October 1999 Archives by thread
Starting: Fri Oct 1 00:08:27 EDT 1999
Ending: Sun Oct 31 23:55:26 EST 1999
Messages: 2059
- Circular refs
David A. Cuthbert
- Last question of the day (This one's easy!)
Martijn Faassen
- How buid _tkinter_d.pyd?
Adrian Eyre
- updated smtplib with auth support
Grzegorz Makarewicz
- Almost the first UK Python meeting
andy at robanal.demon.co.uk
- Locking some methods from certain clients
Adrian Eyre
- My own pyhton in CGI...
Adrian Eyre
- References vs copies w/ *x
Duncan Booth
- [ANNOUNCE] For WindowMaker users...
Keith Dart
- How Can I do vi-like substitutions?
Timothy R Evans
- lzw.py
Chad Netzer
- Prizes for open-source Eiffel software
Kristopher Johnson
- Passing file descriptors in Python?
Skip Montanaro
- Read stdout from shell command, was: Becoming root
Michael Hudson
- (newbie) Array of dictionaries
Janko Hauser
50 at freepics.com
- More Python books coming...
Andy Robinson
- Installation problem (or not...)
Andy Robinson
- Help: PythonCE stdin?
Brian Lloyd
- (Semi-newbie) Thread locks in module code
gottfried_leibniz at my-deja.com
- Download Ia.n.i.!!! It's free!
- YA-Newbie: Progress (but still baffled by deepcopy/pickle issues...:)
greg at cosc.canterbury.ac.nz
- IDLE doesn't work on my Mac :-(
greg at cosc.canterbury.ac.nz
- ping script
Mirko Zeibig
- Numeric, how to do in place full-array modification?
Eric Jacobs
- What GUI-lib to use
Boudewijn Rempt
- newbie question int to string conversion
Anders olme
- ADSI Access
- Directory select dialog box?
Mike Hoegeman
- Unloading COM objects?
Martin Bertolino
- Matching templates against a tree - any ideas?
Tim Peters
- When Good Regular Expressions Go Bad
Tim Peters
- re vs. sgmllib (was: Moving from Perl to Python)
Mike Fletcher
- eval in embed Python
Urban Velkavrh
- Tkinter Radiobutton Menu: how to select programmatically (newbie)
Mark C Favas
- A Python color syntax file for VIM
Neil Schemenauer
- for faq?: multithreaded curses getch()
towen at nw.com.au
- HELP again! Changing timezone in Python
Bill Eldridge
- ctsybase?
Glen Malley
- simple IRC client
Steinar Knutsen
- NURB's and Python?
prestonlanders at my-deja.com
- python mailing list
Barry A. Warsaw
- Linux, Python, and pipes
Skip Montanaro
- Finding Password
Aaryn Olsson
- Dutch PUG (Python Users Group)
Gerrit Holl
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Sep 20)
nascheme at enme.ucalgary.ca
- Anyone read me?
Terry Reedy
- password problem
Aaryn Olsson
- Puzzled with Time Server conversion problems?
Benjamin Schollnick
- Determining python installation prefix
Dave Cole
- Why TERRIBLE performance of regular expressions in re module ?
Skip Montanaro
- Anyone have success w/STRPTIME???
Benjamin Schollnick
- lineno and filename in exceptions
Fredrik Lundh
- print longs
Emile van Sebille
- Three decades of Python!
Robin Becker
- system resource modules? (Win32, Irix)
Randall Hopper
- re TERRIBLE performance -- progress and request for more help
rturpin at my-deja.com
- About JPython security
Carlos Ors
- Just like in our DNA...
Ian Clarke
- Requiring arguments to be passed as keyword arguments
Duncan Booth
- mxODBC and NT services
joshzeidner at my-deja.com
- Unix diff algorithm in Python anyone?
Dinu C. Gherman
- Python guide Brain posted
Ben Darnell
- Python Mind Reading
Robert Meegan
- Memory leak in JPython beta 2
Barry A. Warsaw
- Quick question: recursive touch?
Ivan Van Laningham
- 'ipfw' IOCTLS available as python module?
François Pinard
- How to use readline interactively?
John Farrell
- How do loose the /012
Bruce Wolk
- DOS Python
Hans Nowak
- Do You Have a Powerful Computer, a few extra minutes,& Microsoft Word?
