November 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Nov 1 00:09:05 EDT 2009
Ending: Mon Nov 30 23:51:06 EST 2009
Messages: 3383
- How to Detect Use of Unassigned(Undefined) Variable(Function)
- How to Detect Use of Unassigned(Undefined) Variable(Function)
- installing lxml ?
- installing lxml ?
- installing lxml ?
- installing lxml ?
- installing lxml ?
- Create video with text?
- list comprehension problem
- Recommended number of threads? (in CPython)
- self.__dict__ tricks
- python os.path.exists failure
- Freezing python files into executables
- Microsoft research on code quality
- module imports and st_mtime
- can i configure IDLE to use python 3.2 on fedora?
- futures - a new package for asynchronous execution
- Securing a multiprocessing.BaseManager connection via SSL
- How can a module know the module that imported it?
- Aborting a read with pySerial
- ANN: esky 0.2.1
- ANN: esky 0.2.1
- Compiler malware rebutted
- ANN: esky 0.2.1
- Compiler malware rebutted
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
- Req. comments on "first version" ch 2 progr. intro (using Python 3.x in Windows)
- Python as network protocol
- A "terminators' club" for clp
- A "terminators' club" for clp
- Slicing history?
- Slicing history?
- WindowsError is not available on linux?
- Invitation to connect on LinkedIn
- A "terminators' club" for clp
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
- Newsgroup for beginners
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
- Go versus Brand X
- Go versus Brand X
- Can "self" crush itself?
- Can "self" crush itself?
- Anything equivalent to cassert in C++?
- best performance for storage of server information for python CGI web app?
- WindowsError is not available on linux?
- Arcane question regarding white space, editors, and code collapsing
- Writing a Carriage Return in Unicode
- slightly OT: Python BootCamp
- Python/HTML integration: phileas v0.3 released
- Imitating "tail -f"
- python build 32-bits on x86_64 machine
- xmlrpc idea for getting around the GIL
- slightly OT: Python BootCamp
- Implementation of Book Organization tool (Python2.[x])
- Can't print Chinese to HTTP
- Is there a way to load multiple wxhtmlwindow at the same time?
- list vs tuple for a dict key- why aren't both hashable?
Tycho Andersen
- Python 3.1 cx_Oracle 5.0.2 "ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found."
- Python 3.1 cx_Oracle 5.0.2 "ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found."
- stdin in embedded python
Dave Angel
- stdin in embedded python
Dave Angel
- About one class/function per module
Dave Angel
- exec-function in Python 3.+
Dave Angel
- Accessing a method from within its own code
Dave Angel
- Accessing a method from within its own code
Dave Angel
- Handling large datastore search
Dave Angel
- Calendar Problem
Dave Angel
- Handling large datastore search
Dave Angel
- regexp help
Dave Angel
- Is there a function that can test if a path is in a directory or one of its sub-directory (recursively)?
Dave Angel
- Best way for permutating using multiple lists?
Dave Angel
- What is the best way to delete strings in a string list that that match certain pattern?
Dave Angel
- Serious Privileges Problem: Please Help
Dave Angel
- Is it possible to get the Physical memory address of a variable in python?
Dave Angel
- Is it possible to get the Physical memory address of a variable in python?
Dave Angel
- Calendar Stuff
Dave Angel
- Can't Write File
Dave Angel
- CGI vs mod_python
Dave Angel
- python parser overridden by pymol
Dave Angel
- Writing an emulator in python - implementation questions (for performance)
Dave Angel
- (OT) Recommend FTP Client
Dave Angel
- Computing the 1000th prime
Dave Angel
- python parser overridden by pymol
Dave Angel
- 3.x and 2.x on same machine (is this info at
Dave Angel
- run all scripts in sub-directory as subroutines?
Dave Angel
- __import__ returns module without it's attributes?
Dave Angel
- A different take on finding primes
Dave Angel
- Image to SVG conversion with Python
Dave Angel
- Web servers
Dave Angel
- Changing the current directory (full post)
Dave Angel
- ZipFile - file adding API incomplete?
Dave Angel
- Accessing a Web server --- how?
Dave Angel
- Command line arguments??
Dave Angel
- WindowsError is not available on linux?
Dave Angel
- TypeError: unsupported operand types for +: 'NoneType' and 'str'
Dave Angel
- WindowsError is not available on linux?
Dave Angel
- Minimally intrusive XML editing using Python
Dave Angel
- WindowsError is not available on linux?
Dave Angel
- Communication between python and wxWidgets.. Help needed...
Dave Angel
- Is there something similar to list comprehension in dict?
Dave Angel
- semantics of [:]
Dave Angel
- semantics of [:]
Dave Angel
- pythonpath
Dave Angel
- Sorting: too different times. Why?
Dave Angel
- Sorting: too different times. Why?
Dave Angel
- TypeError: an integer is required
Dave Angel
- sys.stdout is not flushed
Dave Angel
- Where to put the error handing test?
Dave Angel
- get line number and filename in a source file
Dave Angel
- Buffered streaming
Dave Angel
- Filling in a tuple from unknown size list
Dave Angel
- Exec Statement Question
Dave Angel
- Creating a local variable scope.
Dave Angel
- Noobie python shell question
Dave Angel
- Noobie python shell question
Dave Angel
- Creating a local variable scope.
Dave Angel
- Exec Statement Question
Dave Angel
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
- How do I install libxml2 and libxslt?
Kevin Ar18
- How do I install libxml2 and libxslt?
Kevin Ar18
- How do I install dlls and exes for libtidy and others?
Kevin Ar18
- How do I install dlls and exes for libtidy and others?
Kevin Ar18
- How to parse HTTP time header?
Kevin Ar18
- How to parse HTTP time header?
Kevin Ar18
- How to parse HTTP time header?
Kevin Ar18
- why does "help(import)" not work?
Sion Arrowsmith
- Pyfora, a place for python
Martijn Arts
- Pokemon gamestyle in Python
Martijn Arts
- CTypes problem.
Martijn Arts
- a 100-line indentation-based preprocessor for HTML
Martijn Arts
- os.remove() permission problem
Martijn Arts
- Command parsing... best module to use?
van Asselt
- __eq__() inconvenience when subclassing set
Jess Austin
- wsgi with separate css file
Alena Bacova
- C api and exception handling
Carl Banks
- conditional __init__
Carl Banks
- import bug
Carl Banks
- module imports and st_mtime
Carl Banks
- is None or == None ?
Carl Banks
- is None or == None ?
Carl Banks
- feedback on function introspection in argparse
Carl Banks
- feedback on function introspection in argparse
Carl Banks
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
Carl Banks
- Cancelling a python thread (revisited...)
Carl Banks
- Is it possible to get the Physical memory address of a variable in python?
Carl Banks
- Is it possible to get the Physical memory address of a variable in python?
Carl Banks
- New syntax for blocks
Carl Banks
- New syntax for blocks
Carl Banks
- New syntax for blocks
Carl Banks
- New syntax for blocks
Carl Banks
- New syntax for blocks
Carl Banks
- Python & Go
Carl Banks
- Python & Go
Carl Banks
- Writing an emulator in python - implementation questions (for performance)
Carl Banks
- Writing an emulator in python - implementation questions (for performance)
Carl Banks
- Writing an emulator in python - implementation questions (for performance)
Carl Banks
- overriding __getitem__ for a subclass of dict
Carl Banks
- IDE for python
Carl Banks
- Let python call a C function pointer passed from the C Python API
Carl Banks
- overriding __getitem__ for a subclass of dict
Carl Banks
- Get attribute this way
Carl Banks
- New syntax for blocks
Carl Banks
- python bijection
Carl Banks
- Split class across multiple files
Carl Banks
- How do I create a vanilla object in C?
Carl Banks
- xmlrpc idea for getting around the GIL
Carl Banks
- More precise document on os.path.normpath()
Carl Banks
- slightly OT: Python BootCamp
Carl Banks
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Carl Banks
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Carl Banks
- Object Not Callable, float?
Carl Banks
- How to log messages _only once_ from all modules ?
Barak, Ron
- Recall: How to log messages _only once_ from all modules ?
Barak, Ron
- How to log messages _only once_ from all modules ?
Barak, Ron
- How to log messages _only once_ from all modules ?
Ron Barak
- How to log messages _only once_ from all modules ?
Ron Barak
- Handling large datastore search
Ahmed Barakat
- getting properly one subprocess output
- python build 32-bits on x86_64 machine
Sérgio Monteiro Basto
- [repost please help me] python build for 32-bits on x86_64 machine
Sérgio Monteiro Basto
- [repost please help me] python build for 32-bits on x86_64 machine
Sérgio Monteiro Basto
- [repost please help me] python build for 32-bits on x86_64 machine
Sérgio Monteiro Basto
- lxml 2.2.4 for Python 2.6
Sérgio Monteiro Basto
- comparing alternatives to py2exe
Marco Bazzani
- New syntax for blocks
- #define (from C) in Python
- Writing an emulator in python - implementation questions (for performance)
- Number of distinct substrings of a string [continuation]
- Number of distinct substrings of a string [continuation]
- Number of distinct substrings of a string [continuation]
- * for generic unpacking and not just for arguments?
- Number of distinct substrings of a string [continuation]
- restricted mode???
Robin Becker
- restricted mode???
Robin Becker
- Psyco on 64-bit machines
Robin Becker
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Robin Becker
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Robin Becker
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Robin Becker
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Robin Becker
- elementtree XML() unicode
Stefan Behnel
- How do I install libxml2 and libxslt?
Stefan Behnel
- is None or == None ?
Stefan Behnel
- is None or == None ?
Stefan Behnel
- installing lxml ?
Stefan Behnel
- #define (from C) in Python
Stefan Behnel
- #define (from C) in Python
Stefan Behnel
- Code for finding the 1000th prime
Stefan Behnel
- XML root node attributes
Stefan Behnel
- Minimally intrusive XML editing using Python
Stefan Behnel
- DOM related question and problem
Stefan Behnel
- Python/HTML integration: phileas v0.3 released
Stefan Behnel
- Is there something similar to list comprehension in dict?
Stefan Behnel
- Is there something similar to list comprehension in dict?
Stefan Behnel
- creating pipelines in python
Stefan Behnel
- Filling in a tuple from unknown size list
Stefan Behnel
- Filling in a tuple from unknown size list
Stefan Behnel
- (OT) Recommend FTP Client
David M. Besonen
- Compiler malware rebutted
David M. Besonen
- Is it possible to get the Physical memory address of a variable in python?
Ognjen Bezanov
- Is it possible to get the Physical memory address of a variable in python?
Ognjen Bezanov
- lxml 2.2.4 for Python 2.6
Srijit Kumar Bhadra
- A language for S40 mobiles
Saket Bharambe
- Editing PDF files usig Python
Subrahmanya Bhat
- version 3.4
Peter Billam
- My own accounting python euler problem
Dan Bishop
- 3.x and 2.x on same machine (is this info at
Dan Bishop
- Converting a float to a formatted outside of print command
Dan Bishop
- reading from a text file
Olof Bjarnason
- xmlrpc idea for getting around the GIL
Brian Blais
- teaching python using turtle module
Brian Blais
- [Edu-sig] teaching python using turtle module
Brian Blais
- python server developer
- Looking for help getting tkinter to work.
Francesco Bochicchio
- PyQt processEvents not processing
David Boddie
- PyQt4 4.4.4 : a bug with highlightBlock ?
David Boddie
- python gui builders
David Boddie
- QtPython: removeChild/addChild QGroupBox
David Boddie
- Pyfora, a place for python
Paul Boddie
- comparing alternatives to py2exe
Paul Boddie
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Paul Boddie
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Paul Boddie
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Paul Boddie
- pointless musings on performance
Paul Boddie
- pointless musings on performance
Paul Boddie
- pointless musings on performance
Paul Boddie
- Imitating "tail -f"
Paul Boddie
- New to python
Paul Boddie
- Best strategy for overcoming excessive gethostbyname timeout.
John Bokma
- scanning under windows WIA with custom settings (dpi / etc )
John Bokma
- Object Not Callable, float?
John Bokma
- top-like behavior
John Bokma
- parsing json data
John Bokma
- emacs, pdb, python3, ubuntu
John Bokma
- Bored.
John Bokma
- Looking for help getting tkinter to work.
Shue Boks
- A "terminators' club" for clp
David Bolen
- python gui builders
David Bolen
- Python PIL and Vista/Windows 7 .. show() not working ...
David Bolen
- Pyfora, a place for python
Duncan Booth
- Python & Go
Duncan Booth
- Python & Go
Duncan Booth
- semantics of [:]
Duncan Booth
- Sorting: too different times. Why?
Duncan Booth
- Sorting: too different times. Why?
Duncan Booth
- problem with lambda / closures
Duncan Booth
- dbapi2 select where IN (...)
Duncan Booth
- non-copy slices
Themis Bourdenas
- non-copy slices
Themis Bourdenas
- Feedback wanted on programming introduction (Python in Windows)
Pascal J. Bourguignon
- Pyfora, a place for python
Valentina Boycheva
- New to Python need on advice on this script
Valentina Boycheva
- Feature request: String-inferred names
- Cast into custom type
Henning Bredel
- Cast into custom type
Henning Bredel
- Cast into custom type
Henning Bredel
- Python & Go
Graham Breed
- Program to compute and print 1000th prime number
Wayne Brehaut
- KirbyBase : replacing string exceptions
- KirbyBase : replacing string exceptions
- Query about doing fortran-esque repeat formatting
Rob Briggs
- Query about doing fortran-esque repeat formatting
Rob Briggs
- Logic operators with "in" statement
Richard Brodie
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Willem Broekema
- The ol' [[]] * 500 bug...
Vlastimil Brom
- Converting a float to a formatted outside of print command
Vlastimil Brom
- reposition a column
Vlastimil Brom
- Some Basic questions on the use of CTRL and ALT Keys
Vlastimil Brom
- delete column content
Vlastimil Brom
- python bijection
Joshua Bronson
- python bijection
Joshua Bronson
- python bijection
Joshua Bronson
- python bijection
Joshua Bronson
- python bijection
Joshua Bronson
- python bijection
Joshua Bronson
- python bijection
Joshua Bronson
- python bijection
Joshua Bronson
- python bijection
Joshua Bronson
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Barry W Brown
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Robert Brown
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Robert Brown
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Robert Brown
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Robert Brown
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Robert Brown
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Robert Brown
- Help with SOAPpy and WSDL.
Simon Brunning
- Help with SOAPpy and WSDL.
Simon Brunning
- self.__dict__ tricks
Simon Brunning
- regexp help
Simon Brunning
- regexp help
Simon Brunning
- regexp help
Simon Brunning
- why does "help(import)" not work?
Simon Brunning
- why does "help(import)" not work?
Simon Brunning
- why does "help(import)" not work?
Simon Brunning
- QuerySets in Dictionaries
Simon Brunning
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Simon Brunning
- Is there something similar to list comprehension in dict?
Simon Brunning
- reading from a text file
Simon Brunning
- how to create a pip package
Floris Bruynooghe
- Dynamic property names on class
- Dynamic property names on class
- Why do you use python?
Jaime Buelta
- Threaded import hang in cPickle.dumps
Zac Burns
- Threaded import hang in cPickle.dumps
Zac Burns
- Threaded import hang in cPickle.dumps
Zac Burns
- __import__ returns module without it's attributes?
Zac Burns
- ReverseProxy
Fred C
- A beginner question about GUI use and development
- python gui builders
- Line Breaks
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- Does turtle graphics have the wrong associations?
Jonathan Campbell
- Are you happy with the current web deployment options?
Antonio Cangiano
- COM Server wirh MS Excel
- COM Server wirh MS Excel
- COM Server wirh MS Excel
- Calling Python functions from Excel
- Calling Python functions from Excel
- Bored.
Jorge Cardona
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
Francis Carr
- python bijection
Francis Carr
- Regexp and multiple groups (with repeats)
Neil Cerutti
- Line-continuation "Anti-Idiom" and with statement
Neil Cerutti
- Line-continuation "Anti-Idiom" and with statement
Neil Cerutti
- pointless musings on performance
Neil Cerutti
- how to format a python source file with tools?
Neil Cerutti
- flattening and rebuilding a simple list of lists
Neil Cerutti
- Variables with cross-module usage
Nitin Changlani
- Variables with cross-module usage
Nitin Changlani.
- Variables with cross-module usage
Nitin Changlani.
- Variables with cross-module usage
Nitin Changlani.
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Peter Chant
- read Zipfile
Tim Chase
- read Zipfile
Tim Chase
- read Zipfile
Tim Chase
- how to remove the same words in the paragraph
Tim Chase
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Tim Chase
- how to remove the same words in the paragraph
Tim Chase
- Read handle concatenation
Tim Chase
- How convert string '1e7' to an integer?
Tim Chase
- Indentation problems
Tim Chase
- fetch all tweets..
Tim Chase
- how to remove the same words in the paragraph
Tim Chase
- (OT) Recommend FTP Client
Tim Chase
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Tim Chase
- basic class question..
Tim Chase
- Logic operators with "in" statement
Tim Chase
- Newsgroup for beginners
Tim Chase
- directory wildcard
Tim Chase
- faster than list.extend()
Tim Chase
- Newsgroup for beginners
Tim Chase
- IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
Tim Chase
- convert a string to a regex?
Tim Chase
- semantics of [:]
Tim Chase
- python regex "negative lookahead assertions" problems
Tim Chase
- Using struct to read binary files
Tim Chase
- mysqldb cursor returning type along with result ?
Tim Chase
- * for generic unpacking and not just for arguments?
Tim Chase
- Noobie python shell question
Tim Chase
- * for generic unpacking and not just for arguments?
Tim Chase
- top-like behavior
Tim Chase
- [Edu-sig] teaching python using turtle module
Edward Cherlin
- regexp help
Nadav Chernin
- regexp help
Nadav Chernin
- regexp help
Nadav Chernin
- Help with pprint
Nadav Chernin
- Running function from Win32 dll
Nadav Chernin
- Running function from win32 dll
Nadav Chernin
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Adrian Cherry
- Freezing python files into executables
Rami Chowdhury
- self.__dict__ tricks
Rami Chowdhury
- Freezing python files into executables
Rami Chowdhury
- is None or == None ?
Rami Chowdhury
- newbie question - python lists
Rami Chowdhury
- newbie question - python lists
Rami Chowdhury
- is None or == None ?
Rami Chowdhury
- is None or == None ?
Rami Chowdhury
- regexp question
Rami Chowdhury
- Serious Privileges Problem: Please Help
Rami Chowdhury
- Serious Privileges Problem: Please Help
Rami Chowdhury
- Serious Privileges Problem: Please Help
Rami Chowdhury
- Serious Privileges Problem: Please Help
Rami Chowdhury
- Serious Privileges Problem: Please Help
Rami Chowdhury
- Serious Privileges Problem: Please Help
Rami Chowdhury
- Serious Privileges Problem: Please Help
Rami Chowdhury
- Create object from variable indirect reference?
Rami Chowdhury
- Can't Write File
Rami Chowdhury
- Can't Write File
Rami Chowdhury
- Can't Write File
Rami Chowdhury
- Can't Write File
Rami Chowdhury
- Can't Write File
Rami Chowdhury
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Rami Chowdhury
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Rami Chowdhury
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Rami Chowdhury
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Rami Chowdhury
- wsgi with separate css file
Rami Chowdhury
- wsgi with separate css file
Rami Chowdhury
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Rami Chowdhury
- Changing the current directory (full post)
Rami Chowdhury
- non-copy slices
Rami Chowdhury
- non-copy slices
Rami Chowdhury
- get line number and filename in a source file
Rami Chowdhury
- Workaround To Add Value To TextArea
Rami Chowdhury
- Can't Encode Pic
Rami Chowdhury
- Variables with cross-module usage
Rami Chowdhury
- Variables with cross-module usage
Rami Chowdhury
- Completely OT
Rami Chowdhury
- New to python
Rami Chowdhury
- About "Object in list" expression
Jon Clements
- exec-function in Python 3.+
Jon Clements
- Read handle concatenation
Jon Clements
- list to table
Jon Clements
- join , split question
Jon Clements
- Best way for permutating using multiple lists?
