June 2011 Archives by date
Starting: Wed Jun 1 11:01:26 EDT 2011
Ending: Thu Jun 30 23:01:56 EDT 2011
Messages: 186
- [AstroPy] modifying FITS data
Jean-Luc Menut
- [AstroPy] modifying FITS data
Taro Sato
- [AstroPy] modifying FITS data
Taro Sato
- [AstroPy] Q re. function minimization
Erik Tollerud
- [AstroPy] Q re. function minimization
Wolfgang Kerzendorf
- [AstroPy] upgrade matplotlib within scisoft
Grigoris Maravelias
- [AstroPy] Oblique rectangles in APLpy
Jean-Baptiste Marquette
- [AstroPy] Oblique rectangles in APLpy
Thomas Robitaille
- [AstroPy] Plan to port astropy to python3?
Xavier Gnata
- [AstroPy] Plan to port astropy to python3?
Perry Greenfield
- [AstroPy] Plan to port astropy to python3?
Bridgman, William T.
- [AstroPy] Plan to port astropy to python3?
Perry Greenfield
- [AstroPy] Plan to port astropy to python3?
Thomas Robitaille
- [AstroPy] Plan to port astropy to python3?
Perry Greenfield
- [AstroPy] Plan to port astropy to python3?
Matt Davis
- [AstroPy] Plan to port astropy to python3?
Peter Erwin
- [AstroPy] Plan to port astropy to python3?
Matthew Turk
- [AstroPy] Plan to port astropy to python3?
Bridgman, William T.
- [AstroPy] Plan to port astropy to python3?
Mark Sienkiewicz
- [AstroPy] Plan to port astropy to python3?
- [AstroPy] Plan to port astropy to python3?
Peter Erwin
- [AstroPy] Plan to port astropy to python3?
Thomas Robitaille
- [AstroPy] APLpy 0.9.6 Release
Astronomical Python
- [AstroPy] Plan to port astropy to python3?
Mark Sienkiewicz
- [AstroPy] PyAstronomy
Stefan Czesla
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Marshall Perrin
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Wolfgang Kerzendorf
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Taro Sato
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Thomas Robitaille
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Thomas Robitaille
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Stefan Czesla
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Perry Greenfield
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Erik Tollerud
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Erik Tollerud
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Erik Bray
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Perry Greenfield
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Joe Harrington
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Perry Greenfield
- [AstroPy] Plan to port astropy to python3?
Michael Droettboom
- [AstroPy] Plan to port astropy to python3?
Michael Droettboom
- [AstroPy] Plan to port astropy to python3?
Michael Droettboom
- [AstroPy] Plan to port astropy to python3?
Erik Bray
- [AstroPy] Organizing AstroPy (was Re: Proliferating py-astro-libs)
Mark Sienkiewicz
- [AstroPy] pysynphot
Thomas Vaughan
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
James Turner
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
James Turner
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Perry Greenfield
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Kelle Cruz
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Tom Aldcroft
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Matthew Turk
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Perry Greenfield
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Kelle Cruz
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Tommy Grav
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Mubdi Rahman
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Perry Greenfield
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Tommy Grav
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
James Turner
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Andy Casey
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Thomas Robitaille
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Victoria G. Laidler
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Christoph Deil
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
James Turner
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Thomas Robitaille
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Perry Greenfield
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Eric G. Barron
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Thomas Robitaille
- [AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 58, Issue 16
Eli Bressert
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Johann Cohen-Tanugi
- [AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 58, Issue 16
Johann Cohen-Tanugi
- [AstroPy] pyfits - memory leak in new_table / 'hello, i am new here'
Martin Raue
- [AstroPy] Format of postings
Hans Moritz Guenther
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Perry Greenfield
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Steve Crawford
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Rose Finn
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Erik Tollerud
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Marcel Haas
- [AstroPy] organizing meetings to organize astropy
Marshall Perrin
- [AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 58, Issue 16
James Turner
- [AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 58, Issue 16
Thomas Robitaille
- [AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 58, Issue 16
Tommy Grav
- [AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 58, Issue 16
Matthew Turk
- [AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 58, Issue 16
James Turner
- [AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 58, Issue 16
Thomas Robitaille
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Mark Sienkiewicz
- [AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 58, Issue 16
Perry Greenfield
- [AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 58, Issue 16
Perry Greenfield
- [AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 58, Issue 16
Perry Greenfield
- [AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 58, Issue 16
Tommy Grav
- [AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 58, Issue 16
Bridgman, William T.
