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I'm back, I've re-read the PEP, and I've re-read the long thread with "(no
I think Georg Brandl nailed it:
*I like the "sequence and dict flattening" part of the PEP, mostly because
itis consistent and should be easy to understand, but the comprehension
syntaxenhancements seem to be bad for readability and "comprehending" what
the codedoes.The call syntax part is a mixed bag on the one hand it is nice
to be consistent with the extended possibilities in literals (flattening),
but on the other hand there would be small but annoying inconsistencies
anyways (e.g. the duplicate kwarg case above).*
Greg Ewing followed up explaining that the inconsistency between dict
flattening and call syntax is inherent in the pre-existing different rules
for dicts vs. keyword args: {'a':1, 'a':2} results in {'a':2}, while f(a=1,
a=2) is an error. (This form is a SyntaxError; the dynamic case f(a=1,
**{'a': 1}) is a TypeError.)
For me, allowing f(*a, *b) and f(**d, **e) and all the other combinations
for function calls proposed by the PEP is an easy +1 -- it's a
straightforward extension of the existing pattern, and anybody who knows
what f(x, *a) does will understand f(x, *a, y, *b). Guessing what f(**d,
**e) means shouldn't be hard either. Understanding the edge case for
duplicate keys with f(**d, **e) is a little harder, but the error messages
are pretty clear, and it is not a new edge case.
The sequence and dict flattening syntax proposals are also clean and
logical -- we already have *-unpacking on the receiving side, so allowing
*x in tuple expressions reads pretty naturally (and the similarity with *a
in argument lists certainly helps). From here, having [a, *x, b, *y] is
also natural, and then the extension to other displays is natural: {a, *x,
b, *y} and {a:1, **d, b:2, **e}. This, too, gets a +1 from me.
So that leaves comprehensions. IIRC, during the development of the patch we
realized that f(*x for x in xs) is sufficiently ambiguous that we decided
to disallow it -- note that f(x for x in xs) is already somewhat of a
special case because an argument can only be a "bare" generator expression
if it is the only argument. The same reasoning doesn't apply (in that form)
to list, set and dict comprehensions -- while f(x for x in xs) is identical
in meaning to f((x for x in xs)), [x for x in xs] is NOT the same as [(x
for x in xs)] (that's a list of one element, and the element is a generator
The basic premise of this part of the proposal is that if you have a few
iterables, the new proposal (without comprehensions) lets you create a list
or generator expression that iterates over all of them, essentially
flattening them:
>>> xs = [1, 2, 3]
>>> ys = ['abc', 'def']
>>> zs = [99]
>>> [*xs, *ys, *zs]
[1, 2, 3, 'abc', 'def', 99]
But now suppose you have a list of iterables:
>>> xss = [[1, 2, 3], ['abc', 'def'], [99]]
>>> [*xss[0], *xss[1], *xss[2]]
[1, 2, 3, 'abc', 'def', 99]
Wouldn't it be nice if you could write the latter using a comprehension?
>>> xss = [[1, 2, 3], ['abc', 'def'], [99]]
>>> [*xs for xs in xss]
[1, 2, 3, 'abc', 'def', 99]
This is somewhat seductive, and the following is even nicer: the *xs
position may be an expression, e.g.:
>>> xss = [[1, 2, 3], ['abc', 'def'], [99]]
>>> [*xs[:2] for xs in xss]
[1, 2, 'abc', 'def', 99]
On the other hand, I had to explore the possibilities here by experimenting
in the interpreter, and I discovered some odd edge cases (e.g. you can
parenthesize the starred expression, but that seems a syntactic accident).
All in all I am personally +0 on the comprehension part of the PEP, and I
like that it provides a way to "flatten" a sequence of sequences, but I
think very few people in the thread have supported this part. Therefore I
would like to ask Neil to update the PEP and the patch to take out the
comprehension part, so that the two "easy wins" can make it into Python 3.5
(basically, I am accepting two-thirds of the PEP :-). There is some time
yet until alpha 2.
I would also like code reviewers (Benjamin?) to start reviewing the patch
<>, taking into account that the
comprehension part needs to be removed.
--Guido van Rossum (
It has been a while since I posted a copy of PEP 1 to the mailing
lists and newsgroups. I've recently done some updating of a few
sections, so in the interest of gaining wider community participation
in the Python development process, I'm posting the latest revision of
PEP 1 here. A version of the PEP is always available on-line at
-------------------- snip snip --------------------
PEP: 1
Title: PEP Purpose and Guidelines
Version: $Revision: 1.36 $
Last-Modified: $Date: 2002/07/29 18:34:59 $
Author: Barry A. Warsaw, Jeremy Hylton
Status: Active
Type: Informational
Created: 13-Jun-2000
Post-History: 21-Mar-2001, 29-Jul-2002
What is a PEP?
PEP stands for Python Enhancement Proposal. A PEP is a design
document providing information to the Python community, or
describing a new feature for Python. The PEP should provide a
concise technical specification of the feature and a rationale for
the feature.
We intend PEPs to be the primary mechanisms for proposing new
features, for collecting community input on an issue, and for
documenting the design decisions that have gone into Python. The
PEP author is responsible for building consensus within the
community and documenting dissenting opinions.
Because the PEPs are maintained as plain text files under CVS
control, their revision history is the historical record of the
feature proposal[1].
Kinds of PEPs
There are two kinds of PEPs. A standards track PEP describes a
new feature or implementation for Python. An informational PEP
describes a Python design issue, or provides general guidelines or
information to the Python community, but does not propose a new
feature. Informational PEPs do not necessarily represent a Python
community consensus or recommendation, so users and implementors
are free to ignore informational PEPs or follow their advice.
PEP Work Flow
The PEP editor, Barry Warsaw <peps(a)>, assigns numbers
for each PEP and changes its status.
The PEP process begins with a new idea for Python. It is highly
recommended that a single PEP contain a single key proposal or new
idea. The more focussed the PEP, the more successfully it tends
to be. The PEP editor reserves the right to reject PEP proposals
if they appear too unfocussed or too broad. If in doubt, split
your PEP into several well-focussed ones.
Each PEP must have a champion -- someone who writes the PEP using
the style and format described below, shepherds the discussions in
the appropriate forums, and attempts to build community consensus
around the idea. The PEP champion (a.k.a. Author) should first
attempt to ascertain whether the idea is PEP-able. Small
enhancements or patches often don't need a PEP and can be injected
into the Python development work flow with a patch submission to
the SourceForge patch manager[2] or feature request tracker[3].
The PEP champion then emails the PEP editor <peps(a)> with
a proposed title and a rough, but fleshed out, draft of the PEP.
This draft must be written in PEP style as described below.
If the PEP editor approves, he will assign the PEP a number, label
it as standards track or informational, give it status 'draft',
and create and check-in the initial draft of the PEP. The PEP
editor will not unreasonably deny a PEP. Reasons for denying PEP
status include duplication of effort, being technically unsound,
not providing proper motivation or addressing backwards
compatibility, or not in keeping with the Python philosophy. The
BDFL (Benevolent Dictator for Life, Guido van Rossum) can be
consulted during the approval phase, and is the final arbitrator
of the draft's PEP-ability.
If a pre-PEP is rejected, the author may elect to take the pre-PEP
to the comp.lang.python newsgroup (a.k.a. python-list(a)
mailing list) to help flesh it out, gain feedback and consensus
from the community at large, and improve the PEP for
The author of the PEP is then responsible for posting the PEP to
the community forums, and marshaling community support for it. As
updates are necessary, the PEP author can check in new versions if
they have CVS commit permissions, or can email new PEP versions to
the PEP editor for committing.
