June 2012 Archives by thread
Starting: Fri Jun 1 00:51:46 EDT 2012
Ending: Sat Jun 30 14:55:01 EDT 2012
Messages: 520
- [IPython-dev] Bumping up priority of thinking about output scrolling/control
- [IPython-dev] Hard to keep up...
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] local ipython install from github
Johann Cohen-Tanugi
- [IPython-dev] doc error
Ralf Hemmecke
- [IPython-dev] [IPython-User] Another monster landed: refactored JavaScript, new tooltips and interactive widgets in the notebook
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] Octave magic
Stéfan van der Walt
- [IPython-dev] MultiKernelManager vs. ipcluster
Jason Grout
- [IPython-dev] Cell Magic names
- [IPython-dev] Add new commandline option from profile
Arnaud Gardelein
- [IPython-dev] Notebook doesn't load profile when started on boot.
Carl Smith
- [IPython-dev] test_pr for 3.x picking up 2.x paths
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Thanks for the kernel shutdown button!
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Data viz in the notebook with JS
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Small config puzzle
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Fwd: notebook plots via javascript
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Removing pyparsing from IPython.external, any objections?
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] vim/emacs keybindings in the notebook
krastanov.stefan at gmail.com
- [IPython-dev] [PATCH] Jumpy notebook fixes
Bob McElrath
- [IPython-dev] R inside IPython (notebook, qtconsole or regular terminal)
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Bug in our magic_arguments decorator for building docstrings (ping R. Kern)?
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Cell magics and extensions
Thomas Kluyver
- [IPython-dev] IPython notebook on Windows Azure
Thomas Kluyver
- [IPython-dev] Easy Installation
Carl Smith
- [IPython-dev] %gui wx completely borked on Ubuntu 12.04, how about other OSes?
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] running through a notebook in terminal or command line
Jonathan Taylor
- [IPython-dev] Great coding everyone!
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] doc problem in Rmagic
Ralf Hemmecke
- [IPython-dev] live coding
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] ipython notebook installation instructions
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] A 'static demo' mode for the notebook, so we could keep a more visible version of the examples up?
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] zmq/embed_kernel failure in master
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Let's get 0.13 released...
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Persistent test_pr problems on python3
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Warnings in testsuite
Jörgen Stenarson
- [IPython-dev] Help with python3 Windows testing for PR #1715
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] 43 PRs merged in a week, not bad
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] All tests pass on windows!
Jörgen Stenarson
- [IPython-dev] should we make nodb the default hub backend?
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Should we silence the 'Parallel execution on engine(s): [0, 1, 2, 3]' messages?
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] I'm on the doctest failures...
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] !commands on python3 version
Jörgen Stenarson
- [IPython-dev] How to organize test code
Jörgen Stenarson
- [IPython-dev] problem with publish_display_data?
Jonathan Taylor
- [IPython-dev] zmq import appearing in all stacktraces
Matthew Brett
- [IPython-dev] An idea for `iypthon notebook` server CTRL+C (^C)
Thomas Kluyver
- [IPython-dev] Tests passing on Python 3.3
Thomas Kluyver
- [IPython-dev] use of InteractiveShell and R magic
Jonathan Taylor
- [IPython-dev] Adding attributes to .ipynb files
Dennis Sun
- [IPython-dev] Namespace pollution and a kernel panel
Bob McElrath
- [IPython-dev] Notebook names truncating at the first period
Kent Inverarity
- [IPython-dev] Detailed feedback from Titus Brown on the notebook in a teaching context
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] IPython 0.13 first beta is ready!
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Why are notebooks no longer bound to cells?
Dennis Sun
- [IPython-dev] Better handling of older notebook versions
Aaron Meurer
- [IPython-dev] magics and metadata
Jonathan Taylor
- [IPython-dev] IPythonInputSplitter.cell_magic_parts and InteractiveShell
Jason Grout
- [IPython-dev] check for "q" or abort in a custom magic-function
Alexander Krause
- [IPython-dev] ipython on webfaction hosting
Massimo Di Stefano
- [IPython-dev] kernel restart
Bob McElrath
- [IPython-dev] And we cross the issue #2000 line today!
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] published worksheet website for R
Jason Grout
- [IPython-dev] Debian freeze date set to June 30th, we *might* pull off a release...
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Traceback in frontend tests
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] Is IPython useful for your research/industry work? Feedback wanted for grant proposal.
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] SVG figures status report
Bob McElrath
- [IPython-dev] Fwd: [Passed] ipython/ipython#1 (master - 57bdf5b)
Thomas Kluyver
- [IPython-dev] NotebookCloud: Update
Carl Smith
- [IPython-dev] We might actually make 0.13 by June 30, jump in to make it possible!
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] multiple worksheets and tabs
Dennis Sun
- [IPython-dev] SockJS
Jason Grout
- [IPython-dev] Notebook filename badness
Brian Granger
- [IPython-dev] Best approach for uploading files through the Notebook?
Carl Smith
- [IPython-dev] notebook examples for presentation
Chris Kees
- [IPython-dev] Weird, serious notebook bug on Windows
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] metadata attribute for streams
Jason Grout
- [IPython-dev] Heads-up: releasing 0.13 final today, please don't push to master
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] [ANN] IPython 0.13 is officially out!
Fernando Perez
- [IPython-dev] IPython AWS Extension
Carl Smith
Last message date:
Sat Jun 30 14:55:01 EDT 2012
Archived on: Thu Mar 23 23:42:04 EDT 2017
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).