David Oppenheimer
- ANN: Portable Garbage Collector For Python
- converting between PIL and NumPY
Rob W. W. Hooft
- Database Tutorials, How-Tos etc.
Thomas Weholt
- compile.py does not work on WinNT system
Berthold Hoellmann
- websucker.py versus password-protected web tree
John van der Koijk
- ObjC / GNUstep?
Bjoern.Giesler at stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
- Converting to lists into one dictionary
Magnus L. Hetland
- Bug: (Locale) IDLE/Tkinter/Python?
Blake Winton
- The Python version of the Translation Project robot
François Pinard
- Help! Adding methods to Zope
drmental at my-deja.com
- module namespace / free software question
William Annis
- How to lookup on RMS indexed files in Open VMS ?
- CWI mailing lists have moved!
Barry A. Warsaw
phiberop at hotmail.com
- GvR interview online
Mark Lutz
- siomodule and Python1.5.2
Jerry Williams
- regular expression example generator
John Farrell
- binary file reading in python
greg andruk
- minimal python for embedded system
Jon Watts
- core dump
Travis Oliphant
- [Fwd: Seeking Computer Programming Story Comments]
David Oppenheimer
- [Fwd: Call for Papers: Testing Computer Software Conference (TCS2000)]
David Oppenheimer
- Python Beginner Question!!!
- Python E-commerce Development Positions
randall_burns_hp at my-deja.com
- Tkinter: Scrollable buttons
Fredrik Lundh
- Do you use your laptop in the car?
- Nice comments about python at www.perl.com
- Is the server down or what?
Fredrik Lundh
- PC Speaker Sound
Fredrik Lundh
- Dupes
Fredrik Lundh
- List vs. Tuple
Matthew Hirsch
- Intersection of multiple lists/list of lists
Aahz Maruch
- execv family...
Adrian Eyre
- Python for PDAs?
Jeff Bauer
- Help! Can't do COM
sjoshi at ingr.com
- JPython...
Vikram Singh
- Nolan's question of the day: distributed servers?
Tom Culliton
- ANNOUNCE: wxPython 2.1.4
Robin Dunn
- Is it possible to make a *.py a *.exe
john smith
- Make Stand Alone W32 Installer Crash with tk
Gordon Williams
- Python Port Newbie
tyler Peter
- PyGreSQL difficulties
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- XP STDOUT & STDERR Redirection
Andrew Csillag
- Image manipulation under Python / Tk
Fredrik Lundh
- Help with Grail please?
Gerrit Holl
- tkInter scoping problem ?
Fredrik Lundh
- Python as a first language
Fredrik Lundh
- Help needed for gratuitous kludge
Adrian Eyre
- Beginner asks question about Python on Linux
Preston Landers
- Important issue ! 710 [1/2]
mtifvk at rec.uk
- Important issue ! 710 [2/2]
mtifvk at rec.uk
- GUI Builder for Python (was Re: Python Port Newbie)
Randall Hopper
- Beginner's question : Embedding Python - problem with PyRun_SimpleString
Adrian Eyre
- Python and IDL interface
Warren Poe
- fatal relocation error when import shared libs on SOlaris 2.6
James L. Preston
- Better python interactive prompt
Janko Hauser
- ANN: Win32 Installer - new beta
Gordon McMillan
- More PyGreSQL questions
Harry Tanovich
- Tiny difficulty with `multifile'
François Pinard
- Newbie question about __getattr__ and __setattr__
Eric Jacobs
- Marking translatable strings
Florian Weimer
- Exec statement problem
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
Shen Jiakan
- Resident Python Interpreter
joshzeidner at my-deja.com
- OO Details
Michael Charlton
- IDLE and pythonwin won't run
Tim Peters
- JPython, getting started Q.
Alex Rice
- opening a file to read under windows
- Win98 IDLE misbehaves with Tkinter tutorial code
- Making regular expressions more friendly
Skip Montanaro
- BUG: classobject.c
M.-A. Lemburg
- Decrementing a reference counter...
Olivier Deckmyn
- Newbie question: files..
Sonny Parlin
- JPython Servlet Examples?
Dirk Leas
- Communication Between Zope and Java Process
Fredrik Lundh
- sending ctrl chars using sio module
- Problems with strptime
- Suppressing console on Windows?
Brian Blackwell
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Oct 11)
David Ascher
- how to translate a virtual path to a physical path in a CGI script
Paul Robinson
- Pythoning of C++ objects
Mikhail Astafiev
- Burning all GIFs on Python.org?