Standards track PEPs consists of two parts, a design document and
a reference implementation. The PEP should be reviewed and
accepted before a reference implementation is begun, unless a
reference implementation will aid people in studying the PEP.
Standards Track PEPs must include an implementation - in the form
of code, patch, or URL to same - before it can be considered
PEP authors are responsible for collecting community feedback on a
PEP before submitting it for review. A PEP that has not been
discussed on python-list(a) and/or python-dev(a)
will not be accepted. However, wherever possible, long open-ended
discussions on public mailing lists should be avoided. Strategies
to keep the discussions efficient include, setting up a separate
SIG mailing list for the topic, having the PEP author accept
private comments in the early design phases, etc. PEP authors
should use their discretion here.
Once the authors have completed a PEP, they must inform the PEP
editor that it is ready for review. PEPs are reviewed by the BDFL
and his chosen consultants, who may accept or reject a PEP or send
it back to the author(s) for revision.
Once a PEP has been accepted, the reference implementation must be
completed. When the reference implementation is complete and
accepted by the BDFL, the status will be changed to `Final.'
A PEP can also be assigned status `Deferred.' The PEP author or
editor can assign the PEP this status when no progress is being
made on the PEP. Once a PEP is deferred, the PEP editor can
re-assign it to draft status.
A PEP can also be `Rejected'. Perhaps after all is said and done
it was not a good idea. It is still important to have a record of
this fact.
PEPs can also be replaced by a different PEP, rendering the
original obsolete. This is intended for Informational PEPs, where
version 2 of an API can replace version 1.
PEP work flow is as follows:
Draft -> Accepted -> Final -> Replaced
+----> Rejected
Some informational PEPs may also have a status of `Active' if they
are never meant to be completed. E.g. PEP 1.
What belongs in a successful PEP?
Each PEP should have the following parts:
1. Preamble -- RFC822 style headers containing meta-data about the
PEP, including the PEP number, a short descriptive title
(limited to a maximum of 44 characters), the names, and
optionally the contact info for each author, etc.
2. Abstract -- a short (~200 word) description of the technical
issue being addressed.
3. Copyright/public domain -- Each PEP must either be explicitly
labelled as placed in the public domain (see this PEP as an
example) or licensed under the Open Publication License[4].
4. Specification -- The technical specification should describe
the syntax and semantics of any new language feature. The
specification should be detailed enough to allow competing,
interoperable implementations for any of the current Python
platforms (CPython, JPython, Python .NET).
5. Motivation -- The motivation is critical for PEPs that want to
change the Python language. It should clearly explain why the
existing language specification is inadequate to address the
problem that the PEP solves. PEP submissions without
sufficient motivation may be rejected outright.
6. Rationale -- The rationale fleshes out the specification by
describing what motivated the design and why particular design
decisions were made. It should describe alternate designs that
were considered and related work, e.g. how the feature is
supported in other languages.
The rationale should provide evidence of consensus within the
community and discuss important objections or concerns raised
during discussion.
7. Backwards Compatibility -- All PEPs that introduce backwards
incompatibilities must include a section describing these
incompatibilities and their severity. The PEP must explain how
the author proposes to deal with these incompatibilities. PEP
submissions without a sufficient backwards compatibility
treatise may be rejected outright.
8. Reference Implementation -- The reference implementation must
be completed before any PEP is given status 'Final,' but it
need not be completed before the PEP is accepted. It is better
to finish the specification and rationale first and reach
consensus on it before writing code.
The final implementation must include test code and
documentation appropriate for either the Python language
reference or the standard library reference.
PEP Template
PEPs are written in plain ASCII text, and should adhere to a
rigid style. There is a Python script that parses this style and
converts the plain text PEP to HTML for viewing on the web[5].
PEP 9 contains a boilerplate[7] template you can use to get
started writing your PEP.
Each PEP must begin with an RFC822 style header preamble. The
headers must appear in the following order. Headers marked with
`*' are optional and are described below. All other headers are
PEP: <pep number>
Title: <pep title>
Version: <cvs version string>
Last-Modified: <cvs date string>
Author: <list of authors' real names and optionally, email addrs>
* Discussions-To: <email address>
Status: <Draft | Active | Accepted | Deferred | Final | Replaced>
Type: <Informational | Standards Track>
* Requires: <pep numbers>
Created: <date created on, in dd-mmm-yyyy format>
* Python-Version: <version number>
Post-History: <dates of postings to python-list and python-dev>
* Replaces: <pep number>
* Replaced-By: <pep number>
The Author: header lists the names and optionally, the email
addresses of all the authors/owners of the PEP. The format of the
author entry should be
address(a)dom.ain (Random J. User)
if the email address is included, and just
Random J. User
if the address is not given. If there are multiple authors, each
should be on a separate line following RFC 822 continuation line
conventions. Note that personal email addresses in PEPs will be
obscured as a defense against spam harvesters.
Standards track PEPs must have a Python-Version: header which
indicates the version of Python that the feature will be released
with. Informational PEPs do not need a Python-Version: header.
While a PEP is in private discussions (usually during the initial
Draft phase), a Discussions-To: header will indicate the mailing
list or URL where the PEP is being discussed. No Discussions-To:
header is necessary if the PEP is being discussed privately with
the author, or on the python-list or python-dev email mailing
lists. Note that email addresses in the Discussions-To: header
will not be obscured.
Created: records the date that the PEP was assigned a number,
while Post-History: is used to record the dates of when new
versions of the PEP are posted to python-list and/or python-dev.
Both headers should be in dd-mmm-yyyy format, e.g. 14-Aug-2001.
PEPs may have a Requires: header, indicating the PEP numbers that
this PEP depends on.
PEPs may also have a Replaced-By: header indicating that a PEP has
been rendered obsolete by a later document; the value is the
number of the PEP that replaces the current document. The newer
PEP must have a Replaces: header containing the number of the PEP
that it rendered obsolete.
PEP Formatting Requirements
PEP headings must begin in column zero and the initial letter of
each word must be capitalized as in book titles. Acronyms should
be in all capitals. The body of each section must be indented 4
spaces. Code samples inside body sections should be indented a
further 4 spaces, and other indentation can be used as required to
make the text readable. You must use two blank lines between the
last line of a section's body and the next section heading.
You must adhere to the Emacs convention of adding two spaces at
the end of every sentence. You should fill your paragraphs to
column 70, but under no circumstances should your lines extend
past column 79. If your code samples spill over column 79, you
should rewrite them.
Tab characters must never appear in the document at all. A PEP
should include the standard Emacs stanza included by example at
the bottom of this PEP.
A PEP must contain a Copyright section, and it is strongly
recommended to put the PEP in the public domain.
When referencing an external web page in the body of a PEP, you
should include the title of the page in the text, with a
footnote reference to the URL. Do not include the URL in the body
text of the PEP. E.g.
Refer to the Python Language web site [1] for more details.
When referring to another PEP, include the PEP number in the body
text, such as "PEP 1". The title may optionally appear. Add a
footnote reference that includes the PEP's title and author. It
may optionally include the explicit URL on a separate line, but
only in the References section. Note that the script
will calculate URLs automatically, e.g.:
Refer to PEP 1 [7] for more information about PEP style
[7] PEP 1, PEP Purpose and Guidelines, Warsaw, Hylton
If you decide to provide an explicit URL for a PEP, please use
this as the URL template:
PEP numbers in URLs must be padded with zeros from the left, so as
to be exactly 4 characters wide, however PEP numbers in text are
never padded.
