionadded" is inaccurate for many attributes
Ivan Levkivskyi
- [docs] [issue36985] typing.ForwardRef is undocumented
Ivan Levkivskyi
- [docs] [issue36985] typing.ForwardRef is undocumented
Ivan Levkivskyi
- [docs] [issue36985] typing.ForwardRef is undocumented
Ivan Levkivskyi
- [docs] [issue37422] Documentation on the change of __path__ in Python 3
Jim Li
- [docs] [issue37422] Documentation on the change of __path__ in Python 3
Jim Li
- [docs] [issue37422] Documentation on the change of __path__ in Python 3
Jim Li
- [docs] [issue37176] super() docs don't say what super() does
Carlos André Dantas de Lima
- [docs] [issue31711] ssl.SSLSocket.send(b"") fails
Shivaram Lingamneni
- [docs] [issue37352] Typo in documentation: "to making it easy"
- [docs] [issue37014] [First easy issue] fileinput module should document that openhook and mode are ignored when reading from stdin
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue19184] dis module has incorrect docs for RAISE_VARARGS
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue37014] [First easy issue] fileinput module should document that openhook and mode are ignored when reading from stdin
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue37014] fileinput module should document that openhook and mode are ignored when reading from stdin
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue19184] dis module has incorrect docs for RAISE_VARARGS
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue19184] dis module has incorrect docs for RAISE_VARARGS
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue21492] email.header.decode_header sometimes returns bytes, sometimes str
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue15474] Differentiate decorator and decorator factory in docs
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue24772] Smaller viewport shifts the "expand left menu" character into the text
Joannah Nanjekye
- [docs] [issue28805] Add documentation for METH_FASTCALL and _PyObject_FastCall*()
Inada Naoki
- [docs] [issue37432] Fix a small param type in allocation.rst
Inada Naoki
- [docs] [issue37353] Source code has not always been forward-compatible
Prateek Nayak
- [docs] [issue36661] Missing dataclass decorator import in dataclasses module docs
Prateek Nayak
- [docs] [issue37438] ConfigParser.set() docs should mention allow_no_value
Prateek Nayak
- [docs] Great Documention
Jim Osborne
- [docs] Fw: Download issues for Python
Julien Palard
- [docs] Embedding Python in Another Application tutorial problem
Julien Palard
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Julien Palard
- [docs] Reading a file one character at a time - section 7.2.1
Julien Palard
- [docs] Reading a file one character at a time - section 7.2.1
Julien Palard
- [docs] Copyright - Documentation 3.7.3.
Julien Palard
- [docs] [issue37352] Typo in documentation: "to making it easy"
Julien Palard
- [docs] [issue37353] Source code has not always been forward-compatible
Julien Palard
- [docs] Documentation 404
Julien Palard
- [docs] [issue37176] super() docs don't say what super() does
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue37290] Mistranslation (Japanese)
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue34788] ipaddress module fails on rfc4007 scoped IPv6 addresses
Oleksandr Pavliuk
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Tim Peters
- [docs] [issue37209] Add what's new entries for pickle enhancements
Antoine Pitrou
- [docs] Documentation 404
Plotas, Matthew
- [docs] [issue21492] email.header.decode_header sometimes returns bytes, sometimes str
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue37149] link to official documentation tkinter failed !!!
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue37205] time.perf_counter() is not system-wide on Windows, in disagreement with documentation
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue37307] isinstance/issubclass doc isn't clear on whether it's an AND or an OR.
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue37430] range is not a built-in function
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue37422] Documentation on the change of __path__ in Python 3
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue37426] getpass.getpass not working with on windows when ctrl+v is used to enter the string
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue37430] range is not a built-in function
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue37352] Typo in documentation: "to making it easy"
Mark Rice
- [docs] [issue37216] mac installation document wrong for python 3.7.3
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue37216] mac installation document wrong for python 3.7.3
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue37216] mac installation document wrong for python 3.7.3
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue37216] "Using Python on a Macintosh" chapter of "Python Setup and Usage" doc is out-of-date
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue37405] socket.getsockname() returns string instead of tuple
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue36985] typing.ForwardRef is undocumented
Guido van Rossum
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Guido van Rossum
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Guido van Rossum
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Guido van Rossum
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Guido van Rossum
- [docs] [issue36689] docs: os.path.commonpath raises ValueError for different drives
Guido van Rossum
- [docs] [issue36689] docs: os.path.commonpath raises ValueError for different drives
Guido van Rossum
- [docs] [issue30754] textwrap.dedent mishandles empty lines
Guido van Rossum
- [docs] [issue36984] typing docs "versionadded" is inaccurate for many attributes
Cheryl Sabella
- [docs] [issue36612] Unittest document is not clear on SetUpClass calls
Cheryl Sabella
- [docs] [issue36675] Doctest directives and comments missing from code samples
Cheryl Sabella
- [docs] [issue37149] link to official documentation tkinter failed !!!