Paul Duffin
- Tkinter/Tcl8.1: can't find init.tcl
rey at esrf.fr
- smtplib: To,Cc,Bcc
Gerrit Holl
- Filehandling/processing in Python
Gordon McMillan
- ob_refcnt and Py_BuildValue
Gordon McMillan
- how to monitor method calls
zakons at eccelerate.com
- Automating MS Exchange Server with Python?
Alessandro Bottoni
- how to declare array of class instances
Les Schaffer
- Borland compilation
Ionel Simionescu
- Keep in touch.
alumni_site3 at hotmail.com
- HTMLgen 2.2 is torturing me!!
Jason Benderly
- Bug Report + Fix: os.path.normpath
Andrew Cooke
- ANN: XML Win32 Installer Update 0.5.2 991011
Christian Tismer
- Example using the select module
Fredrik Lundh
- select() interruption by signal
Fredrik Lundh
- stdin, out of a spawnv process?
Fredrik Lundh
- lazy function calling?
Sam Schulenburg
- using string.splitfields
Fredrik Lundh
- Who maintains Tkinter?
Fredrik Lundh
- you can do it 2804
bvqesu at heal.com
- HELP!!! uploading files with Python
g.spat at tiscalinet.it
- program to view raw http commands?
- How do I shell-out on Win32 systems with python?
Tim Peters
- ANNOUNCE: win32all-127 released
Mark Hammond
- Fw: siomodule and Python1.5.2
Mark Hammond
- Folks..
Tobe Bradshaw
- Invoke cgi from cgi script
Magnus L. Hetland
- Creating Python Class Instances From C API
bill barrington
- Scripting MS-Access from PythonCom
Christian Tismer
- Disk access going mental with Pythonwin?
neilh at hare.net.au
- Solaris 7 and 64bit Python
Kent Polk
- JPython11beta3.class won't download
Nigel Hathaway
- P vs P speed (was RE: Newbie question: files..)
Hrvoje Niksic
- MYOBJ->ob_type->tp_name - in a C extension?
Randall Hopper
- Running python as a deamon (rfork)
greg andruk
- My missing posts
Mark Hammond
- Anyway to *SET* the date & time?
Benjamin Schollnick
- Cookies on NT 4
Benjamin Schollnick
- Custom objects & performance
Neel Krishnaswami
- Freeze for Windows NT?
Benjamin Schollnick
- problem with python 1.5.2 compiled with -DPy_DEBUG
Toby J Sargeant
- French pun on Python! :-)
Fred Pacquier
- Has anyone tried Python->Dylan conversion?
Markus Stenberg
- crypt(3) confusion
Skip Montanaro
- Connecting to IP address w/proxy?
Hans Nowak
- PythonCOM - xmlRPC
Fredrik Lundh
- Off-topic Internet Question
Ian Clarke
- <Tkinter bug> winfo_visualsavailable
Randall Hopper
- Database interface
Boudewijn Rempt
- ANNOUNCE: Python SNMP module
Ilya Etingof
- Text/Cursor User Interface with Python
- Executing a jpython script in another process
Carlos Ors
- Integers and Floats
Cameron Laird
- Cisco config?
Michael P. Reilly
- recursive copy in a directory tree?
- Stop others from using your computer!!! 3847
rhbdib at eggman-network.hypermart.net
- Looping redux. was: do ... while loop
James Logajan
- Improved struct module
Tim Peters
- ADO in MS-IIS with MS-SQL Server
Edward Wilson
- is there a record separator? RS
Tom Culliton
- Reading files binary
Thomas Weholt
- reverse function of id()
M.-A. Lemburg
- importing
M.-A. Lemburg
- statistics about newsgroup items
- macspeech module?
- edit macspeech mssge
- HTTP or/and HTTPS server in Python!
Ng Pheng Siong
- Minimum Python requirements? (was: Python for PDAs?)
Jeff Senn
- Schlange der Erkenntnis
gubitz at netcologne.de
- A case for the buffer interface (was: Improved struct module)
Robin Boerdijk
- JPython?
Jim Althoff
- Tkinter Question
Fredrik Lundh
- Starship Python down?
Thomas A. Bryan
- Basics
gubitz at netcologne.de
- Sort List
Thomas A. Bryan
- Python for HP-UX
M.-A. Lemburg
- Help! calling tar from Python on Linux
Carel Fellinger
- Sort
sorot at my-deja.com
- User classes for Int, etc?