Reporting PEP Bugs, or Submitting PEP Updates
How you report a bug, or submit a PEP update depends on several
factors, such as the maturity of the PEP, the preferences of the
PEP author, and the nature of your comments. For the early draft
stages of the PEP, it's probably best to send your comments and
changes directly to the PEP author. For more mature, or finished
PEPs you may want to submit corrections to the SourceForge bug
manager[6] or better yet, the SourceForge patch manager[2] so that
your changes don't get lost. If the PEP author is a SF developer,
assign the bug/patch to him, otherwise assign it to the PEP
When in doubt about where to send your changes, please check first
with the PEP author and/or PEP editor.
PEP authors who are also SF committers, can update the PEPs
themselves by using "cvs commit" to commit their changes.
Remember to also push the formatted PEP text out to the web by
doing the following:
% python -i NUM
where NUM is the number of the PEP you want to push out. See
% python --help
for details.
Transferring PEP Ownership
It occasionally becomes necessary to transfer ownership of PEPs to
a new champion. In general, we'd like to retain the original
author as a co-author of the transferred PEP, but that's really up
to the original author. A good reason to transfer ownership is
because the original author no longer has the time or interest in
updating it or following through with the PEP process, or has
fallen off the face of the 'net (i.e. is unreachable or not
responding to email). A bad reason to transfer ownership is
because you don't agree with the direction of the PEP. We try to
build consensus around a PEP, but if that's not possible, you can
always submit a competing PEP.
If you are interested assuming ownership of a PEP, send a message
asking to take over, addressed to both the original author and the
PEP editor <peps(a)>. If the original author doesn't
respond to email in a timely manner, the PEP editor will make a
unilateral decision (it's not like such decisions can be
reversed. :).
References and Footnotes
[1] This historical record is available by the normal CVS commands
for retrieving older revisions. For those without direct access
to the CVS tree, you can browse the current and past PEP revisions
via the SourceForge web site at…
[5] The script referred to here is, which lives in
the same directory in the CVS tree as the PEPs themselves.
Try " --help" for details.
The URL for viewing PEPs on the web is
[7] PEP 9, Sample PEP Template
This document has been placed in the public domain.
Local Variables:
mode: indented-text
indent-tabs-mode: nil
sentence-end-double-space: t
fill-column: 70

congrats on 3.5! Alas, windows 7 users are having problems installing it
by Laura Creighton Sept. 15, 2019
by Laura Creighton Sept. 15, 2019
Sept. 15, 2019
webmaster has already heard from 4 people who cannot install it.
I sent them to the bug tracker or to python-list but they seem
not to have gone either place. Is there some guide I should be
sending them to, 'how to debug installation problems'?
On Twitter, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
"The decision making process on Python-dev is an anti-pattern,
governed by anecdotal data and ambiguity over what problem is solved."
About "anecdotal data", I would like to discuss the Python startup time.
== Python 3.7 compared to 2.7 ==
First of all, on, we have:
* Python 2.7: 6.4 ms with site, 3.0 ms without site (-S)
* master (3.7): 14.5 ms with site, 8.4 ms without site (-S)
Python 3.7 startup time is 2.3x slower with site (default mode), or
2.8x slower without site (-S command line option).
(I will skip Python 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 which are much worse than Python 3.7...)
So if an user complained about Python 2.7 startup time: be prepared
for a 2x - 3x more angry user when "forced" to upgrade to Python 3!
== Mercurial vs Git, Python vs C, startup time ==
Startup time matters a lot for Mercurial since Mercurial is compared
to Git. Git and Mercurial have similar features, but Git is written in
C whereas Mercurial is written in Python. Quick benchmark on the server:
* hg version: 44.6 ms +- 0.2 ms
* git --version: 974 us +- 7 us
Mercurial startup time is already 45.8x slower than Git whereas tested
Mercurial runs on Python 2.7.12. Now try to sell Python 3 to Mercurial
developers, with a startup time 2x - 3x slower...
I tested Mecurial 3.7.3 and Git 2.7.4 on Ubuntu 16.04.1 using "python3
-m perf command -- ...".
== CPython core developers don't care? no, they do care ==
Christian Heimes, Naoki INADA, Serhiy Storchaka, Yury Selivanov, me
(Victor Stinner) and other core developers made multiple changes last
years to reduce the number of imports at startup, optimize impotlib,
IHMO all these core developers are well aware of the competition of
programming languages, and honesty Python startup time isn't "good".
So let's compare it to other programming languages similar to Python.
== PHP, Ruby, Perl ==
I measured the startup time of other programming languages which are
similar to Python, still on the server using "python3
-m perf command -- ...":
* perl -e ' ': 1.18 ms +- 0.01 ms
* php -r ' ': 8.57 ms +- 0.05 ms
* ruby -e ' ': 32.8 ms +- 0.1 ms
Wow, Perl is quite good! PHP seems as good as Python 2 (but Python 3
is worse). Ruby startup time seems less optimized than other
Tested versions:
* perl 5, version 22, subversion 1 (v5.22.1)
* PHP 7.0.18-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (cli) ( NTS )
* ruby 2.3.1p112 (2016-04-26) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
== Quick Google search ==
I also searched for "python startup time" and "python slow startup
time" on Google and found many articles. Some examples:
"Reducing the Python startup time"
=> "The python startup time always nagged me (17-30ms) and I just
searched again for a way to reduce it, when I found this: The
Python-Launcher caches GTK imports and forks new processes to reduce
the startup time of python GUI programs."
=> "Wow, Python startup time is worse than I thought."
"How to speed up python starting up and/or reduce file search while
loading libraries?"…
=> "The first time I log to the system and start one command it takes
6 seconds just to show a few line of help. If I immediately issue the
same command again it takes 0.1s. After a couple of minutes it gets
back to 6s. (proof of short-lived cache)"
"How does one optimise the startup of a Python script/program?"…
=> "I wrote a Python program that would be used very often (imagine
'cd' or 'ls') for very short runtimes, how would I make it start up as
fast as possible?"
"Python Interpreter Startup time"
"Python is very slow to start on Windows 7"…
=> "Python takes 17 times longer to load on my Windows 7 machine than
Ubuntu 14.04 running on a VM"
=> "returns in 0.614s on Windows and 0.036s on Linux"
"How to make a fast command line tool in Python" (old article Python 2.5.2)
=> "(...) some techniques Bazaar uses to start quickly, such as lazy imports."
So please continue efforts for make Python startup even faster to beat
all other programming languages, and finally convince Mercurial to
upgrade ;-)
I couldn’t resist one more PEP from the Core sprint. I won’t reveal where or how this one came to me.
PEP: 559
Title: Built-in noop()
Author: Barry Warsaw <barry(a)>
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 2017-09-08
Python-Version: 3.7
Post-History: 2017-09-09
This PEP proposes adding a new built-in function called ``noop()`` which does
nothing but return ``None``.
It is trivial to implement a no-op function in Python. It's so easy in fact
that many people do it many times over and over again. It would be useful in
many cases to have a common built-in function that does nothing.
One use case would be for PEP 553, where you could set the breakpoint
environment variable to the following in order to effectively disable it::
The Python equivalent of the ``noop()`` function is exactly::
def noop(*args, **kws):
return None
The C built-in implementation is available as a pull request.
Rejected alternatives
``noop()`` returns something
This is rejected because it complicates the semantics. For example, if you
always return both ``*args`` and ``**kws``, what do you return when none of
those are given? Returning a tuple of ``((), {})`` is kind of ugly, but
provides consistency. But you might also want to just return ``None`` since
that's also conceptually what the function was passed.
