July 2011 Archives by thread
Starting: Sat Jul 2 14:49:01 CEST 2011
Ending: Sun Jul 31 23:36:56 CEST 2011
Messages: 333
- [docs] [issue12409] Moving "Documenting Python" to Devguide
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue12415] Missing: How to checkout the Doc sources
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue11363] Curses - add missing functions to doc
Éric Araujo
- [docs] Not a bug, but ...
Luciano De Falco Alfano
- [docs] [issue12043] Update shutil documentation
Sandro Tosi
- [docs] [issue12043] Update shutil documentation
Sandro Tosi
- [docs] [issue11253] autodocument first appearance of ctypes.wintypes constants
anatoly techtonik
- [docs] [issue12476] ctypes: need example how to pass raw data from Python
anatoly techtonik
- [docs] [issue12478] Possible error in HTTPErrorProcessor documentation
Sandro Tosi
- [docs] [issue12479] Add HTTPErrorProcessor class definition
Sandro Tosi
- [docs] undocumented classes in library/urllib2.rst
Sandro Tosi
- [docs] [issue12415] Missing: How to checkout the Doc sources
Philip Olson
- [docs] [issue10020] docs for sqlite3 describe functions not available without recompiling
Senthil Kumaran
- [docs] [issue12436] Provide reference to detailed installation instructions
Senthil Kumaran
- [docs] [issue12484] The Py_InitModule functions no longer exist, but remain in the docs
Alejandro Santos
- [docs] [issue12043] Update shutil documentation
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue12415] Missing: How to checkout the Doc sources
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue12043] Update shutil documentation
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue12043] Update shutil documentation
Georg Brandl
- [docs] [issue12488] multiprocessing.Connection does not communicate pipe closure between parent and child
Antoine Pitrou
- [docs] [issue12488] multiprocessing.Connection does not communicate pipe closure between parent and child
Charles-François Natali
- [docs] [issue12488] multiprocessing.Connection does not communicate pipe closure between parent and child
Antoine Pitrou
- [docs] programming newbie
dawud barber
- [docs] [issue10403] Use "member" consistently
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue10403] Use "member" consistently
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue10403] Use "member" consistently
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue12490] Documentation for itertools.chain.from_iterable is incorrect
Rodolpho Eckhardt
- [docs] [issue12491] Update glossary documentation for the term 'attribute'
Senthil Kumaran
- [docs] [issue11468] Improve unittest basic example in the doc
Florian Preinstorfer
- [docs] [issue12043] Update shutil documentation
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue10318] "make altinstall" installs many files with incorrect shebangs
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue11230] "Full unicode import system" not in 3.2
- [docs] [issue10403] Use "member" consistently
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue12183] Document behaviour of shutil.copy2 and copystat with symlinks
Petri Lehtinen
- [docs] [issue12183] Document behaviour of shutil.copy2 and copystat with symlinks
Petri Lehtinen
- [docs] [issue12183] Document behaviour of shutil.copy2 and copystat with symlinks
Petri Lehtinen
- [docs] [issue11230] "Full unicode import system" not in 3.2
Ned Deily
- [docs] [issue12277] Missing comma in os.walk docs
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue11352] Update cgi module doc
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue7229] Manual entry for time.daylight can be misleading
Kenyon Ralph
- [docs] [issue10403] Use "member" consistently
Eric Snow
- [docs] [issue12374] Execution model should explain compile vs definition vs execution time
Eric Snow
- [docs] [issue11435] Links to source code should now point to hg repo
Eric Snow
- [docs] [issue12524] change httplib docs POST example
Georg Brandl
- [docs] [issue12343] ssl documentation needs comments about non-blocking behaviour
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue12343] ssl documentation needs comments about non-blocking behaviour
Antoine Pitrou
- [docs] [issue12531] documentation index entries for * and **
Peter Eisentraut
- [docs] [issue11435] Links to source code should now point to hg repo
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue10403] Use "member" consistently
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue12434] Strengthen 2.7 io types warning
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue12436] Provide reference to detailed installation instructions
Éric Araujo
- [docs] C code wrong after forward declaration
Albert Zeyer
- [docs] [issue12434] Strengthen 2.7 io types warning
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue12434] Strengthen 2.7 io types warning
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue12436] Provide reference to detailed installation instructions
Nick Coghlan
- [docs] [issue9254] __import__ docstring should recommend importlib.import_module()