Cheryl Sabella
- [docs] [issue33071] Document that PyPI no longer requires 'register'
Cheryl Sabella
- [docs] [issue34677] Event scheduler page example
Cheryl Sabella
- [docs] [issue30052] URL Quoting page links to function Bytes instead of defintion
Cheryl Sabella
- [docs] [issue37331] logging.handlers.DatagramHandler sends bad data to socketserver.DatagramRequestHandler
Vinay Sajip
- [docs] [issue37331] logging.handlers.DatagramHandler sends bad data to socketserver.DatagramRequestHandler
Vinay Sajip
- [docs] [issue37331] logging.handlers.DatagramHandler sends bad data to socketserver.DatagramRequestHandler
Vinay Sajip
- [docs] [issue37331] logging.handlers.DatagramHandler sends bad data to socketserver.DatagramRequestHandler
Vinay Sajip
- [docs] [issue37331] logging.handlers.DatagramHandler sends bad data to socketserver.DatagramRequestHandler
Vinay Sajip
- [docs] [issue37331] logging.handlers.DatagramHandler sends bad data to socketserver.DatagramRequestHandler
Vinay Sajip
- [docs] [issue28890] logging.handlers: Document that QueueListener is a daemon thread
Vinay Sajip
- [docs] [issue28890] logging.handlers: Document that QueueListener is a daemon thread
Vinay Sajip
- [docs] [issue36689] docs: os.path.commonpath raises ValueError for different drives
Avinash Sajjanshetty
- [docs] [issue36497] Undocumented behavior in csv.Sniffer (preferred delimiters)
Avinash Sajjanshetty
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [docs] [issue37307] isinstance/issubclass doc isn't clear on whether it's an AND or an OR.
- [docs] [issue37307] isinstance/issubclass doc isn't clear on whether it's an AND or an OR.
- [docs] [issue37307] isinstance/issubclass doc isn't clear on whether it's an AND or an OR.
- [docs] [issue37432] Fix a small param type in allocation.rst
- [docs] [issue37432] Fix a small param type in allocation.rst
- [docs] [issue37432] Fix a small param type in allocation.rst
- [docs] [issue37145] collections.abc.MappingView mixins rely on undocumented _mapping
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [docs] [issue37149] link to official documentation tkinter failed !!!
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [docs] [issue37216] mac installation document wrong for python 3.7.3
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [docs] [issue37290] Mistranslation (Japanese)
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [docs] [issue37307] isinstance/issubclass doc isn't clear on whether it's an AND or an OR.
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [docs] [issue37342] A type error in typeobj.rst
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [docs] [issue37390] Generate table of audit events for docs
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [docs] [issue37390] Generate table of audit events for docs
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [docs] [issue37390] Generate table of audit events for docs
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [docs] [issue37422] Documentation on the change of __path__ in Python 3
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [docs] [issue37390] Generate table of audit events for docs
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [docs] [issue37456] FAQ says positional arguments aren't a thing
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Brian Skinn
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Brian Skinn
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Brian Skinn
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Brian Skinn
- [docs] [issue37256] urllib.request.Request documentation erroneously refers to the "final two"
Alan De Smet
- [docs] [issue37256] urllib.request.Request documentation erroneously refers to the "final two"
Alan De Smet
- [docs] [issue37341] str.format and f-string divergence
Eric V. Smith
- [docs] [issue37422] Documentation on the change of __path__ in Python 3
Eric V. Smith
- [docs] [issue37422] Documentation on the change of __path__ in Python 3
Eric V. Smith
- [docs] [issue37422] Documentation on the change of __path__ in Python 3
Eric V. Smith
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Gregory P. Smith
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Gregory P. Smith
- [docs] [issue30754] textwrap.dedent mishandles empty lines
Gregory P. Smith
- [docs] [issue30754] textwrap.dedent mishandles empty lines
Gregory P. Smith
- [docs] [issue37145] collections.abc.MappingView mixins rely on undocumented _mapping
Geoffrey Sneddon
- [docs] [issue37145] collections.abc.MappingView mixins rely on undocumented _mapping
Geoffrey Sneddon
- [docs] [issue37145] collections.abc.MappingView mixins rely on undocumented _mapping
Geoffrey Sneddon
- [docs] [issue37145] collections.abc.MappingView mixins rely on undocumented _mapping
Geoffrey Sneddon
- [docs] [issue37145] collections.abc.MappingView mixins rely on undocumented _mapping
Geoffrey Sneddon
- [docs] [issue37284] Not obvious that new required attrs of sys.implementation must have a PEP.