Mark Nottingham
- Prolog Glue Language?
Fernando Pereira
- TimeClient win32api.setsystemtime
Mark Hammond
- newbee
Jim Bruer
- Python Compiler
Robin Dunn
- initialization of lists in classes
Fredrik Lundh
- non-file-based web server?
tgfuchs at my-deja.com
- SWIG Question
Randall Hopper
- PythonWin : Feature request
Adrian Eyre
- Import problem with threads
- Windows version popen2.
Tomá¹ Krmela
- Nested if's
Mike Steed
- delimiting text file??
Al Christians
- zope: system variables?
Bill Anderson
- Playing MIDI files
hinsen at cnrs-orleans.fr
- Prolog Glue Language
Jon Fernquest
- Test for plain files
Michael Hudson
- urgent vidoe and film job
nicolas_ross at hotmail.com
- Im new Help
Martin von Loewis
- _tkinter & tcl8.2.1
Robin Becker
- re question
Nathan Clegg
- Printing with PythonWin
Phil Mayes
- mxODBC windows and cursors
damien_morton at my-deja.com
- Bridging the chasm
Paul Prescod
- Shelve-problems
John Lloyd
- multi-level break
Toby Kelsey
- Adding info to Python Buglist
Hrvoje Niksic
- Problems with Modules
Thomas Weholt
- Detect file existance before open?
Bill Rodgers
- da ... while loop
Fredrik Lundh
- Newbie Q: A good introduction to python...
Charles Geiser
- Bidirectional communication through pipes: read/write popen()
Oleg Broytmann
- New, unknown way to use Linux !!!
best_linux_application at hotmail.com
- Python compilers?
- A question
Will Ware
- RS in Files: Novel Thoughts (well, not that much)
Moshe Zadka
- configure + Irix64 problem
Quinn Dunkan
- Q: Python 2.0 preliminary features?
Michael Hudson
- Control-C on Unix misbehaviour?
Michael Hudson
- TimeServer & Clients updated
Benjamin Schollnick
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Oct 17)
David Ascher
- Syntax error - what's wrong?
Jeff Bauer
- Developing and testing modules live
Tim Peters
- exec behaviour; Functions as instance members.
- Porting Mind.Forth to Python
- Creating a File
Oleg Broytmann
- meine neue homepage 4145
mxsvqv at gmx.de
- Python's buffer interface
Randall Hopper
- Syntax highlighting for Ultra-Edit 32?
David Niergarth
- IDLE loses menus on Macintosh
Greg Ewing
- Reading blobs with MS ADO
Gaetan Corneau
- Anaconda
Gerrit Holl
- Executing binaries...?
Michael P. Reilly
- Read one key press.
Gerrit Holl
- Examples using curses module.
Gerrit Holl
- newbieq: IDLE 0.4 question
Jason Trowbridge
- mime email creation with attachment
Jason Trowbridge
- getargs 1.2
Ivan Van Laningham
- Lists on JPython 1.1b3
Barry A. Warsaw
- Zope via Apache ProxyPass
tneff at my-deja.com
- Can't build under Slackware
Thomas A. Bryan
- python 1.5.2 coredump (repost).
Toby J Sargeant
- ANN: Canadian Daily Climate Data CD reader module v990829 released
Bernhard Reiter
- Bug tracking tool in Python
Oleg Broytmann
- integrating SocketServer with Tkinter Event-Loop
Fredrik Lundh
- Matlab -> Python
Matti Picus
- WIN32 installer and PMW?
Berthold Hoellmann
- Tk,GTK or Qt ?
edwardm_painewebber at my-deja.com
- Spread of mailman
Barry A. Warsaw
- COM object Type
Mark Hammond
- getopt: where's da dicts?????
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- tcl-style string parsing
- SWIG trouble...
Randall Hopper
- fastest string building?
Neil Schemenauer
- BSD3 - virtual server - dyld.h not found [Q]
Guido van Rossum
- interprocess on Windows?
Gordon McMillan
- "Calling" PHP pages from Python (and vice versa)
rturpin at my-deja.com
- Need Python programmers, full-time or consultants
David Hubbard
- Assembly Interpreter/Embedding C
Tim Peters
- Language question
Tim Peters
- any new projects and ideas
Thomas A. Bryan
- re to match java function
mehta at mama.indstate.edu
- pickle->zlib->shelve
Thomas Weholt
- Python startup performance ?