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue3565] array documentation, method names not 3.x-compliant
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue11553] Docs for: import, packages, site.py, .pth files
Éric Araujo
- [docs] logging.Logger.debug example doesn't work
Robert Xiao
- [docs] [issue9254] __import__ docstring should recommend importlib.import_module()
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue3565] array documentation, method names not 3.x-compliant
Antoine Pitrou
- [docs] Bug Report
Rohan Bavishi
- [docs] [issue3565] array documentation, method names not 3.x-compliant
Matt Giuca
- [docs] [issue12547] whatsnew/3.3: error in example about nntplib
July Tikhonov
- [docs] [issue10224] Build 3.x documentation using python3.x
Sye van der Veen
- [docs] [issue4819] Misc/cheatsheet needs updating
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue4819] Misc/cheatsheet needs updating
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue11260] smtpd-as-a-script feature should be documented and should use argparse
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue10224] Build 3.x documentation using python3.x
Eric Snow
- [docs] [issue10403] Use "member" consistently
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue10403] Use "member" consistently
Senthil Kumaran
- [docs] Up arrow functionality, Previous input
Thanh Vu
- [docs] [issue1626300] 'Installing Python Modules' does not work for Windows
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue1626300] 'Installing Python Modules' does not work for Windows
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue12574] Documentation for Queue in 2.x has an incorrect title
Rafe Kettler
- [docs] [issue12434] Strengthen 2.7 io types warning
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue12380] bytearray methods center, ljust, rjust don't accept a bytearray as the fill character
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue12577] Misleading shutil.move docs regarding when os.rename is used
Catalin Iacob
- [docs] [issue10403] Use "member" consistently
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue10403] Use "member" consistently
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue10403] Use "member" consistently
Senthil Kumaran
- [docs] [issue11468] Improve unittest basic example in the doc
Senthil Kumaran
- [docs] missing "a"
Darren Yin
- [docs] [issue1626300] 'Installing Python Modules' does not work for Windows
Éric Araujo
- [docs] English trans fix for urllib docs
Mike MacCana
- [docs] [issue11468] Improve unittest basic example in the doc
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue1626300] 'Installing Python Modules' does not work for Windows
Chris Lambacher
- [docs] [issue1626300] 'Installing Python Modules' does not work for Windows
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue1626300] 'Installing Python Modules' does not work for Windows
Éric Araujo
- [docs] object attribute error
Genco Yilmaz
- [docs] [issue1626300] 'Installing Python Modules' does not work for Windows
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue1626300] 'Installing Python Modules' does not work for Windows
Chris Lambacher
- [docs] [issue1626300] 'Installing Python Modules' does not work for Windows
Chris Lambacher
- [docs] [issue12434] Strengthen 2.7 io types warning
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue12434] Strengthen 2.7 io types warning
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue12434] Strengthen 2.7 io types warning
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue11176] give more meaningful argument names in argparse documentation
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue11176] give more meaningful argument names in argparse documentation
Westley Martínez
- [docs] [issue12594] Docs for py3k still refer to "MacPython 2.5 folder"
Christoph Schindler
- [docs] [issue11176] give more meaningful argument names in argparse documentation
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue12204] str.upper converts to title
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue12204] str.upper converts to title
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue11975] Fix referencing of built-in types (list, int, ...)
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue12298] Sphinx glitch in library/functions
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue11363] Curses - add missing functions to doc
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue11435] Links to source code should now point to hg repo
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue11435] Links to source code should now point to hg repo
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue11669] Clarify Lang Ref "Compound statements" footnote
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue12602] Missing using docs cross-references
Nick Coghlan
- [docs] [issue10503] os.getuid() documentation should be clear on what kind of uid it is referring
Adam Woodbeck
- [docs] [issue12436] Provide reference to detailed installation instructions
Adam Woodbeck
- [docs] [issue11975] Fix referencing of built-in types (list, int, ...)