Eric Snow
- [docs] Copyright - Documentation 3.7.3.
Sommer, Lutz
- [docs] [issue37456] FAQ says positional arguments aren't a thing
- [docs] [issue36853] inconsistencies in docs builds (Sphinx 2)
Anthony Sottile
- [docs] [issue36853] inconsistencies in docs builds (Sphinx 2)
Anthony Sottile
- [docs] [issue17576] PyNumber_Index() is not int-subclass friendly (or operator.index() docos lie)
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue17576] PyNumber_Index() is not int-subclass friendly (or operator.index() docos lie)
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue17576] PyNumber_Index() is not int-subclass friendly (or operator.index() docos lie)
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue32625] Update the dis module documentation to reflect switch to wordcode
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue37290] Mistranslation (Japanese)
Andrew Svetlov
- [docs] [issue36689] docs: os.path.commonpath raises ValueError for different drives
Andrew Svetlov
- [docs] [issue32573] All sys attributes (.argv, ...) should exist in embedded environments
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
- [docs] [issue30699] Misleading class names in datetime.tzinfo usage examples
- [docs] [issue30699] Misleading class names in datetime.tzinfo usage examples
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
- [docs] [issue36896] clarify in types.rst that FunctionTypes & co constructors don't have stable signature
- [docs] [issue37259] Missing Doc/whatsnew/3.9.rst file
- [docs] [issue37259] Missing Doc/whatsnew/3.9.rst file
- [docs] [issue15629] Add to regrtest the ability to run Lib and Doc doctests
- [docs] [issue36896] clarify in types.rst that FunctionTypes & co constructors don't have stable signature
Petr Viktorin
- [docs] I understand this is not a bug, but ..
Zachary Ware
- [docs] [issue37352] Typo in documentation: "to making it easy"
Zachary Ware
- [docs] [issue37353] Source code has not always been forward-compatible
Zachary Ware
- [docs] [issue37187] CField.size from the ctypes module does not behave as documented on bitfields
Eric Wieser
- [docs] [issue37187] CField.size from the ctypes module does not behave as documented on bitfields
Eric Wieser
- [docs] [issue37205] time.perf_counter() is not system-wide on Windows, in disagreement with documentation
Mariatta Wijaya
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Carol Willing
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Carol Willing
- [docs] [issue37134] [EASY] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Carol Willing
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Carol Willing
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
Carol Willing
- [docs] [issue37352] Typo in documentation: "to making it easy"
Carol Willing
- [docs] [issue37353] Source code has not always been forward-compatible
Carol Willing
- [docs] [issue37218] Default hmac.new() digestmod has not been removed from documentation
Alex Willmer
- [docs] [issue37218] Default hmac.new() digestmod has not been removed from documentation
Alex Willmer
- [docs] [issue37218] Default hmac.new() digestmod has not been removed from documentation
Alex Willmer
- [docs] dead links
Jan Wilmans
- [docs] [issue37225] Signatures of Exceptions not documented
Hong Xu
- [docs] [issue37225] Signatures of Exceptions not documented
Hong Xu
- [docs] [issue37073] clarify functions docs in IO modules and Bytes Objects
Windson Yang
- [docs] [issue37073] clarify functions docs in IO modules and Bytes Objects
Windson Yang
- [docs] [issue37073] clarify functions docs in IO modules and Bytes Objects
Windson Yang
- [docs] [issue26468] shutil.copy2 raises OSError if filesystem doesn't support chmod
Windson Yang
- [docs] [issue15474] Differentiate decorator and decorator factory in docs
Windson Yang
- [docs] [issue37352] Typo in documentation: "to making it easy"
- [docs] [issue37352] Typo in documentation: "to making it easy"
- [docs] How do we find information about modules that aren't officially part of the python.org canon?