- [AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 58, Issue 16
Perry Greenfield
- [AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 58, Issue 16
Perry Greenfield
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Neil Crighton
- [AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 58, Issue 16
James Turner
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Thomas Robitaille
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Victoria G. Laidler
- [AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 58, Issue 16
Mark Sienkiewicz
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Erik Tollerud
- [AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 58, Issue 16
Thomas Robitaille
- [AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 58, Issue 16
Matthew Turk
- [AstroPy] meeting issues
Perry Greenfield
- [AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 58, Issue 16
Matthew Turk
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Thomas Robitaille
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Jaime Perea
- [AstroPy] meeting issues
Andrej Prsa
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Tom Aldcroft
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Perry Greenfield
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Tommy Grav
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Perry Greenfield
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Tommy Grav
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Marshall Perrin
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Andrew Williams
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
- [AstroPy] meeting issues
Erik Tollerud
- [AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 58, Issue 16
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Vicki Laidler
- [AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 58, Issue 16
Erik Tollerud
- [AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 58, Issue 16
Erik Tollerud
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Erik Tollerud
- [AstroPy] pyfits - memory leak in new_table / 'hello, i am new here'
Stefan Schwarzburg
- [AstroPy] pyfits - memory leak in new_table / 'hello, i am new here'
Martin Raue
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Thomas Robitaille
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Erik Bray
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Erik Bray
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Mark Sienkiewicz
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Thomas Robitaille
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
James Turner
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Thomas Robitaille
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Erik Bray
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Erik Bray
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Vicki Laidler
- [AstroPy] pyfits - memory leak in new_table / 'hello, i am new here'
Erik Bray
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Chris Sontag
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Mark Sienkiewicz
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Peter Erwin
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
James Turner
- [AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs
Stefan Czesla
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Tom Aldcroft
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Matt Davis
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Luigi Paioro
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Peter Erwin
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Steve Crawford
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Éric Depagne
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Tom Aldcroft
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Éric Depagne
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Luigi Paioro
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Matt Davis
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Thomas Robitaille
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Sergio Pascual
- [AstroPy] ratholes
Mark Sienkiewicz
- [AstroPy] ratholes
Erik Bray
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Lisa M Winter
- [AstroPy] ratholes
Thomas Robitaille
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Peter Erwin
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Tom Aldcroft
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Perry Greenfield
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Lisa M Winter
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Peter Erwin
- [AstroPy] Deployment and packaging
Brad Holden
- [AstroPy] unsubscribe
Magnus V Persson
- [AstroPy] POLL: moderation/coordination
Thomas Robitaille
- [AstroPy] tweakshifts in writeCoordFile()--IndexError: invalid index to scalar variable
Steve White
- [AstroPy] POLL: moderation/coordination
Thomas Robitaille
- [AstroPy] tweakshifts in writeCoordFile()--IndexError: invalid index to scalar variable
Warren J. Hack
- [AstroPy] POLL: vision for a common Astronomy package
Thomas Robitaille
- [AstroPy] POLL: vision for a common Astronomy package
Thomas Robitaille
- [AstroPy] POLL: vision for a common Astronomy package
Marshall Perrin
- [AstroPy] POLL: vision for a common Astronomy package
Perry Greenfield
- [AstroPy] POLL: vision for a common Astronomy package
Thomas Robitaille
- [AstroPy] POLL: vision for a common Astronomy package
James Turner
- [AstroPy] POLL: vision for a common Astronomy package
James Turner
- [AstroPy] POLL: vision for a common Astronomy package
Matthew Turk
- [AstroPy] POLL: vision for a common Astronomy package
Erik Tollerud
- [AstroPy] POLL: vision for a common Astronomy package
Wolfgang Kerzendorf
- [AstroPy] POLL: vision for a common Astronomy package
Thomas Robitaille
- [AstroPy] POLL: vision for a common Astronomy package
Stefan Czesla
- [AstroPy] POLL: vision for a common Astronomy package
James Turner
- [AstroPy] POLL: vision for a common Astronomy package
Luigi Paioro
- [AstroPy] trouble installing pywcs-1.10-4.7 on Win XP with python 2.7.2
Heather Kelly
- [AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 58, Issue 45
Nicolas Bouche
- [AstroPy] Error in vo on Mac OS 10.6.8, Python 2.7
Jean-Baptiste Marquette
- [AstroPy] POLL: vision for a common Astronomy package
Erik Tollerud
- [AstroPy] POLL: vision for a common Astronomy package
Paul Barrett
- [AstroPy] POLL: vision for a common Astronomy package
Brian Kloppenborg
- [AstroPy] asciitable 0.7.0
Tom Aldcroft
Last message date:
Thu Jun 30 23:01:56 EDT 2011
Archived on: Thu Mar 23 23:39:10 EDT 2017
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