I happen to have the new logging hotness(tm) running in production as
the backend to python's own logging module in one of the daemons that
I'm responsible for.
I also have dowser[1] integrated with this one so tryng to optimize
memory usage is almost fun :) So I noticed one day
LimitedHistoryObserver was responsible for holding on to ~30k dict
instances. I fixed this with [2]. Resident set size with 48hrs uptime is
now down ~300M thanks to that function (and is flat).
That's a bit too …
[View More]much for my tastes so I thought maybe you can
reconsider that 64 * 1024 entry limit or choose to get rid of the
default observer automatically once the global observer has a proper
user-supplied sink.
Best regards,
PS: Neurons will be a web framework that ties a lot of stuff like
sqlalchemy, spyne and twisted together. Currently it does only two
things quite well: Forking and rendering html forms :)
[1] https://github.com/plq/neurons/tree/master/neurons/daemon/dowser
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I am pleased to announce the release of clj-amp 0.9.0[1][2], a Clojure
implementation of the AMP[3] protocol (a reference implementation of
which is found in Twisted). While slightly off-topic for this list,
this project may be of interest to anyone with AMP services they would
like to interoperate with from Clojure code. Also, this is the closest
thing to an AMP mailing list that exists (at least as far as I'm
Despite this being the first release, clj-amp is essentially feature
[View More]complete. The 0.9.0 version number reflects my reluctance to designate
this 1.0.0 for the following reasons:
* Lack of users and real-world testing: the project was just released.
* API instability: while I do not have any immediate plans to break
API compatibility, I would like to reserve the right to make API
changes based on initial feedback from users (assuming anyone uses
it...) in order to correct any glaring issues with the API that may be
* Minimal test coverage and documentation: I would still like to
expand the test coverage to include more specimens of AMP encodings,
as well as expand the documentation.
Any feedback on the API as well as the documentation would be greatly
[1] https://github.com/mithrandi/clj-amp
[2] https://clojars.org/clj-amp
[3] http://amp-protocol.net/
mithrandi, i Ainil en-Balandor, a faer Ambar
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I have recently implemented a CoAP open source library based on Twisted. I
noticed that in the web site there is a page regarding Twisted
sub-projects. I'm wondering if I can add my project to such list, I think
it could help someone. Does anyone know ho to achieve this?
In any case the code is freely available at
Giacomo Tanganelli
PhD Student Dept. Information Engineering
Via Diotisalvi 2, I-56122 Pisa, ITALY
Phone (direct/…
[View More]switch/fax): +39 050 2217 472
E-mail: g.tanganelli(a)iet.unipi.it
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