I am pleased to announce the first release candidate for Mailman 2.1.18.
Python 2.4 is the minimum supported, but Python 2.7 is recommended.
This release has new features to help with mitigation of the impacts of
DMARC on mailing lists.
There is also a new dependency associated with these features. Namely,
the new Privacy options -> Sender filters -> dmarc_moderation_action
feature requires that the dnspython <http://www.dnspython.org/> package
be available in Python.
There are …
[View More]also bug fixes.
See the attached README for more details.
Mailman is free software for managing email mailing lists and
e-newsletters. Mailman is used for all the python.org and
SourceForge.net mailing lists, as well as at hundreds of other sites.
For more information, please see:
Mailman 2.1.18rc1 can be downloaded from
Mark Sapiro <mark(a)msapiro.net> The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan
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