Or, what if you pass in exactly one positional argument, e.g. ``noop(7)``. Do
you return ``7`` or ``((7,), {})``? And so on.
The author claims that you won't ever need the return value of ``noop()`` so
it will always return ``None``.
Coghlin's Dialogs (edited for formatting):
My counterargument to this would be ``map(noop, iterable)``,
``sorted(iterable, key=noop)``, etc. (``filter``, ``max``, and
``min`` all accept callables that accept a single argument, as do
many of the itertools operations).
Making ``noop()`` a useful default function in those cases just
needs the definition to be::
def noop(*args, **kwds):
return args[0] if args else None
The counterargument to the counterargument is that using ``None``
as the default in all these cases is going to be faster, since it
lets the algorithm skip the callback entirely, rather than calling
it and having it do nothing useful.
This document has been placed in the public domain.
Local Variables:
mode: indented-text
indent-tabs-mode: nil
sentence-end-double-space: t
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I've written a PEP for what might be thought of as "mutable namedtuples
with defaults, but not inheriting tuple's behavior" (a mouthful, but it
sounded simpler when I first thought of it). It's heavily influenced by
the attrs project. It uses PEP 526 type annotations to define fields.
From the overview section:
class InventoryItem:
name: str
unit_price: float
quantity_on_hand: int = 0
def total_cost(self) -> float:
return self.unit_price * self.quantity_on_hand
Will automatically add these methods:
def __init__(self, name: str, unit_price: float, quantity_on_hand:
int = 0) -> None: = name
self.unit_price = unit_price
self.quantity_on_hand = quantity_on_hand
def __repr__(self):
def __eq__(self, other):
if other.__class__ is self.__class__:
return (, self.unit_price, self.quantity_on_hand) ==
(, other.unit_price, other.quantity_on_hand)
return NotImplemented
def __ne__(self, other):
if other.__class__ is self.__class__:
return (, self.unit_price, self.quantity_on_hand) !=
(, other.unit_price, other.quantity_on_hand)
return NotImplemented
def __lt__(self, other):
if other.__class__ is self.__class__:
return (, self.unit_price, self.quantity_on_hand) <
(, other.unit_price, other.quantity_on_hand)
return NotImplemented
def __le__(self, other):
if other.__class__ is self.__class__:
return (, self.unit_price, self.quantity_on_hand) <=
(, other.unit_price, other.quantity_on_hand)
return NotImplemented
def __gt__(self, other):
if other.__class__ is self.__class__:
return (, self.unit_price, self.quantity_on_hand) >
(, other.unit_price, other.quantity_on_hand)
return NotImplemented
def __ge__(self, other):
if other.__class__ is self.__class__:
return (, self.unit_price, self.quantity_on_hand) >=
(, other.unit_price, other.quantity_on_hand)
return NotImplemented
Data Classes saves you from writing and maintaining these functions.
The PEP is largely complete, but could use some filling out in places.
Comments welcome!
P.S. I wrote this PEP when I was in my happy place.

Oct. 9, 2017
I've read the current version of PEP 552 over and I think everything looks
good for acceptance. I believe there are no outstanding objections (or they
have been adequately addressed in responses).
Therefore I intend to accept PEP 552 this Friday, unless grave objections
are raised on this mailing list (python-dev).
Congratulations Benjamin. Gotta love those tristate options!
--Guido van Rossum (
I've updated PEP 554 in response to feedback. (thanks all!) There
are a few unresolved points (some of them added to the Open Questions
section), but the current PEP has changed enough that I wanted to get
it out there first.
Notably changed:
* the API relative to object passing has changed somewhat drastically
(hopefully simpler and easier to understand), replacing "FIFO" with
* added an examples section
* added an open questions section
* added a rejected ideas section
* added more items to the deferred functionality section
* the rationale section has moved down below the examples
Please let me know what you think. I'm especially interested in
feedback about the channels. Thanks!
PEP: 554
Title: Multiple Interpreters in the Stdlib
Author: Eric Snow <ericsnowcurrently(a)>
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 2017-09-05
Python-Version: 3.7
CPython has supported subinterpreters, with increasing levels of
support, since version 1.5. The feature has been available via the
C-API. [c-api]_ Subinterpreters operate in
`relative isolation from one another <Interpreter Isolation_>`_, which
provides the basis for an
`alternative concurrency model <Concurrency_>`_.
This proposal introduces the stdlib ``interpreters`` module. The module
will be `provisional <Provisional Status_>`_. It exposes the basic
functionality of subinterpreters already provided by the C-API.
The ``interpreters`` module will be added to the stdlib. It will
provide a high-level interface to subinterpreters and wrap the low-level
``_interpreters`` module. The proposed API is inspired by the
``threading`` module. See the `Examples`_ section for concrete usage
and use cases.
API for interpreters
The module provides the following functions:
Return a list of all existing interpreters.
Return the currently running interpreter.
Initialize a new Python interpreter and return it. The
interpreter will be created in the current thread and will remain
idle until something is run in it. The interpreter may be used
in any thread and will run in whichever thread calls
The module also provides the following class:
The interpreter's ID (read-only).
Return whether or not the interpreter is currently executing code.
Calling this on the current interpreter will always return True.
Finalize and destroy the interpreter.
This may not be called on an already running interpreter. Doing
so results in a RuntimeError.
run(source_str, /, **shared):
Run the provided Python source code in the interpreter. Any
keyword arguments are added to the interpreter's execution
namespace. If any of the values are not supported for sharing
between interpreters then RuntimeError gets raised. Currently
only channels (see "create_channel()" below) are supported.
This may not be called on an already running interpreter. Doing
so results in a RuntimeError.
A "run()" call is quite similar to any other function call. Once
it completes, the code that called "run()" continues executing
(in the original interpreter). Likewise, if there is any uncaught
exception, it propagates into the code where "run()" was called.
The big difference is that "run()" executes the code in an
entirely different interpreter, with entirely separate state.
The state of the current interpreter in the current OS thread
is swapped out with the state of the target interpreter (the one
that will execute the code). When the target finishes executing,
the original interpreter gets swapped back in and its execution
So calling "run()" will effectively cause the current Python
thread to pause. Sometimes you won't want that pause, in which
case you should make the "run()" call in another thread. To do
so, add a function that calls "run()" and then run that function
in a normal "threading.Thread".
Note that interpreter's state is never reset, neither before
"run()" executes the code nor after. Thus the interpreter
state is preserved between calls to "run()". This includes
"sys.modules", the "builtins" module, and the internal state
of C extension modules.
Also note that "run()" executes in the namespace of the "__main__"
module, just like scripts, the REPL, "-m", and "-c". Just as
the interpreter's state is not ever reset, the "__main__" module
is never reset. You can imagine concatenating the code from each
"run()" call into one long script. This is the same as how the
REPL operates.
Supported code: source text.
API for sharing data
The mechanism for passing objects between interpreters is through
channels. A channel is a simplex FIFO similar to a pipe. The main
difference is that channels can be associated with zero or more
interpreters on either end. Unlike queues, which are also many-to-many,
channels have no buffer.
Create a new channel and return (recv, send), the RecvChannel and
SendChannel corresponding to the ends of the channel. The channel
is not closed and destroyed (i.e. garbage-collected) until the number
of associated interpreters returns to 0.
An interpreter gets associated with a channel by calling its "send()"
or "recv()" method. That association gets dropped by calling
"close()" on the channel.
Both ends of the channel are supported "shared" objects (i.e. may be
safely shared by different interpreters. Thus they may be passed as
keyword arguments to "".
Return a list of all open (RecvChannel, SendChannel) pairs.
