March 2011 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Mar 3 23:05:44 CET 2011
Ending: Thu Mar 31 19:39:07 CEST 2011
Messages: 268
- [Distutils] buildout, setuptools, sourceforge problems
Wichert Akkerman
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Brad Allen
- [Distutils] New buildout options: checksums and allow-omitted-checksums
Leonardo Rochael Almeida
- [Distutils] reservations about pythonv
Leonardo Rochael Almeida
- [Distutils] reservations about pythonv
Leonardo Rochael Almeida
- [Distutils] issues with namespace packages on Debian Squeeze and Python 2.6
Leonardo Rochael Almeida
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Éric Araujo
- [Distutils] pypi/packages/
Éric Araujo
- [Distutils] Proposed change to buildout configuration-file handling
Éric Araujo
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Éric Araujo
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Éric Araujo
- [Distutils] Proposed change to buildout configuration-file handling
Éric Araujo
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Éric Araujo
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Éric Araujo
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Éric Araujo
- [Distutils] DRAFT PEP 396 - module version number
Éric Araujo
- [Distutils] distutils2 Forward Compatibility module
Erik Bray
- [Distutils] distutils2 Forward Compatibility module
Erik Bray
- [Distutils] reservations about pythonv
Floris Bruynooghe
- [Distutils] early preview of pythonv
Antonio Cavallo
- [Distutils] Proposed change to buildout configuration-file handling
Fred Drake
- [Distutils] reservations about pythonv
Fred Drake
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Fred Drake
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Fred Drake
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Fred Drake
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Fred Drake
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Fred Drake
- [Distutils] reservations about pythonv
Fred Drake
- [Distutils] easy_install doesn't work when there are multiple Content-Length headers
Fred Drake
- [Distutils] buildout, setuptools, sourceforge problems
Fred Drake
- [Distutils] reservations about pythonv
Fred Drake
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
P.J. Eby
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
P.J. Eby
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
P.J. Eby
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
P.J. Eby
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
P.J. Eby
- [Distutils] window 64bit madness
P.J. Eby
- [Distutils] window 64bit madness
P.J. Eby
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
P.J. Eby
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
P.J. Eby
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
P.J. Eby
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
P.J. Eby
- [Distutils] easy_install doesn't work when there are multiple Content-Length headers
P.J. Eby
- [Distutils] buildout, setuptools, sourceforge problems
P.J. Eby
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
P.J. Eby
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Greg Ewing
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Greg Ewing
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Greg Ewing
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Greg Ewing
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Greg Ewing
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Greg Ewing
- [Distutils] reservations about pythonv
Greg Ewing
- [Distutils] New buildout options: checksums and allow-omitted-checksums
Greg Ewing
- [Distutils] the usecase of continious integration based release-management (which could use more support on the ds2 side)
Greg Ewing
- [Distutils] the usecase of continious integration based release-management (which could use more support on the ds2 side)
Ben Finney
- [Distutils] Proposed change to buildout configuration-file handling
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] Proposed change to buildout configuration-file handling
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] Proposed change to buildout configuration-file handling
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] Proposed change to buildout configuration-file handling
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] Buildout documentation sprint at PyCon
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] Distribute and Python 3.2
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] Distribute and Python 3.2
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] Buildout documentation sprint at PyCon
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] early preview of pythonv
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] Buildout Sprint Report
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] Stop using setuptools or distribute in buildout (was Re: Fwd: Re: window 64bit madness)
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] Stop using setuptools or distribute in buildout (was Re: Fwd: Re: window 64bit madness)
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] broken buildout tests on windows was: [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 68 OK, 34 Failed, 6 Unknown
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] issues with namespace packages on Debian Squeeze and Python 2.6
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] What happened to Buildout documentation sprint?