Arun Sharma
- Can't configure pygtk+ or pygimp for installation
- TOOLS Europe 2OOO Call for Contribution
Jezequel Jean-Marc
- Byte type advice
Fredrik Lundh
- Scrolling Regions within a Frame.
Viktor Fougstedt
- Newbie need help
Marco Guidi
- Signal Handler ignored on Windows NT
Gordon McMillan
- [Tkinter] Drag & drop
Hans Nowak
- sys.exit() doesn't exit
Fredrik Lundh
- cgi.py and IE 4.01 Content-type headers
sdyer7073 at my-deja.com
- Python Jobs Board
webmaster at python.org
- DCOM servers in Python... how?
Gordon McMillan
- Speeding up Python
Ionel Simionescu
- `re' difficulty?
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- Is tuple unpacking incompatible with `map'?
François Pinard
- perl re to regex for emacs
Thomas A. Bryan
- Using CGI with POST
- Any DNS Modules?
Donn Cave
- Convert ASP Request to sequence (PythonWin)
Dirk Leas
- Please help, trying to configure pygtk and pygimp
Sarino Suon
- win32: cygwin modules?
Jeff Bauer
- Linux / Numerical Python compilation problems
Janko Hauser
- PythonWin rebuild problem
Robin Becker
- Database exploration tools?
Chui Tey
- Checking for libc vs. glibc using Python
Mark C Favas
- Using xmlrpcserver
Jeffrey Kunce
- PyFloat_Check - help!
k_mcdermott at my-deja.com
- Q: how to "spawn" an external cmd and catch its stdin,stdout,stderr
Michael Hudson
- how to "spawn" an external cmd and catch its stdin,stdout,stderr
Andreas Rozek
- Mingw32 modules (was: "win32: cygwin modules")
Jody M. Klymak
- Guido/Rosella
Ivan Van Laningham
- Rudolph The Rednose Hooters Here
znblrn at hetronet.com
- (no subject)
Ernesto José Antunes de Oliveira
- Python-Unix shell
- do ... while loop
John W. Stevens
- Python Threads
Doug Olson
- Sharon Stone goes SPREADWIDE
czjity at YoDanet.com
- Pythoneers at Mtl. Linux conf.?
Andrew M. Kuchling
- unmimify or ...................
Michael P. Reilly
- Debugger: PythonWin 127
Mark Hammond
- Could an object delegate itself into another?
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- Apply a function to each list member?
Michael Hudson
- Language detection module?
Alexander Williams
- Application Engineers needed w/Python Exp. in Milpitas, CA
Jennifer Teis
- Jobs for Pythonistas
Ivan Van Laningham
- More info for Pythonista jobs
Ivan Van Laningham
- Finding out the OS distribution name
Ben Darnell
- re help
mehta at mama.indstate.edu
- chat, irc
mehta at mama.indstate.edu
- ANN: (the eff-bot guide to) The Standard Python Library
- Anyone have Cookie.py?
Bjorn Pettersen
- urgent problems with win32 debug build
Otso Makinen
- ODBC-module for OS/2?
moonseeker at my-deja.com
- Dictionary and List
Jason Stokes
- wrote a simple LDAP script to contact ldap.bigfoot.com
lamzak at hotmail.com
- [ANN] JavaPythonConsole 0.1
robert_kuzelj at my-deja.com
- Problem with JPython and jre jdk1.1.8
Barry A. Warsaw
- kwp & jpython
Barry A. Warsaw
- Opening url's
rainer2207 at my-deja.com
- Python timer
rainer2207 at my-deja.com
- Python and HTML hidden input variables
Thomas Wouters
- NT related question (not really Python related)
Gaetan Corneau
- Snippet request: Connecting to databases
Oleg Broytmann
- sparse matrix representation?
Patrick Tufts
- distutils installation fails in WinNT; sys.exec_prefix empty
Mark Hammond
- Tkinter: Doing <Expose> yourself
Randall Hopper
- os.path.isdir() on Windows dislikes final backslash on pathnames
Fred Yankowski
- ANN: make your app's manual or your app's site quickly!
Visual Vision
- Recusive function inside a function can't find itself.
Glyn Webster
- [slightly off-topic] programmable speech recognition software
Fernando Pereira
- Python Cookies module? Bugs?