The receiving end of a channel. An interpreter may use this to
receive objects from another interpreter. At first only bytes will
be supported.
The channel's unique ID.
The list of associated interpreters (those that have called
the "recv()" method).
Return the next object from the channel. If none have been sent
then wait until the next send.
Return the next object from the channel. If none have been sent
then wait until the next send. If the channel has been closed
then EOFError is raised.
Return the next object from the channel. If none have been sent
then return the default. If the channel has been closed
then EOFError is raised.
No longer associate the current interpreter with the channel (on
the receiving end). This is a noop if the interpreter isn't
already associated. Once an interpreter is no longer associated
with the channel, subsequent (or current) send() and recv() calls
from that interpreter will raise EOFError.
Once number of associated interpreters on both ends drops to 0,
the channel is actually marked as closed. The Python runtime
will garbage collect all closed channels. Note that "close()" is
automatically called when it is no longer used in the current
This operation is idempotent. Return True if the current
interpreter was still associated with the receiving end of the
channel and False otherwise.
The sending end of a channel. An interpreter may use this to send
objects to another interpreter. At first only bytes will be
The channel's unique ID.
The list of associated interpreters (those that have called
the "send()" method).
Send the object to the receiving end of the channel. Wait until
the object is received. If the channel does not support the
object then TypeError is raised. Currently only bytes are
supported. If the channel has been closed then EOFError is
Send the object to the receiving end of the channel. If the
object is received then return True. Otherwise return False.
If the channel does not support the object then TypeError is
raised. If the channel has been closed then EOFError is raised.
No longer associate the current interpreter with the channel (on
the sending end). This is a noop if the interpreter isn't already
associated. Once an interpreter is no longer associated with the
channel, subsequent (or current) send() and recv() calls from that
interpreter will raise EOFError.
Once number of associated interpreters on both ends drops to 0,
the channel is actually marked as closed. The Python runtime
will garbage collect all closed channels. Note that "close()" is
automatically called when it is no longer used in the current
This operation is idempotent. Return True if the current
interpreter was still associated with the sending end of the
channel and False otherwise.
Run isolated code
interp = interpreters.create()
Run in a thread
interp = interpreters.create()
def run():'print("during")')
t = threading.Thread(target=run)
Pre-populate an interpreter
interp = interpreters.create()"""if True:
import some_lib
import an_expensive_module
wait_for_request()"""if True:
Handling an exception
interp = interpreters.create()
try:"""if True:
raise KeyError
except KeyError:
print("got the error from the subinterpreter")
Synchronize using a channel
interp = interpreters.create()
r, s = interpreters.create_channel()
def run():"""if True:
t = threading.Thread(target=run)
Sharing a file descriptor
interp = interpreters.create()
r1, s1 = interpreters.create_channel()
r2, s2 = interpreters.create_channel()
def run():"""if True:
fd = int.from_bytes(
reader.recv(), 'big')
for line in os.fdopen(fd):
reader=r1, writer=s2)
t = threading.Thread(target=run)
with open('spamspamspam') as infile:
fd = infile.fileno().to_bytes(1, 'big')
Passing objects via pickle
interp = interpreters.create()
r, s = interpreters.create_channel()"""if True:
import pickle
def run():"""if True:
data = reader.recv()
while data:
obj = pickle.loads(data)
data = reader.recv()
t = threading.Thread(target=run)
for obj in input:
data = pickle.dumps(obj)
Running code in multiple interpreters provides a useful level of
isolation within the same process. This can be leveraged in number
of ways. Furthermore, subinterpreters provide a well-defined framework
in which such isolation may extended.
CPython has supported subinterpreters, with increasing levels of
support, since version 1.5. While the feature has the potential
to be a powerful tool, subinterpreters have suffered from neglect
because they are not available directly from Python. Exposing the
existing functionality in the stdlib will help reverse the situation.
This proposal is focused on enabling the fundamental capability of
multiple isolated interpreters in the same Python process. This is a
new area for Python so there is relative uncertainly about the best
tools to provide as companions to subinterpreters. Thus we minimize
the functionality we add in the proposal as much as possible.
* "subinterpreters are not worth the trouble"
Some have argued that subinterpreters do not add sufficient benefit
to justify making them an official part of Python. Adding features
to the language (or stdlib) has a cost in increasing the size of
the language. So it must pay for itself. In this case, subinterpreters
provide a novel concurrency model focused on isolated threads of
execution. Furthermore, they present an opportunity for changes in
CPython that will allow simulateous use of multiple CPU cores (currently
prevented by the GIL).
Alternatives to subinterpreters include threading, async, and
multiprocessing. Threading is limited by the GIL and async isn't
the right solution for every problem (nor for every person).
Multiprocessing is likewise valuable in some but not all situations.
Direct IPC (rather than via the multiprocessing module) provides
similar benefits but with the same caveat.
Notably, subinterpreters are not intended as a replacement for any of
the above. Certainly they overlap in some areas, but the benefits of
subinterpreters include isolation and (potentially) performance. In
particular, subinterpreters provide a direct route to an alternate
concurrency model (e.g. CSP) which has found success elsewhere and
will appeal to some Python users. That is the core value that the
``interpreters`` module will provide.
* "stdlib support for subinterpreters adds extra burden
on C extension authors"
In the `Interpreter Isolation`_ section below we identify ways in
which isolation in CPython's subinterpreters is incomplete. Most
notable is extension modules that use C globals to store internal
state. PEP 3121 and PEP 489 provide a solution for most of the
problem, but one still remains. [petr-c-ext]_ Until that is resolved,
C extension authors will face extra difficulty to support
Consequently, projects that publish extension modules may face an
increased maintenance burden as their users start using subinterpreters,
where their modules may break. This situation is limited to modules
that use C globals (or use libraries that use C globals) to store
internal state.
Ultimately this comes down to a question of how often it will be a
problem in practice: how many projects would be affected, how often
their users will be affected, what the additional maintenance burden
will be for projects, and what the overall benefit of subinterpreters
is to offset those costs. The position of this PEP is that the actual
extra maintenance burden will be small and well below the threshold at
which subinterpreters are worth it.
About Subinterpreters
Shared data
Subinterpreters are inherently isolated (with caveats explained below),
in contrast to threads. This enables `a different concurrency model
<Concurrency_>`_ than is currently readily available in Python.
`Communicating Sequential Processes`_ (CSP) is the prime example.
A key component of this approach to concurrency is message passing. So
providing a message/object passing mechanism alongside ``Interpreter``
is a fundamental requirement. This proposal includes a basic mechanism
upon which more complex machinery may be built. That basic mechanism
draws inspiration from pipes, queues, and CSP's channels. [fifo]_
The key challenge here is that sharing objects between interpreters
faces complexity due in part to CPython's current memory model.
Furthermore, in this class of concurrency, the ideal is that objects
only exist in one interpreter at a time. However, this is not practical
for Python so we initially constrain supported objects to ``bytes``.
There are a number of strategies we may pursue in the future to expand
supported objects and object sharing strategies.
Note that the complexity of object sharing increases as subinterpreters
become more isolated, e.g. after GIL removal. So the mechanism for
message passing needs to be carefully considered. Keeping the API
minimal and initially restricting the supported types helps us avoid
further exposing any underlying complexity to Python users.
To make this work, the mutable shared state will be managed by the
Python runtime, not by any of the interpreters. Initially we will
support only one type of objects for shared state: the channels provided
by ``create_channel()``. Channels, in turn, will carefully manage
passing objects between interpreters.
