
September 2000

  • 40 participants
  • 55 discussions
I patched syncmail to look prettier to my eyes.
by Sept. 29, 2000

Sept. 29, 2000
Reply-To bug in 2.0beta6
by Tokio Kikuchi Sept. 29, 2000

Sept. 29, 2000
Security Contact for Mailman
by Alfred Huger Sept. 28, 2000

Sept. 28, 2000
Re: [Mailman-Developers] mod_layout?
by J C Lawrence Sept. 28, 2000

Sept. 28, 2000
by Chuq Von Rospach Sept. 27, 2000

Sept. 27, 2000
Mailman Enhancement Suggestion
by Stephanie Martinez Sept. 27, 2000

Sept. 27, 2000
No problems today
by David Champion Sept. 27, 2000

Sept. 27, 2000
internal mail archiver/htdig integration
by Richard Barrett Sept. 26, 2000

Sept. 26, 2000
6 12
0 0
Announcing Mailman 2.0 beta 6
by Sept. 26, 2000

Sept. 26, 2000