
August 2009

  • 24 participants
  • 29 discussions
xturtle online via processing.js !?
by Jurgis Pralgauskis 27 Sep '12

27 Sep '12
turtle in education
by roberto 23 Dec '09

23 Dec '09

06 Dec '09
Elevator Demo for Python
by Phil Wagner 05 Oct '09

05 Oct '09
Crunchy and Sphinx?
by Jeff Elkner 05 Oct '09

05 Oct '09
poking some dying logs...
by kirby urner 05 Oct '09

05 Oct '09
Slope Art
by Phil Wagner 05 Oct '09

05 Oct '09
Another idea of Conway
by Gregor Lingl 13 Sep '09

13 Sep '09

30 Aug '09
6 15
0 0
pythonic andragogy...
by kirby urner 29 Aug '09

29 Aug '09