Interpreter Isolation
CPython's interpreters are intended to be strictly isolated from each
other. Each interpreter has its own copy of all modules, classes,
functions, and variables. The same applies to state in C, including in
extension modules. The CPython C-API docs explain more. [caveats]_
However, there are ways in which interpreters share some state. First
of all, some process-global state remains shared:
* file descriptors
* builtin types (e.g. dict, bytes)
* singletons (e.g. None)
* underlying static module data (e.g. functions) for
builtin/extension/frozen modules
There are no plans to change this.
Second, some isolation is faulty due to bugs or implementations that did
not take subinterpreters into account. This includes things like
extension modules that rely on C globals. [cryptography]_ In these
cases bugs should be opened (some are already):
* readline module hook functions (
* memory leaks on re-init (
Finally, some potential isolation is missing due to the current design
of CPython. Improvements are currently going on to address gaps in this
* interpreters share the GIL
* interpreters share memory management (e.g. allocators, gc)
* GC is not run per-interpreter [global-gc]_
* at-exit handlers are not run per-interpreter [global-atexit]_
* extensions using the ``PyGILState_*`` API are incompatible [gilstate]_
Concurrency is a challenging area of software development. Decades of
research and practice have led to a wide variety of concurrency models,
each with different goals. Most center on correctness and usability.
One class of concurrency models focuses on isolated threads of
execution that interoperate through some message passing scheme. A
notable example is `Communicating Sequential Processes`_ (CSP), upon
which Go's concurrency is based. The isolation inherent to
subinterpreters makes them well-suited to this approach.
Existing Usage
Subinterpreters are not a widely used feature. In fact, the only
documented case of wide-spread usage is
`mod_wsgi <>`_. On the one
hand, this case provides confidence that existing subinterpreter support
is relatively stable. On the other hand, there isn't much of a sample
size from which to judge the utility of the feature.
Provisional Status
The new ``interpreters`` module will be added with "provisional" status
(see PEP 411). This allows Python users to experiment with the feature
and provide feedback while still allowing us to adjust to that feedback.
The module will be provisional in Python 3.7 and we will make a decision
before the 3.8 release whether to keep it provisional, graduate it, or
remove it.
Alternate Python Implementations
Open Questions
Leaking exceptions across interpreters
As currently proposed, uncaught exceptions from ``run()`` propagate
to the frame that called it. However, this means that exception
objects are leaking across the inter-interpreter boundary. Likewise,
the frames in the traceback potentially leak.
While that might not be a problem currently, it would be a problem once
interpreters get better isolation relative to memory management (which
is necessary to stop sharing the GIL between interpreters). So the
semantics of how the exceptions propagate needs to be resolved.
Initial support for buffers in channels
An alternative to support for bytes in channels in support for
read-only buffers (the PEP 3119 kind). Then ``recv()`` would return
a memoryview to expose the buffer in a zero-copy way. This is similar
to what ``multiprocessing.Connection`` supports. [mp-conn]
Switching to such an approach would help resolve questions of how
passing bytes through channels will work once we isolate memory
management in interpreters.
Deferred Functionality
In the interest of keeping this proposal minimal, the following
functionality has been left out for future consideration. Note that
this is not a judgement against any of said capability, but rather a
deferment. That said, each is arguably valid.
It would be convenient to run existing functions in subinterpreters
directly. ```` could be adjusted to support this or
a ``call()`` method could be added::, *args, **kwargs)
This suffers from the same problem as sharing objects between
interpreters via queues. The minimal solution (running a source string)
is sufficient for us to get the feature out where it can be explored.
timeout arg to pop() and push()
Typically functions that have a ``block`` argument also have a
``timeout`` argument. We can add it later if needed.
CPython has a concept of a "main" interpreter. This is the initial
interpreter created during CPython's runtime initialization. It may
be useful to identify the main interpreter. For instance, the main
interpreter should not be destroyed. However, for the basic
functionality of a high-level API a ``get_main()`` function is not
necessary. Furthermore, there is no requirement that a Python
implementation have a concept of a main interpreter. So until there's
a clear need we'll leave ``get_main()`` out.
This method would make a ``run()`` call for you in a thread. Doing this
using only ``threading.Thread`` and ``run()`` is relatively trivial so
we've left it out.
Synchronization Primitives
The ``threading`` module provides a number of synchronization primitives
for coordinating concurrent operations. This is especially necessary
due to the shared-state nature of threading. In contrast,
subinterpreters do not share state. Data sharing is restricted to
channels, which do away with the need for explicit synchronization. If
any sort of opt-in shared state support is added to subinterpreters in
the future, that same effort can introduce synchronization primitives
to meet that need.
CSP Library
A ``csp`` module would not be a large step away from the functionality
provided by this PEP. However, adding such a module is outside the
minimalist goals of this proposal.
Syntactic Support
The ``Go`` language provides a concurrency model based on CSP, so
it's similar to the concurrency model that subinterpreters support.
``Go`` provides syntactic support, as well several builtin concurrency
primitives, to make concurrency a first-class feature. Conceivably,
similar syntactic (and builtin) support could be added to Python using
subinterpreters. However, that is *way* outside the scope of this PEP!
The ``multiprocessing`` module could support subinterpreters in the same
way it supports threads and processes. In fact, the module's
maintainer, Davin Potts, has indicated this is a reasonable feature
request. However, it is outside the narrow scope of this PEP.
C-extension opt-in/opt-out
By using the ``PyModuleDef_Slot`` introduced by PEP 489, we could easily
add a mechanism by which C-extension modules could opt out of support
for subinterpreters. Then the import machinery, when operating in
a subinterpreter, would need to check the module for support. It would
raise an ImportError if unsupported.
Alternately we could support opting in to subinterpreter support.
However, that would probably exclude many more modules (unnecessarily)
than the opt-out approach.
The scope of adding the ModuleDef slot and fixing up the import
machinery is non-trivial, but could be worth it. It all depends on
how many extension modules break under subinterpreters. Given the
relatively few cases we know of through mod_wsgi, we can leave this
for later.
Poisoning channels
CSP has the concept of poisoning a channel. Once a channel has been
poisoned, and ``send()`` or ``recv()`` call on it will raise a special
exception, effectively ending execution in the interpreter that tried
to use the poisoned channel.
This could be accomplished by adding a ``poison()`` method to both ends
of the channel. The ``close()`` method could work if it had a ``force``
option to force the channel closed. Regardless, these semantics are
relatively specialized and can wait.
Sending channels over channels
Some advanced usage of subinterpreters could take advantage of the
ability to send channels over channels, in addition to bytes. Given
that channels will already be multi-interpreter safe, supporting then
in ``RecvChannel.recv()`` wouldn't be a big change. However, this can
wait until the basic functionality has been ironed out.
Reseting __main__
As proposed, every call to ```` will execute in the
namespace of the interpreter's existing ``__main__`` module. This means
that data persists there between ``run()`` calls. Sometimes this isn't
desireable and you want to execute in a fresh ``__main__``. Also,
you don't necessarily want to leak objects there that you aren't using
any more.
Solutions include:
* a ``create()`` arg to indicate resetting ``__main__`` after each
``run`` call
* an ``Interpreter.reset_main`` flag to support opting in or out
after the fact
* an ``Interpreter.reset_main()`` method to opt in when desired
This isn't a critical feature initially. It can wait until later
if desirable.
Support passing ints in channels
Passing ints around should be fine and ultimately is probably
desirable. However, we can get by with serializing them as bytes
for now. The goal is a minimal API for the sake of basic
functionality at first.