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] [buildout] "private" releases
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] [Zope-dev] [buildout] "private" releases
Jim Fulton
- [Distutils] window 64bit madness
- [Distutils] window 64bit madness
- [Distutils] window 64bit madness
- [Distutils] window 64bit madness
- [Distutils] Fwd: Re: window 64bit madness
- [Distutils] broken buildout tests on windows was: [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 68 OK, 34 Failed, 6 Unknown
- [Distutils] how to test distribute
- [Distutils] Proposed change to buildout configuration-file handling
Marius Gedminas
- [Distutils] New buildout options: checksums and allow-omitted-checksums
Marius Gedminas
- [Distutils] New buildout options: checksums and allow-omitted-checksums
Marius Gedminas
- [Distutils] buildout, setuptools, sourceforge problems
Marius Gedminas
- [Distutils] DRAFT PEP 396 - module version number
Yannick Gingras
- [Distutils] [Catalog-sig] pypi/packages/
Richard Jones
- [Distutils] [Catalog-sig] pypi/packages/
Richard Jones
- [Distutils] buildout, setuptools, sourceforge problems
Jeff Kunce
- [Distutils] Distribute and Python 3.2
Toshio Kuratomi
- [Distutils] Proposed change to buildout configuration-file handling
Łukasz Langa
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Glyph Lefkowitz
- [Distutils] [Catalog-sig] pypi/packages/
M.-A. Lemburg
- [Distutils] [Catalog-sig] pypi/packages/
M.-A. Lemburg
- [Distutils] [issue122] Xcode 4 removes PPC compiler OS X 10.6, fails installs
Johannes Lindenbaum
- [Distutils] zc.buildout: new option for requiring MD5 sums for downloads
Thomas Lotze
- [Distutils] zc.buildout: new option for requiring MD5 sums for downloads
Thomas Lotze
- [Distutils] New buildout options: checksums and allow-omitted-checksums
Thomas Lotze
- [Distutils] New buildout options: checksums and allow-omitted-checksums
Thomas Lotze
- [Distutils] New buildout options: checksums and allow-omitted-checksums
Thomas Lotze
- [Distutils] New buildout options: checksums and allow-omitted-checksums
Thomas Lotze
- [Distutils] New buildout options: checksums and allow-omitted-checksums
Thomas Lotze
- [Distutils] pypi/packages/
"Martin v. Löwis"
- [Distutils] pypi/packages/
"Martin v. Löwis"
- [Distutils] pypi/packages/
"Martin v. Löwis"
- [Distutils] pypi/packages/
"Martin v. Löwis"
- [Distutils] pypi/packages/
"Martin v. Löwis"
- [Distutils] [Catalog-sig] pypi/packages/
"Martin v. Löwis"
- [Distutils] pypi/packages/
"Martin v. Löwis"
- [Distutils] [Catalog-sig] pypi/packages/
"Martin v. Löwis"
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
"Martin v. Löwis"
- [Distutils] pypi/packages/
"Martin v. Löwis"
- [Distutils] early preview of pythonv
"Martin v. Löwis"
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] early preview of pythonv
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] early preview of pythonv
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] window 64bit madness
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] early preview of pythonv
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] early preview of pythonv
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] early preview of pythonv
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] reservations about pythonv
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] reservations about pythonv
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] reservations about pythonv
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] reservations about pythonv
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] issues with namespace packages on Debian Squeeze and Python 2.6
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Carl Meyer
- [Distutils] Hello all :)
James Mills
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Alexis Métaireau
- [Distutils] the usecase of continious integration based release-management (which could use more support on the ds2 side)
Alexis Métaireau
- [Distutils] DRAFT PEP 396 - module version number
Alexis Métaireau
- [Distutils] Distributes from pkg_resources.resource_string returns bytes under Python 3
Ronald Oussoren
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Ronald Oussoren
- [Distutils] issues with namespace packages on Debian Squeeze and Python 2.6
Manlio Perillo
- [Distutils] the usecase of continious integration based release-management (which could use more support on the ds2 side)
Ronny Pfannschmidt
- [Distutils] the usecase of continious integration based release-management (which could use more support on the ds2 side)
Ronny Pfannschmidt
- [Distutils] the usecase of continious integration based release-management (which could use more support on the ds2 side)
Ronny Pfannschmidt
- [Distutils] easy_install doesn't work when there are multiple Content-Length headers
Hoang Xuan Phu
- [Distutils] easy_install doesn't work when there are multiple Content-Length headers
Hoang Xuan Phu
- [Distutils] [Zope-dev] [buildout] "private" releases
Martijn Pieters
- [Distutils] issues with namespace packages on Debian Squeeze and Python 2.6
Reinout van Rees
- [Distutils] issues with namespace packages on Debian Squeeze and Python 2.6
Reinout van Rees
- [Distutils] the usecase of continious integration based release-management (which could use more support on the ds2 side)
Reinout van Rees
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Lennart Regebro
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Lennart Regebro
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Lennart Regebro
- [Distutils] pypi/packages/
Lennart Regebro
- [Distutils] pypi/packages/
Lennart Regebro