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue11435] Links to source code should now point to hg repo
Éric Araujo
- [docs] Minor doc bug
Jay Dresser
- [docs] [issue11435] Links to source code should now point to hg repo
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue11435] Links to source code should now point to hg repo
Antoine Pitrou
- [docs] [issue12204] str.upper converts to title
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue12204] str.upper converts to title
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue10026] xml.dom.pulldom strange behavior
Myrosia Dzikovska
- [docs] [issue12434] Strengthen 2.7 io types warning
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue12434] Strengthen 2.7 io types warning
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue12436] Provide reference to detailed installation instructions
Adam Woodbeck
- [docs] [issue12436] Provide reference to detailed installation instructions
Éric Araujo
- [docs] Description of 'secure' argument for logging.handlers.SMTPHandler isn't up to date
Jesaja Everling
- [docs] [issue10436] tarfile.extractfile in "r|" stream mode fails with filenames or members from getmembers()
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue12602] Missing using docs cross-references
Éric Araujo
- [docs] Possible Python string.find() documentation error
Brett D Rasmussen
- [docs] [issue12617] Mutable Sequence Type can work not only with iterable in slice[i:j] = t
- [docs] [issue11435] Links to source code should now point to hg repo
Georg Brandl
- [docs] [issue11975] Fix referencing of built-in types (list, int, ...)
Georg Brandl
- [docs] [issue11553] Docs for: import, packages, site.py, .pth files
- [docs] [issue12621] Errors in docstrings of find and rfind methods of bytes and bytestring
Petri Lehtinen
- [docs] [issue1397474] timeit execution enviroment
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue12043] Update shutil documentation
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue11784] multiprocessing.Process.join: timeout argument doesn't specify time unit.
Petri Lehtinen
- [docs] [issue12063] tokenize module appears to treat unterminated single and double-quoted strings inconsistently
Petri Lehtinen
- [docs] [issue12174] Multiprocessing logging levels unclear
Petri Lehtinen
- [docs] [issue12631] Mutable Sequence Type in .remove() is consistent only with lists, but not with bytearrays
- [docs] [issue12634] Random Remarks in class documentation
Ashutosh Swain
- [docs] documentation bug in Python v3.3a0 documentation Python HOWTO
- [docs] [issue11784] multiprocessing.Process.join: timeout argument doesn't specify time unit.
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue11784] multiprocessing.Process.join: timeout argument doesn't specify time unit.
Charles-François Natali
- [docs] [issue12380] bytearray methods center, ljust, rjust don't accept a bytearray as the fill character
Petri Lehtinen
- [docs] [issue12380] bytearray methods center, ljust, rjust don't accept a bytearray as the fill character
Petri Lehtinen
- [docs] [issue12380] bytearray methods center, ljust, rjust don't accept a bytearray as the fill character
Petri Lehtinen
- [docs] [issue12633] sys.modules doc entry should reflect restrictions
Eric Snow
- [docs] [issue12380] bytearray methods center, ljust, rjust don't accept a bytearray as the fill character
Antoine Pitrou
- [docs] [issue12380] bytearray methods center, ljust, rjust don't accept a bytearray as the fill character
Petri Lehtinen
- [docs] [issue12380] bytearray methods center, ljust, rjust don't accept a bytearray as the fill character
Petri Lehtinen
- [docs] [issue12380] bytearray methods center, ljust, rjust don't accept a bytearray as the fill character
Petri Lehtinen
- [docs] [issue1626300] 'Installing Python Modules' does not work for Windows
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue1626300] 'Installing Python Modules' does not work for Windows
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue1626300] 'Installing Python Modules' does not work for Windows
Jason R. Coombs
- [docs] [issue1626300] 'Installing Python Modules' does not work for Windows
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue1626300] 'Installing Python Modules' does not work for Windows
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] urllib2.urlopen() seems to have worse documentation than urllib.urlopen()
Daniel Holth
- [docs] [issue12642] 2.6.6 documentation of the open() built-in function
Jann Eike Kruse
- [docs] [issue12063] tokenize module appears to treat unterminated single and double-quoted strings inconsistently
Dustin Haffner
- [docs] search function for python 27 doc
- [docs] [issue12644] document the "%a" conversion in the old string formatting operations
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue12644] document the "%a" conversion in the old string formatting operations
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue12644] document the "%a" conversion in the old string formatting operations
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue12644] document the "%a" conversion in the old string formatting operations
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue12644] document the "%a" conversion in the old string formatting operations
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue12380] bytearray methods center, ljust, rjust don't accept a bytearray as the fill character
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue12645] test.support. import_fresh_module - incorrect doc
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue12380] bytearray methods center, ljust, rjust don't accept a bytearray as the fill character
Petri Lehtinen
- [docs] Turtle docs
Michael L. Clapp
- [docs] [issue11699] Doc for optparse.OptionParser.get_option_group is wrong
Petri Lehtinen
- [docs] [issue11699] Doc for optparse.OptionParser.get_option_group is wrong
Petri Lehtinen
- [docs] [issue12380] bytearray methods center, ljust, rjust don't accept a bytearray as the fill character
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue12380] bytearray methods center, ljust, rjust don't accept a bytearray as the fill character
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue12644] document the "%a" conversion in the old string formatting operations
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue12644] document the "%a" conversion in the old string formatting operations
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue12644] document the "%a" conversion in the old string formatting operations
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue12644] document the "%a" conversion in the old string formatting operations
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue12652] Move documentation of test.support into the devguide
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue11699] Doc for optparse.OptionParser.get_option_group is wrong
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue11699] Doc for optparse.OptionParser.get_option_group is wrong
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue10318] "make altinstall" installs many files with incorrect shebangs
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue12043] Update shutil documentation
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue12043] Update shutil documentation
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue10318] "make altinstall" installs many files with incorrect shebangs
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue11699] Doc for optparse.OptionParser.get_option_group is wrong
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue12043] Update shutil documentation
Éric Araujo
- [docs] 15.9.11. SMTPHandler - bug?