File descriptors and sockets in channels
Given that file descriptors and sockets are process-global resources,
support for passing them through channels is a reasonable idea. They
would be a good candidate for the first effort at expanding the types
that channels support. They aren't strictly necessary for the initial
Rejected Ideas
Explicit channel association
Interpreters are implicitly associated with channels upon ``recv()`` and
``send()`` calls. They are de-associated with ``close()`` calls. The
alternative would be explicit methods. It would be either
``add_channel()`` and ``remove_channel()`` methods on ``Interpreter``
objects or something similar on channel objects.
In practice, this level of management shouldn't be necessary for users.
So adding more explicit support would only add clutter to the API.
Use pipes instead of channels
A pipe would be a simplex FIFO between exactly two interpreters. For
most use cases this would be sufficient. It could potentially simplify
the implementation as well. However, it isn't a big step to supporting
a many-to-many simplex FIFO via channels. Also, with pipes the API
ends up being slightly more complicated, requiring naming the pipes.
Use queues instead of channels
The main difference between queues and channels is that queues support
buffering. This would complicate the blocking semantics of ``recv()``
and ``send()``. Also, queues can be built on top of channels.
The ``list_all()`` function provides the list of all interpreters.
In the threading module, which partly inspired the proposed API, the
function is called ``enumerate()``. The name is different here to
avoid confusing Python users that are not already familiar with the
threading API. For them "enumerate" is rather unclear, whereas
"list_all" is clear.
.. [c-api]
.. _Communicating Sequential Processes:
.. [CSP]
.. [fifo]…
.. [caveats]
.. [petr-c-ext]
.. [cryptography]
.. [global-gc]
.. [gilstate]
.. [global-atexit]
.. [mp-conn]…
This document has been placed in the public domain.
ACTIVITY SUMMARY (2017-09-22 - 2017-09-29)
Python tracker at
To view or respond to any of the issues listed below, click on the issue.
Do NOT respond to this message.
Issues counts and deltas:
open 6208 (+12)
closed 37181 (+74)
total 43389 (+86)
Open issues with patches: 2384
Issues opened (54)
#25287: test_crypt fails on OpenBSD reopened by serhiy.storchaka
#31553: Extend json.tool to handle jsonlines (with a flag) opened by Eric Moyer
#31554: Warn when __loader__ != __spec__.loader opened by brett.cannon
#31555: Windows pyd slower when not loaded via load_dynamic opened by Safihre
#31556: asyncio.wait_for can cancel futures faster with timeout==0 opened by hellysmile
#31557: tarfile: incorrectly treats regular file as directory opened by Joe Tsai
#31558: gc.freeze() - an API to mark objects as uncollectable opened by lukasz.langa
#31562: is not available opened by serhiy.storchaka
#31565: open() doesn't use locale.getpreferredencoding() opened by serhiy.storchaka
#31567: Inconsistent documentation around decorators opened by dmiyakawa
#31572: Avoid suppressing all exceptions in PyObject_HasAttr() opened by serhiy.storchaka
#31573: PyStructSequence_New() doesn't validate its input type (crashe opened by Oren Milman
#31574: Add dtrace hook for importlib opened by christian.heimes
#31577: crash in os.utime() in case of a bad ns argument opened by Oren Milman
#31581: Reduce the number of imports for functools opened by inada.naoki
#31582: Add _pth breadcrumb to sys.path documentation opened by Traveler Hauptman
#31583: 2to3 call for file in current directory yields error opened by denis-osipov
#31584: Documentation Language mixed up opened by asl
#31589: Links for French documentation pdf is broken opened by fabrice
#31590: CSV module incorrectly treats escaped newlines as new records opened by mallyvai
#31591: Closing socket raises AttributeError: 'collections.deque' obje opened by reidfaiv
#31592: assertion failure in Python/ast.c in case of a bad unicodedata opened by Oren Milman
#31594: Make bytes and bytearray maketrans accept dictionaries as firs opened by oleksandr.suvorov
#31596: expose pthread_getcpuclockid in time module opened by pdox
#31601: Availability of utimensat and futimens not checked correctly o opened by jmr
#31602: assertion failure in zipimporter.get_source() in case of a bad opened by Oren Milman
#31603: Please add argument to override stdin/out/err in the input bui opened by wt
#31604: unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(...) fails when ad opened by Erasmus Cedernaes
#31606: [Windows] Tests failing on installed Python 3.7a1 on Windows opened by haypo
#31607: Add listsize in opened by matrixise
#31608: crash in methods of a subclass of _collections.deque with a ba opened by Oren Milman
#31609: PCbuild\clean.bat fails if the path contains whitespaces opened by serhiy.storchaka
#31610: Use select.poll instead of in SocketServer.BaseS opened by Беатрис Бонева
#31611: Tests failures using -u largefile when the disk is full opened by haypo
#31612: Building 3.6 fails on Windows opened by serhiy.storchaka
#31613: tkinter.simpledialog default buttons (not buttonbox) are not l opened by jcrmatos
#31618: Change sys.settrace opcode tracing to occur after frame line n opened by gwk
#31619: Strange error when convert hexadecimal with underscores to int opened by serhiy.storchaka
#31620: asyncio.Queue leaks memory if the queue is empty and consumers opened by zackelan
#31622: Make threading.get_ident() return an opaque type opened by pdox
#31623: Allow to build MSI installer from the official tarball opened by Ivan.Pozdeev
#31625: stop using ranlib opened by benjamin.peterson
#31626: Crash in _PyUnicode_DecodeUnicodeEscape on OpenBSD opened by serhiy.storchaka
#31627: test_mailbox fails if the hostname is empty opened by serhiy.storchaka
#31628: test_emails failure on FreeBSD opened by serhiy.storchaka
#31629: test_multiprocessing_fork failure on FreeBSD opened by serhiy.storchaka
#31630: math.tan has poor accuracy near pi/2 on OpenBSD opened by serhiy.storchaka
#31631: test_c_locale_coercion fails on OpenBSD opened by serhiy.storchaka
#31632: Asyncio: SSL transport does not support set_protocol() opened by jlacoline
#31634: Consider installing wheel in ensurepip by default opened by Segev Finer
#31635: test_strptime failure on OpenBSD opened by serhiy.storchaka
#31636: test_locale failure on OpenBSD opened by serhiy.storchaka
#31638: zipapp module should support compression opened by zmwangx
#1649329: Extract file-finding and language-handling code from gettext.f reopened by merwok
Most recent 15 issues with no replies (15)
#31638: zipapp module should support compression
#31636: test_locale failure on OpenBSD
#31635: test_strptime failure on OpenBSD
#31634: Consider installing wheel in ensurepip by default
#31632: Asyncio: SSL transport does not support set_protocol()
#31631: test_c_locale_coercion fails on OpenBSD
#31630: math.tan has poor accuracy near pi/2 on OpenBSD
#31629: test_multiprocessing_fork failure on FreeBSD
#31628: test_emails failure on FreeBSD
#31609: PCbuild\clean.bat fails if the path contains whitespaces
#31602: assertion failure in zipimporter.get_source() in case of a bad
#31601: Availability of utimensat and futimens not checked correctly o
#31596: expose pthread_getcpuclockid in time module
#31590: CSV module incorrectly treats escaped newlines as new records
#31583: 2to3 call for file in current directory yields error
Most recent 15 issues waiting for review (15)
#31638: zipapp module should support compression
#31634: Consider installing wheel in ensurepip by default
#31632: Asyncio: SSL transport does not support set_protocol()
#31627: test_mailbox fails if the hostname is empty
#31625: stop using ranlib
#31623: Allow to build MSI installer from the official tarball
