
September 2008

  • 113 participants
  • 97 discussions
PEP 1, PEP Purpose and Guidelines
by May 18, 2021

May 18, 2021
8 14
0 0
pthreads, fork, import, and execvp
by Rotem Yaari Sept. 16, 2009

Sept. 16, 2009
12 29
0 0
Re: subprocess and EINTR errnos
by Peter Astrand July 6, 2009

July 6, 2009
deprecating BaseException.message
by Brett Cannon April 7, 2009

April 7, 2009

April 4, 2009
Python + Java Integration
by Chas Emerick Dec. 5, 2008

Dec. 5, 2008
I would like an Python account
by Victor Stinner Oct. 6, 2008

Oct. 6, 2008
11 26
0 0
Python security team
by Victor Stinner Oct. 1, 2008

Oct. 1, 2008
10 14
0 0
5 14
0 0
Filename as byte string in python 2.6 or 3.0?
by Victor Stinner Sept. 30, 2008

Sept. 30, 2008
17 38
0 0

Sept. 30, 2008
9 12
0 0
when is path==NULL?
by Ulrich Eckhardt Sept. 30, 2008

Sept. 30, 2008
Status of MS Windows CE port
by Ulrich Eckhardt Sept. 30, 2008

Sept. 30, 2008
4 11
0 0
Re: [Python-Dev] Real segmentation fault handler
by Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve Sept. 29, 2008

Sept. 29, 2008

Sept. 29, 2008
',' precedence in documentation
by C. Titus Brown Sept. 29, 2008

Sept. 29, 2008
16 28
0 0
Broken link to NASM download location
by Ulrich Eckhardt Sept. 29, 2008

Sept. 29, 2008
Reminder: Python 2.6 final next Wednesday
by Barry Warsaw Sept. 28, 2008

Sept. 28, 2008
call for help: C-API 2 to 3 porting guide
by Benjamin Peterson Sept. 27, 2008

Sept. 27, 2008
PyCon 2009 Call for Proposals
by Aahz Sept. 27, 2008

Sept. 27, 2008
6 10
0 0

Sept. 27, 2008
2to3 and reST text format
by Victor Stinner Sept. 27, 2008

Sept. 27, 2008
Summary of Python tracker Issues
by Python tracker Sept. 26, 2008

Sept. 26, 2008
Update to
by Eldon Ziegler Sept. 25, 2008

Sept. 25, 2008
okay to add new test cases to 2.6?
by Sept. 23, 2008

Sept. 23, 2008
Status of dictnotes.txt?
by Brendan O'Connor Sept. 23, 2008

Sept. 23, 2008
Release blocker with no assignee (now me)
by Sept. 22, 2008

Sept. 22, 2008
Patch review needed
by Jesus Cea Sept. 22, 2008

Sept. 22, 2008
Python documentation
by Barry Warsaw Sept. 22, 2008

Sept. 22, 2008
8 10
0 0
turtle.Screen.__init__ issue
by Gregor Lingl Sept. 22, 2008

Sept. 22, 2008
Possible issue in
by Scott David Daniels Sept. 21, 2008

Sept. 21, 2008
Deploying a Python Service on Apache Axis2
by Heshan Suriyaarachchi Sept. 21, 2008

Sept. 21, 2008
how about updating PEP 290?
by Fredrik Lundh Sept. 21, 2008

Sept. 21, 2008
bsddb tests disabled by default
by Jesus Cea Sept. 20, 2008

Sept. 20, 2008
Code coverage
by Walter Dörwald Sept. 19, 2008

Sept. 19, 2008
What this code should do?
by Maciej Fijalkowski Sept. 19, 2008

Sept. 19, 2008

Sept. 19, 2008
Summary of Python tracker Issues
by Python tracker Sept. 19, 2008

Sept. 19, 2008
What's New in 2.6 link wasn't what I expected
by Sept. 19, 2008

Sept. 19, 2008

Sept. 18, 2008
4 12
0 0
FreeBSD 7 amd64 and large memory tests
by Andrew MacIntyre Sept. 18, 2008

Sept. 18, 2008
6 10
0 0
RELEASED Python 2.6rc2 and 3.0rc1
by Barry Warsaw Sept. 18, 2008

Sept. 18, 2008
switching on -3 from within a program?
by Anthon van der Neut Sept. 17, 2008

Sept. 17, 2008
RELEASED Python 2.6rc1
by Barry Warsaw Sept. 17, 2008

Sept. 17, 2008
Re: [Python-Dev] ',' precedence in documentation]
by Christopher Lee Sept. 16, 2008

Sept. 16, 2008
8 18
0 0
Weak Dictionary Iteration Behavior in Python 3
by Armin Ronacher Sept. 15, 2008

Sept. 15, 2008
9 15
0 0
Do we still support MacOS < X?
by Georg Brandl Sept. 14, 2008

Sept. 14, 2008
Possible bug in array?
by Reed O'Brien Sept. 13, 2008

Sept. 13, 2008
2.6 rc1 performance results
by A.M. Kuchling Sept. 13, 2008

Sept. 13, 2008

Sept. 13, 2008
Summary of Python tracker Issues
by Python tracker Sept. 12, 2008

Sept. 12, 2008
Updated release schedule for 2.6 and 3.0
by Barry Warsaw Sept. 12, 2008

Sept. 12, 2008

Sept. 12, 2008
HTTPS read-only SVN access is denied?
by techtonik Sept. 11, 2008

Sept. 11, 2008
8 13
0 0

Sept. 10, 2008
Not releasing rc1 tonight
by Barry Warsaw Sept. 9, 2008

Sept. 9, 2008
17 43
0 0
Add python.exe to PATH environment variable
by Giampaolo Rodola' Sept. 9, 2008

Sept. 9, 2008
17 37
0 0

Sept. 8, 2008
22 50
0 0
constness of interpreter data
by Torne Wuff Sept. 8, 2008

Sept. 8, 2008
2.6 doc searching issue?
by Sept. 7, 2008

Sept. 7, 2008

Sept. 5, 2008 and the checkout builddir
by Benjamin Peterson Sept. 5, 2008

Sept. 5, 2008

Sept. 5, 2008
Summary of Python tracker Issues
by Python tracker Sept. 5, 2008

Sept. 5, 2008
Python performance through times
by Antoine Pitrou Sept. 5, 2008

Sept. 5, 2008
Bug in SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.send_head?
by Kim Gräsman Sept. 5, 2008

Sept. 5, 2008

Sept. 5, 2008

Sept. 4, 2008

Sept. 4, 2008
3rd-party dbms
by Oleg Broytmann Sept. 4, 2008

Sept. 4, 2008
Re: [Python-Dev] Durus memory
by Binger David Sept. 4, 2008

Sept. 4, 2008

Sept. 4, 2008
Python 3.0b3 documentation typo
by Reed O'Brien Sept. 3, 2008

Sept. 3, 2008

Sept. 3, 2008
11 21
0 0 warning or error?
by Victor Stinner Sept. 3, 2008

Sept. 3, 2008
11 23
0 0

Sept. 3, 2008
2.6b3 Windows installers
by M.-A. Lemburg Sept. 2, 2008

Sept. 2, 2008

Sept. 2, 2008
Proposal: add odict to collections
by Armin Ronacher Sept. 1, 2008

Sept. 1, 2008
28 52
0 0