Jon Clements
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
Jon Clements
- newbie question - python lists
Jon Clements
- regexp question
Jon Clements
- OT: regular expression matching multiple occurrences of one group
Jon Clements
- Req. comments on "first version" ch 2 progr. intro (using Python 3.x in Windows)
Jon Clements
- Req. comments on "first version" ch 2 progr. intro (using Python 3.x in Windows)
Jon Clements
- Req. comments on "first version" ch 2 progr. intro (using Python 3.x in Windows)
Jon Clements
- Create object from variable indirect reference?
Jon Clements
- Authentication session with urllib2
Jon Clements
- The ol' [[]] * 500 bug...
Jon Clements
- python win32com problem
Jon Clements
- Slicing history?
Jon Clements
- overriding __getitem__ for a subclass of dict
Jon Clements
- getting properly one subprocess output
Jon Clements
- getting properly one subprocess output
Jon Clements
- using struct module on a file
Jon Clements
- make two tables having same orders in both column and row names
Jon Clements
- Creating a drop down filter in Admin site
Jon Clements
- Raw strings as input from File?
Jon Clements
- Raw strings as input from File?
Jon Clements
- Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Nov 24)
Jon Clements
- CentOS 5.3 vs. Python 2.5
Jon Clements
- Raw strings as input from File?
Jon Clements
- How to Detect Use of Unassigned(Undefined) Variable(Function)
Jon Clements
- Python Programming Challenges for beginners?
Jon Clements
- Access to file in Windows Xp
Jon Clements
- parsing json data
Jon Clements
- Filling in a tuple from unknown size list
Jon Clements
- Pyfora, a place for python
Dotan Cohen
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Dotan Cohen
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF"syntax?
Dotan Cohen
- why do I get this behavior from a while loop?
S. Chris Colbert
- why do I get this behavior from a while loop?
S. Chris Colbert
- Linux, Python 2.5.2, serverless binding LDAP?
Kevin Cole
- Linux, Python 2.5.2, serverless binding LDAP?
Kevin Cole
- Linux, Python 2.5.2, serverless binding LDAP?
Kevin Cole
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Javier Collado
- How to specify Python version in script?
Javier Collado
- LinkedIn Messages, 11/10/2009
LinkedIn Communication
- Python as network protocol
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
Dave Cook
- python gui builders
Dave Cook
- python gui builders
Dave Cook
- Relative versus absolute paths on Windows
Jason R. Coombs
- Relative versus absolute paths on Windows
Jason R. Coombs
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
David Cournapeau
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
David Cournapeau
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
David Cournapeau
- ANN: GMPY 1.11rc1 is available
Nick Craig-Wood
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Neil Crighton
- newbie question - python lists
Brian Curtin
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
Brian Curtin
- _winreg error on open key (64bit) - proper usage of _winreg.DisableReflectionKey
Brian Curtin
- list comprehension problem
Steven D'Aprano
- How to import only one module in a package when the package has already imports the modules?
Steven D'Aprano
- self.__dict__ tricks
Steven D'Aprano
- How to import only one module in a package when the package has already imports the modules?
Steven D'Aprano
- How to import only one module in a package when the package has already imports the modules?
Steven D'Aprano
- import bug
Steven D'Aprano
- problem with read() write()
Steven D'Aprano
- import bug
Steven D'Aprano
- list comprehension problem
Steven D'Aprano
- How to import only one module in a package when the package has already imports the modules?
Steven D'Aprano
- Function states [was Re: How to import only one module in a package when the package has already imports the modules?]
Steven D'Aprano
- About one class/function per module
Steven D'Aprano
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Steven D'Aprano
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Steven D'Aprano
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Steven D'Aprano
- About one class/function per module
Steven D'Aprano
- chr / ord
Steven D'Aprano
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Steven D'Aprano
- Cast into custom type
Steven D'Aprano
- Pyfora, a place for python
Steven D'Aprano
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Steven D'Aprano
- self.__dict__ tricks
Steven D'Aprano
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Steven D'Aprano
- Tkinter callback arguments
Steven D'Aprano
- Python 3 [was Re: substituting list comprehensions for map()]
Steven D'Aprano
- How to test urllib|urllib2-using code?
Steven D'Aprano
- self.__dict__ tricks
Steven D'Aprano
- Tkinter callback arguments
Steven D'Aprano
- Python 3
Steven D'Aprano
- What is the best way to delete strings in a string list that that match certain pattern?
Steven D'Aprano
- Docs Typo
Steven D'Aprano
- is None or == None ?
Steven D'Aprano
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
Steven D'Aprano
- Defining re pattern for matching list of numbers
Steven D'Aprano
- is None or == None ?
Steven D'Aprano
- sort values from dictionary of dictionaries python 2.4
Steven D'Aprano
- on "Namespaces"
Steven D'Aprano
- My own accounting python euler problem
Steven D'Aprano
- Python as network protocol
Steven D'Aprano
- is None or == None ?
Steven D'Aprano
- Python as network protocol
Steven D'Aprano
- advice needed for lazy evaluation mechanism
Steven D'Aprano
- My own accounting python euler problem
Steven D'Aprano
- My own accounting python euler problem
Steven D'Aprano
- is None or == None ?
Steven D'Aprano
- New syntax for blocks
Steven D'Aprano
- New syntax for blocks
Steven D'Aprano
- New syntax for blocks
Steven D'Aprano
- New syntax for blocks
Steven D'Aprano
- How can a module know the module that imported it?
Steven D'Aprano
- New syntax for blocks
Steven D'Aprano
- New syntax for blocks
Steven D'Aprano
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
Steven D'Aprano
- python with echo
Steven D'Aprano
- python parser overridden by pymol
Steven D'Aprano
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Steven D'Aprano
- Why Error is derived from EnvironmentError in
Steven D'Aprano
- using inspect
Steven D'Aprano
- advice needed for lazy evaluation mechanism
Steven D'Aprano
- standard libraries don't behave like standard 'libraries'
Steven D'Aprano
- How can a module know the module that imported it?
Steven D'Aprano
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Steven D'Aprano
- New syntax for blocks
Steven D'Aprano
- python with echo
Steven D'Aprano
- QuerySets in Dictionaries
Steven D'Aprano
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Steven D'Aprano
- Writing an emulator in python - implementation questions (for performance)
Steven D'Aprano
- Writing an emulator in python - implementation questions (for performance)
Steven D'Aprano
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Steven D'Aprano
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Steven D'Aprano
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Steven D'Aprano
- Vote on PyPI comments
Steven D'Aprano
- The ol' [[]] * 500 bug...
Steven D'Aprano
- Python & Go
Steven D'Aprano
- Anything better than shutil?
Steven D'Aprano
- QuerySets in Dictionaries
Steven D'Aprano
- overriding __getitem__ for a subclass of dict
Steven D'Aprano
- basic class question..
Steven D'Aprano
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Steven D'Aprano
- What is the difference between 'except IOError as e:' and 'except IOError, e:'
Steven D'Aprano
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Steven D'Aprano
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Steven D'Aprano
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Steven D'Aprano
- New syntax for blocks
Steven D'Aprano
- Arcane question regarding white space, editors, and code collapsing
Steven D'Aprano
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Steven D'Aprano
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Steven D'Aprano
- real numbers with infinity precission
Steven D'Aprano
- Is an interactive command a block?
Steven D'Aprano
- What is the naming convention for accessor of a 'private' variable?
Steven D'Aprano
- Does turtle graphics have the wrong associations?
Steven D'Aprano
- python bijection
Steven D'Aprano
- Is an interactive command a block?
Steven D'Aprano
- Is there something similar to list comprehension in dict?
Steven D'Aprano
- Writing a Carriage Return in Unicode
Steven D'Aprano
- extending dictonary
Steven D'Aprano
- Too Many Values To Unpack
Steven D'Aprano
- Sorting: too different times. Why?
Steven D'Aprano
- Sorting: too different times. Why?
Steven D'Aprano
- Sorting: too different times. Why?
Steven D'Aprano
- Where to put the error handing test?
Steven D'Aprano
- UnicodeDecodeError? Argh! Nothing works! I'm tired and hurting and...
Steven D'Aprano
- UnicodeDecodeError? Argh! Nothing works! I'm tired and hurting and...
Steven D'Aprano
- Where to put the error handing test?
Steven D'Aprano
- CentOS 5.3 vs. Python 2.5
Steven D'Aprano
- Can "self" crush itself?
Steven D'Aprano
- Can "self" crush itself?
Steven D'Aprano
- How do I correctly download Wikipedia pages?
Steven D'Aprano
- How do I correctly download Wikipedia pages?
Steven D'Aprano
- a question about python
Steven D'Aprano
- why do I get this behavior from a while loop?
Steven D'Aprano
- Filling in a tuple from unknown size list
Steven D'Aprano
- Some Basic questions on the use of CTRL and ALT Keys
Steven D'Aprano
- Intro To Python Using Turtle Graphics
Steven D'Aprano
- need clarification on -0
Steven D'Aprano
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Steven D'Aprano
- need clarification on -0
Steven D'Aprano
- filename of calling function?
Steven D'Aprano
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Steven D'Aprano
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Steven D'Aprano
- Variables with cross-module usage
Steven D'Aprano
- Creating a local variable scope.
Steven D'Aprano
- * for generic unpacking and not just for arguments?
Steven D'Aprano
- Python Statements/Keyword Localization
Emanuele D'Arrigo
- Python Statements/Keyword Localization
Emanuele D'Arrigo
- Sqlite3. Substitution of names in query.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
- Sqlite3. Substitution of names in query.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
- Sqlite3. Substitution of names in query.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
- Sqlite3. Substitution of names in query.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
- Sqlite3. Substitution of names in query.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
- Sqlite3. Substitution of names in query.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
- Sqlite3. Substitution of names in query.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
- Docs Typo
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
- Docs Typo
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
- Intro To Python Using Turtle Graphics
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
- Python & OpenOffice Spreadsheets
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
- Is It A Directory
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
- Command parsing... best module to use?
Collin D
- Command parsing... best module to use?
Collin D
- PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords in Python3.1
Joachim Dahl
- PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords in Python3.1
Joachim Dahl
- PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords in Python3.1
Joachim Dahl
- python and web pages
Daniel Dalton
- python and web pages
Daniel Dalton
- python and vc numbers
Daniel Dalton
- python and vc numbers
Daniel Dalton
- python and vc numbers
Daniel Dalton
- python and vc numbers
Daniel Dalton
- python gui builders
Tim Daneliuk
- list comprehension problem
Scott David Daniels
- list to table
Scott David Daniels
- Serious Privileges Problem: Please Help
Scott David Daniels
- overriding __getitem__ for a subclass of dict
Scott David Daniels
- python gui builders
Scott David Daniels
- ZipFile - file adding API incomplete?
Scott David Daniels
- TODO and FIXME tags
Scott David Daniels
- FYI: ConfigParser, ordered options, PEP 372 and OrderedDict + big thank you
Scott David Daniels
- Writing a Carriage Return in Unicode
Scott David Daniels
- PyQt processEvents not processing
- PyQt processEvents not processing
- problem in installing wxwidgets for python..
Jebagnana Das
- Communication between python and wxWidgets.. Help needed...
Jebagnana Das
- problem with pyqt.. help please...
Jebagnana Das
- Pause a script before termination
- parse a string (Cadence Allegro Netlist) to dictionary
Joel Davis
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Joel Davis
- python gui builders
Joel Davis
- filename of calling function?
Joel Davis
- Unpacking Tuples
Joel Davis
- A different take on finding primes
Vincent Davis
- starting with python 3.1 vs 3.2, and "test_telnetlib"
Robert P. J. Day
- can i configure IDLE to use python 3.2 on fedora?
Robert P. J. Day
- listing an object's methods/attributes?
Robert P. J. Day
- why does "help(import)" not work?
Robert P. J. Day
- why does "help(import)" not work?
Robert P. J. Day
- why does "help(import)" not work?
Robert P. J. Day
- why does "help(import)" not work?
Robert P. J. Day
- newbie question - python lists
Robert P. J. Day
- What is the best way to delete strings in a string list that that match certain pattern?
Robert P. J. Day
- newbie question - python lists
Robert P. J. Day
- Program to compute and print 1000th prime number
Robert P. J. Day
- Program to compute and print 1000th prime number
Robert P. J. Day
- how to display the return type of an os method?
Robert P. J. Day
- What is the best way to delete strings in a string list that that match certain pattern?
Robert P. J. Day
- how to display the return type of an os method?
Robert P. J. Day
- My own accounting python euler problem
Robert P. J. Day
- My own accounting python euler problem
Robert P. J. Day
- My own accounting python euler problem
Robert P. J. Day
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Robert P. J. Day
- Code for finding the 1000th prime
Robert P. J. Day
- Line Breaks
Susan Day
- Line Breaks
Susan Day
- Pyfora, a place for python
Ned Deily
- pyserial vs. Linux power save hibernate/resume - program hangs
Ned Deily
- 2.6 and sys.exit()
Ned Deily
- need clarification on -0
Ned Deily
- Filling in a tuple from unknown size list
Ned Deily
- multiprocessing.connection with ssl
Ned Deily
- Can't print Chinese to HTTP
Ned Deily
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Bruno Desthuilliers
- About one class/function per module
Bruno Desthuilliers
- About one class/function per module
Bruno Desthuilliers
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Bruno Desthuilliers
- About one class/function per module
Bruno Desthuilliers
- About one class/function per module
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Web development with Python 3.1
Bruno Desthuilliers
- join , split question
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Web development with Python 3.1
Bruno Desthuilliers
- join , split question
Bruno Desthuilliers
- why does "help(import)" not work?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- why does "help(import)" not work?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- how to display the return type of an os method?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- exception due to NoneType
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Microsoft research on code quality
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- exception due to NoneType
Bruno Desthuilliers
- database handling
Bruno Desthuilliers
- New syntax for blocks
Bruno Desthuilliers
- New syntax for blocks
Bruno Desthuilliers
- New syntax for blocks
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Adding methods to an object instance
Bruno Desthuilliers
- New syntax for blocks
Bruno Desthuilliers
- New syntax for blocks
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Get attribute this way
Bruno Desthuilliers
- attributes, properties, and accessors -- philosophy
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Where to put the error handing test?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Nov 24)
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Beginning Question about Python functions, parameters...
Bruno Desthuilliers
- attributes, properties, and accessors -- philosophy
Bruno Desthuilliers
- attributes, properties, and accessors -- philosophy
Bruno Desthuilliers
- attributes, properties, and accessors -- philosophy
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Bruno Desthuilliers
- High-performance Python websites
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Anything equivalent to cassert in C++?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Image to SVG conversion with Python
Carlo DiCelico
- Image to SVG conversion with Python
Carlo DiCelico
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Sean DiZazzo
- extracting info from media files
Sean DiZazzo
- unable to compile Python 2.6.4 on AIX using gcc
Mark Dickinson
- Docs Typo
Mark Dickinson
- Docs Typo
Mark Dickinson
- Python C API and references
Mark Dickinson
- Slicing history?
Mark Dickinson
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Mark Dickinson
- Sorting: too different times. Why?
Mark Dickinson
- need clarification on -0
Mark Dickinson
- need clarification on -0
Mark Dickinson
- My own accounting python euler problem
Jack Diederich
- IDE+hg
Günther Dietrich
- IDE+hg
Günther Dietrich
- mySQL access speed
Dikkie Dik
- Python & Go
- Writing a Carriage Return in Unicode
- Writing a Carriage Return in Unicode
- Documentation bugs in 3.1 - C-API - TypeObjects
- More Python versions on an XP machine
- Documentation bugs in 3.1 - C-API - TypeObjects
- Documentation bugs in 3.1 - C-API - TypeObjects
- Announcement: depikt - the minimalistic python gate to gtk
- Is there something similar to list comprehension in dict?
- Newbie question about scrapy tutorial
- depikt (gtk-wrappers): Threads, code-inlining Pixbufs
- depikt (gtk-wrappers): Threads, inlining Pixbufs to python code
- depikt (gtk-wrappers): Threads, inlining Pixbufs to python code
- depikt (gtk-wrappers): Threads, inlining Pixbufs to python code
- depikt (gtk-wrappers): Threads, inlining Pixbufs to python code
- depikt (gtk-wrappers): Threads, inlining Pixbufs to python code
- Python3 - encoding issues
- Python3 - encoding issues
- Python3 - encoding issues
- Freezing python files into executables
Mike Driscoll
- Python Will Not Send Email!!
Kev Dwyer
- Python Will Not Send Email!!
Kev Dwyer
- Python Will Not Send Email!!
Kev Dwyer
- Problem w/ smtplib
Kev Dwyer
- Problem w/ smtplib
Kev Dwyer
- reading windows event logs
- checking 'type' programmatically
Billy Earney
- #define (from C) in Python
Ulrich Eckhardt
- the unicode saga continues...
Ulrich Eckhardt
- The ol' [[]] * 500 bug...
Ulrich Eckhardt
- using struct module on a file
Ulrich Eckhardt
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
Grant Edwards
- is None or == None ?
Grant Edwards
- is None or == None ?
Grant Edwards
- Python as network protocol
Grant Edwards
- is None or == None ?
Grant Edwards
- Python & Go
Grant Edwards
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Grant Edwards
- Newsgroup for beginners
Grant Edwards
- IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
Grant Edwards
- IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
Grant Edwards
- Raw strings as input from File?
Grant Edwards
- JTAG/Debugging
Grant Edwards
- Anything equivalent to cassert in C++?
Grant Edwards
- PySerial and termios
Grant Edwards
- How to specify Python version in script?
Yinon Ehrlich
- python gui builders
Yinon Ehrlich
- (pywin related) pywintypes.com_error: -2147417846 "Application busy"
Alexander Eisenhuth
- (pywin related) pywintypes.com_error: -2147417846 "Application busy"
Alexander Eisenhuth
- Tkinter callback arguments
Lord Eldritch
- Tkinter callback arguments
Lord Eldritch
- Tkinter callback arguments
Lord Eldritch
- PiCloud Beta Release
Ken Elkabany
- how to remove the same words in the paragraph
Andre Engels
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
Andre Engels
- Program to compute and print 1000th prime number
Andre Engels
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
Andre Engels
- Is there something similar to list comprehension in dict?
Andre Engels
- Intro To Python Using Turtle Graphics
- Intro To Python Using Turtle Graphics
- Intro To Python Using Turtle Graphics
- Intro To Python Using Turtle Graphics
- A beginner question about GUI use and development
- Looking for portable what to determine directory where extensions are installed?
Tom Epperly
- How can a module know the module that imported it?
AK Eric
- How can a module know the module that imported it?
AK Eric
- Does turtle graphics have the wrong associations?
AK Eric
- semantics of [:]
- semantics of [:]
- semantics of [:]
- semantics of [:]
- semantics of ** (unexpected/inconsistent?)
- semantics of ** (unexpected/inconsistent?)
- semantics of ** (unexpected/inconsistent?)
- semantics of ** (unexpected/inconsistent?)
- flattening and rebuilding a simple list of lists
- reading from a text file
- flattening and rebuilding a simple list of lists
- Python PIL and Vista/Windows 7 .. show() not working ...
- Python PIL and Vista/Windows 7 .. show() not working ...
- Python PIL and Vista/Windows 7 .. show() not working ...
- Python PIL and Vista/Windows 7 .. show() not working ...