#31620: asyncio.Queue leaks memory if the queue is empty and consumers
#31619: Strange error when convert hexadecimal with underscores to int
#31608: crash in methods of a subclass of _collections.deque with a ba
#31607: Add listsize in
#31603: Please add argument to override stdin/out/err in the input bui
#31602: assertion failure in zipimporter.get_source() in case of a bad
#31592: assertion failure in Python/ast.c in case of a bad unicodedata
#31583: 2to3 call for file in current directory yields error
#31581: Reduce the number of imports for functools
Top 10 most discussed issues (10)
#31415: Add -X option to show import time 11 msgs
#31584: Documentation Language mixed up 11 msgs
#30844: selectors: Add urgent data to read event 10 msgs
#31158: test_pty: test_basic() fails randomly on Travis CI 10 msgs
#31285: a SystemError and an assertion failure in warnings.warn_explic 10 msgs
#31170: Update to expat 2.2.4 (expat: utf8_toUtf8 cannot properly hand 8 msgs
#31612: Building 3.6 fails on Windows 8 msgs
#29729: RFE: uuid.UUID(bytes=...): support bytes-like types, not only 7 msgs
#31558: gc.freeze() - an API to mark objects as uncollectable 7 msgs
#31530: Python 2.7 readahead feature of file objects is not thread saf 6 msgs
Issues closed (72)
#5885: uuid.uuid1() is too slow closed by haypo
#11063: Rework uuid module: lazy initialization and add a new C extens closed by pitrou
#18257: Two copies of python-config closed by r.david.murray
#18558: Iterable glossary entry needs clarification closed by rhettinger
#20519: Replace uuid ctypes usage with an extension module. closed by haypo
#22140: "python-config --includes" returns a wrong path (double prefix closed by benjamin.peterson
#23702: still refers to "unbou closed by rhettinger
#25351: pyvenv activate script failure with specific bash option closed by haypo
#25532: infinite loop when running inspect.unwrap over unittest.mock.c closed by ncoghlan
#25732: functools.total_ordering does not correctly implement not equa closed by serhiy.storchaka
#27385: itertools.groupby has misleading doc string closed by rhettinger
#28129: assertion failures in ctypes closed by haypo
#28754: Argument Clinic for bisect.bisect_left closed by rhettinger
#29400: Add instruction level tracing via sys.settrace closed by gwk
#29624: Python 3.5.3 x86 web installer cannot install launcher closed by steve.dower
#30085: Discourage operator.__dunder__ functions closed by terry.reedy
#30152: Reduce the number of imports for argparse closed by serhiy.storchaka
#30346: Odd behavior when unpacking `itertools.groupby` closed by serhiy.storchaka
#30347: itertools.groupby() can fail a C assert() closed by serhiy.storchaka
#30947: Update embeded copy of libexpat from 2.2.1 to 2.2.3 closed by haypo
#30995: Support logging.getLogger(style='{') closed by vinay.sajip
#31153: Update docstrings of itertools functions closed by rhettinger
#31159: Doc: Language switch can't switch on specific cases closed by mdk
#31311: a SystemError and a crash in PyCData_setstate() when __dict__ closed by serhiy.storchaka
#31351: ensurepip discards pip's return code which leads to broken ven closed by ncoghlan
#31355: Remove Travis CI macOS job: rely on buildbots closed by haypo
#31389: Give pdb.set_trace() an optional `header` keyword argument closed by barry
#31423: Error while building PDF documentation closed by zach.ware
#31443: Possibly out of date C extension documentation closed by skrah
#31459: IDLE: Rename Class Browser as Module Browser closed by terry.reedy
#31490: assertion failure in ctypes in case an _anonymous_ attr appear closed by serhiy.storchaka
#31492: assertion failures in case a module has a bad __name__ attribu closed by serhiy.storchaka
#31494: Valgrind suppression file closed by skrah
#31502: IDLE: Config dialog again deletes custom themes and keysets. closed by terry.reedy
#31505: assertion failure in json, in case _json.make_encoder() receiv closed by serhiy.storchaka
#31508: Running test_ttk_guionly logs " UserWarni closed by serhiy.storchaka
#31549: test_strptime and test_time fail on non-English Windows closed by serhiy.storchaka
#31559: IDLE: test_browser is failed when run twice closed by terry.reedy
#31560: hashlib.blake2: error in example for signed cookies closed by benjamin.peterson
#31561: difflib pathological behavior with mixed line endings closed by rhettinger
#31563: Change repr of dict_keys, dict_values, and dict_items to use c closed by serhiy.storchaka
#31564: NewType can subclass NewType closed by Mariatta
#31566: assertion failure in _warnings.warn() in case of a bad __name_ closed by serhiy.storchaka
#31568: Configure thinks it finds python3.5 but doesn't closed by haypo
#31569: inconsistent case of PCbuild/ directory closed by steve.dower
#31570: minor bug in documentataion relating to sending html email closed by Mariatta
#31571: Redundand information on Doc/reference/lexical_analysis.rst closed by Mariatta
#31575: Functional Programming HOWTO sub-optimal example for reduce closed by rhettinger
#31576: problem in math closed by haypo
#31578: Unexpected Floating Point Division Result closed by r.david.murray
#31579: Reference leak in enumerate closed by serhiy.storchaka
#31580: Defer compiling regular expressions closed by barry
#31585: Refactor the enumerate.__next__ implementation closed by rhettinger
#31586: SystemError in _collections._count_element() in case of a bad closed by rhettinger
#31587: Enum doesn't allow name closed by Robert Gomułka
#31588: SystemError in class creation in case of a metaclass with a ba closed by ncoghlan
#31593: [2.7][3.6] test_socketserver ForkingMixIn tests leaks child pr closed by haypo
#31595: Preferring MSVC 2017 in Python 3.6.x new minor releases closed by steve.dower
#31597: ipaddress.hosts() doesn't return anything on a /32 "network" closed by serhiy.storchaka
#31598: pyping 0.0.5 package crashed on ZeroDivisionError: float divis closed by r.david.murray
#31599: bug in doctest when comparing - 0.0 == 0.0 closed by r.david.murray
#31600: please allow association of google login with current account closed by serhiy.storchaka
#31605: meta issue: search shows only issues with rece closed by ezio.melotti
#31614: can't list groupby generator without breaking the sub groups g closed by rhettinger
#31615: Python interpreter is failing due to BufferOverflow Exception closed by serhiy.storchaka
#31616: Windows installer: Python binaries are user-writable closed by steve.dower
#31617: os.path.join() return wrong value in windows closed by eryksun
#31621: Pluralization typo in Language Reference section 7.12 closed by Mariatta
#31624: remove support for BSD/OS closed by benjamin.peterson
#31633: test_crypt fails on OpenBSD closed by serhiy.storchaka
#31637: integer overflow in the size of a ctypes.Array closed by Oren Milman
#1612262: IDLE: Include nested functions and classes in module browser closed by terry.reedy
yesterday I updated the version of Roundup used to run our
instance and 4 other instances (the meta, jython, setuptools, and roundup
trackers). If everything went right you shouldn't have noticed anything
different :)
This update included ~300 changesets from upstream and required an
additional ~30 to update our instances and our fork of Roundup. A number
of features that we added to our fork over the years have been ported
upstream and they have now been removed from our fork, which is now --
except for the github integration -- almost aligned with upstream.
If you notice any issue with the bug tracker (/with/, not /in/ -- that's
expected!), please report it to the meta tracker ( and/or to me. If there are
no reports and everything works fine I still have a few more updates coming
up ;)
A big thanks to John Rouillard (from the Roundup team) and R. David Murray
for the help!
Best Regards,
Ezio Melotti
P.S. Roundup started moving towards Python 3.