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Lennart Regebro
- [Distutils] pypi/packages/
Lennart Regebro
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Lennart Regebro
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Lennart Regebro
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Lennart Regebro
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Lennart Regebro
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Lennart Regebro
- [Distutils] Distribute and Python 3.2
Lennart Regebro
- [Distutils] Distributes from pkg_resources.resource_string returns bytes under Python 3
Lennart Regebro
- [Distutils] Distributes from pkg_resources.resource_string returns bytes under Python 3
Lennart Regebro
- [Distutils] window 64bit madness
Lennart Regebro
- [Distutils] reservations about pythonv
Brandon Craig Rhodes
- [Distutils] reservations about pythonv
Brandon Craig Rhodes
- [Distutils] Hello all :)
Vinay Sajip
- [Distutils] Distribute and Python 3.2
Vinay Sajip
- [Distutils] Distribute and Python 3.2
Vinay Sajip
- [Distutils] Distribute and Python 3.2
Vinay Sajip
- [Distutils] early preview of pythonv
Vinay Sajip
- [Distutils] reservations about pythonv
Vinay Sajip
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Vinay Sajip
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Vinay Sajip
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Vinay Sajip
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Vinay Sajip
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Vinay Sajip
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Vinay Sajip
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Vinay Sajip
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Vinay Sajip
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Vinay Sajip
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Vinay Sajip
- [Distutils] [distribute] fails on Linux
Ned Schumann
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Tres Seaver
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Tres Seaver
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Tres Seaver
- [Distutils] [issue123] [PATCH] Tolerate responses with multiple Content-Length headers
Tres Seaver
- [Distutils] [issue124] Add support for installing test requirements to 'develop' command
Tres Seaver
- [Distutils] easy_install doesn't work when there are multiple Content-Length headers
Tres Seaver
- [Distutils] [Catalog-sig] pypi/packages/
Mark Sienkiewicz
- [Distutils] reservations about pythonv
Mark Sienkiewicz
- [Distutils] reservations about pythonv
Mark Sienkiewicz
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Mark Sienkiewicz
- [Distutils] the usecase of continious integration based release-management (which could use more support on the ds2 side)
Mark Sienkiewicz
- [Distutils] reservations about pythonv
Mark Sienkiewicz
- [Distutils] [Catalog-sig] pypi/packages/
Eric Smith
- [Distutils] What happened to Buildout documentation sprint?
Ruslan Spivak
- [Distutils] passing command-line options to an additional python interpreter?
Mark Visser
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Barry Warsaw
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Barry Warsaw
- [Distutils] issues with namespace packages on Debian Squeeze and Python 2.6
Barry Warsaw
- [Distutils] reservations about pythonv
Barry Warsaw
- [Distutils] reservations about pythonv
Barry Warsaw
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Barry Warsaw
- [Distutils] reservations about pythonv
Barry Warsaw
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Barry Warsaw
- [Distutils] reservations about pythonv
Barry Warsaw
- [Distutils] pythonv, take two
Barry Warsaw
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Barry Warsaw
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Barry Warsaw
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Barry Warsaw
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Barry Warsaw
- [Distutils] reservations about pythonv
Barry Warsaw
- [Distutils] DRAFT PEP 396 - module version number
Barry Warsaw
- [Distutils] [buildout] "private" releases
Chris Withers
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Benji York
- [Distutils] Proposed change to buildout configuration-file handling
Benji York
- [Distutils] [Catalog-sig] pypi/packages/
Benji York
- [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python
Benji York
- [Distutils] New buildout options: checksums and allow-omitted-checksums
Benji York
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
Tarek Ziadé
- [Distutils] pypi/packages/
Tarek Ziadé
- [Distutils] pypi/packages/
Tarek Ziadé
- [Distutils] pypi/packages/
Tarek Ziadé
- [Distutils] pypi/packages/
Tarek Ziadé
- [Distutils] pypi/packages/
Tarek Ziadé
- [Distutils] Distribute and Python 3.2
Tarek Ziadé
- [Distutils] Distribute and Python 3.2
Tarek Ziadé
- [Distutils] distutils2 Forward Compatibility module
Tarek Ziadé
- [Distutils] Stop using setuptools or distribute in buildout (was Re: Fwd: Re: window 64bit madness)
Tarek Ziadé
- [Distutils] how to test distribute
Tarek Ziadé
- [Distutils] early preview of pythonv
a.cavallo at
- [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.
- [Distutils] pypi/packages/
- [Distutils] pypi/packages/
- [Distutils] pypi/packages/
- [Distutils] pypi/packages/
- [Distutils] pypi/packages/
- [Distutils] VirtualPython proposal
d.camata at
- [Distutils] VirtualPython proposal
d.camata at
- [Distutils] reservations about pythonv
- [Distutils] reservations about pythonv
Last message date:
Thu Mar 31 19:39:07 CEST 2011
Archived on: Thu Mar 31 19:39:17 CEST 2011
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).