
March 1999

  • 102 participants
  • 175 discussions

March 20, 1999
Re: [Mailman-Users] private archiving problems
by Harald Meland March 20, 1999

March 20, 1999

March 20, 1999

March 20, 1999
Sending a human message to the LISTNAME-request address.
by The List Server Administrator@UNH March 20, 1999

March 20, 1999
Jitterbug for Mailman
by Barry A. Warsaw March 20, 1999

March 20, 1999
by Alan Neiman March 19, 1999

March 19, 1999
RE: [Mailman-Users] help setting up mailman
by Boris Goldowsky March 19, 1999

March 19, 1999
Site configurable server messages. (was Sending a human message...)
by The List Server Administrator@UNH March 19, 1999

March 19, 1999

March 19, 1999