- ANN: PyGUI 2.1
Greg Ewing
- ANN: PyGUI 2.1.1
Greg Ewing
- New syntax for blocks
Gregory Ewing
- ANN: PyGUI Mailing List
Gregory Ewing
- Relative versus absolute paths on Windows
Gregory Ewing
- What is the naming convention for accessor of a 'private' variable?
Gregory Ewing
- Too Many Values To Unpack
Gregory Ewing
- plotting arrow in python
Gregory Ewing
- parallel class structures for AST-based objects
Gregory Ewing
- Go versus Brand X
Gregory Ewing
- Writing a Carriage Return in Unicode
Gregory Ewing
- ANN: PyGUI Mailing List
Gregory Ewing
- Go versus Brand X
Gregory Ewing
- python bijection
Gregory Ewing
- Can "self" crush itself?
Gregory Ewing
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Gregory Ewing
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Gregory Ewing
- python and vc numbers
Gregory Ewing
- semantics of ** (unexpected/inconsistent?)
Gregory Ewing
- OT: regular expression matching multiple occurrences of one group
Jürgen Exner
- Need help for my system python
Luca Fabbri
- Need help for my system python
Luca Fabbri
- How to know if a file is a text file
Luca Fabbri
- DHT for Python 3.x?
Salim Fadhley
- TODO and FIXME tags
- how to format a python source file with tools?
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Edward A. Falk
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Edward A. Falk
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Edward A. Falk
- Code for finding the 1000th prime
Edward A. Falk
- Python Programming Challenges for beginners?
Edward A. Falk
- parsing json data
Edward A. Falk
- 2to3 ParseError with UTF-8 BOM
- 2to3 ParseError with UTF-8 BOM
- Access to file in Windows Xp
- Access to file in Windows Xp
- Problem combining Scientific (leastSquaresFit) and scipy (odeint)
Harold Fellermann
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Steve Ferg
- have opensource crawler written by python?
Daniel Fetchinson
- Pyfora, a place for python
Daniel Fetchinson
- Pyfora, a place for python
Daniel Fetchinson
- Pyfora, a place for python
Daniel Fetchinson
- Pyfora, a place for python
Daniel Fetchinson
- Pyfora, a place for python
Daniel Fetchinson
- Pyfora, a place for python
Daniel Fetchinson
- Pyfora, a place for python
Daniel Fetchinson
- is None or == None ?
Daniel Fetchinson
- Python as network protocol
Daniel Fetchinson
- Python as network protocol
Daniel Fetchinson
- Python as network protocol
Daniel Fetchinson
- Python as network protocol
Daniel Fetchinson
- ask a question about the module
Daniel Fetchinson
- Vote on PyPI comments
Daniel Fetchinson
- Vote on PyPI comments
Daniel Fetchinson
- ANN: Urwid 0.9.9 - Console UI Library
Daniel Fetchinson
- ANN: Urwid 0.9.9 - Console UI Library
Daniel Fetchinson
- Python/HTML integration: phileas v0.3 released
Daniel Fetchinson
- How do I create a vanilla object in C?
Daniel Fetchinson
- xmlrpc idea for getting around the GIL
Daniel Fetchinson
- xmlrpc idea for getting around the GIL
Daniel Fetchinson
- vpython installation problem
Daniel Fetchinson
- FYI: ConfigParser, ordered options, PEP 372 and OrderedDict + big thank you
Jonathan Fine
- Identifiers exposed by a package (was: How to import only one module in a package when the package has already imports the modules?)
Ben Finney
- Pyfora, a place for python
Ben Finney
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Ben Finney
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Ben Finney
- About one class/function per module
Ben Finney
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Ben Finney
- About one class/function per module
Ben Finney
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Ben Finney
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Ben Finney
- chr / ord
Ben Finney
- self.__dict__ tricks
Ben Finney
- list comprehension problem
Ben Finney
- Docs Typo
Ben Finney
- About one class/function per module
Ben Finney
- Help resolve a syntax error on 'as' keyword (python 2.5)
Ben Finney
- Pyfora, a place for python
Ben Finney
- Pyfora, a place for python
Ben Finney
- self.__dict__ tricks
Ben Finney
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Ben Finney
- Pyfora, a place for python
Ben Finney
- Python 3
Ben Finney
- exception due to NoneType
Ben Finney
- How convert string '1e7' to an integer?
Ben Finney
- 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe4' in position 4: ordinal not in range(128)
Ben Finney
- String prefix question
Ben Finney
- on "Namespaces"
Ben Finney
- python-daemon and upstart
Ben Finney
- Help with database planning
Ben Finney
- A "terminators' club" for clp
Ben Finney
- Simple object reference
Ben Finney
- IDE for python
Ben Finney
- Newsgroup for beginners
Ben Finney
- Please recommend the books that might be helpful to learn Python :)
Ben Finney
- TODO and FIXME tags
Ben Finney
- python gui builders
Ben Finney
- Arcane question regarding white space, editors, and code collapsing
Ben Finney
- Arcane question regarding white space, editors, and code collapsing
Ben Finney
- What is the naming convention for accessor of a 'private' variable?
Ben Finney
- Input characters not available on the keyboard (was: New syntax for blocks)
Ben Finney
- New syntax for blocks
Ben Finney
- python bijection
Ben Finney
- Sorting: too different times. Why?
Ben Finney
- python and Postgresq
Ben Finney
- Can "self" crush itself?
Ben Finney
- Can "self" crush itself?
Ben Finney
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Ben Finney
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Ben Finney
- how to format a python source file with tools?
Ben Finney
- hex int and string
Ben Finney
- hex int and string
Ben Finney
- Intro To Python Using Turtle Graphics
Ben Finney
- Intro To Python Using Turtle Graphics
Ben Finney
- Intro To Python Using Turtle Graphics
Ben Finney
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Ben Finney
- semantics of ** (unexpected/inconsistent?)
Ben Finney
- semantics of ** (unexpected/inconsistent?)
Ben Finney
- Object Not Callable, float?
Ben Finney
- Object Not Callable, float?
Ben Finney
- Characters in arithmetic expressions (was: semantics of ** (unexpected/inconsistent?))
Ben Finney
- Language and collaboration (was: Python Statements/Keyword Localization)
Ben Finney
- Bored.
Ben Finney
- Accessing a method from within its own code
Gerard Flanagan
- String prefix question
Gerard Flanagan
- filename of calling function?
Gerard Flanagan
- Why do you use python?
Simon Forman
- Serious Privileges Problem: Please Help
Simon Forman
- NEWB problem with urllib2
Simon Forman
- Calendar Stuff
Simon Forman
- Python & Go
Simon Forman
- Anything equivalent to cassert in C++?
Simon Forman
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Simon Forman
- using struct module on a file
Simon Forman
- make two tables having same orders in both column and row names
Simon Forman
- parallel class structures for AST-based objects
Simon Forman
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Erik Max Francis
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Erik Max Francis
- Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Nov 24)
Erik Max Francis
- need clarification on -0
Erik Max Francis
- Pyfora, a place for python
Alan Franzoni
- Pyfora, a place for python
Alan Franzoni
- Using "" for an application, not a library module.
Alan Franzoni
- debugger on system with Python 2 and 3
Alan Franzoni
- self.__dict__ tricks
Ethan Furman
- Pyfora, a place for python
Ethan Furman
- ANN: python-dBase 0.86 Released!
Ethan Furman
- self.__dict__ tricks
Ethan Furman
- Pyfora, a place for python
Ethan Furman
- Python 3
Ethan Furman
- Python as network protocol
Ethan Furman
- Python as network protocol
Ethan Furman
- How can a module know the module that imported it?
Ethan Furman
- using inspect
Ethan Furman
- How can a module know the module that imported it?
Ethan Furman
- the unicode saga continues...
Ethan Furman
- Calling Python functions from Excel
Ethan Furman
- non-copy slices
Ethan Furman
- non-copy slices
Ethan Furman
- non-copy slices
Ethan Furman
- Is an interactive command a block?
Ethan Furman
- semantics of [:]
Ethan Furman
- Newsgroup for beginners
Ethan Furman
- Relative versus absolute paths on Windows
Ethan Furman
- Is an interactive command a block?
Ethan Furman
- attributes, properties, and accessors -- philosophy
Ethan Furman
- Relative versus absolute paths on Windows
Ethan Furman
- Relative versus absolute paths on Windows
Ethan Furman
- attributes, properties, and accessors -- philosophy
Ethan Furman
- attributes, properties, and accessors -- philosophy
Ethan Furman
- attributes, properties, and accessors -- philosophy
Ethan Furman
- Bored.
Jonathan Gardner
- Pyfora, a place for python
Lorenzo Gatti
- Pyfora, a place for python
Lorenzo Gatti
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
Lorenzo Gatti
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
Lorenzo Gatti
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
Lorenzo Gatti
- Communication between python and wxWidgets.. Help needed...
Jonas Geiregat
- Possibly something wrong with mailman ?
Jonas Geiregat
- import bug
Gabriel Genellina
- __eq__() inconvenience when subclassing set
Gabriel Genellina
- import bug
Gabriel Genellina
- stdin in embedded python
Gabriel Genellina
- import bug
Gabriel Genellina
- import bug
Gabriel Genellina
- About one class/function per module
Gabriel Genellina
- stdin in embedded python
Gabriel Genellina
- read Zipfile
Gabriel Genellina
- __eq__() inconvenience when subclassing set
Gabriel Genellina
- About one class/function per module
Gabriel Genellina
- Cast into custom type
Gabriel Genellina
- Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Nov 3)
Gabriel Genellina
- import bug
Gabriel Genellina
- Cast into custom type
Gabriel Genellina
- elementtree XML() unicode
Gabriel Genellina
- Help resolve a syntax error on 'as' keyword (python 2.5)
Gabriel Genellina
- import from a string
Gabriel Genellina
- elementtree XML() unicode
Gabriel Genellina
- continuous return?
Gabriel Genellina
- unittest & setup
Gabriel Genellina
- how to create nested classes dynamically
Gabriel Genellina
- import from a string
Gabriel Genellina
- Tkinter callback arguments
Gabriel Genellina
- Tkinter callback arguments
Gabriel Genellina
- Tkinter callback arguments
Gabriel Genellina
- How to test urllib|urllib2-using code?
Gabriel Genellina
- Cast into custom type
Gabriel Genellina
- Looking for portable what to determine directory where extensions are installed?
Gabriel Genellina
- distutils.core.setup --install-script option in Python 2.6 ?
Gabriel Genellina
- list to table
Gabriel Genellina
- 2to3 on Mac - unknown encoding: mbcs
Gabriel Genellina
- Is there a function that can test if a path is in a directory or one of its sub-directory (recursively)?
Gabriel Genellina
- ctypes exception in callback handlind
Gabriel Genellina
- What is the best way to delete strings in a string list that that match certain pattern?
Gabriel Genellina
- listing an object's methods/attributes?
Gabriel Genellina
- list to table
Gabriel Genellina
-, is this a bug ?
Gabriel Genellina
- list to table
Gabriel Genellina
- comparing alternatives to py2exe
Gabriel Genellina
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
Gabriel Genellina
- how to create a pip package
Gabriel Genellina
- OT: regular expression matching multiple occurrences of one group
Gabriel Genellina
- Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Nov 10)
Gabriel Genellina
- 2to3 ParseError with UTF-8 BOM
Gabriel Genellina
- Python C API and references
Gabriel Genellina
- Unexpected python exception
Gabriel Genellina
- questions regarding stack size use for multi-threaded python programs
Gabriel Genellina
- Writing an emulator in python - implementation questions (for performance)
Gabriel Genellina
- (unknown)
Gabriel Genellina
- (unknown)
Gabriel Genellina
- __import__ returns module without it's attributes?
Gabriel Genellina
- Changing the current directory (full post)
Gabriel Genellina
- tkFileDialog question
Gabriel Genellina
- Python 2.6.3 TarFile Module Add odd behavior
Gabriel Genellina
- Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Nov 16)
Gabriel Genellina
- C api question and determining PyObject type
Gabriel Genellina
- C api question and determining PyObject type
Gabriel Genellina
- (unknown)
Gabriel Genellina
- Redirect stdout to a buffer [Errno 9]
Gabriel Genellina
- Changing the current directory (full post)
Gabriel Genellina
- faster than list.extend()
Gabriel Genellina
- Redirect stdout to a buffer [Errno 9]
Gabriel Genellina
- Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Nov 24)
Gabriel Genellina
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Gabriel Genellina
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Gabriel Genellina
- Using struct to read binary files
Gabriel Genellina
- Best strategy for overcoming excessive gethostbyname timeout.
Gabriel Genellina
- python bijection
Gabriel Genellina
- staticmethod not callable? (trying to make a Singleton metaclass..)
Gabriel Genellina
- ANN: StreamHarvester-0.1 Beta
Godson Gera
- My own accounting python euler problem
- Command line arguments??
- list vs tuple for a dict key- why aren't both hashable?
Dj Gilcrease
- PySerial and termios
- Can't print Chinese to HTTP
- Can't print Chinese to HTTP
- Can't print Chinese to HTTP
- Tax Calculator--Tkinter
Marcus Gnaß
- A beginner question about GUI use and development
Marcus Gnaß
- What is the difference between 'except IOError as e:' and 'except IOError, e:'
Marcus Gnaß
- Python & Go
Yoav Goldberg
- Python & Go
Yoav Goldberg
- bootstrapping on machines without Python
Tim Golden
- non-copy slices
Tim Golden
- Is there something similar to list comprehension in dict?
Tim Golden
- reading from a text file
Tim Golden
- reading from a text file
Tim Golden
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
Luis Alberto Zarrabeitia Gomez
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
Luis Alberto Zarrabeitia Gomez
- High-performance Python websites
Luis M. González
- ctypes exception in callback handlind
- questions regarding stack size use for multi-threaded python programs
Eyal Gordon
- Questions about list-creation
Manuel Graune
- (unknown)
Tommy Grav
- Differentiating file attachments from inline attachments in Exchange
Peter Green
- How to print zero-padded floating point numbers in python 2.6.1
Lorenzo Di Gregorio
- python logging filters
- python logging filters
- python logging filters
- python logging filters
- Help with error on
Christian Grise
- adding a directory to sys.path
John Guenther
- Can "self" crush itself?
Francesco Guerrieri
- 'classmethod' object has only read-only attributes
Thomas Guettler
- XML-RPC(using SimpleXMLRPCServer) slow on the first call
Rafal Gulinski
- Migrating from R to Python
Ishwor Gurung
- problem in installing wxwidgets for python..
Ishwor Gurung
- Feature request: String-inferred names
The Music Guy
- Feature request: String-inferred names
The Music Guy
- Feature request: String-inferred names
The Music Guy
- Feature request: String-inferred names
The Music Guy
- Feature request: String-inferred names
The Music Guy
- Feature request: String-inferred names
The Music Guy
- Feature request: String-inferred names
The Music Guy
- Feature request: String-inferred names
The Music Guy
- Feature request: String-inferred names
The Music Guy
- Feature request: String-inferred names
The Music Guy
- Feature request: String-inferred names
The Music Guy
- Feature request: String-inferred names
The Music Guy
- Feature request: String-inferred names
The Music Guy
- semantics of ** (unexpected/inconsistent?)
The Music Guy
- Feature request: String-inferred names
The Music Guy
- Feature request: String-inferred names
The Music Guy
- unittest & setup
Jonathan Haddad
- top-like behavior
Jonathan Haddad
- top-like behavior
Jonathan Haddad
- Sqlite3. Substitution of names in query.
Carsten Haese
- Sqlite3. Substitution of names in query.
Carsten Haese
- Sqlite3. Substitution of names in query.
Carsten Haese
- Sqlite3. Substitution of names in query.
Carsten Haese
- Calling a method with a variable name
Carsten Haese
- Calendar Problem
Carsten Haese
- regexp help
Carsten Haese
- Can't Write File
Carsten Haese
- Can't Write File
Carsten Haese
- Calling Python functions from Excel
Carsten Haese
- Code for finding the 1000th prime
Carsten Haese
- Python Will Not Send Email!!
Carsten Haese
- Python Will Not Send Email!!
Carsten Haese
- Too Many Values To Unpack
Carsten Haese
- Python Will Not Send Email!!
Carsten Haese
- Too Many Values To Unpack
Carsten Haese
- Too Many Values To Unpack
Carsten Haese
- Switching Databases
Carsten Haese
- print function in python3.1
Carsten Haese
- Switching Databases
Carsten Haese
- Switching Databases
Carsten Haese
- Don't Understand Error
Carsten Haese
- Raw strings as input from File?
Carsten Haese
- Can't Encode Pic
Carsten Haese
- Can't Encode Pic
Carsten Haese
- Can't Encode Pic
Carsten Haese
- why do I get this behavior from a while loop?
Carsten Haese
- Can't Encode Pic
Carsten Haese
- Exec Statement Question
Carsten Haese
- _winreg error on open key (64bit) - proper usage of _winreg.DisableReflectionKey
Mark Hammond
- reading windows event logs
Mark Hammond
- Cpython optimization
Roy Hyunjin Han
- Redirect stdout to a buffer
Ecir Hana
- Redirect stdout to a buffer [Errno 9]
Ecir Hana
- Redirect stdout to a buffer [Errno 9]
Ecir Hana
- Redirect stdout to a buffer [Errno 9]
Ecir Hana
- New syntax for blocks
Stephen Hansen
- New syntax for blocks
Stephen Hansen
- semantics of [:]
Stephen Hansen
- Line Breaks
Stephen Hansen
- Beginning Question about Python functions, parameters...
Stephen Hansen
- Beginning Question about Python functions, parameters...
Stephen Hansen
- Capturing output of os.system to a string
Stephen Hansen
- How do I correctly download Wikipedia pages?
Stephen Hansen
- Python PIL and Vista/Windows 7 .. show() not working ...
Stephen Hansen
- Questions about list-creation
Stephen Hansen
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Brad Harms
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Brad Harms
- [ANNC] acromania-0.5
Lee Harr
- [ANNC] pybotwar-0.7
Lee Harr
- Easy way to play single musical notes in Python
James Harris
- Easy way to play single musical notes in Python
James Harris
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
James Harris
- Easy way to play single musical notes in Python
James Harris
- Web development with Python 3.1
Alan Harris-Reid
- String prefix question
Alan Harris-Reid
- String prefix question
Alan Harris-Reid
- String prefix question
Alan Harris-Reid
- comparing alternatives to py2exe
Jonathan Hartley
- comparing alternatives to py2exe
Jonathan Hartley
- comparing alternatives to py2exe
Jonathan Hartley
- comparing alternatives to py2exe
Jonathan Hartley
- comparing alternatives to py2exe
Jonathan Hartley
- comparing alternatives to py2exe
Jonathan Hartley
- comparing alternatives to py2exe
Jonathan Hartley
- bootstrapping on machines without Python
Jonathan Hartley
- bootstrapping on machines without Python
Jonathan Hartley
- bootstrapping on machines without Python
Jonathan Hartley
- Vote on PyPI comments
Jonathan Hartley
- IDE for python
Jonathan Hartley
- Anything equivalent to cassert in C++?
Jonathan Hartley
- How do I correctly download Wikipedia pages?
Taskinoor Hasan
- Does turtle graphics have the wrong associations?
Richard Heathfield
- How convert string '1e7' to an integer?
Christian Heimes
- Threaded import hang in cPickle.dumps
Christian Heimes
- How can a module know the module that imported it?
Christian Heimes
- python with echo
Christian Heimes
- overriding __getitem__ for a subclass of dict
Christian Heimes
- WindowsError is not available on linux?
Christian Heimes
- adding a directory to sys.path
Christian Heimes
- Relative versus absolute paths on Windows
Christian Heimes
- * for generic unpacking and not just for arguments?
