This seems like a great project. I would *love* to see a more widespread
type language for Python. I am commenting less on the skeleton collection
because I think just mimicking DefinitelyTyped and Homebrew is such a good
way to do it that I support it completely. I will definitely contribute
skeletons for my dependencies in order to get better checking for my
For the type language...
I am *less* concerned with:
- *The exact concrete syntax for types.* I think Foo -> Bar and
[Foo] and{Foo:Bar}are all nicer than
Function[Foo,Bar] and List[Foo] and dict[Foo,Bar], but as long as the
underlying type system has these concepts and there is *some* syntax for
them (which there is not in typeannotations, mypy, or any contractl ibrary
that I know of) then everything is fine. And we can always support
shorthands in addition to the direct __repr__ style of writing these
- *How the types get into Python code.* This is probably best done a few
different way. The way that typeannotations and mypy do it with Python 3
annotations is lovely, but we cannot wait for Python 3 support everywhere.
Docstrings in a various of ways are fine. This decision should be
independent from the type language itself.
- *How the types are checked*. Static checking is super, and dynamic
checking is really helpful too, but as the docstring formats show it is
really amazing to even just have the types for a human to read, and
document your intent in a rigorous way. Wild monkey patching and reflection
will probably always make it hard to be actually type safe and that would
be unpythonic anyhow.
I am *most* concerned with the *abstract* type language. Here are notes on
the current proposal (and some context):
- *The type language must have function types.* It is really
disappointing when the only when I can describe a function's type is
interleaved with its definition. It is very important to be able to say
"method some_method has type (int, datetime, {int:str}, *str) -> str.
Without this, I don't even have the words to describe the method.
- *The type language should really have "static duck types"*. These were
mentioned briefly by Vladimir. The technical term is row types, and they
are only currently in python-rightarrow with the concrete syntax
like object(self_type,
field: type, field: type, ...). Without this, I don't have the words to
describe an object. It is not really Pythonic to describe it in terms of
its implementation when all that matters is that it has certain methods (of
certain types).
- *The type language should allow types for *args and **kwargs*. I do
not see this in the current proposal. The current python-rightarrow
contains one idea but I think it can be simplified to e.g. (Foo, *Bar,
**Bizzle) -> Baz (since kwargs has to have str keys -- I think? -- you
only give the type of its values.)
- *Generics are just variables and should allow self-documenting
names. *Just
a little thing; Reserving T-Z for generics makes it so you cannot give
them useful names.
To be very clear: I believe these things about the whole project:
- *I think the abstract type language can be describe without being too
rigid about the concrete syntax.* The actual ways in which Python data
structure are put together is not going to change any time soon, so if we
get the abstract part right, there can be innovation in the concrete
syntax, shorthands, etc. In fact, tuples, lists, dicts, and functions are
all "real" things that exist pretty much independently of Python. I feel
sort of the same way about row types, etc. So we may as well use the
universal abstract syntax for them and give it a Pythonic concrete syntax.
- *I think all of that can be defined without having a type checker (or
even a type system) to handle all of them perfectly. *Any type that is
too hard for a type checker can be treated as "unknown".
- The type language proposal should go in its own repo perhaps?
- How will license be handled for the major central repo of skeletons? I
would prefer a global BSD/Apache/MIT/whatever style license and make that
Disclaimer: I am the author of python-rightarrow which is really an
unimportant and barely-started side project to develop a simple type
language for Python. I have a lot of experience with programming language
and type checking / type inference / static-dynamic hybrid type
implementation. I hope the result of this discussion makes my project
- Kenn