Alexander Heger
- [docs] [issue11827] mention of list2cmdline() in docs of subprocess.Popen
Éric Araujo
- [docs] PDF docs in smaller page format for ebook readers (Kindle)
Kevin Broch
- [docs] [issue9254] __import__ docstring should recommend importlib.import_module()
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue9254] __import__ docstring should recommend importlib.import_module()
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue9254] __import__ docstring should recommend importlib.import_module()
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue8982] argparse docs cross reference Namespace as a class but the Namespace class is not documented
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue8982] argparse docs cross reference Namespace as a class but the Namespace class is not documented
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue12622] failfast argument to TextTestRunner not documented
Éric Araujo
- [docs] [issue12633] sys.modules doc entry should reflect restrictions
Éric Araujo
- [docs] error in example : http://docs.python.org/release/3.1.3/library/stdtypes.html#dictionary-view-objects
Emil Jimenez
- [docs] [issue12380] bytearray methods center, ljust, rjust don't accept a bytearray as the fill character
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue11699] Doc for optparse.OptionParser.get_option_group is wrong
Petri Lehtinen
- [docs] [issue11699] Doc for optparse.OptionParser.get_option_group is wrong
Petri Lehtinen
- [docs] [issue11699] Doc for optparse.OptionParser.get_option_group is wrong
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue11699] Doc for optparse.OptionParser.get_option_group is wrong
Georg Brandl
- [docs] [issue11699] Doc for optparse.OptionParser.get_option_group is wrong
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue11699] Doc for optparse.OptionParser.get_option_group is wrong
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue11699] Doc for optparse.OptionParser.get_option_group is wrong
Eli Bendersky
- [docs] [issue11699] Doc for optparse.OptionParser.get_option_group is wrong
Éric Araujo
- [docs] Trivial argparse documentation bug.
Tom Sillence
- [docs] [issue12183] Document behaviour of shutil.copy2 and copystat with symlinks
Senthil Kumaran
- [docs] How to start IDLE?
Křištof Želechovski
- [docs] [issue12436] Provide reference to detailed installation instructions
Senthil Kumaran
- [docs] [issue12648] Wrong import module search order on Windows
Nick Coghlan
- [docs] [issue12648] Wrong import module search order on Windows
- [docs] [issue12663] ArgumentParser.error writes to stderr not to stdout
Sandro Tosi
- [docs] [issue12665] Dictionary view example has error in set ops
Sandro Tosi
- [docs] [issue12666] map semantic change not documented in What's New
Jason R. Coombs
- [docs] [issue12667] Better logging.handler.SMTPHandler doc for 'secure' argument
Sandro Tosi
- [docs] [issue12668] 3.2 What's New: it's integer->string, not the opposite
Sandro Tosi
- [docs] Broken link in Python 2.7.2 Tutorial
Sandro Tosi
- [docs] Python-2.3.3/pdf/ref.pdf
- [docs] 'Programming FAQ — Python v2.7.2 documentation' international
Sandro Tosi
Last message date:
Sun Jul 31 23:36:56 CEST 2011
Archived on: Mon Aug 1 07:21:42 CEST 2011
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).