Oleg Broytmann
- serial port access question
Terry Reedy
- Musings about Python syntax
William Tanksley
- Interpreter lock
Robin Dunn
- SF Bay: Python Training?
William Park
- Embedding C into Python
John McKown
- [PSA MEMBERS] Interpreter lock
Robin Dunn
- Bad IE 4.01 Content-type headers
Shawn Dyer
- Q: Shared python extension module calling another shared library?
Tom Vrankar
- [Q] keeping *args and using it later
Joao Neto
- What's wrong?
Stefan Franke
- One good reason for introspection (was: "What is the name of what called me?")
Russell Turpin
- "What is the name of the function/method that called me?"
Gordon McMillan
- Is httpdapy ready for primetime?
Erno Kuusela
- TeEncontreX, may it be a model for the python CPAN ?
Manuel Gutierrez Algaba
- PalmPython
Ben Darnell
- Default indentation of 4 columns
Michael Hudson
- Backspace key and Arrows in JPython
Martin Pool
- Programming for Web
- Piddle and Graphite?
Jim Meier
- Q: how to "spawn" an external cmd and catch its stdin,stdout,stderr (on Win32)
Andreas Rozek
- Python on Minix
Martin von Loewis
- Comment in Grail source code
Sjoerd Mullender
Janos Blazi
- Python for the Palm(tm) Computing Platform
Christian Tismer
- Need to monitor a file change/deletion
Randall Hopper
- Implementing COM-interfaces in Python
Richard Smol
- Python/Tkinter _and_ COM on win32 platform?
Siggy Brentrup
- Python Consortium Announcement
Guido van Rossum
- Freeze w/ 1.52 + GCC
Dirk Leas
- any way to protect __dict__?
M.-A. Lemburg
- Python and the Internet -- not!
M.-A. Lemburg
- help for embedded list
Fredrik Lundh
- Python and PythOz
M.-A. Lemburg
- Python and the Internet -- not! (fwd)
Robert Meegan
- Module for generic platform information: platform.py
Betancourt, Josef
- An article on Python in practice
- os.execv() documentation woes...any help?
Gabe Newcomb
- How to stop zlib from killing python
sessile at in-gen.net
- Tkinter: Where are event.state constants?
Randall Hopper
- Python Job @ Industrial Light & Magic
My Name is Robert Paulson
- [JPython] dir and java classes
Jim Althoff
- linux idle
Thomas A. Bryan
- Integrating Python 1.5.2 with Tcl/Tk 8.1 or Tcl/Tk 8.2?
Peter Funk
- Russian mailing list for Python, Zope
Oleg Broytmann
- units and uncertainty in python
John van der Koijk
- Wpy and COM samples/demos/tutorials/how-tos?
Alessandro Bottoni
- Queue.get_nowait() raises Empty when it's not...
Fredrik Lundh
- urllib.urlopen and firewalls
zakons at my-deja.com
- How to eliminate consol window in MS Windows
Radovan Garabik
- python,openbsd and mysql
- Getting A LOT of errors from python source (header files)
Lyle Johnson
- RedHat 6.0 install question
David Gobbi
- 'Dynamic' class instances
Eric Jacobs
- Python / VSS automation
Mark Hammond
- How to control app from Python?
Edward Muller
- Running script files in python.
Mark Hammond
- doesn't like / as a divide symbol
David Arnold
- from (some module) import *
Mike Fletcher
- mktime and tupples
Thomas Wouters
- Questions about nested for's vs map
Greg Ewing
- Forcing a import.
Adrian Eyre
- Using python to run scripts
Cameron Laird
- separate instances of modules
Greg Ewing
- RADIUS protocol code
Snebjørn Andersen
- BIND interface
Thomas Wouters
- Multiple dispatch (Re: Q: Python 2.0 preliminary features?)
Fredrik Lundh
- urllib.urlencode small improvement
Oleg Broytmann
- linux install problem
- WinNT, python and cygwin
anantk at my-deja.com
- uploading from webpage...suing python?...yep
Matthew Russell
- Destroying files
Randall Hopper
- Using stdin / stdout on Unix
Randall Hopper
- You must read this! It's your chance.
guy at mail.com
- JPython 1.1 beta 4
Barry A. Warsaw
- Where can I find Python enthusiasts?
