Hi there,
My name is Merav Yuravlivker, and I'm the CEO of Data Society - we deliver
data science academies to Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and
other international organizations.
We're currently looking for part-time Python instructors and TAs, and my
friend Jackie Kazil recommended I reach out to you and your list serv. All
of these opportunities can be available for people who are employed
full-time, professors, or grad students. We pay well and provide all the
materials for …
[View More]the instructor, as well as instructor training and support.
If possible, would you please be able to share the following blurb? Please
let me know if there is anything else you need from me. Much appreciated!
Data Society, a fast-growing data science training company, is looking for
awesome Python instructors and TAs! We deliver data academies to Fortune
500 companies, government agencies, and international organizations. All of
our content is built in-house by an expert team of data scientists and
instructional designers, so you can focus on what you do best - teach
professionals how to find new insights and make their jobs easier.
We currently have a few openings for TAs, as well as part-time instructors
- all of these opportunities can be available for people who are employed
full-time, professors, or grad students. We pay competitively, have a great
support team, and provide amazing opportunities for additional projects if
you're interested.
To learn more, please visit our page for current opportunities
or simply reach out to Merav at merav(a)datasociety.com.
Schedule a time to meet
Merav Yuravlivker
Data Society, Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder
777 6th Street NW, 11th Floor
Washington, D.C., 20001
Enterprise: solutions.datasociety.com
Consumer: datasociety.com
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Here's something for the archive about how Python continues to help me in
my work as a K-16 curriculum developer.
There's a link to a Jupyter Notebook running sympy towards the middle, with
the surrounding text about how it looks to me like the schools are moving
to Jupyter, judging from my own experience with regional faculties.
Kirby Urner
Oregon Curriculum Network
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: kirby urner <kirby.urner(a)gmail.com>
Date: Thursday, January 25, 2024 …
[View More]at 7:39:09 AM UTC-8
Subject: Synergetics in K-12
To: trimtab-book-club(a)googlegroups.com <trimtab-book-club(a)googlegroups.com>
The post below goes back to our TrimTab meetup with Siobhan Roberts and her
bio of H.S.M. Coxeter.
( public archive)
That USA public schools have proved themselves largely incapable of
incorporating useful K-12 content drawing from Synergetics has left them
non-competitive vs-a-vs private schools that are finding ways.
This deficiency could be addressed, however the quality of public school
education has dropped much lower on the priorities list than it used to be,
according to a public school worker I interviewed recently (I'm still
looking for a key data visualization on that score).
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: *kirby urner* <kirby...(a)gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jan 24, 2024 at 7:43 PM
Subject: Re: [math4wisdom] Re: Caring for our legacies: Franz, Jere, Kirby,
To: <math4...(a)gmail.com>
Cc: math4wisdom <math4...(a)freelists.org>
Greetings all --
I am glad to be hearing from Franz, who has a lively writing style about
stuff I also care about.
My last contribution to this listserv was before my car trip north,
somewhat recapitulating a trip I did with Andrius in 2023.
On my way back, I visited a small private school my friend works at and
spoke with the math faculty. [0]
I was gratified to discover they were already using the Jupyter technology
I favor, along with other stuff. Enough time has passed such that students
exposed to Jupyter in college are now career teachers and are passing the
torch if / when free to do so.
"Jupyter" (the word) is an amalgam of Julia Python R (Ju-Pyt-R) as these
were the original kernel languages adopting what used to be called I-Python
Notebook technology. The idea is to create interactive web pages that not
only present static content, but that also allow browsers to run code in
one or more languages.
As a high school (and above) level math and computer science teacher, I
appreciate the level of integration this technology provides and I showcase
it extensively.
To take a concrete example:
I've continued making hay from the piece of trivium that 2024 (our year) is
a tetrahedral number. The next one won't be until 2300.
A tetrahedral number is formed by stacking triangular numbers, picture
bowling balls or cannon balls. 1, 4, 10, 20... we're accumulating
triangular layers, making the stack higher and higher. Start with 1, put 3
under it, but 6 under that, then a layer of 10... and so on.
After a long drive from north of Seattle back to Portland today, I wanted
to relax and unwind by figuring out why we get (n(n + 1)(n + 2))/6 for
this sequence, where n is the layer number. Given 22 layers: 22(23)(24)/6
= 2024. Check.
What we can do is assume some formula A n^3 + B n^2 + C^n + D (n = 1, 2, 3,
4...) does the trick and substitute known values for n paired with
corresponding right answers. Our goal is to derive the unknowns A, B, C, D
from the knowns.
A + B + C + D = 1 when n = 1
8A + 4B = 2C + D = 4 when n = 2
27A + 9B + 3D + D = 10 when n = 3
64A + 16B + 4C + D = 20 when n = 4
That's four linear equations in four unknowns, in principle solvable using
algorithms from linear algebra.
I added a middle section on the formula's derivation to:
letting Python in a Jupyter Notebook do the "heavy lifting" i.e. the work
of inverting the matrix defined above.
Why am I sharing all this here? I want to keep building on figurate and
polyhedral numbers as a topic, and as a gateway to higher maths.
Triangular numbers are figurate (flat) whereas polyhedral numbers tend to
be multi-layer, such as cubes, tetrahedrons, octahedrons.
One of our more important polyhedral sequences 12, 42, 92, 162... is the
number of balls in successive layers when you start with 12-around-1 in an
omni symmetric pattern, that of the cuboctahedron. [1] In adding layers,
the shape does not change.
In her biography of the late H.S.M. Coxeter, a pioneer of higher
dimensional Euclidean geometry based in the University of Toronto, Siobhan
Roberts talks about the generating formula for said sequence 10 * n^2 + 2,
and how Coxeter was appreciative of Buckminster Fuller for having derived
it on his own, even though it doesn't take more than high school level
skills to do so. [2] Fuller had a fascination for ball packing as a topic.
From one of my online essays [3]:
In a virus, the RNA-protecting shell or capsid is made from sub-units
called capsomeres. By taking F as the number of between-capsomere
intervals, and using 10F2+2 on capsid "shell frequencies" of 1,2,3,4,5 and
6, we obtain corresponding counts of 12, 42*, *92, 162, 252 and 812
capsomeres. "All of these numbers are in fact found in actual viruses, 12
for certain bacteriophages, 42 for wart viruses, 92 for reovirus, 162 for
herpesvirus, 252 for adenovirus and 812 for a virus attacking crane-flies
(Tipula or daddy-long-legs)" - *The Natural History of Viruses *by C.H.
Andrews (W.W. Norton R Co., 1967).
That Fuller's formula was good at predicting micro-architectural aspects of
viruses was even a newspaper headline in the Herald Tribune. [4]
In sum, we're into networking topics: figurate and polyhedral numbers,
deriving their formulae, finding some of these patterns in nature, such as
in the architecture of the virus.
[0] https://worldgame.blogspot.com/2024/01/tetrahedron-year.html
[2] she doesn't mention that it was this formula in particular, but other
sources, including OEIS itself, make it clear that Fuller does indeed get a
lot of credit for it.
https://oeis.org/A005901 My website features in the Links section: K.
Urner, Microarchitecture of the Virus
[3] http://www.4dsolutions.net/synergetica/synergetica2.html#top
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