Christian Heimes
- os.remove() permission problem
Christian Heimes
- bootstrapping on machines without Python
Thomas Heller
- My own accounting python euler problem
Martin P. Hellwig
- bootstrapping on machines without Python
Martin P. Hellwig
- TODO and FIXME tags
Martin P. Hellwig
- Any elegant way to construct the complete $k$-partite graph in Python?
Malte Helmert
- Run a external program.
Yasser Almeida Hernández
- Run a external program.
Yasser Almeida Hernández
- Run a external program.
Yasser Almeida Hernández
- TODO and FIXME tags
Yasser Almeida Hernández
- How convert string '1e7' to an integer?
Gary Herron
- Pause a script before termination
Gary Herron
- overriding __getitem__ for a subclass of dict
Gary Herron
- Line Breaks
Gary Herron
- Line Breaks
Gary Herron
- Unpacking Tuples
Gary Herron
- New to python
Gary Herron
- is None or == None ?
Raymond Hettinger
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
Raymond Hettinger
- Program to compute and print 1000th prime number
Raymond Hettinger
- My own accounting python euler problem
Raymond Hettinger
- Does turtle graphics have the wrong associations?
Raymond Hettinger
- faster than list.extend()
Raymond Hettinger
- python bijection
Raymond Hettinger
- Command parsing... best module to use?
Simon Hibbs
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
Simon Hibbs
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
Simon Hibbs
- python gui builders
Simon Hibbs
- python gui builders
Simon Hibbs
- python gui builders
Simon Hibbs
- is there any FIX message handle modules in Python?
Simon Hibbs
- python gui builders
Simon Hibbs
- QuerySets in Dictionaries
Jerry Hill
- python with echo
- query regarding file handling.
- Error in Windmill
- Help with database planning
- Code for finding the 1000th prime
- Running a python script from interactive mode
- Help resolve a syntax error on 'as' keyword (python 2.5)
Xavier Ho
- Program to compute and print 1000th prime number
Xavier Ho
- Logic operators with "in" statement
Xavier Ho
- Logic operators with "in" statement
Xavier Ho
- Logic operators with "in" statement
Xavier Ho
- What is the difference between 'except IOError as e:' and 'except IOError, e:'
Xavier Ho
- Python 3.1 cx_Oracle 5.0.2 "ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found."
Neil Hodgson
- Program to compute and print 1000th prime number
Ray Holt
- Indentation problems
Ray Holt
- Commenting and uncommenting from the shell
Ray Holt
- Computing the 1000th prime
Ray Holt
- pythonpath
Ray Holt
- How to print zero-padded floating point numbers in python 2.6.1
Lutz Horn
- How to test urllib|urllib2-using code?
Lutz Horn
- overriding __getitem__ for a subclass of dict
Steve Howell
- Python & Go
Steve Howell
- overriding __getitem__ for a subclass of dict
Steve Howell
- overriding __getitem__ for a subclass of dict
Steve Howell
- overriding __getitem__ for a subclass of dict
Steve Howell
- Slicing history?
Steve Howell
- overriding __getitem__ for a subclass of dict
Steve Howell
- overriding __getitem__ for a subclass of dict
Steve Howell
- overriding __getitem__ for a subclass of dict
Steve Howell
- overriding __getitem__ for a subclass of dict
Steve Howell
- overriding __getitem__ for a subclass of dict
Steve Howell
- overriding __getitem__ for a subclass of dict
Steve Howell
- overriding __getitem__ for a subclass of dict
Steve Howell
- overriding __getitem__ for a subclass of dict
Steve Howell
- ANN: a mini-language for encapsulating deep-copy operations on Python data structures
Steve Howell
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Steve Howell
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Steve Howell
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Steve Howell
- ANN: a mini-language for encapsulating deep-copy operations on Python data structures
Steve Howell
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Steve Howell
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Steve Howell
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Steve Howell
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Steve Howell
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Steve Howell
- Python/HTML integration: phileas v0.3 released
Steve Howell
- parallel class structures for AST-based objects
Steve Howell
- Go versus Brand X
Steve Howell
- parallel class structures for AST-based objects
Steve Howell
- parallel class structures for AST-based objects
Steve Howell
- Writing a Carriage Return in Unicode
Steve Howell
- Writing a Carriage Return in Unicode
Steve Howell
- parallel class structures for AST-based objects
Steve Howell
- problem manipulating a list belonging to a class
Steve Howell
- problem manipulating a list belonging to a class
Steve Howell
- Trying to understand += better
Steve Howell
- Implementation of Book Organization tool (Python2.[x])
Steve Howell
- Trying to understand += better
Steve Howell
- Trying to understand += better
Steve Howell
- KirbyBase : replacing string exceptions
Steve Howell
- Go versus Brand X
Steve Howell
- a 100-line indentation-based preprocessor for HTML
Steve Howell
- a 100-line indentation-based preprocessor for HTML
Steve Howell
- slightly OT: Python BootCamp
Steve Howell
- Creating a local variable scope.
Steve Howell
- make two tables having same orders in both column and row names
Ping-Hsun Hsieh
- Inserting Unicode text with MySQLdb in Python 2.4-2.5?
Keith Hughitt
- Inserting Unicode text with MySQLdb in Python 2.4-2.5?
Keith Hughitt
- Inserting Unicode text with MySQLdb in Python 2.4-2.5?
Keith Hughitt
- Query about doing fortran-esque repeat formatting
Glenn Hutchings
- Pyfora, a place for python
Gerhard Häring
- python and web pages
Gerhard Häring
- Python & OpenOffice Spreadsheets
Gerhard Häring
- IDE+hg
Gerhard Häring
- dbapi2 select where IN (...)
Gerhard Häring
- Help resolve a syntax error on 'as' keyword (python 2.5)
Vladimir Ignatov
- A beginner question about GUI use and development
Vladimir Ignatov
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
Ivan Illarionov
- Converting a float to a formatted outside of print command
- slightly OT: Python BootCamp
- slightly OT: Python BootCamp
- Feedback wanted on programming introduction (Python in Windows)
Rhodri James
- Feedback desired on reworked ch 1 progr. intro (now Python 3.x, Windows)
Rhodri James
- Feedback wanted on programming introduction (Python in Windows)
Rhodri James
- About one class/function per module
Rhodri James
- Feedback wanted on programming introduction (Python in Windows)
Rhodri James
- Pyfora, a place for python
Rhodri James
- pythonw.exe under Windows-7 (Won't run for one admin user)
Rhodri James
- parse a string (Cadence Allegro Netlist) to dictionary
Rhodri James
- Can't Find Module
Rhodri James
- Indentation problems
Rhodri James
- is None or == None ?
Rhodri James
- on "Namespaces"
Rhodri James
- pythonw.exe under Windows-7 (Won't run for one admin user)
Rhodri James
- is None or == None ?
Rhodri James
- pythonw.exe under Windows-7 (Won't run for one admin user)
Rhodri James
- Can't Write File
Rhodri James
- pythonw.exe under Windows-7 (Won't run for one admin user)
Rhodri James
- query regarding file handling.
Rhodri James
- #define (from C) in Python
Rhodri James
- Command line arguments??
Rhodri James
- Command line arguments??
Rhodri James
- hex
Rhodri James
- IDE+hg
Rhodri James
- Raw strings as input from File?
Rhodri James
- Raw strings as input from File?
Rhodri James
- Some Basic questions on the use of CTRL and ALT Keys
Rhodri James
- sys.stdout is not flushed
- sys.stdout is not flushed
- sys.stdout is not flushed
- sys.stdout is not flushed
- sys.stdout is not flushed
- About one class/function per module
Hans-Peter Jansen
- pygtk - icons?
Helmut Jarausch
- python regex "negative lookahead assertions" problems
Helmut Jarausch
- python regex "negative lookahead assertions" problems
Helmut Jarausch
- Creating a drop down filter in Admin site
- Can I run a python program from within emacs?
- python parser overridden by pymol
- How to prevent re.split() from removing part of string
- newbie question - python lists
- Workaround To Add Value To TextArea
- Matthew Joiner wants to stay in touch on LinkedIn
Matthew Joiner
- Securing a multiprocessing.BaseManager connection via SSL
- ANN: Urwid 0.9.9 - Console UI Library
Chris Jones
- UnicodeDecodeError? Argh! Nothing works! I'm tired and hurting and...
Chris Jones
- UnicodeDecodeError? Argh! Nothing works! I'm tired and hurting and...
Chris Jones
- disable image loading to speed up webpage load
Irmen de Jong
- username/password dialog prompt
Irmen de Jong
- comparing alternatives to py2exe
- PyQt 2 Exe
- Basic list/dictionary question
Daniel Jowett
- Basic list/dictionary question
Daniel Jowett
- MySQLdb
Kill Joy
- MySQLdb
Kill Joy
- Help with database planning
- jython and java application
- jython and java application
- jython and java application
- chr / ord
Benjamin Kaplan
- newbie question - python lists
Benjamin Kaplan
- How convert string '1e7' to an integer?
Benjamin Kaplan
- Help with OS X installation
Benjamin Kaplan
- String prefix question
Benjamin Kaplan
- Is it possible to get the Physical memory address of a variable in python?
Benjamin Kaplan
- PyQt 2 Exe
Benjamin Kaplan
- installing lxml ?
Benjamin Kaplan
- installing lxml ?
Benjamin Kaplan
- How to specify Python version in script?
Benjamin Kaplan
- Can't Write File
Benjamin Kaplan
- How to specify Python version in script?
Benjamin Kaplan
- standard libraries don't behave like standard 'libraries'
Benjamin Kaplan
- Computing the 1000th prime
Benjamin Kaplan
- Computing the 1000th prime
Benjamin Kaplan
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Benjamin Kaplan
- 3.x and 2.x on same machine (is this info at
Benjamin Kaplan
- object indexing and item assignment
Benjamin Kaplan
- Command line arguments??
Benjamin Kaplan
- WindowsError is not available on linux?
Benjamin Kaplan
- WindowsError is not available on linux?
Benjamin Kaplan
- WindowsError is not available on linux?
Benjamin Kaplan
- What is the naming convention for accessor of a 'private' variable?
Benjamin Kaplan
- Is an interactive command a block?
Benjamin Kaplan
- problem with pyqt.. help please...
Benjamin Kaplan
- More precise document on os.path.normpath()
Benjamin Kaplan
- csv and mixed lists of unicode and numbers
Benjamin Kaplan
- problem with lambda / closures
Benjamin Kaplan
- is None or == None ?
Chris Kaynor
- Psyco on 64-bit machines
Chris Kaynor
- comparing alternatives to py2exe
Ryan Kelly
- ANN: esky 0.2.1
Ryan Kelly
- ANN: esky 0.2.1
Ryan Kelly
- ANN: esky 0.2.1
Ryan Kelly
- How to import only one module in a package when the package has already imports the modules?
Robert Kern
- Identifiers exposed by a package
Robert Kern
- How to import only one module in a package when the package has already imports the modules?
Robert Kern
- How to import only one module in a package when the package has already imports the modules?
Robert Kern
- About one class/function per module
Robert Kern
- Sqlite3. Substitution of names in query.
Robert Kern
- Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Nov 3)
Robert Kern
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Robert Kern
- [PYTHON] How to set the range for x-axis
Robert Kern
- python parser overridden by pymol
Robert Kern
- python parser overridden by pymol
Robert Kern
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Robert Kern
- Go versus Brand X
Robert Kern
- creating pipelines in python
Robert Kern
- Go versus Brand X
Robert Kern
- A More Concise Description of Numpy than the Guide to Numpy?
Robert Kern
- Go versus Brand X
Robert Kern
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Alain Ketterlin
- comparing alternatives to py2exe
Maxim Khitrov
- comparing alternatives to py2exe
Maxim Khitrov
- Is it possible to get the Physical memory address of a variable in python?
Maxim Khitrov
- stdin in embedded python
- stdin in embedded python
- faster than list.extend()
Hyunchul Kim
- faster than list.extend()
Hyunchul Kim
- conditional __init__
- object indexing and item assignment
- object serialization as python scripts
- object serialization as python scripts
- Get attribute this way
- Get attribute this way
- Get attribute this way
- No duplicate variable
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
J Kenneth King
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
J Kenneth King
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
J Kenneth King
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
J Kenneth King
- object serialization as python scripts
J Kenneth King
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
J Kenneth King
- Python/HTML integration: phileas v0.3 released
J Kenneth King
- Go versus Brand X
J Kenneth King
- Perl conversion to python...
J Kenneth King
- Python Programming Challenges for beginners?
J Kenneth King
- SCGIServer and unusal termination
Eden Kirin
- SCGIServer and unusal termination
Eden Kirin
- SCGIServer and unusal termination
Eden Kirin
- SCGIServer and unusal termination
Eden Kirin
- SCGIServer and unusal termination
Eden Kirin
- problem with read() write()
Gertjan Klein
- problem with read() write()
Gertjan Klein
- Calendar Problem
Michał Klich
- JSR223 Access Python class instances through Java
Jared Klumpp
- csv and mixed lists of unicode and numbers
Sibylle Koczian
- csv and mixed lists of unicode and numbers
Sibylle Koczian
- csv and mixed lists of unicode and numbers
Sibylle Koczian
- list comprehension problem
Mick Krippendorf
- list comprehension problem
Mick Krippendorf
- How convert string '1e7' to an integer?
Mick Krippendorf
- How convert string '1e7' to an integer?
Mick Krippendorf
- list vs tuple for a dict key- why aren't both hashable?
Mick Krippendorf
- Basic list/dictionary question
Mick Krippendorf
- python and Postgresq
- Python & OpenOffice Spreadsheets
- Python 2.6 and sys.exit()
H Krishnan
- IDE+hg
Joshua Kugler
- import subprocess in python
- Pyfora, a place for python
Aneesh Kulkarni
- non-copy slices
Ajit Kumar
- convert pyc (python 2.4) to py
Furkan Kuru
- win32com calling IE: OLE error 0x800704a6
- comparing alternatives to py2exe
Vesa Köppä
- Simple object reference
- __str__ difficulty with lists
Jabba Laci
- regexp question
Jabba Laci
- regexp question
Jabba Laci
- TDD with nose or py.test
- Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Nov 3)
Cameron Laird
- Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Nov 10)
Cameron Laird
- Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Nov 24)
Cameron Laird
- exec-function in Python 3.+
Hans Larsen
- real numbers with infinity precission
Hans Larsen
- Python as network protocol
Robert Latest
- New syntax for blocks
Robert Latest
- New syntax for blocks
Robert Latest
- import bug
Mark Leander
- Microsoft research on code quality
Mark Leander
- problem manipulating a list belonging to a class
Marc Leconte
- problem manipulating a list belonging to a class
Marc Leconte
- [ANN] Pyjamas 0.7pre1 Web Widget Set and python-to-javascript Compiler released
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- Py2exe error
Joshua Leihe
- print function in python3.1
Anjanesh Lekshminarayanan
- print function in python3.1
Anjanesh Lekshminarayanan
- print function in python3.1
Anjanesh Lekshminarayanan
- print function in python3.1
Anjanesh Lekshminarayanan
- Waiting for receiving data
Anjanesh Lekshminarayanan
- parse a string (Cadence Allegro Netlist) to dictionary
- Pyfora, a place for python
M.-A. Lemburg
- Freezing python files into executables
M.-A. Lemburg
- Freezing python files into executables
M.-A. Lemburg
- open source linux -> windows database connectivity?
M.-A. Lemburg
- open source linux -> windows database connectivity?
M.-A. Lemburg
- bootstrapping on machines without Python
M.-A. Lemburg
- ANN: a mini-language for encapsulating deep-copy operations on Python data structures
M.-A. Lemburg
- python and netezza
M.-A. Lemburg
- csv and mixed lists of unicode and numbers
M.-A. Lemburg
- ANN: eGenix mxODBC - Python ODBC Database Interface 3.0.4
eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg
- ANN: eGenix pyOpenSSL Distribution 0.9.0-0.9.8l
eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg
- Unexpected python exception
Eduardo Lenz
- What is the correct way to port to python 3.1?
Baptiste Lepilleur
- What is the correct way to port to python 3.1?
Baptiste Lepilleur
- Writing an emulator in python - implementation questions (for performance)
Baptiste Lepilleur
- Knob label justification
Hugo Leveille
- [Edu-sig] teaching python using turtle module
Gregor Lingl
- [Edu-sig] teaching python using turtle module
Gregor Lingl
- break LABEL vs. exceptions + PROPOSAL
- break LABEL vs. exceptions + PROPOSAL
- Compiling Python 2.6.4 on IRIX 6.5 - "don't know how to make Parser/printgrammar.o (bu42)."
James Looney
- Compiling Python 2.6.4 on IRIX 6.5 - "don't know how to make Parser/printgrammar.o (bu42)."
James Looney
- Minimally intrusive XML editing using Python
Thomas Lotze
- Minimally intrusive XML editing using Python
Thomas Lotze
- Minimally intrusive XML editing using Python
Thomas Lotze
- Minimally intrusive XML editing using Python
Thomas Lotze
- python 3.1.1 and --libdir option broken.
Todd Lovette
- How to know if a file is a text file
- Knob label justification
Hugo Léveillé
Andreas Löscher
- Unexpected python exception
Andreas Löscher
- Unexpected python exception
Andreas Löscher
- restricted mode???
"Martin v. Löwis"
- DHT for Python 3.x?
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Python C api: create a new object class
"Martin v. Löwis"
- DHT for Python 3.x?
"Martin v. Löwis"
- the unicode saga continues...
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Documentation bugs in 3.1 - C-API - TypeObjects
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Documentation bugs in 3.1 - C-API - TypeObjects
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Documentation bugs in 3.1 - C-API - TypeObjects
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Does Python 3.x support Unicode-named attributes?
"Martin v. Löwis"
- xmlrpc idea for getting around the GIL
"Martin v. Löwis"
- semantics of ** (unexpected/inconsistent?)
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Creating a datetime object from a C Extention
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Can't print Chinese to HTTP
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Tkinter callback arguments
- import bug
- Request for comments - concurrent ssh client
- Clean PyQt selection comboBox
- What is the best way to delete strings in a string list that that match certain pattern?
- safely returning objects from a Process to the parent through a Queue()
- What is the correct way to port to python 3.1?
- How convert string '1e7' to an integer?
- My own accounting python euler problem
- list vs tuple for a dict key- why aren't both hashable?
- advice needed for lazy evaluation mechanism
- Tax Calculator--Tkinter
- Is it possible to get the Physical memory address of a variable in python?
- My own accounting python euler problem
- Calendar Stuff
- New to Python need on advice on this script
- python with echo
- regex remove closest tag
- python with echo
- Computing the 1000th prime
- python with echo
- converting latitude and longitude
- Run a external program.
- Run a external program.
- overriding __getitem__ for a subclass of dict
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
- New syntax for blocks
- WindowsError is not available on linux?
- What is the difference between 'except IOError as e:' and 'except IOError, e:'
- Writing a Carriage Return in Unicode
- parallel class structures for AST-based objects
- Sorting: too different times. Why?
- Why Python allows comparison of a callable and a number?
- python regex "negative lookahead assertions" problems
- Sorting: too different times. Why?
- TypeError: an integer is required
- Beginning Question about Python functions, parameters...
- Line-continuation "Anti-Idiom" and with statement
- pointless musings on performance
- Raw strings as input from File?
- Python Statements/Keyword Localization
- reading windows event logs
- reposition a column
- confused with os.fork()
- jython and java application
- Can't Encode Pic
- reposition a column
- Can't Encode Pic
- string payload expected: <type 'list'> error
- Anything equivalent to cassert in C++?
- Python Programming Challenges for beginners?
- Python C API, building a module
- Best strategy for overcoming excessive gethostbyname timeout.
