September 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Sep 1 20:28:02 EDT 2008
Ending: Tue Sep 30 17:05:09 EDT 2008
Messages: 200
- [IPython-dev] IPython 0.9 is out!
Jesus Aguillon
- [IPython-dev] ipython-0.9.0.bzr.r1016-py2.5.win32-setup.exe?? [was: Re: Win32 IPython1?]
Alex Brown
- [IPython-dev] ipython-0.9.0.bzr.r1016-py2.5.win32-setup.exe?? [was: Re: Win32 IPython1?]
Alex Brown
- [IPython-dev] branch management getting better...
Ondrej Certik
- [IPython-dev] branch management getting better...
Ondrej Certik
- [IPython-dev] branch management getting better...
Ondrej Certik
- [IPython-dev] branch management getting better...
Ondrej Certik
- [IPython-dev] Docs: authorship listing
Ondrej Certik
- [IPython-dev] Next PyGtk is going to rock the pylab
Ondrej Certik
- [IPython-dev] rebase vs loom (was branch management getting better)
David Cournapeau
- [IPython-dev] branch management getting better...
David Cournapeau
- [IPython-dev] shell command for ipython1 frontend
Laurent Dufrechou
- [IPython-dev] shell command for ipython1 frontend
Laurent Dufrechou
- [IPython-dev] shell command for ipython1 frontend
Laurent Dufrechou
- [IPython-dev] shell command for ipython1 frontend
Laurent Dufréchou
- [IPython-dev] shell command for ipython1 frontend
Laurent Dufréchou
- [IPython-dev] shell command for ipython1 frontend
Laurent Dufréchou
- [IPython-dev] branch management getting better...
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] ipcontroller & ipengine
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] Do we have an get_ipython_dir
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] branch management getting better...
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] Do we have an get_ipython_dir
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] ipcluster with clusterfile
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] ipcluster with clusterfile
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] Do we have an get_ipython_dir
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] Do we have an get_ipython_dir
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] Release plans for 0.9
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] 0.9 Windows installer still not working for me!?!?
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] Release plans for 0.9
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] 0.9 Windows installer still not working for me!?!?
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] Do we have an get_ipython_dir
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] Do we have an get_ipython_dir
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] 0.9 Windows installer still not working for me!?!?
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] 0.9 Windows installer still not working for me!?!?
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] 0.9 Windows installer still not working for me!?!?
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] Fully working Win32 installer
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] Fully working Win32 installer
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] Fully working Win32 installer
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] Important: notes on testing
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] Failing tests in
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] Ville's branch to be merged before the 0.9 release?
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] Merging my branch
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] Ville's branch to be merged before the 0.9 release?
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] Ville's branch to be merged before the 0.9 release?
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev]
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev]
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] My branch is merged
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] Fully working Win32 installer
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] Update: ipython-0.9.1 is out, ipython-0.9 branch created
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] [IPython-user] Twisted support?
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] Notes on SciPy discussion about Notifications in IPython
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] Unit testing
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] Proposal to get unit test coverage as soon as possible
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] An idea: unique synthetic filenames
Robert Kern
- [IPython-dev] Pylab support: How about dynamic backend selection?
Hans Meine
- [IPython-dev] An idea: unique synthetic filenames
Hans Meine
- [IPython-dev] three patches: dashes in demo; /bin/foo, ~/foo; checking returned code from the editor
Hans Meine
- [IPython-dev] three patches: dashes in demo; /bin/foo, ~/foo; checking returned code from the editor
Łukasz Pankowski
- [IPython-dev] three patches: dashes in demo; /bin/foo, ~/foo; checking returned code from the editor
Łukasz Pankowski
- [IPython-dev] [Branch ~ipython-dev/ipython/trunk] Rev 1129: added ipy_gmail extension
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] [Branch ~ipython-dev/ipython/trunk] Rev 1129: added ipy_gmail extension
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Frontend-sync branch updated, and test failures
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Frontend-sync branch updated, and test failures
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Do we have an get_ipython_dir
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Do we have an get_ipython_dir
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] ipcluster with clusterfile
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] branch management getting better...
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Do we have an get_ipython_dir
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] ipython0 and sys.displayhook
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Release plans for 0.9
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] [IPython-user] sys.stderr
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Do we have an get_ipython_dir
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Release plans for 0.9
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Release plans for 0.9
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] 0.9 Windows installer still not working for me!?!?
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] 0.9 Windows installer still not working for me!?!?
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Do we have an get_ipython_dir
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Ville's branch to be merged before the 0.9 release?
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Fully working Win32 installer
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] doc structure fixes
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] 0.9 - last call
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] doc structure fixes
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Fwd: IPython documentation
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Docs: authorship listing
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] IPython 0.9 is out!
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] The road to 0.10
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] IPython 0.9 is out!