Bill Hunter
- Python 1.5.2 list sorting bug
Dave Cole
- class name lookup
Geir Bjarte Terum
- libffi
Robin Becker
- LCP solution method
Robin Becker
- fastcgi and python
Robin Dunn
- Newbie Alert: Discrete Event Simulator
Bryan Morris & Mary Gauvreau
- Checking file attributes
Gordon McMillan
- TOOLS Pacific '99 - November 22-25, Melbourne Australia
Martin Dick
- Importing and packages
- search (match) backward
Tim Peters
- gadfly install problem: "from sqlsem import Parse_Context" fails.
- Tkinter app 'freezes' when I use after_idle
Andrew Markebo
- parallel port programming using Python?
Mark Ricketts
- Multimethods 101 (was Re: Multiple dispatch (Re: Q: Python 2.0 preliminary features?))
Bruce Hoult
- Doing network traffic in the 'background' from Tkinter app??
Randall Hopper
- 1.5 Quick Reference?
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- Shelve problem in 1.5.2
Skip Montanaro
- Tkinter. Container Frame
Alexander Schliep
- Python for game programming
Earl Goodyer
- Python director XTra....
Steve Spicklemire
- Produce .pyc without execution
Gaetan Corneau
- [ANNOUNCE] Blender export scripts (Python)
Jan Walter
- cPickle on speed and size
Thomas Weholt
- Recovering method names at runtime
Adrian Eyre
Laurence Tratt
- WebCrawler ?
Manuel Gutierrez Algaba
- walk calling visit within a class?
Gordon McMillan
- Medusa and cgi scripts...?
Bjorn Pettersen
- os.popen() and (IDLE, PythonWin) ?
M.-A. Lemburg
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Oct 29)
David Ascher
- Newbie:python equiv of c structures
Robin Boerdijk
- advocate needed! get organized you Python gurus :-)
Patrick Phalen
- Regex problem with multiline matches
Skip Montanaro
- self-registering objects?
Ionel Simionescu
- A Small dos->UNIX convertor
Phil Hunt
- author of sybasemodule
Jason Benderly
- dynamic modules, bsdi, and zope
R. David Murray
- jdbc support in native Python?
claudius at catlover.com
- pipes and commands
Tim Evans
- PythonWin Debugger
Mark Hammond
- Accessing class variables
Gordon McMillan
- New Search Engine 3901
nkpimp at forno.eg.net
- vector?
Mona Wong
- Python/C
Mona Wong
- Contribution: nice floating point number formatting
David S. Harrison
- opening anydbm files
Scott Barron
- rstrip
Tino Wildenhain
- multiline prototyping on command line
Malcolm Tredinnick
- Learning to program
- multiline prototyping on command line (oops)
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- Curses: .newpad()?
Gerrit Holl
- tk events & verifying entrys
Joshua P. Weage
- Tcl82.dll not found
Art Goldhammer
- Optimization
Michael Hudson
- ANN: Unspeakably obscure Just Intonation module, ratio.py
srenner at lycosmail.com
- hasattr(obj, attr) overloading?
claudius at catlover.com
- MPEG Handling Classes?
Luis Cortes
- Python 1.5.2 RPM for LinuxPPC?
phil at filsa.net
- Porting fork() calls to NT
Glen Starchman
- Problem with WebSucker and HTML-bot
Manuel Gutierrez Algaba
- raw_input
Gordon McMillan
- Changing cursors...
Gordon McMillan
- XML-RPC and Pickle.....
Edward Muller
- Curses: Character in bottom right corner
Gerrit Holl
- Default curses module.
Gerrit Holl
- eff-bot Python book ... revisited
Fredrik Lundh
- HTMLParser
Edward Muller
- Looking for example of calling C++ from Python
Ephi Dror
- pythondoc-0.6 on Windows NT- how to install?
Ionel Simionescu
- Newbie Question
strangiato at my-deja.com
- Fuzzy thoughts / needs about class derivation / nesting
François Pinard
- newbie has ftp question
holland at voicenet.com
- Exceptions from callbacks
Jonathan Giddy
- Comparison between Python and "Ruby"
Dale Nagata
- Listbox.. ACTIVE-item is the one selected previously..
Carel Fellinger
- commas vs. spaces. vs. the legions of new lines
G. Lewis
- Audio Mixer for win32
Last message date:
Sun Oct 31 23:55:26 EST 1999
Archived on: Sun Oct 27 13:47:37 EDT 2019
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).