- Python C API, building a module
- scanning under windows WIA with custom settings (dpi / etc )
- Variables with cross-module usage
- semantics of ** (unexpected/inconsistent?)
- Bored.
- How to prevent re.split() from removing part of string
- how to close not response win32 IE com interface
Michel Claveau - MVP
- ANN: Urwid 0.9.9 - Console UI Library
Michel Claveau - MVP
- ANN: Urwid 0.9.9 - Console UI Library
Michel Claveau - MVP
- ANN: Urwid 0.9.9 - Console UI Library
Michel Claveau - MVP
- (pywin related) pywintypes.com_error: -2147417846 "Application busy"
Michel Claveau - MVP
- questions regarding stack size use for multi-threaded python programs
Andrew MacIntyre
- elementtree XML() unicode
John Machin
- elementtree XML() unicode
John Machin
- elementtree XML() unicode
John Machin
- elementtree XML() unicode
John Machin
- is None or == None ?
John Machin
- My own accounting python euler problem
John Machin
- My own accounting python euler problem
John Machin
- Newsgroup for beginners
John Machin
- Feature request: String-inferred names
John Machin
- Filling in a tuple from unknown size list
John Machin
- is None or == None ?
Vincent Manis
- is None or == None ?
Vincent Manis
- is None or == None ?
Vincent Manis
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Vincent Manis
- Python & Go
Vincent Manis
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Vincent Manis
- Does turtle graphics have the wrong associations?
Vincent Manis
- Does turtle graphics have the wrong associations?
Vincent Manis
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Vincent Manis
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Vincent Manis
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Vincent Manis
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Vincent Manis
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Vincent Manis
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Vincent Manis
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Vincent Manis
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Vincent Manis
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Vincent Manis
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Vincent Manis
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Vincent Manis
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Vincent Manis
- pyspread 0.0.12a released
Martin Manns
- is None or == None ?
Marco Mariani
- is None or == None ?
Marco Mariani
- is None or == None ?
Marco Mariani
- TODO and FIXME tags
Marco Mariani
- Python Statements/Keyword Localization
Marco Mariani
- Python Statements/Keyword Localization
Marco Mariani
- hex int and string
Marco Mariani
- hex int and string
Marco Mariani
- how to format a python source file with tools?
Marco Mariani
- How to Detect Use of Unassigned(Undefined) Variable(Function)
Marco Mariani
- problem with lambda / closures
Marco Mariani
- Exec Statement Question
Marco Mariani
- Cancelling a python thread (revisited...)
Sven Marnach
- How to set the range for x-axis
- Python as network protocol
- ANN: superpy 1.2.1
Emin.shopper Martinian.shopper
- Calling Python functions from Excel
Darcy Mason
- ANN: pdfrw pure-Python PDF file reading and writing
Patrick Maupin
- ANN: pdfrw pure-Python PDF file reading and writing
Patrick Maupin
- ANN: pdfrw pure-Python PDF file reading and writing
Patrick Maupin
- python bijection
Patrick Maupin
- advice needed for lazy evaluation mechanism
Dieter Maurer
- ZipFile - file adding API incomplete?
Glenn Maynard
- ZipFile - file adding API incomplete?
Glenn Maynard
- import from a string
Matt McCredie
- chr / ord
Sean McIlroy
- chr / ord
Sean McIlroy
- midi file parser
Sean McIlroy
- Python Programming Challenges for beginners?
John McMonagle
- directory wildcard
Jeff McNeil
- CentOS 5.3 vs. Python 2.5
Jeff McNeil
- list comprehension problem
- Tkinter callback arguments
- Tkinter callback arguments
- Pyfora, a place for python
- is None or == None ?
- My own accounting python euler problem
- Sorting: too different times. Why?
- Can "self" crush itself?
- Filling in a tuple from unknown size list
- Variables with cross-module usage
- * for generic unpacking and not just for arguments?
- semantics of ** (unexpected/inconsistent?)
- Object Not Callable, float?
- Questions about list-creation
- High-performance Python websites
Nick Mellor
- High-performance Python websites
Nick Mellor
- High-performance Python websites
Nick Mellor
- Python 3
- Program to compute and print 1000th prime number
- Microsoft research on code quality
- How convert string '1e7' to an integer?
- Query about doing fortran-esque repeat formatting
- Python & Go
- Python & Go
- Python & Go
- Go versus Brand X
- Go versus Brand X
- Time travel
Lee Merrill
- Time travel
Lee Merrill
- IDLE python shell freezes after running show() of matplotlib
- Doesn't MS-Windows likes Python ? (or: why more than 20 sec delay when running a program from Python)
Stef Mientki
-, is this a bug ?
Stef Mientki
-, is this a bug ?
Stef Mientki
- python gui builders
Stef Mientki
- plotting arrow in python
Stef Mientki
- python gui builders
Stef Mientki
- Bored.
Stef Mientki
- Bored.
Stef Mientki
- Stagnant Frame Data?
- Stagnant Frame Data?
- Stagnant Frame Data?
- Any elegant way to construct the complete $k$-partite graph in Python?
Paul Miller
- Any elegant way to construct the complete $k$-partite graph in Python?
Paul Miller
- adding a directory to sys.path
Paul Miller
- Where to put the error handing test?
Paul Miller
- Tkinter callback arguments
Brian J Mingus
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Brian J Mingus
- The ol' [[]] * 500 bug...
Brian J Mingus
- The ol' [[]] * 500 bug...
Brian J Mingus
- Beautifulsoup code that is not running
Brian J Mingus
- semantics of ** (unexpected/inconsistent?)
Brian J Mingus
- semantics of ** (unexpected/inconsistent?)
Brian J Mingus
- About "Object in list" expression
- About "Object in list" expression
- tkFileDialog question
Matt Mitchell
- tkFileDialog question
Matt Mitchell
- tkFileDialog question
Matt Mitchell
- XML root node attributes
Matt Mitchell
- Gray Hat Python: Python Programming for Hackers Soft copy
Matt Mitchell
- Python 3
Rustom Mody
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Rustom Mody
- and - duplicating inclusion of files?
Aljosa Mohorovic
- 2to3 on Mac - unknown encoding: mbcs
Skip Montanaro
- [PYTHON] How to set the range for x-axis
- [PYTHON] How to set the range for x-axis
- [PYTHON] How to set the range for x-axis
- Logic operators with "in" statement
- Logic operators with "in" statement
- Logic operators with "in" statement
- Best strategy for overcoming excessive gethostbyname timeout.
- python with echo
Hans Mulder
- Perl conversion to python...
Hans Mulder
- Calling a method with a variable name
Simon Mullis
- Calling a method with a variable name
Simon Mullis
- join , split question
Stuart Murray-Smith
- mySQL access speed
Hans Müller
- Need help to understand a getattr syntax.
- Aborting a read with pySerial
John Nagle
- Cancelling a python thread (revisited...)
John Nagle
- Cancelling a python thread (revisited...)
John Nagle
- pyserial vs. Linux power save hibernate/resume - program hangs
John Nagle
- Cancelling a python thread (revisited...)
John Nagle
- CGI vs mod_python
John Nagle
- Python & Go
John Nagle
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
John Nagle
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
John Nagle
- mySQL access speed
John Nagle
- Using "" for an application, not a library module.
John Nagle
- Does Python 3.x support Unicode-named attributes?
John Nagle
- Inserting Unicode text with MySQLdb in Python 2.4-2.5?
John Nagle
- CentOS 5.3 vs. Python 2.5
John Nagle
- Bored.
- Beginning Question about Python functions, parameters...
- Pyfora, a place for python
Kee Nethery
- elementtree XML() unicode
Kee Nethery
- elementtree XML() unicode
Kee Nethery
- elementtree XML() unicode
Kee Nethery
- elementtree XML() unicode
Kee Nethery
- Sample CGI for use with Unit Tests
Kee Nethery
- scanning under windows WIA with custom settings (dpi / etc )
- scanning under windows WIA with custom settings (dpi / etc )
- scanning under windows WIA with custom settings (dpi / etc )
- scanning under windows WIA with custom settings (dpi / etc )
- scanning under windows WIA with custom settings (dpi / etc )
- scanning under windows WIA with custom settings (dpi / etc )
- scanning under windows WIA with custom settings (dpi / etc )
- scanning under windows WIA with custom settings (dpi / etc )
- Create object from variable indirect reference?
- Create object from variable indirect reference?
- Vim breaks after Python upgrade
- Vim breaks after Python upgrade
- IDE+hg
- IDE+hg
- IDE+hg
- IDE+hg
- IDE+hg
- IDE+hg
- IDE+hg
- IDE+hg
- is None or == None ?
Hrvoje Niksic
- is None or == None ?
Hrvoje Niksic
- is None or == None ?
Hrvoje Niksic
- Create object from variable indirect reference?
Hrvoje Niksic
- Does turtle graphics have the wrong associations?
Peter Nilsson
- debugger on system with Python 2 and 3
- 3.x and 2.x on same machine (is this info at
- More Python versions on an XP machine
- How to know if a file is a text file
- How to know if a file is a text file
- How to know if a file is a text file
- Slicing history?
- import subprocess in python
- Image to SVG conversion with Python
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
- New syntax for blocks
- directory wildcard
- Command line arguments??
- Command line arguments??
- Command line arguments??
- getting properly one subprocess output
- Minimally intrusive XML editing using Python
- getting properly one subprocess output
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
- Go versus Brand X
- Imitating "tail -f"
- TypeError: an integer is required
- Minimally intrusive XML editing using Python
- Relative versus absolute paths on Windows
- UnicodeDecodeError? Argh! Nothing works! I'm tired and hurting and...
- sys.stdout is not flushed
- Object Not Callable, float?
- problem with read() write()
Matt Nordhoff
- Imitating "tail -f"
Matt Nordhoff
- Variables with cross-module usage
Matt Nordhoff
- Minimally intrusive XML editing using Python
Anthra Norell
- Query about doing fortran-esque repeat formatting
- Need help dumping exif data in canon raw files
Nuff Nuff
- Accessing a method from within its own code
Paddy O'Loughlin
- Accessing a method from within its own code
Paddy O'Loughlin
- mysqldb cursor returning type along with result ?
Paul O'Sullivan
- TypeError: an integer is required
Lutfi Oduncuoglu
- debugger on system with Python 2 and 3
Detlev Offenbach
- Pyfora, a place for python
George Oliver
- Newsgroup for beginners
George Oliver
- Help resolve a syntax error on 'as' keyword (python 2.5)
- Tkinter callback arguments
Peter Otten
- Tkinter callback arguments
Peter Otten
- Tkinter callback arguments
Peter Otten
- how to remove the same words in the paragraph
Peter Otten
- Tkinter callback arguments
Peter Otten
- python compare and process a csv file
Peter Otten
- decoding a byte array that is unicode escaped?
Peter Otten
- What is the best way to delete strings in a string list that that match certain pattern?
Peter Otten
- What is the best way to delete strings in a string list that that match certain pattern?
Peter Otten
- sort values from dictionary of dictionaries python 2.4
Peter Otten
- Stagnant Frame Data?
Peter Otten
- faster than list.extend()
Peter Otten
- Code for finding the 1000th prime
Peter Otten
- hex
Peter Otten
- Beginning Question about Python functions, parameters...
Peter Otten
- csv and mixed lists of unicode and numbers
Peter Otten
- csv and mixed lists of unicode and numbers
Peter Otten
- 'classmethod' object has only read-only attributes
Peter Otten
- extending optionparser to accept multiple comma delimited input for one arg
Peter Otten
- hex int and string
Peter Otten
- Filling in a tuple from unknown size list
Peter Otten
- flattening and rebuilding a simple list of lists
Peter Otten
- Handling large datastore search
Michiel Overtoom
- Best way for permutating using multiple lists?
Michiel Overtoom
- My own accounting python euler problem
- My own accounting python euler problem
- My own accounting python euler problem
- My own accounting python euler problem
- My own accounting python euler problem
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Jon P.
- Psyco on 64-bit machines
Russ P.
- Psyco on 64-bit machines
Russ P.
- Psyco on 64-bit machines
Russ P.
- Psyco on 64-bit machines
Russ P.
- New syntax for blocks
Russ P.
- Python C API, building a module
- Python C API, building a module
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
Dylan Palmboom
- FW: IDE+hg
Dylan Palmboom
- Beautifulsoup code that is not running
Peter Pearson
- NEWB problem with urllib2
- NEWB problem with urllib2
- 2to3 ParseError with UTF-8 BOM
Benjamin Peterson
- Python C api: create a new object class
Benjamin Peterson
- Threaded import hang in cPickle.dumps
Benjamin Peterson
- pointless musings on performance
Benjamin Peterson
- Python3 - encoding issues
Benjamin Peterson
- Python3 - encoding issues
Benjamin Peterson
- 2.6.4 Mac x86_64 ?
Zvezdan Petkovic
- how to create a pip package
- how to create a pip package
- how to create a pip package
- how to create a pip package
- how to create a pip package
- how to create a pip package
- how to create a pip package
- How can pip install a GitHub code drop?
- combinatorics via __future__ generators
- combinatorics via __future__ generators
- filename of calling function?
- filename of calling function?
- filename of calling function?
- About one class/function per module
Jean-Michel Pichavant
- About one class/function per module
Jean-Michel Pichavant
- Using logging module for conditional nested logs
Jean-Michel Pichavant
- Query about doing fortran-esque repeat formatting
Jean-Michel Pichavant
- TODO and FIXME tags
Jean-Michel Pichavant
- getting properly one subprocess output
Jean-Michel Pichavant
- getting properly one subprocess output
Jean-Michel Pichavant
- How to log messages _only once_ from all modules ?
Jean-Michel Pichavant
- Anything equivalent to cassert in C++?
Jean-Michel Pichavant
- Creating a local variable scope.
Jean-Michel Pichavant
- Exec Statement Question
Jean-Michel Pichavant
- reposition a column
Francesco Pietra
- delete column content
Francesco Pietra
- installing lxml ?
Jussi Piitulainen
- problem with lambda / closures
Jussi Piitulainen
- What is the correct way to port to python 3.1?
Antoine Pitrou
- Cancelling a python thread (revisited...)
Antoine Pitrou
- Cancelling a python thread (revisited...)
Antoine Pitrou
- Cancelling a python thread (revisited...)
Antoine Pitrou
- Threaded import hang in cPickle.dumps
Antoine Pitrou
- Go versus Brand X
Antoine Pitrou
- Go versus Brand X
Antoine Pitrou
- Go versus Brand X
Antoine Pitrou
- pointless musings on performance
Antoine Pitrou
- xmlrpc idea for getting around the GIL
Antoine Pitrou
- pointless musings on performance
Antoine Pitrou
- xmlrpc idea for getting around the GIL
Antoine Pitrou
- pointless musings on performance
Antoine Pitrou
- pointless musings on performance
Antoine Pitrou
- pointless musings on performance
Antoine Pitrou
- emacs, pdb, python3, ubuntu
K. Richard Pixley
- Best strategy for converting to Python
Poker Player
- list to table
John Posner
- Program to compute and print 1000th prime number
John Posner
- object indexing and item assignment
John Posner
- Noobie python shell question
John Posner
- Please recommend the books that might be helpful to learn Python :)
- Unexpected python exception
Richard Purdie
- Unexpected python exception
Richard Purdie
- Unexpected python exception
Richard Purdie
- basic class question..
- basic class question..
- basic class question..
- Invitation to connect on LinkedIn
Jim Qiu
- futures - a new package for asynchronous execution
Brian Quinlan
- why does "help(import)" not work?
Brian Quinlan
- Basic list/dictionary question
- Unexpected python exception
- string payload expected: <type 'list'> error
- string payload expected: <type 'list'> error
- string payload expected: <type 'list'> error
- comparing alternatives to py2exe
Rüdiger Ranft
- Win XP: How to hide command window for sub processes?
Rüdiger Ranft
- ANN: ActivePython is now available
Sridhar Ratnakumar
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Chris Rebert
- conditional __init__
Chris Rebert
- read Zipfile
Chris Rebert
- read Zipfile
Chris Rebert
- how to remove the punctuation and no need words from paragraphs
Chris Rebert
- How to print zero-padded floating point numbers in python 2.6.1
Chris Rebert
- python compare and process a csv file
Chris Rebert
- a is b
Chris Rebert
- Is there a function that can test if a path is in a directory or one of its sub-directory (recursively)?
Chris Rebert
- What is the best way to delete strings in a string list that that match certain pattern?
Chris Rebert
- What is the best way to delete strings in a string list that that match certain pattern?
Chris Rebert
- Is there a function that can test if a path is in a directory or one of its sub-directory (recursively)?
Chris Rebert
- why does "help(import)" not work?
Chris Rebert
- why does "help(import)" not work?
Chris Rebert
- why does "help(import)" not work?
Chris Rebert
- Defining re pattern for matching list of numbers
Chris Rebert
- Question about creating dictionary like objects
Chris Rebert
- Py2exe error
Chris Rebert
- Commenting and uncommenting from the shell
Chris Rebert
- [PYTHON] How to set the range for x-axis
Chris Rebert
- Knob label justification
Chris Rebert
- Unexpected python exception
Chris Rebert
- Basic list/dictionary question
Chris Rebert
- Unexpected python exception
Chris Rebert
- installing lxml ?
Chris Rebert
- query regarding file handling.
Chris Rebert
- Why Error is derived from EnvironmentError in
Chris Rebert
- object serialization as python scripts
Chris Rebert
- Run a external program.
Chris Rebert
- Simple object reference
Chris Rebert
- Simple object reference
Chris Rebert
- How to know if a file is a text file
Chris Rebert
- import subprocess in python
Chris Rebert
- Newsgroup for beginners
Chris Rebert
- Logic operators with "in" statement
Chris Rebert
- Logic operators with "in" statement
Chris Rebert
- Logic operators with "in" statement
Chris Rebert
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Chris Rebert
- Web servers
Chris Rebert
- Changing the current directory (full post)
Chris Rebert
- Changing the current directory (full post)
Chris Rebert
- faster than list.extend()
Chris Rebert
- Get attribute this way
Chris Rebert
- Get attribute this way
Chris Rebert
- Accessing a Web server --- how?
Chris Rebert
- TODO and FIXME tags
Chris Rebert
- Code for finding the 1000th prime
Chris Rebert
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Chris Rebert
- TypeError: unsupported operand types for +: 'NoneType' and 'str'
Chris Rebert
- WindowsError is not available on linux?
Chris Rebert
- Running a python script from interactive mode
Chris Rebert
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
Chris Rebert
- break LABEL vs. exceptions + PROPOSAL
Chris Rebert
- Minimally intrusive XML editing using Python
Chris Rebert
- DOM related question and problem
Chris Rebert
- DeprecationWarning on md5
Chris Rebert
- combinatorics via __future__ generators
Chris Rebert
- What is the naming convention for accessor of a 'private' variable?
Chris Rebert
- Invitation to connect on LinkedIn
Chris Rebert
- convert a string to a regex?
Chris Rebert
- What is the naming convention for accessor of a 'private' variable?
Chris Rebert
- crontab problem
Chris Rebert
- Sorting: too different times. Why?
Chris Rebert
- Why Python allows comparison of a callable and a number?
Chris Rebert
- attributes, properties, and accessors -- philosophy
Chris Rebert
- pointless musings on performance
Chris Rebert
- attributes, properties, and accessors -- philosophy
Chris Rebert
- get line number and filename in a source file
Chris Rebert
- Can "self" crush itself?
Chris Rebert
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Chris Rebert
- semantics of ** (unexpected/inconsistent?)
Chris Rebert
- Noobie python shell question
Chris Rebert
- Unpacking Tuples
Chris Rebert
- python and vc numbers
Chris Rebert
- semantics of ** (unexpected/inconsistent?)
Chris Rebert
- set pdb break condition based upon number of hits?