Bryan Zimmer
- [docs] https://docs.python.org/3/using/mac.html#getting-and-installing-macpython - wrong for python 3.7.3
- [docs] [issue37430] range is not a built-in function
bob gailer
- [docs] [issue37430] range is not a built-in function
bob gailer
- [docs] [issue30052] URL Quoting page links to function Bytes instead of defintion
wim glenn
- [docs] [issue30052] URL Quoting page links to function Bytes instead of defintion
wim glenn
- [docs] [issue9694] argparse required arguments displayed under "optional arguments"
paul j3
- [docs] [issue24772] Smaller viewport shifts the "expand left menu" character into the text
- [docs] [issue32625] Update the dis module documentation to reflect switch to wordcode
- [docs] [issue37216] mac installation document wrong for python 3.7.3
- [docs] [issue37216] mac installation document wrong for python 3.7.3
- [docs] [issue36689] docs: os.path.commonpath raises ValueError for different drives
- [docs] Fw: Download issues for Python
tom milikic
- [docs] [issue18911] minidom does not encode correctly when calling Document.writexml
- [docs] [issue36984] typing docs "versionadded" is inaccurate for many attributes
- [docs] [issue37014] [First easy issue] fileinput module should document that openhook and mode are ignored when reading from stdin
- [docs] [issue19184] dis module has incorrect docs for RAISE_VARARGS
- [docs] [issue36868] New behavior of OpenSSL hostname verification not exposed, incorrectly documented
- [docs] [issue36868] New behavior of OpenSSL hostname verification not exposed, incorrectly documented
- [docs] [issue36868] New behavior of OpenSSL hostname verification not exposed, incorrectly documented
- [docs] [issue30699] Misleading class names in datetime.tzinfo usage examples
- [docs] [issue30699] Misleading class names in datetime.tzinfo usage examples
- [docs] [issue36373] Deprecate explicit loop parameter in all public asyncio APIs
- [docs] [issue36373] Deprecate explicit loop parameter in all public asyncio APIs
- [docs] [issue36373] Deprecate explicit loop parameter in all public asyncio APIs
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
- [docs] [issue37134] Use PEP570 syntax in the documentation
- [docs] [issue32625] Update the dis module documentation to reflect switch to wordcode
- [docs] [issue32625] Update the dis module documentation to reflect switch to wordcode
- [docs] [issue32625] Update the dis module documentation to reflect switch to wordcode
- [docs] [issue32625] Update the dis module documentation to reflect switch to wordcode
- [docs] [issue28805] Add documentation for METH_FASTCALL and _PyObject_FastCall*()
- [docs] [issue28805] Add documentation for METH_FASTCALL and _PyObject_FastCall*()
- [docs] [issue28805] Add documentation for METH_FASTCALL and _PyObject_FastCall*()
- [docs] [issue28805] Add documentation for METH_FASTCALL and _PyObject_FastCall*()
- [docs] [issue34903] strptime %d handling of single digit day of month
- [docs] [issue34903] strptime %d handling of single digit day of month
- [docs] [issue34903] strptime %d handling of single digit day of month
- [docs] [issue34903] strptime %d handling of single digit day of month
- [docs] [issue36985] typing.ForwardRef is undocumented
- [docs] [issue36985] typing.ForwardRef is undocumented
- [docs] [issue37331] logging.handlers.DatagramHandler sends bad data to socketserver.DatagramRequestHandler
- [docs] [issue37331] logging.handlers.DatagramHandler sends bad data to socketserver.DatagramRequestHandler
- [docs] [issue37342] A type error in typeobj.rst
- [docs] [issue37342] A type error in typeobj.rst
- [docs] [issue37342] A type error in typeobj.rst
- [docs] [issue37390] Generate table of audit events for docs
- [docs] [issue37390] Generate table of audit events for docs
- [docs] [issue37432] Fix a small param type in allocation.rst
- [docs] [issue37432] Fix a small param type in allocation.rst
- [docs] [issue37432] Fix a small param type in allocation.rst
- [docs] [issue37432] Fix a small param type in allocation.rst
- [docs] [issue30754] textwrap.dedent mishandles empty lines
- [docs] [issue30754] textwrap.dedent mishandles empty lines
- [docs] [issue30754] textwrap.dedent mishandles empty lines
- [docs] [issue30754] textwrap.dedent mishandles empty lines
- [docs] [issue30754] textwrap.dedent mishandles empty lines
- [docs] [issue30754] textwrap.dedent mishandles empty lines
- [docs] [issue37290] Mistranslation
- [docs] [issue37342] A type error in typeobj.rst
hai shi
- [docs] [issue37342] A type error in typeobj.rst
hai shi
- [docs] [issue37342] A type error in typeobj.rst
hai shi
- [docs] [issue37432] Fix a small param type allocation.rst
hai shi
- [docs] [issue37432] Fix a small param type in allocation.rst
hai shi
- [docs] [issue37432] Fix a small param type in allocation.rst
hai shi
- [docs] [issue37432] Fix a small param type in allocation.rst
hai shi
- [docs] [issue37432] Fix a small param type in allocation.rst
hai shi
- [docs] [issue37441] Fix a param error in exceptions.rst
hai shi
- [docs] [issue37441] Fix a param error in exceptions.rst
hai shi
- [docs] [issue30754] textwrap.dedent mishandles empty lines
- [docs] [issue30754] textwrap.dedent mishandles empty lines
- [docs] [issue36661] Missing dataclass decorator import in dataclasses module docs
Mark turner
Last message date:
Sun Jun 30 22:51:49 EDT 2019
Archived on: Sun Jun 30 22:51:53 EDT 2019
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).