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Ville's branch to be merged before the 0.9 release?
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Proposal to get unit test coverage as soon as possible
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] An idea: unique synthetic filenames
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Pylab support: How about dynamic backend selection?
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Fully working Win32 installer
Prabhu Ramachandran
- [IPython-dev] Fully working Win32 installer
Prabhu Ramachandran
- [IPython-dev] [Branch ~ipython-dev/ipython/trunk] Rev 1129: added ipy_gmail extension
Edward K. Ream
- [IPython-dev] IPython+libedit
Andrea Riciputi
- [IPython-dev] Notes on SciPy discussion about Notifications in IPython
Steven H. Rogers
- [IPython-dev] Notes on SciPy discussion about Notifications in IPython
Steven H. Rogers
- [IPython-dev] Documenting the recent editor sync extension
Vivian De Smedt
- [IPython-dev] 0.9 Windows installer still not working for me!?!?
Jörgen Stenarson
- [IPython-dev] [Branch ~ipython-dev/ipython/trunk] Rev 1129: added ipy_gmail extension
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] [Branch ~ipython-dev/ipython/trunk] Rev 1129: added ipy_gmail extension
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] [Branch ~ipython-dev/ipython/trunk] Rev 1129: added ipy_gmail extension
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] [Branch ~ipython-dev/ipython/trunk] Rev 1129: added ipy_gmail extension
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] [Branch ~ipython-dev/ipython/trunk] Rev 1129: added ipy_gmail extension
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] Handy launchpad trick
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] ipython-extensions
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] ipython-extensions
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] Handy launchpad trick
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] Ville's branch to be merged before the 0.9 release?
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] Ville's branch to be merged before the 0.9 release?
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] Fully working Win32 installer
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] Ville's branch to be merged before the 0.9 release?
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] [IPython-user] Twisted support?
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] Ville's branch to be merged before the 0.9 release?
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] Ville's branch to be merged before the 0.9 release?
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] Fwd: IPython Crash Report
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] Next PyGtk is going to rock the pylab
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] Unit testing
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] Unit testing
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] Why trunk-dev (i.e. long-lived branches) may be a bad idea
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] Proposal to get unit test coverage as soon as possible
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] three patches: dashes in demo; /bin/foo, ~/foo; checking returned code from the editor
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] three patches: dashes in demo; /bin/foo, ~/foo; checking returned code from the editor
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] three patches: dashes in demo; /bin/foo, ~/foo; checking returned code from the editor
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] Fwd: IPython Crash Report
Ville M. Vainio
- [IPython-dev] shell command for ipython1 frontend
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] Frontend-sync branch updated, and test failures
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] Frontend-sync branch updated, and test failures
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] Frontend-sync branch updated, and test failures
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] Do we have an get_ipython_dir
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] 0.9 Windows installer still not working for me!?!?
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] ipython-0.9.0.bzr.r1016-py2.5.win32-setup.exe?? [was: Re: Win32 IPython1?]
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev]
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev]
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev]
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] My branch is merged
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] shell command for ipython1 frontend
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] shell command for ipython1 frontend
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] shell command for ipython1 frontend
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] shell command for ipython1 frontend
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] shell command for ipython1 frontend
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] shell command for ipython1 frontend
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] Frontendbase and compile_ast.
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] Frontendbase and compile_ast.
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] Frontendbase and compile_ast.
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] Notes on SciPy discussion about Notifications in IPython
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] ipython1 and synchronous printing of stdout
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] An idea: unique synthetic filenames
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] Pylab support: How about dynamic backend selection?
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] Embed wxIPython/WxController in own app: How to access variables?
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] Embed wxIPython/WxController in own app: How to access variables?
Gael Varoquaux
- [IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4
Nils Wagner
- [IPython-dev] [Branch ~ipython-dev/ipython/trunk] Rev 1129: added ipy_gmail extension
Stefan Van der Walt
- [IPython-dev] branch management getting better...
Stéfan van der Walt
- [IPython-dev] Frontendbase and compile_ast.
Barry Wark
- [IPython-dev] Notes on SciPy discussion about Notifications in IPython
Barry Wark
- [IPython-dev] Notes on SciPy discussion about Notifications in IPython
Barry Wark
- [IPython-dev] Notes on SciPy discussion about Notifications in IPython
Barry Wark
- [IPython-dev] Proposal to get unit test coverage as soon as possible
Barry Wark
- [IPython-dev] Embed wxIPython/WxController in own app: How to access variables?
Fabian Wenzel
- [IPython-dev] Embed wxIPython/WxController in own app: How to access variables?
Fabian Wenzel
Last message date:
Tue Sep 30 17:05:09 EDT 2008
Archived on: Thu Mar 23 23:41:52 EDT 2017
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).