- Using logging module for conditional nested logs
- Using logging module for conditional nested logs
- How to get the realpath of a symbolic link?
Terry Reedy
- graceful degradation : is it degrading?
Terry Reedy
- Tkinter callback arguments
Terry Reedy
- import from a string
Terry Reedy
- Pyfora, a place for python
Terry Reedy
- Python 3
Terry Reedy
- What is the best way to delete strings in a string list that that match certain pattern?
Terry Reedy
- is None or == None ?
Terry Reedy
- Pyfora, a place for python
Terry Reedy
-, is this a bug ?
Terry Reedy
-, is this a bug ?
Terry Reedy
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
Terry Reedy
- is None or == None ?
Terry Reedy
- New syntax for blocks
Terry Reedy
- DHT for Python 3.x?
Terry Reedy
- New syntax for blocks
Terry Reedy
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Terry Reedy
- installing lxml ?
Terry Reedy
- Does turtle graphics have the wrong associations?
Terry Reedy
- 3.x and 2.x on same machine (is this info at
Terry Reedy
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Terry Reedy
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Terry Reedy
- Python & Go
Terry Reedy
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Terry Reedy
- A "terminators' club" for clp
Terry Reedy
- Run a external program.
Terry Reedy
- Python & Go
Terry Reedy
- A "terminators' club" for clp
Terry Reedy
- A "terminators' club" for clp
Terry Reedy
- A "terminators' club" for clp
Terry Reedy
- Simple object reference
Terry Reedy
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Terry Reedy
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Terry Reedy
- Stagnant Frame Data?
Terry Reedy
- Python & Go
Terry Reedy
- Python & Go
Terry Reedy
- A "terminators' club" for clp
Terry Reedy
- Newsgroup for beginners
Terry Reedy
Terry Reedy
- Code for finding the 1000th prime
Terry Reedy
- ast manipulation
Terry Reedy
- Vim breaks after Python upgrade
Terry Reedy
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Terry Reedy
- break LABEL vs. exceptions + PROPOSAL
Terry Reedy
- non-copy slices
Terry Reedy
- IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
Terry Reedy
- Is there something similar to list comprehension in dict?
Terry Reedy
- Does turtle graphics have the wrong associations?
Terry Reedy
- python bijection
Terry Reedy
- Split class across multiple files
Terry Reedy
- No duplicate variable
Terry Reedy
- ANN: PyGUI Mailing List
Terry Reedy
- problem manipulating a list belonging to a class
Terry Reedy
- Switching Databases
Terry Reedy
- Go versus Brand X
Terry Reedy
- Python & OpenOffice Spreadsheets
Terry Reedy
- print function in python3.1
Terry Reedy
- Beginning Question about Python functions, parameters...
Terry Reedy
- Line-continuation "Anti-Idiom" and with statement
Terry Reedy
- Beginning Question about Python functions, parameters...
Terry Reedy
- Line-continuation "Anti-Idiom" and with statement
Terry Reedy
- UnicodeDecodeError? Argh! Nothing works! I'm tired and hurting and...
Terry Reedy
- pointless musings on performance
Terry Reedy
- Beginning Question about Python functions, parameters...
Terry Reedy
- csv and mixed lists of unicode and numbers
Terry Reedy
- Raw strings as input from File?
Terry Reedy
- How to log messages _only once_ from all modules ?
Terry Reedy
- Help with pprint
Terry Reedy
- Python Statements/Keyword Localization
Terry Reedy
- Can "self" crush itself?
Terry Reedy
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Terry Reedy
- Buffered streaming
Terry Reedy
- extending optionparser to accept multiple comma delimited input for one arg
Terry Reedy
- Intro To Python Using Turtle Graphics
Terry Reedy
- Variables with cross-module usage
Terry Reedy
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Terry Reedy
- slightly OT: Python BootCamp
Terry Reedy
- Creating a local variable scope.
Terry Reedy
- ANN: GMPY 1.11rc1 is available
Terry Reedy
- Exec Statement Question
Terry Reedy
- Variables with cross-module usage
Terry Reedy
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Terry Reedy
- Object Not Callable, float?
Terry Reedy
- Running function from win32 dll
Terry Reedy
- Intro To Python Using Turtle Graphics
Terry Reedy
- Trying to understand += better
Terry Reedy
- problem with lambda / closures
Terry Reedy
- Questions about list-creation
Terry Reedy
- Python PIL and Vista/Windows 7 .. show() not working ...
Terry Reedy
- Language and collaboration
Terry Reedy
- IDE+hg
Richard Riley
- unittest & setup
Joe Riopel
- Does turtle graphics have the wrong associations?
Robert Maas,
- Does turtle graphics have the wrong associations?
Robert Maas,
- No-syntax Web-programming-IDE (was: Does turtle graphics have the wrong associations?)
Robert Maas,
- disable image loading to speed up webpage load
Tim Roberts
- Is it possible to get the Physical memory address of a variable in python?
Tim Roberts
- ANN: Urwid 0.9.9 - Console UI Library
Tim Roberts
- python and Postgresq
Tim Roberts
- hex int and string
Tim Roberts
- why do I get this behavior from a while loop?
Tim Roberts
- need clarification on -0
Tim Roberts
- bus error in Py_Finalize with ctypes imported
- bus error in Py_Finalize with ctypes imported
- [PYTHON] How to set the range for x-axis
David Robinow
- How to specify Python version in script?
David Robinow
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
David Robinow
- Feature request: String-inferred names
David Robinow
- Can I run a python program from within emacs?
- Can I run a python program from within emacs?
- Read IDL save files into Python
Thomas Robitaille
- newbie question - python lists
Emily Rodgers
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
Emily Rodgers
- __str__ difficulty with lists
Diez B. Roggisch
- About one class/function per module
Diez B. Roggisch
- disable image loading to speed up webpage load
Diez B. Roggisch
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Diez B. Roggisch
- Tkinter callback arguments
Diez B. Roggisch
- About one class/function per module
Diez B. Roggisch
- Tkinter callback arguments
Diez B. Roggisch
- Pyfora, a place for python
Diez B. Roggisch
- Pyfora, a place for python
Diez B. Roggisch
- Hi help me in installing pcapy extension module
Diez B. Roggisch
- Tkinter callback arguments
Diez B. Roggisch
- Pyfora, a place for python
Diez B. Roggisch
- Cast into custom type
Diez B. Roggisch
- About one class/function per module
Diez B. Roggisch
- Help resolve a syntax error on 'as' keyword (python 2.5)
Diez B. Roggisch
- Pyfora, a place for python
Diez B. Roggisch
- Calling a method with a variable name
Diez B. Roggisch
- set pdb break condition based upon number of hits?
Diez B. Roggisch
- About one class/function per module
Diez B. Roggisch
- What is the best way to delete strings in a string list that that match certain pattern?
Diez B. Roggisch
- why does "help(import)" not work?
Diez B. Roggisch
- exception due to NoneType
Diez B. Roggisch
- Help with OS X installation
Diez B. Roggisch
- installing library on MAC OS X 10.5.8
Diez B. Roggisch
- OT: regular expression matching multiple occurrences of one group
Diez B. Roggisch
- Python as network protocol
Diez B. Roggisch
- Python as network protocol
Diez B. Roggisch
- Python as network protocol
Diez B. Roggisch
- Unexpected python exception
Diez B. Roggisch
- installing lxml ?
Diez B. Roggisch
- installing lxml ?
Diez B. Roggisch
- How can a module know the module that imported it?
Diez B. Roggisch
- python with echo
Diez B. Roggisch
- standard libraries don't behave like standard 'libraries'
Diez B. Roggisch
- standard libraries don't behave like standard 'libraries'
Diez B. Roggisch
- standard libraries don't behave like standard 'libraries'
Diez B. Roggisch
- standard libraries don't behave like standard 'libraries'
Diez B. Roggisch
- standard libraries don't behave like standard 'libraries'
Diez B. Roggisch
- #define (from C) in Python
Diez B. Roggisch
- QuerySets in Dictionaries
Diez B. Roggisch
- object serialization as python scripts
Diez B. Roggisch
- Dynamic property names on class
Diez B. Roggisch
- Dynamic property names on class
Diez B. Roggisch
- Vote on PyPI comments
Diez B. Roggisch
- QuerySets in Dictionaries
Diez B. Roggisch
- The ol' [[]] * 500 bug...
Diez B. Roggisch
- More Python versions on an XP machine
Diez B. Roggisch
- Psyco on 64-bit machines
Diez B. Roggisch
- basic class question..
Diez B. Roggisch
- basic class question..
Diez B. Roggisch
- Code for finding the 1000th prime
Diez B. Roggisch
- IDE for python
Diez B. Roggisch
- IDE for python
Diez B. Roggisch
- How to get directory of Python C library
Diez B. Roggisch
- How to get directory of Python C library
Diez B. Roggisch
- How to get directory of Python C library
Diez B. Roggisch
- How to get directory of Python C library
Diez B. Roggisch
- Newsgroup for beginners
Diez B. Roggisch
- directory wildcard
Diez B. Roggisch
- Get attribute this way
Diez B. Roggisch
- ZipFile - file adding API incomplete?
Diez B. Roggisch
- SCGIServer and unusal termination
Diez B. Roggisch
- Code for finding the 1000th prime
Diez B. Roggisch
- SCGIServer and unusal termination
Diez B. Roggisch
- IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
Diez B. Roggisch
- Inserting Unicode text with MySQLdb in Python 2.4-2.5?
Diez B. Roggisch
- IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
Diez B. Roggisch
- python and web pages
Diez B. Roggisch
- convert a string to a regex?
Diez B. Roggisch
- hex
Diez B. Roggisch
- Is there something similar to list comprehension in dict?
Diez B. Roggisch
- semantics of [:]
Diez B. Roggisch
- Split class across multiple files
Diez B. Roggisch
- No duplicate variable
Diez B. Roggisch
- semantics of [:]
Diez B. Roggisch
- parallel class structures for AST-based objects
Diez B. Roggisch
- Sorting: too different times. Why?
Diez B. Roggisch
- xmlrpc idea for getting around the GIL
Diez B. Roggisch
- problem manipulating a list belonging to a class
Diez B. Roggisch
- python and Postgresq
Diez B. Roggisch
- python and Postgresq
Diez B. Roggisch
- print function in python3.1
Diez B. Roggisch
- print function in python3.1
Diez B. Roggisch
- print function in python3.1
Diez B. Roggisch
- [repost please help me] python build for 32-bits on x86_64 machine
Diez B. Roggisch
- Beginning Question about Python functions, parameters...
Diez B. Roggisch
- xmlrpc idea for getting around the GIL
Diez B. Roggisch
- [repost please help me] python build for 32-bits on x86_64 machine
Diez B. Roggisch
- sys.stdout is not flushed
Diez B. Roggisch
- Need help to understand a getattr syntax.
Diez B. Roggisch
- confused with os.fork()
Diez B. Roggisch
- how to format a python source file with tools?
Diez B. Roggisch
- why do I get this behavior from a while loop?
Diez B. Roggisch
- delete column content
Diez B. Roggisch
- PySerial and termios
Diez B. Roggisch
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Wolfgang Rohdewald
- Bored.
Tomasz Rola
- Writing an emulator in python - implementation questions (for performance)
Santiago Romero
- Writing an emulator in python - implementation questions (for performance)
Santiago Romero
- #define (from C) in Python
Santiago Romero
- Writing an emulator in python - implementation questions (for performance)
Santiago Romero
- #define (from C) in Python
Santiago Romero
- Writing an emulator in python - implementation questions (for performance)
Santiago Romero
- Writing an emulator in python - implementation questions (for performance)
Santiago Romero
- Writing an emulator in python - implementation questions (for performance)
Santiago Romero
- #define (from C) in Python
Santiago Romero
- #define (from C) in Python
Santiago Romero
- #define (from C) in Python
Santiago Romero
- My Python / wxPython app crashing - suggestions?
- No subject
Ronn Ross
- converting latitude and longitude
Ronn Ross
- New to python
Ronn Ross
- Go versus Brand X
John Roth
- A different take on finding primes
Nigel Rowe
- Pyfora, a place for python
Paul Rubin
- Pyfora, a place for python
Paul Rubin
- Need help dumping exif data in canon raw files
Paul Rubin
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
Paul Rubin
- Python & Go
Paul Rubin
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Paul Rubin
- A "terminators' club" for clp
Paul Rubin
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Paul Rubin
- Python & Go
Paul Rubin
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Paul Rubin
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Paul Rubin
- The ol' [[]] * 500 bug...
Paul Rubin
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Paul Rubin
- The ol' [[]] * 500 bug...
Paul Rubin
- A "terminators' club" for clp
Paul Rubin
- Python & Go
Paul Rubin
- Python & Go
Paul Rubin
- Python & Go
Paul Rubin
- A "terminators' club" for clp
Paul Rubin
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Paul Rubin
- Python & Go
Paul Rubin
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Paul Rubin
- Newsgroup for beginners
Paul Rubin
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Paul Rubin
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Paul Rudin
- list comprehension problem
Paul Rudin
- why does "help(import)" not work?
Paul Rudin
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
Paul Rudin
- python-daemonize and upstart
Paul Rudin
- python-daemon and upstart
Paul Rudin
- python-daemon and upstart
Paul Rudin
- python-daemon and upstart
Paul Rudin
- getting properly one subprocess output
Paul Rudin
- Is there something similar to list comprehension in dict?
Paul Rudin
- Imitating "tail -f"
Paul Rudin
- creating pipelines in python
Paul Rudin
- Python & OpenOffice Spreadsheets
Paul Rudin
- Python Programming Challenges for beginners?
Paul Rudin
- why do I get this behavior from a while loop?
Paul Rudin
- Python & OpenOffice Spreadsheets
Paul Rudin
- Migrating from R to Python
- What is the best way to delete strings in a string list that that match certain pattern?
Lie Ryan
- IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
Lie Ryan
- IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
Lie Ryan
- question about tree in python
Lie Ryan
- plotting arrow in python
Lie Ryan
- Sorting: too different times. Why?
Lie Ryan
- Split class across multiple files
Lie Ryan
- What is the naming convention for accessor of a 'private' variable?
Lie Ryan
- creating pipelines in python
Lie Ryan
- Trying to understand += better
Lie Ryan
- Implementation of Book Organization tool (Python2.[x])
Lie Ryan
- problem manipulating a list belonging to a class
Lie Ryan
- Trying to understand += better
Lie Ryan
- Go versus Brand X
Lie Ryan
- Capturing output of os.system to a string
Lie Ryan
- profiling differences using an extra function call
Lie Ryan
- Where to put the error handing test?
Lie Ryan
- More precise document on os.path.normpath()
Lie Ryan
- Line Breaks
Lie Ryan
- UnicodeDecodeError? Argh! Nothing works! I'm tired and hurting and...
Lie Ryan
- attributes, properties, and accessors -- philosophy
Lie Ryan
- Where to put the error handing test?
Lie Ryan
- Beginning Question about Python functions, parameters...
Lie Ryan
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Lie Ryan
- Can "self" crush itself?
Lie Ryan
- Anything equivalent to cassert in C++?
Lie Ryan
- string payload expected: <type 'list'> error
Lie Ryan
- hex int and string
Lie Ryan
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Lie Ryan
- Some Basic questions on the use of CTRL and ALT Keys
Lie Ryan
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Lie Ryan
- Python Programming Challenges for beginners?
Lie Ryan
- string payload expected: <type 'list'> error
Lie Ryan
- mysqldb cursor returning type along with result ?
Lie Ryan
- * for generic unpacking and not just for arguments?
Lie Ryan
- Creating a local variable scope.
Lie Ryan
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Lie Ryan
- semantics of ** (unexpected/inconsistent?)
Lie Ryan
- Variables with cross-module usage
Lie Ryan
- Object Not Callable, float?
Lie Ryan
- Creating a local variable scope.
Lie Ryan
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Lie Ryan
- Questions about list-creation
Lie Ryan
- Can't print Chinese to HTTP
Lie Ryan
- python and vc numbers
Lie Ryan
- how to format a python source file with tools?
Lie Ryan
- semantics of ** (unexpected/inconsistent?)
Lie Ryan
- Completely OT
Lie Ryan
- Python PIL and Vista/Windows 7 .. show() not working ...
Lie Ryan
- how to remove the same words in the paragraph
- how to remove the same words in the paragraph
- regex remove closest tag
- regex remove closest tag
- pythonw.exe under Windows-7 (Won't run for one admin user)
- pythonw.exe under Windows-7 (Won't run for one admin user)
- pythonw.exe under Windows-7 (Won't run for one admin user)
- pythonw.exe under Windows-7 (Won't run for one admin user)
- pythonw.exe under Windows-7 (Won't run for one admin user)
- Python & Go
Patrick Sabin
- Python & Go
Patrick Sabin
- Is there something similar to list comprehension in dict?
Patrick Sabin
- Simple greatest common factor script
Patrick Sabin
- Using logging module for conditional nested logs
Vinay Sajip
- Using logging module for conditional nested logs
Vinay Sajip
- How to log messages _only once_ from all modules ?
Vinay Sajip
- python logging filters
Vinay Sajip
- python logging filters
Vinay Sajip
- Pyfora, a place for python
- Pyfora, a place for python
- Psyco on 64-bit machines
Jeremy Sanders
- confused with os.fork()
- spring effect in Python
Cleber Santos
- Securing a multiprocessing.BaseManager connection via SSL
Xavier Sanz
- Securing a multiprocessing.BaseManager connection via SSL
Xavier Sanz
- debugger on system with Python 2 and 3
Yo Sato
- debugger on system with Python 2 and 3
Yo Sato
- python parser overridden by pymol
Jeremiah H. Savage
- New syntax for blocks
Jonathan Saxton
- Creating a datetime object from a C Extention
Gerhard Schmidt
- open source linux -> windows database connectivity?
Tony Schmidt
- open source linux -> windows database connectivity?
Tony Schmidt
- open source linux -> windows database connectivity?
Tony Schmidt
- Perl conversion to python...
Benjamin Schollnick
- python os.path.exists failure
Roel Schroeven
- How convert string '1e7' to an integer?
Roel Schroeven
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Roel Schroeven
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Roel Schroeven
- AW: Python2.6 + win32com crashes with unicode bug
Stefan Schukat
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
Dietmar Schwertberger
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
Dietmar Schwertberger
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
Dietmar Schwertberger
- IDE for python
Dietmar Schwertberger
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
Dietmar Schwertberger
- JTAG/Debugging
Dietmar Schwertberger
- JTAG/Debugging
Dietmar Schwertberger
- Gray Hat Python: Python Programming for Hackers Soft copy
Elf Scripter
- multicast
- multicast
- a is b
- parse a string (Cadence Allegro Netlist) to dictionary
Emile van Sebille
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
Emile van Sebille
- make two tables having same orders in both column and row names
Emile van Sebille
- Help with pprint
Emile van Sebille
- Authentication session with urllib2
Ken Seehart
- Authentication session with urllib2
Ken Seehart
- Help with database planning
Ken Seehart
- Help with database planning
Ken Seehart
- Buffered streaming
Ken Seehart
- Error in Windmill
Raji Seetharaman
- Error in Windmill
Raji Seetharaman
- comparing alternatives to py2exe
Philip Semanchuk
- How to parse HTTP time header?
Philip Semanchuk
- How to parse HTTP time header?
Philip Semanchuk
- comparing alternatives to py2exe
Philip Semanchuk
- Pause a script before termination
Philip Semanchuk
- A beginner question about GUI use and development
Philip Semanchuk
- How to know if a file is a text file
Philip Semanchuk
- Using "" for an application, not a library module.
Philip Semanchuk
- Converting a float to a formatted outside of print command
Philip Semanchuk
- Can I run a python program from within emacs?
Jason Sewall
- faster than list.extend()
Jason Sewall
- Imitating "tail -f"
Jason Sewall
- python and netezza
- have opensource crawler written by python?
Junjun Shao
- PiCloud Beta Release
Jacob Shaw
- Cookie name and expiration
- High-performance Python websites
- High-performance Python websites
- jython and java application
- jython and java application
- jython and java application
- How do I correctly download Wikipedia pages?
- High-performance Python websites
- High-performance Python websites
- Debugging thread stall
Chandrakant Silver
- Please recommend the books that might be helpful to learn Python :)
Chandrakant Silver
- extracting info from media files
Michele Simionato
- Python & Go
Michele Simionato
- Python & Go
Michele Simionato
- #define (from C) in Python
Michele Simionato
- Vote on PyPI comments
Michele Simionato
- Python & Go
Michele Simionato
- Python & Go
Michele Simionato
- Python & Go
Michele Simionato
- Python & Go
Michele Simionato
- Python & Go
Michele Simionato
- Vote on PyPI comments
Michele Simionato
- Is there something similar to list comprehension in dict?
Michele Simionato
- Feature request: String-inferred names
Cameron Simpson
- Too Many Values To Unpack
Shashank Singh
- Aaaargh! "global name 'eggz' is not defined"
- Best strategy for overcoming excessive gethostbyname timeout.
J Sisson
- XML root node attributes
- XML root node attributes
- problem in installing wxwidgets for python.
Threader Slash
- Clean PyQt selection comboBox
Threader Slash
- Clean PyQt selection comboBox
Threader Slash
- QtPython QtreeWidget - sortingEnabled Problem
Threader Slash
- Solved: QtPython QtreeWidget - sortingEnabled Problem
Threader Slash
- Qt Python : QTreeWidget Child Problem
Threader Slash
- Qt Python : QTreeWidget Child Problem
Threader Slash
- Qt Python radiobutton: activate event
Threader Slash
- Solved: Inserting Unicode text with MySQLdb in Python 2.4-2.5?
Threader Slash
- Qt Python radiobutton: activate event
Threader Slash
- Python-list Digest, Vol 74, Issue 245
Threader Slash
- problem with pyqt.. help please...
Threader Slash
- QtPython: removeChild/addChild QGroupBox
Threader Slash
- Python MySQL: clean multiple foreign keys table
Threader Slash
- python regex "negative lookahead assertions" problems
Jelle Smet
- Anything better than shutil?
Roy Smith
- Trying to understand += better
Roy Smith
- Trying to understand += better
Roy Smith
- Debugging thread stall
Roy Smith
- Feedback wanted on programming introduction (Python in Windows)
Thad Smith
- PyQt4 4.4.4 : a bug with highlightBlock ?
- PyQt4 4.4.4 : a bug with highlightBlock ?
- import bug
Ask Solem
- How to log messages _only once_ from all modules ?
- How to log messages _only once_ from all modules ?
- continuous return?
Someone Something
- Spam Bot, broken pipe
Someone Something
- Spam Bot, broken pipe
Someone Something
- Spam Bot, broken pipe
Someone Something
- Tax Calculator--Tkinter
Someone Something
- Python Programming Challenges for beginners?
Someone Something
- smtpd and custom MAIL_FROM/RCPT_TO validation
Raluca Spanu
- using csv dictreader in python
Johann Spies
- standard libraries don't behave like standard 'libraries'
Sriram Srinivasan
- standard libraries don't behave like standard 'libraries'
Sriram Srinivasan
- standard libraries don't behave like standard 'libraries'
Sriram Srinivasan
- standard libraries don't behave like standard 'libraries'
Sriram Srinivasan
- standard libraries don't behave like standard 'libraries'
Sriram Srinivasan
- standard libraries don't behave like standard 'libraries'
Sriram Srinivasan
- standard libraries don't behave like standard 'libraries'
Sriram Srinivasan
- list comprehension problem
Cousin Stanley
- username/password dialog prompt
Cousin Stanley
- Newbie question about scrapy tutorial
Cousin Stanley
- sys.stdout is not flushed
Cousin Stanley
- How do I correctly download Wikipedia pages?
Cousin Stanley
- problem with read() write()
Alf P. Steinbach
- Feedback wanted on programming introduction (Python in Windows)
Alf P. Steinbach
- Feedback desired on reworked ch 1 progr. intro (now Python 3.x, Windows)
Alf P. Steinbach
- Tkinter callback arguments
Alf P. Steinbach
- Feedback wanted on programming introduction (Python in Windows)
Alf P. Steinbach
- Tkinter callback arguments
Alf P. Steinbach
- Tkinter callback arguments
Alf P. Steinbach
- Tkinter callback arguments
Alf P. Steinbach
- Tkinter callback arguments
Alf P. Steinbach
- Tkinter callback arguments
Alf P. Steinbach
- Feedback wanted on programming introduction (Python in Windows)
Alf P. Steinbach
- Tkinter callback arguments
Alf P. Steinbach
- Tkinter callback arguments
Alf P. Steinbach
- Tkinter callback arguments
Alf P. Steinbach
- Tkinter callback arguments
Alf P. Steinbach
- Tkinter callback arguments
Alf P. Steinbach
- Tkinter callback arguments
Alf P. Steinbach
- Tkinter callback arguments
Alf P. Steinbach
- Python 3
Alf P. Steinbach
- Tkinter callback arguments
Alf P. Steinbach
- list to table
Alf P. Steinbach
- list to table
Alf P. Steinbach
- list to table
Alf P. Steinbach
- is None or == None ?
Alf P. Steinbach
- is None or == None ?
Alf P. Steinbach
- is None or == None ?
Alf P. Steinbach
- is None or == None ?
Alf P. Steinbach
- is None or == None ?
Alf P. Steinbach
- is None or == None ?
Alf P. Steinbach
- is None or == None ?
Alf P. Steinbach
- is None or == None ?
Alf P. Steinbach
- is None or == None ?
Alf P. Steinbach
- is None or == None ?
Alf P. Steinbach
- Req. comments on "first version" ch 2 progr. intro (using Python 3.x in Windows)
Alf P. Steinbach
- Req. comments on "first version" ch 2 progr. intro (using Python 3.x in Windows)
Alf P. Steinbach
- Req. comments on "first version" ch 2 progr. intro (using Python 3.x in Windows)
Alf P. Steinbach
- Req. comments on "first version" ch 2 progr. intro (using Python 3.x in Windows)
Alf P. Steinbach
- Does turtle graphics have the wrong associations?
Alf P. Steinbach
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Alf P. Steinbach
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Alf P. Steinbach
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Alf P. Steinbach
- Does turtle graphics have the wrong associations?
Alf P. Steinbach
- Does turtle graphics have the wrong associations?
Alf P. Steinbach
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Alf P. Steinbach
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Alf P. Steinbach
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Alf P. Steinbach
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Alf P. Steinbach
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Alf P. Steinbach
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Alf P. Steinbach
- A "terminators' club" for clp
Alf P. Steinbach
- Is an interactive command a block?
Alf P. Steinbach
- Is an interactive command a block?
Alf P. Steinbach
- Is an interactive command a block?
Alf P. Steinbach
- UnicodeDecodeError? Argh! Nothing works! I'm tired and hurting and...
Alf P. Steinbach
- UnicodeDecodeError? Argh! Nothing works! I'm tired and hurting and...
Alf P. Steinbach
- Req. for comments section "Basic Data" in intro book
Alf P. Steinbach
- Creating a local variable scope.
Alf P. Steinbach
- semantics of ** (unexpected/inconsistent?)
Alf P. Steinbach
- Creating a local variable scope.
Alf P. Steinbach
- Req. for comments section "Basic Data" in intro book
Alf P. Steinbach
- [Edu-sig] teaching python using turtle module
Alf P. Steinbach
- problem with lambda / closures
Louis Steinberg
- problem with lambda / closures
Louis Steinberg
- is there any FIX message handle modules in Python?
- Vim breaks after Python upgrade
Nick Stinemates
- Accessing a Web server --- how?
Nick Stinemates
- _winreg error on open key (64bit) - proper usage of _winreg.DisableReflectionKey
Nick Stinemates
- A Good Mailer
Nick Stinemates
- xmlrpc idea for getting around the GIL
Patrick Stinson
- xmlrpc idea for getting around the GIL
Patrick Stinson
- xmlrpc idea for getting around the GIL
Patrick Stinson
- Accessing a Web server --- how?
Virgil Stokes
- Web servers
Virgil Stokes
- Linux, Python 2.5.2, serverless binding LDAP?
Michael Ströder
- ANN: blist 1.0.2
Daniel Stutzbach
- non-copy slices
Daniel Stutzbach
- non-copy slices
Daniel Stutzbach
- Calendar Problem
Victor Subervi
- Calendar Problem
Victor Subervi
- Serious Privileges Problem: Please Help
Victor Subervi
- Can't Find Module
Victor Subervi
- Serious Privileges Problem: Please Help
Victor Subervi
- Serious Privileges Problem: Please Help
Victor Subervi
- Serious Privileges Problem: Please Help
Victor Subervi
- CGI vs mod_python
Victor Subervi
- CGI vs mod_python
Victor Subervi
- CGI vs mod_python
Victor Subervi
- Serious Privileges Problem: Please Help
Victor Subervi
- Serious Privileges Problem: Please Help
Victor Subervi
- Serious Privileges Problem: Please Help
Victor Subervi
- Serious Privileges Problem: Please Help
Victor Subervi
- Serious Privileges Problem: Please Help
Victor Subervi
- Calendar Stuff
Victor Subervi
- Calendar Stuff
Victor Subervi
- Can't Write File
Victor Subervi
- Can't Write File
Victor Subervi
- Calendar Stuff
Victor Subervi
- CGI vs mod_python
Victor Subervi
- Can't Write File
Victor Subervi
- Can't Write File
Victor Subervi
- Can't Write File
Victor Subervi
- Can't Write File
Victor Subervi
- Can't Write File
Victor Subervi
- Can't Write File
Victor Subervi
- Can't Write File
Victor Subervi
- CGI vs mod_python
Victor Subervi
- (OT) Recommend FTP Client
Victor Subervi
- (OT) Recommend FTP Client
Victor Subervi
- base64MIME problem, Or Just New Email Client
Victor Subervi
- A Good Mailer
Victor Subervi
- A Good Mailer
Victor Subervi
- Python Will Not Send Email!!
Victor Subervi
- Python Will Not Send Email!!
Victor Subervi
- Python Will Not Send Email!!
Victor Subervi
- Too Many Values To Unpack
Victor Subervi
- Python Will Not Send Email!!
Victor Subervi
- Python Will Not Send Email!!
Victor Subervi
- Serve Pages Under Different Ownership
Victor Subervi
- Too Many Values To Unpack
Victor Subervi
- Python Will Not Send Email!!
Victor Subervi
- Problem w/ smtplib
Victor Subervi
- crontab problem
Victor Subervi
- crontab problem
Victor Subervi
- Too Many Values To Unpack
Victor Subervi
- Problem w/ smtplib
Victor Subervi
- Problem w/ smtplib
Victor Subervi
- Scripts Only Run In Root
Victor Subervi
- Scripts Only Run In Root
Victor Subervi
- Switching Databases
Victor Subervi
- Switching Databases
Victor Subervi
- Switching Databases
Victor Subervi
- Switching Databases
Victor Subervi
- Don't Understand Error
Victor Subervi
- Don't Understand Error
Victor Subervi
- Workaround To Add Value To TextArea
Victor Subervi
- Workaround To Add Value To TextArea
Victor Subervi
- Can't Encode Pic
Victor Subervi
- Can't Encode Pic
Victor Subervi
- Can't Encode Pic
Victor Subervi
- Can't Encode Pic
Victor Subervi
- Can't Encode Pic
Victor Subervi
- Can't Encode Pic
Victor Subervi
- Can't Encode Pic
Victor Subervi
- Can't Encode Pic
Victor Subervi
- Can't Encode Pic
Victor Subervi
- Can't Encode Pic
Victor Subervi
- Exec Statement Question
Victor Subervi
- Exec Statement Question
Victor Subervi
- Completely OT
Victor Subervi
- Exec Statement Question
Victor Subervi
- Completely OT
Victor Subervi
- Exec Statement Question
Victor Subervi
- Completely OT
Victor Subervi
- Completely OT
Victor Subervi
- Completely OT
Victor Subervi
- Completely OT
Victor Subervi
- os.remove() permission problem
Victor Subervi
- os.remove() permission problem
Victor Subervi
- python compare and process a csv file
Siva Subramanian
- using csv dictreader in python
Siva Subramanian
- Book: Programming Python 3 (Second Edition) now available
Mark Summerfield
- list comprehension problem
Krister Svanlund
- Socket programming with NetCom serial-to-ethernet module
Ryan Swindle
- list vs tuple for a dict key- why aren't both hashable?
- Help with SOAPpy and WSDL.
Henrik Aagaard Sørensen
- Help with SOAPpy and WSDL.
Henrik Aagaard Sørensen
- Command parsing... best module to use?
- #define (from C) in Python
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
- Vim breaks after Python upgrade
- cmndbot 0.1 beta 1 released
Bart Thate
- How convert string '1e7' to an integer?
- parallel class structures for AST-based objects
Richard Thomas
- Any elegant way to construct the complete $k$-partite graph in Python?
Richard Thomas
- Python 2.6.3 TarFile Module Add odd behavior
Tilson, Greg (IS)
- run all scripts in sub-directory as subroutines?
- A different take on finding primes
- Command parsing... best module to use?
Mark Tolonen
- the unicode saga continues...
Mark Tolonen
- Run a external program.
Mark Tolonen
- Calling Python functions from Excel
Mark Tolonen
- Calling Python functions from Excel
Mark Tolonen
- Regexp and multiple groups (with repeats)
Mark Tolonen
- Spam Bot, broken pipe
Michael Torrie
- database handling
Nick Touran
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Anh Hai Trinh
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Anh Hai Trinh
- substituting list comprehensions for map()
Anh Hai Trinh
- A different take on finding primes
Anh Hai Trinh
- ast manipulation
- ast manipulation
- More Python versions on an XP machine
Gabor Urban
- New to Python need on advice on this script
Jim Valenza
- NetCDF to ascii file
Arnaud Vandecasteele
- Freezing python files into executables
Girish Venkatasubramanian
- Freezing python files into executables
Girish Venkatasubramanian
- Freezing python files into executables
Girish Venkatasubramanian
- Freezing python files into executables
Girish Venkatasubramanian
- Freezing python files into executables
Girish Venkatasubramanian
- safely returning objects from a Process to the parent through a Queue()
Verweij, Arjen
- Imitating "tail -f"
Ivan Voras
- Why 'import module' will not import but the directory module?
Colin W.
- Problem combining Scientific (leastSquaresFit) and scipy (odeint)
Colin W.
- a 100-line indentation-based preprocessor for HTML
Colin W.
- semantics of ** (unexpected/inconsistent?)
Colin W.
- MySQLdb
Gerald Walker
- Waiting for receiving data
Gerald Walker
- Waiting for receiving data
Gerald Walker
- Waiting for receiving data
Gerald Walker
- Waiting for receiving data
Gerald Walker
- _winreg error on open key (64bit) - proper usage of _winreg.DisableReflectionKey
Randall Walls
- _winreg error on open key (64bit) - proper usage of _winreg.DisableReflectionKey
Randall Walls
- comparing alternatives to py2exe
Kevin Walzer
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
Kevin Walzer
- python gui builders
Kevin Walzer
- python gui builders
Kevin Walzer
- ANN: Urwid 0.9.9 - Console UI Library
Ian Ward
- ANN: Urwid 0.9.9 - Console UI Library
Ian Ward
- ANN: Urwid 0.9.9 - Console UI Library
Ian Ward
- * for generic unpacking and not just for arguments?
Russell Warren
- * for generic unpacking and not just for arguments?
Russell Warren
- graceful degradation : is it degrading?
Aaron Watters
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Aaron Watters
- wsgi with separate css file
Aaron Watters
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Aaron Watters
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
Aaron Watters
- list vs tuple for a dict key- why aren't both hashable?
- list vs tuple for a dict key- why aren't both hashable?
- Arcane question regarding white space, editors, and code collapsing
- how to create a pip package
Wolodja Wentland
- how to create a pip package
Wolodja Wentland
- how to create a pip package
Wolodja Wentland
- how to create a pip package
Wolodja Wentland
- How can pip install a GitHub code drop?
Wolodja Wentland
- How can pip install a GitHub code drop?
Wolodja Wentland
- Imitating "tail -f"
Wolodja Wentland
- creating pipelines in python
Wolodja Wentland
- Python Programming Challenges for beginners?
Wolodja Wentland
- python gui builders
Shawn Wheatley
- Unexpected python exception
Tino Wildenhain
- Editing PDF files usig Python
David Williams
- Render a xml graph as an image
David Williams
- a 100-line indentation-based preprocessor for HTML
David Williams
- How do I install libxml2 and libxslt?
Nat Williams
- Help with database planning
Rob Williscroft
- pointless musings on performance
Rob Williscroft
- pointless musings on performance
Rob Williscroft
- username/password dialog prompt
Dan Winsor
- username/password dialog prompt
Dan Winsor
- pointless musings on performance
Tim Wintle
- why do I get this behavior from a while loop?
Tim Wintle
- graceful degradation : is it degrading?
Chris Withers
- ErrorHandler 1.1.0 Released!
Chris Withers
- Vote on PyPI comments
Chris Withers
- COM Server wirh MS Excel
Chris Withers
- feedback on function introspection in argparse
Chris Withers
- Anything better than shutil?
Chris Withers
- Calling Python functions from Excel
Chris Withers
- Calling Python functions from Excel
Chris Withers
- Python & OpenOffice Spreadsheets
Chris Withers
- sort values from dictionary of dictionaries python 2.4
J Wolfe
- Print to Printer Tkinter Text
J Wolfe
- [CPyUG:110052] ANN: UliPad 4.0 released!
Gang(Gary) Wu
- multiprocessing.connection with ssl
- PIL build error on Snow Leopard
- 2.6 and sys.exit()
John Yeung
- 2.6 and sys.exit()
John Yeung
- How to import only one module in a package when the package has already imports the modules?
Peng Yu
- How to import only one module in a package when the package has already imports the modules?
Peng Yu
- How to import only one module in a package when the package has already imports the modules?
Peng Yu
- About one class/function per module
Peng Yu
- About one class/function per module
Peng Yu
- About one class/function per module
Peng Yu
- About one class/function per module
Peng Yu
- About one class/function per module
Peng Yu
- About one class/function per module
Peng Yu
- About one class/function per module
Peng Yu
- Is there a function that can test if a path is in a directory or one of its sub-directory (recursively)?
Peng Yu
- What is the best way to delete strings in a string list that that match certain pattern?
Peng Yu
- What is the best way to delete strings in a string list that that match certain pattern?
Peng Yu
- What is the best way to delete strings in a string list that that match certain pattern?
Peng Yu
- What is the best way to delete strings in a string list that that match certain pattern?
Peng Yu
- What is the best way to delete strings in a string list that that match certain pattern?
Peng Yu
- What is the best way to delete strings in a string list that that match certain pattern?
Peng Yu
- How convert string '1e7' to an integer?
Peng Yu
- Why Error is derived from EnvironmentError in
Peng Yu
- Why Error is derived from EnvironmentError in
Peng Yu
- IDE for python
Peng Yu
- IDE for python
Peng Yu
- Anything equivalent to cassert in C++?
Peng Yu
- WindowsError is not available on linux?
Peng Yu
- What is the difference between 'except IOError as e:' and 'except IOError, e:'
Peng Yu
- WindowsError is not available on linux?
Peng Yu
- WindowsError is not available on linux?
Peng Yu
- What is the naming convention for accessor of a 'private' variable?
Peng Yu
- convert a string to a regex?
Peng Yu
- What is the naming convention for accessor of a 'private' variable?
Peng Yu
- What is the naming convention for accessor of a 'private' variable?
Peng Yu
- convert a string to a regex?
Peng Yu
- Is there something similar to list comprehension in dict?
Peng Yu
- More precise document on os.path.normpath()
Peng Yu
- Where to put the error handing test?
Peng Yu
- Where to put the error handing test?
Peng Yu
- Where to put the error handing test?
Peng Yu
- Where to put the error handing test?
Peng Yu
- get line number and filename in a source file
Peng Yu
- feedback on function introspection in argparse
- feedback on function introspection in argparse
- Python 2.6 Global Variables
Fabio Zadrozny
- Pydev 1.5.1 Released
Fabio Zadrozny
- semantics of [:]
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Questions about list-creation
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Beautifulsoup code that is not running
- DeprecationWarning on md5
- Beautifulsoup code that is not running
- DeprecationWarning on md5
- Newbie question about scrapy tutorial
- Newbie question about scrapy tutorial
- Auto net surfing
joao abrantes
- os.starfile() linux
joao abrantes
- profiling differences using an extra function call
marc magrans de abril
- About one class/function per module
- Pyfora, a place for python
- About one class/function per module
- Regular express question
- About one class/function per module
- Pyfora, a place for python
- Why Error is derived from EnvironmentError in
- Linux, Python 2.5.2, serverless binding LDAP?
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
- ANN: Urwid 0.9.9 - Console UI Library
- WindowsError is not available on linux?
- WindowsError is not available on linux?
- is there any FIX message handle modules in Python?
- Where to put the error handing test?
- midi file parser
- IDE+hg
- Python Programming Challenges for beginners?
- exception due to NoneType
- exception due to NoneType
- database handling
- fetch all tweets..
- What is Islam?-1
omer azazi
- PySerial and termios
a b
- 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe4' in position 4: ordinal not in range(128)
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF"syntax?
- Python & OpenOffice Spreadsheets
- Filling in a tuple from unknown size list
- C api and checking for integers
- ANN: GMPY 1.11rc1 is available
- PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords in Python3.1
- PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords in Python3.1
- unable to compile Python 2.6.4 on AIX using gcc
- unable to compile Python 2.6.4 on AIX using gcc
- extending optionparser to accept multiple comma delimited input for one arg
- how to format a python source file with tools?
- extending optionparser to accept multiple comma delimited input for one arg
- Python 3
geremy condra
- feedback on function introspection in argparse
geremy condra
- My own accounting python euler problem
geremy condra
- My own accounting python euler problem
geremy condra
geremy condra
- My own accounting python euler problem
geremy condra
- Python as network protocol
geremy condra
- Python as network protocol
geremy condra
- Python & Go
geremy condra
- Python & Go
geremy condra
- Scripts Only Run In Root
geremy condra
- Any elegant way to construct the complete $k$-partite graph in Python?
geremy condra
- Any elegant way to construct the complete $k$-partite graph in Python?
geremy condra
- Any elegant way to construct the complete $k$-partite graph in Python?
geremy condra
- Completely OT
geremy condra
- Bored.
geremy condra
- Does turtle graphics have the wrong associations?
BGB / cr88192
- Why do you use python?
- best performance for storage of server information for python CGI web app?
- python and Postgresq
Andy dixon
- python and Postgresq
Andy dixon
- Need help dumping exif data in canon raw files
- non-copy slices
tbourden at
- non-copy slices
tbourden at
- non-copy slices
tbourden at
- non-copy slices
tbourden at
- How to run python script in emacs
- query regarding file handling.
ankita dutta
- A More Concise Description of Numpy than the Guide to Numpy?
W. eWatson
- A More Concise Description of Numpy than the Guide to Numpy?
W. eWatson
- The Strong Relationship between MatLab and MatPlotLib? What One Needs to Know?
W. eWatson
- Object Not Callable, float?
W. eWatson
- Object Not Callable, float?
W. eWatson
- Object Not Callable, float?
W. eWatson
- Tkinter callback arguments
- PyGDChart2 module
- disable image loading to speed up webpage load
- disable image loading to speed up webpage load
- join , split question
- join , split question
- disable image loading to speed up webpage load
- how to close not response win32 IE com interface
- how to close not response win32 IE com interface
- win32com IE interface PAMIE javascript click
- how to install python-spidermonkey on windows
- python win32com problem
- python win32com problem
- DOM related question and problem
- DOM related question and problem
- mechanize login problem with website
- mechanize login problem with website
- DOM related question and problem
- Split class across multiple files
- Split class across multiple files
- converting latitude and longitude
- Simple greatest common factor script
- Simple greatest common factor script
- Whom Must We Worship
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
- Capturing output of os.system to a string
- Capturing output of os.system to a string
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
- A "terminators' club" for clp
- A "terminators' club" for clp
- how to format a python source file with tools?
- How to get directory of Python C library
arve.knudsen at
- How to get directory of Python C library
arve.knudsen at
- How to get directory of Python C library
arve.knudsen at
- How to get directory of Python C library
arve.knudsen at
- How to get directory of Python C library
arve.knudsen at
- TypeError: unsupported operand types for +: 'NoneType' and 'str'
aurfalien at
- Question about creating dictionary like objects
bowman.joseph at
- Newsgroup for beginners
bruno.desthuilliers at
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
catalinfest at
- Create video with text?
catalinfest at
- Scripts Only Run In Root
liuxin9023 at
- memoize again at
- dbapi2 select where IN (...) at
- bootstrapping on machines without Python
mmanns at
- 2.6.4 Mac x86_64 ?
chris grebeldinger
- 2.6.4 Mac x86_64 ?
chris grebeldinger
- is None or == None ?
- Writing an emulator in python - implementation questions (for performance)
- Writing an emulator in python - implementation questions (for performance)
- #define (from C) in Python
- Writing an emulator in python - implementation questions (for performance)
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
- overriding __getitem__ for a subclass of dict
- ANN: PyGUI 2.1
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
- Command line arguments??
- New syntax for blocks
- New syntax for blocks
- Time travel
- a is b
jitendra gupta
- 2.6 and sys.exit()
- 2.6 and sys.exit()
- 2.6 and sys.exit()
- 2.6 and sys.exit()
- Python/HTML integration: phileas v0.3 released
papa hippo
- Python/HTML integration: phileas v0.3 released
papa hippo
- Python/HTML integration: phileas v0.3 released
papa hippo
- Best way for permutating using multiple lists?
- Let python call a C function pointer passed from the C Python API
- Feature request: String-inferred names
- Filling in a tuple from unknown size list
- Filling in a tuple from unknown size list
- Feature request: String-inferred names
- Arcane question regarding white space, editors, and code collapsing
- staticmethod not callable? (trying to make a Singleton metaclass..)
- Number of distinct substrings of a string [continuation]
- * for generic unpacking and not just for arguments?
- semantics of ** (unexpected/inconsistent?)
- semantics of ** (unexpected/inconsistent?)
- New to python
- problem with lambda / closures
- Completely OT
- reading from a text file
- Completely OT
- Completely OT
- Questions about list-creation
- Questions about list-creation
- Completely OT
- High-performance Python websites
- semantics of ** (unexpected/inconsistent?)
- Completely OT
- semantics of ** (unexpected/inconsistent?)
- import from a string
- import from a string
- comparing alternatives to py2exe
- import from a string
- import from a string
- Beginning Question about Python functions, parameters...
- list to table
- hex int and string
- hex int and string
- hex int and string
- hex int and string
- delete column content
- delete column content
- delete column content
- Any elegant way to construct the complete $k$-partite graph in Python?
anand jeyahar
- Render a xml graph as an image
anand jeyahar
- Create object from variable indirect reference?
- py2exe users
- Nov 7 TODAY & Nov 22 - Join Global FreeSW Python GNU(Linux) HW Culture meeting via VOIP - BerkeleyTIP GlobalTIP - For Forwarding
- Some Basic questions on the use of CTRL and ALT Keys
- Some Basic questions on the use of CTRL and ALT Keys
- Some Basic questions on the use of CTRL and ALT Keys
- Some Basic questions on the use of CTRL and ALT Keys
- Python py2exe - memory load error
prakash jp
- parsing json data
- yappi v0.3
- Defining re pattern for matching list of numbers
jorma kala
- Defining re pattern for matching list of numbers
jorma kala
- #define (from C) in Python
garabik-news-2005-05 at
- #define (from C) in Python
garabik-news-2005-05 at
- python server developer
garabik-news-2005-05 at
- Python Statements/Keyword Localization
garabik-news-2005-05 at
- How to test urllib|urllib2-using code?
- How to test urllib|urllib2-using code?
- How to test urllib|urllib2-using code?
- Read handle concatenation
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
- How to specify Python version in script?
- How can a module know the module that imported it?
- How to specify Python version in script?
- How can a module know the module that imported it?
- Python & Go
- Python & Go
- The ol' [[]] * 500 bug...
- The ol' [[]] * 500 bug...
- A "terminators' club" for clp
- A "terminators' club" for clp
- Python & Go
- Python & Go
- How to specify Python version in script?
- read Zipfile
sityee kong
- read Zipfile
sityee kong
- Python py2exe - memory load error
- pywintypes error
- Python py2exe - memory load error
- how to remove the punctuation and no need words from paragraphs
- how to remove the same words in the paragraph
- C api and exception handling
- C api and exception handling
- Python C api: create a new object class
- Python C API and references
- C api and checking for integers
- Python C API and references
- Adding methods to an object instance
- C api question and determining PyObject type
- C api question and determining PyObject type
- How to import a file by its full path using C api?
- How to import a file by its full path using C api?
- newbie question - python lists
- newbie question - python lists
- newbie question - python lists
- newbie question - python lists
- newbie question - python lists
- newbie question - python lists
- ANN: UliPad 4.0 released!
-, is this a bug ?
- Newbie advice
- hex int and string
- hex int and string
- hex int and string
- dvb3
- advice needed for lazy evaluation mechanism
- advice needed for lazy evaluation mechanism
- advice needed for lazy evaluation mechanism
- Creating a local variable scope.
- Creating a local variable scope.
- Creating a local variable scope.
- Creating a local variable scope.
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
- python gui builders
- python gui builders
- Debugging python in emacs isn't working.
- Debugging python in emacs isn't working.
- Using struct to read binary files
- Using struct to read binary files
- About one class/function per module
- parse a string (Cadence Allegro Netlist) to dictionary
- join , split question
- join , split question
- How do I create a vanilla object in C?
rnichols at
- how to create nested classes dynamically
gopal mishra
- Request for comments - concurrent ssh client
- is None or == None ?
- is None or == None ?
- checking 'type' programmatically
- Regexp and multiple groups (with repeats)
- pointless musings on performance
- pointless musings on performance
- need clarification on -0
- need clarification on -0
- Code for finding the 1000th prime
- Code for finding the 1000th prime
- Newsgroup for beginners
- Sorting: too different times. Why?
- Sorting: too different times. Why?
- Sorting: too different times. Why?
- Sorting: too different times. Why?
- Sorting: too different times. Why?
- Sorting: too different times. Why?
- Sorting: too different times. Why?
- Trying to understand += better
- Sorting: too different times. Why?
- Can "self" crush itself?
- Can "self" crush itself?
- Can "self" crush itself?
- Can "self" crush itself?
- Can "self" crush itself?
- Can "self" crush itself?
- Can "self" crush itself?
- Python Programming Challenges for beginners?
- Python Programming Challenges for beginners?
- Python Programming Challenges for beginners?
- Brent's variation of a factorization algorithm
- Python Programming Challenges for beginners?
- Python Programming Challenges for beginners?
- Python Programming Challenges for beginners?
- Python Programming Challenges for beginners?
- Number of distinct substrings of a string [continuation]
- Number of distinct substrings of a string [continuation]
- Number of distinct substrings of a string [continuation]
- Number of distinct substrings of a string [continuation]
- Number of distinct substrings of a string [continuation]
- Number of distinct substrings of a string [continuation]
- embed python dynamically
- embed installed python dynamically
- embed installed python dynamically
- OT: regular expression matching multiple occurrences of one group
sln at
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
- question about tree in python
- extending dictonary
- Pause a script before termination
- Pause a script before termination
- conditional __init__
OKB (not okblacke)
- Beginning Question about Python functions, parameters...
astral orange
- Beginning Question about Python functions, parameters...
astral orange
- Beginning Question about Python functions, parameters...
astral orange
- Beginning Question about Python functions, parameters...
astral orange
- Python Programming Challenges for beginners?
astral orange
- fastPATX Panther for your speedy web browsing needs!
patx at
- JTAG/Debugging
- JTAG/Debugging
- JTAG/Debugging
- creating pipelines in python
- creating pipelines in python
- OT: regular expression matching multiple occurrences of one group
- Installing Python 2.5 with Python 2.6
- Installing Python 2.5 with Python 2.6
- Hi help me in installing pcapy extension module
- hex int and string
84715175 at
- how to format a python source file with tools?
84715175 at
- how to format a python source file with tools?
84715175 at
- hex int and string
84715175 at
- hex int and string
84715175 at
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
- An assessment of Tkinter and IDLE
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
- Indentation problems
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
- New syntax for blocks
- New syntax for blocks
- New syntax for blocks
- New syntax for blocks
- New syntax for blocks
- New syntax for blocks
- Microsoft research on code quality
- New syntax for blocks
- New syntax for blocks
- New syntax for blocks
- 2.6 and sys.exit()
- 2.6 and sys.exit()
- A "terminators' club" for clp
- New syntax for blocks
- tkFileDialog question
- tkFileDialog question
- tkFileDialog question
- A "terminators' club" for clp
- A "terminators' club" for clp
- A "terminators' club" for clp
- Easy way to play single musical notes in Python
- ANN: PyGUI 2.1
- tkFileDialog question
- tkFileDialog question
- basic class question..
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
- New syntax for blocks
- python gui builders
- New syntax for blocks
- plotting arrow in python
- scanning under windows WIA with custom settings (dpi / etc )
- scanning under windows WIA with custom settings (dpi / etc )
- scanning under windows WIA with custom settings (dpi / etc )
- Python & OpenOffice Spreadsheets
- Beginning Question about Python functions, parameters...
- Beginning Question about Python functions, parameters...
- Python & OpenOffice Spreadsheets
- Best strategy for overcoming excessive gethostbyname timeout.
- Best strategy for overcoming excessive gethostbyname timeout.
- Best strategy for overcoming excessive gethostbyname timeout.
- Best strategy for overcoming excessive gethostbyname timeout.
- Best strategy for overcoming excessive gethostbyname timeout.
- Creating a local variable scope.
- 3.x and 2.x on same machine (is this info at
- 3.x and 2.x on same machine (is this info at
- Command line arguments??
- Command line arguments??
- plotting arrow in python
- plotting arrow in python
- vpython installation problem
- Web development with Python 3.1
mario ruggier
- Can I run a python program from within emacs?
- About one class/function per module
- Web development with Python 3.1
- Web development with Python 3.1
- Web development with Python 3.1
- IDE+hg
- Earn Money
- decoding a byte array that is unicode escaped?
- New syntax for blocks
- Python C api: create a new object class
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
- UnicodeDecodeError? Argh! Nothing works! I'm tired and hurting and...
- PyQt 2 Exe
baboucarr sanneh
- Pause a script before termination
baboucarr sanneh
- reading from a text file
baboucarr sanneh
- QuerySets in Dictionaries
- QuerySets in Dictionaries
- QuerySets in Dictionaries
- Please recommend the books that might be helpful to learn Python :)
- Debugging thread stall
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
- How do I print to text browser with Qthread? (in PyQt)
- installing lxml ?
- installing lxml ?
- how to create a pip package
- Program to compute and print 1000th prime number
ssteinerX at
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
ssteinerX at
- CGI vs mod_python
ssteinerX at
- CGI vs mod_python
ssteinerX at
- Req. comments on "first version" ch 2 progr. intro (using Python 3.x in Windows)
ssteinerX at
- Help with OS X installation
- Help with OS X installation
- Converting a float to a formatted outside of print command
- Converting a float to a formatted outside of print command
- New syntax for blocks
- New syntax for blocks
- New syntax for blocks
- Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?
- is None or == None ?
- is None or == None ?
- is None or == None ?
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
- Python & Go
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
- Python & Go
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
- Choosing GUI Module for Python
- Python & Go
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
- IDE for python
- Python & Go
- IDE for python
- python gui builders
- python gui builders
- Python & Go
- import subprocess in python
- Let python call a C function pointer passed from the C Python API
- Code for finding the 1000th prime
- python gui builders
- python gui builders
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
- python gui builders
- python gui builders
- Writing a Carriage Return in Unicode
- python gui builders
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
- python simply not scaleable enough for google?
- Writing a Carriage Return in Unicode
- Writing a Carriage Return in Unicode
- How do I create a vanilla object in C?
- xmlrpc idea for getting around the GIL
- xmlrpc idea for getting around the GIL
- xmlrpc idea for getting around the GIL
- xmlrpc idea for getting around the GIL
- Cancelling a python thread (revisited...)
- Cancelling a python thread (revisited...)
- sandbox python via module loader
- module imports and st_mtime
- Noobie python shell question
- Microsoft research on code quality
exarkun at
- Most efficient way to "pre-grow" a list?
exarkun at
- Cancelling a python thread (revisited...)
exarkun at
- [ANN] pyOpenSSL 0.10
exarkun at
- Stagnant Frame Data?
exarkun at
- Logic operators with "in" statement
exarkun at
- WindowsError is not available on linux?
exarkun at
- checking 'type' programmatically
exarkun at
- Imitating "tail -f"
exarkun at
- Imitating "tail -f"
exarkun at
- Can't print Chinese to HTTP
exarkun at
- A beginner question about GUI use and development
- [Edu-sig] teaching python using turtle module
kirby urner
- [Edu-sig] teaching python using turtle module
kirby urner
- [Edu-sig] teaching python using turtle module
kirby urner
- Raw strings as input from File?
- Raw strings as input from File?
- howto send signal to a OS daemon on linux
bheemesh v
- PySiteCreator v0.1 released
- distutils.core.setup --install-script option in Python 2.6 ?
j vickroy
- distutils.core.setup --install-script option in Python 2.6 ?
j vickroy
- distutils.core.setup --install-script option in Python 2.6 ?
j vickroy
- My own accounting python euler problem
- My own accounting python euler problem
- Changing the current directory
- Changing the current directory (full post)
- Changing the current directory (full post)
- Changing the current directory (full post)
- fixing xml output format
wadi wadi
- on "Namespaces"
- Beginning Question about Python functions, parameters...
david wright
- Running a python script from interactive mode
ashwini yal
- multitasking
ashwini yal
- Python & OpenOffice Spreadsheets
jfabiani at
- Is pexpect unmaintained now?
- Where to find pexpect
- Is pexpect unmaintained now?
- python with echo
hong zhang
- directory wildcard
hong zhang
- directory wildcard
hong zhang
- IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
hong zhang
- IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
hong zhang
- IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
hong zhang
- IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
hong zhang
- IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
hong zhang
- IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
hong zhang
- IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
hong zhang
- hex
hong zhang
- ask a question about the module
leo zhao
- Implementation of Book Organization tool (Python2.[x])
- Implementation of Book Organization tool (Python2.[x])
- Amoeba OS and Python
Александр Бежашвили
- SCGIServer and unusal termination
Дамјан Георгиевски
- Why Python allows comparison of a callable and a number?
- a question about python
- a question about python
- how to format a python source file with tools?
- how to format a python source file with tools?
- how to format a python source file with tools?
Last message date:
Mon Nov 30 23:51:06 EST 2009
Archived on: Mon Oct 28 06:03:48 EDT 2019
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).